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Monday, 10 May 2004
Oh My! My Little Blog! I Have Neglected You For The Longest Time.
Hola people, I am back. Dun dun dun!

Not alot has happened. Okay, alot has happened. Most of it is stuff I can't talk about on here, so oh well. I made my skirt on saturday, all is well. I wore it today and my teacher asked me if I was dress up like a person from a cult... *look of disbelief* what... do they dress a certain way or something? ha!

Anyways, I did my presentation on my gay paper. I almost passed out becuase I got so nervouse on what the teacher would say about what I was saying. (It was on satanism)

My sister came and ate lunch with me today <3. After school she and I went to walmart. We looked at plants <3, food <33, and fabric <3. I also got this clear lip gloss junk that DOES NOT make me lips swell (hahaha James--my lips freaked you out that one time. I laugh about that when I try to sleep)

I came home, slept, watched That 70's Show, slept, sewed, slept and now here I am. MWAHA.

Have a good night, people. <3

The sun goes down and I recognize it as my life. Thats when I knew the real trauma had just begun, becuase I couldn't see the light. The light was all I had.

Posted by Beth at 9:37 PM EDT
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Sunday, 2 May 2004
...Why Did It Happen? I Hate Wind... Destructive Biotch.
Today wasn't too horrible. I went to church as always and joked around with my friends.

This after noon I put pins in the hem of my skirt, but I don't have the sewing machine so I can't sew it yet.

Tonight while I was making butterscotch pudding a storm kicked up. It blew my little green house over with all my beautiful seedlings in it. I hate the wind. Die.

I'm really tired tonight for some reason, so I'm going to go do my yoga and then go bed myself. I love my bed.


Posted by Beth at 7:40 PM EDT
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Friday, 30 April 2004
Put the Sugar-Free Chocolate Syrup Down and Kick It Over Here.
Today was weird as we know it. I can't go into great detail... but it was just odd.

Anyhow. I got to play with the baby. Whom I love... I held her and rocked her and poked her and sang the Big song to her. She made farting noises with her mouth.

My sister and I went to the bookstore tonight. I haven't worn make up in a week. It was weird getting all "dressed up"... I don't know.

That 70's Show didn't come on tonight... because the Orioles were played the Indians... YEA BABY! ORIOLES!

Nothing that great is coming from me right now because I had some chocolate syrup. I thought it was normal so I picked up the bottle and squeezed it and instead of a thick stream of dark chocolate streaming out-a whole bunch of watery light brown junk splashwed out and thats when I realized that it was sugar free. That means it has NO sugar, its WATERY and BLAND... It was sick man.

Anyhow, I'm going to bed. I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow--Wish me luck!

Posted by Beth at 9:37 PM EDT
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Thursday, 29 April 2004
Meh. Our French Bread Is Getting Stale. MAMA! THE BREAD!
Today has been uneventful. I STILL like being at home all day, so I will NOT be wanting to go back to school any time soon. I go back monday. Oh well.

I get my hair cut saturday. WOO. Big step for Beth.

Its REALLY nice out today. Yes. Breezy and sunny and warm. I love it. Now all I need is a Lake Michigan in this crazy town and I'm in like flint.

I really don't have anything to write. I'm going to go watch Tool Time or whatever its called and then Ambush Makeover and then Classmates. Man I hate day time television.

Wes is coming over this afternoon and if I go get in bed now, then I might actually be able to breath when I go downstairs to see him! Yes. I cannot breath when I move. Its sad.


For Everything I Believe In.

Posted by Beth at 12:56 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 28