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Sunday, 29 May 2005
It's Been Going On For A Half Hour And I Don't Have Any Answer.
Mood:  lyrical
Oh it's been too long, hasn't it?

School is about to let out. June 3rd actually. We've had SOL testing, which is crap because I freakin' stressed out all week for tests that probably (if all goes well) won't matter to me in the end anyways.

So I don't have to go to school on Friday because I don't have any exams on that day. Thursday is my last day of school officially and isn't that the most beautiful thing?

Speaking of beautiful thing... the guy in church today <3.

Okay, I'm over it.

Ich liebe dich.

Posted by Beth at 11:09 PM EDT
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Monday, 16 May 2005
Too Many Flip-Flops, And Not Any Of Them Were White.
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: commericial for a rad looking movie

Ask me why. Why? I DON'T KNOW.

I had a ferocious asthma attack at school and came home, slept and went to the doctor.

I feel kind of sick and I think I might vomit, which would NOT be fun. I know you're interested.

Okay, well, I have to go finish everything that I haven't done since saturday.

Ich liebe dich.

Posted by Beth at 7:13 PM EDT
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Saturday, 14 May 2005
Who On Earth Would Listen To These Noises?
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Dave Matthews Band - American Baby
I hate this song, but yes, I am listening to it.

Mmmm the smell of my mother cooking breakfast. I love her breakfasts.

I haven't written in a long time. I find that when I come home from school I'm more worried about staying awake to do my work and then trying to eat.

So anyways, there aren't many days left of school and I sit and wonder where ALL the school days went. Secon semester went quickly this year. Well, compared to last year. Last year everything took forever.

So my dad's boss comes home on Monday! It's really good news! We're happy!

Mom and I are throwing a tea party. These things are crazy to plan, but anyways, I bought a new dress for it (for anything).

I really don't want to write anymore because I plan on going out and doing A LOT of yard work today. I'm in the mood.

Ich liebe dich.

Sorry for my lack of clever phrases, I'm so sorry for my lack of enthusiasm for this.

Posted by Beth at 9:49 AM EDT
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Sunday, 8 May 2005
Before The Little "Michael Bolton" Faux-Paux.
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: a mercedes-benz commercial
Heck yes.

Oh, where should I start?

I'm so tired. This whole week has drained every ounce of living fluid out of my family. Well, I could be more specific. It really involved my parents and me. We went to Charlottesville almost every day this week after school and while the person who hasn't had to do that might think, "Hey, man. It's just traveling," I can honestly tell you, it's more than traveling.


Last night I went to Davey's show with Shelly, Halie, Emily, Jody and Justin. I was only able to stay for one of his songs because everything started so freakin late, but they were REALLY good. There was that slight chance that it wouldn't have been good and I did not have a plan for that. But luckily, they were amazing. See, I hate hardcore music. I can't stand professional hardcore music and I can't stand the amatuer scene, but his music was amazing. And while I was watching, I noticed that they had GOOD musicians in his band. I am so happy.

It was all Shelly could talk about in Sunday School class, while I was running on an hour of sleep.

So anyways, today is mothers day, obviously. We bought KFC for lunch and my dad was on Cloud Nine. He was laughing and his eyes were watering and he wasn't talking much at all. How often do we buy KFC? Every mothers day and never in between.

I slept for four hours this afternoon and people KEPT CALLING INTO MY HOUSE. For the love of fluff...

Anyways--I'm happy to say that now that he's done what he's done again, my father is stepping in and taking care of it and this means that I'm never going to have to worry about it again. Yay! Mom and I are excited about this!!

I have to call Shelly back.

Ich liebe dich.

Posted by Beth at 5:54 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 3 May 2005
Sometimes Theres Nothing But Static.
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Garden State soundtrack
Who loves Courtney for sending me a load of new music? I DO!

I went to school late, then I came home and slept for two hours, ate dinner, worked out and now I'm doing nothing. I have nothing to justify the complete slack off-ness that I exhibit, either.

I really want to do something else.

Yeah, I never finish what I start. Or maybe I'm lying.

Ich liebe dich.


Posted by Beth at 8:40 PM EDT
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Sunday, 1 May 2005
Tom Hanks Should Take A Break, Honestly.
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: SNL Band
Today, ahhh today. So catastrophic and at the same time, constructive.

I woke up and did nothing. Actually, that isn't quite true. I bummed around the house with Jen and Mom while Dad was out with some men from the church. Bumming around takes a lot more energy than you might think. Especially when it involves socializing with the women in my family.

I took a shower, always good.

Shelly and I hung out at the mall while my sister was getting a hair cut. We met Halie there. It was amazing! I finally came around to getting job applications. I hope the Daily Grind hires me. I've wanted to work there since they opened when I was in the eighth grade.

Anyways, a huge ordeal happened at home and so this whole day, and now until God knows when will be crazy. But oh well, right?

Yeah, I talked to David and Shelly on the phone all night. What the heck else was I supposed to do? Yeah, you're right. No.

Hmm, very interesting. A denture commercial with an actor who had to be no more than thirty five. Very interesting.

Okay, well, I'm going to go and do something dumb.

I can't freakin' sleep. It's 1:20 in the morning and I have church tomorrow, but okay. Who cares anyways, I'll just sleep through sunday school. <3

Ich liebe dich.

Posted by Beth at 1:20 AM EDT
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Thursday, 28 April 2005
Disappointed, Crazed and Thirsty As Heck.
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: TV Guide channle
I have 203 entries on this blog. What is this for again? Oh yes, to explain my feelings to unknown persons while I passionatly write. Oi. Some of that was sarcasm, some of it wasn't. You try to figure it out.

Today I missed second period because we went for a tour of the new high school which wasn't as SHAZZAM as I thought it might be.

I hear my mom cooking downtstairs.

Yes, I am going for my learners tomorrow. And yes, I will be honest: I haven't studied. But I figure that I'll fail or pass with or without studying. It's an independent figure, as one might say. So does one really depend on the other? Hmm...

There is a show tomorrow night at Captain Tees and it is also the opening night for Higher Power, the spring play. I have no money for either, so I will hang out at the mall or something all weekend. Or maybe the park! Or! Or! Maybe David and Shelly will come over on Saturday. Oh, I forgot to call Emily. Okay, I still have tomorrow.

Yes, I am writing what I think as I think it. And yes. I think he is so sexy. And yes, he has an amazing smile.

So I'll quit.

I should probably go and try to steal some dreams from the neighbors, but I figure they need them more than I do. They have a newborn.

Newborn vs. History Test

Newborn wins.

I'm so freakin' thirsty. Yes, mom is such a life-saver! She brought up a glass of ice, cold, clear and purified water. Beautiful!

Infact, while I was at the new high school, someone was smoking in the bathroom while we were taking a tour. Funny, huh? Yeah, not too.

Sweet Dreams.
Ich liebe dich

Posted by Beth at 9:36 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 27 April 2005
All The Archives Of Beautiful Influential Authors.
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: mom and jen talking on the couch

I worked extremely hard in school today so I could come home and do nothing... and I won! I didn't have any homework when I walked in the door so I took a nap! That never happens on school days. Meh.

There is some stupid bike thing through downtown so when Jen took mom and I downtown to the library, we had to park outside of the actual downtown and walk. There was a big crowd to watch people cycle through and I'm not even sure if they were real. No, I'm just kidding. Of course they were real. But do we REALLY know?


Jen is laying lazy on the couch with mom. I have nothing to do so I have resorted to drooling over the Mercedes-Binz on my fathers desktop. I want this car. I want this car. Oh my, I'll never get it. Except maybe I will. Of course I will. Okay. This is my dilemma and has been since I've had time to sit and think (which translates into: being grounded for infinte amounts of time and being able to sit on my bed all day long for two months and think about what might be wrong with me that I might do the same things repetitivly and KNOW that I'd get in trouble). My dilemma is this: When I want something, or set a goal, should I be optimistic or pessimistic? If I am optimistic, then if I fail, I will have found one more thing that I will not do ever again. If I'm pessimistic, then I will eventually damage my personality. So what do I do?

Ugh... I have to roll.

Ich liebe dich.

*Surprise visits from Shelly at the library <3*

Posted by Beth at 7:59 PM EDT
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Monday, 25 April 2005
So What Do You Know?
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: an old episode of friends
Yes, friends. I'm a junkie and have been since I first saw this when I was seven. Yes.

What do I know? Nothing much. Nothing much at all. Infact, I think my thinker is empty.

Meh. I'm so tired today, it's unbelievable.

School was meh... My history teacher told me a story today that almost made me bawl during class. Spanish class was uneventful as ever, geometry is depressing and earth science was fun. What isn't fun about a ninth grade class, 1) it's a freebie class 2) I have constant slave service 3) the person I sit with isn't too obnoxious.

Report cards come out soon, and I'm happy to say that I'm quite proud of myself. I don't worry about my report cards and the grades that I get because I work my butt off and my parents see me and they say, "I understand" and then I smile and we're all happy. They're great, and it's wonderful.

Thursday during second period, we take a tour of the brand new high school. I'm so siked. It's going to be so pretty and I can't believe I get out of class for this.

I think I'm going for my learners on Friday if my daddy can take me. I reaalllyyy need to get my learners.

Okay, well I have nothing to talk about, as usual. And rather than kill you all with the bad breath of boredom, I'll save it for later.

Ich liebe dich.

Oh yeah! Who's siked for this weekend!? ME. Heck yeah.

Posted by Beth at 7:58 PM EDT
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Saturday, 23 April 2005
Life... Unmasked.
Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: tv guide channel
Today was a day.

The title of this blog is actually the title of the play I went to tonight. Ashliegh was in it and I took her a rose. I was so siked to see her. I went with Shelly and we had a good time. There was a really hot guy in the cast and I had to borrow his cell phone after the play. <3 Yes.

I didn't do anything constructive today other than a million household chores.

Tomorrow Kelsey is coming over and it's going to be FUN! YES!

Okay, time to go do something else that I won't remember and can't regret. Right? It's hard to regret those things you can't remember. Mwaha.

Oh! My favorite part of tonight is when mom and dad picked us up in the CHURCH VAN! and I started saying "Shelly, GET IN THE VAN, NOW!" thinking that guy might be around somewhere and she's laughing so hard. Too hard, infact, to get into the van. So, she took 10 minutes... an hour or something like it.

Okay, yeah. I'm going now.
Ich liebe dich.

Posted by Beth at 10:05 PM EDT
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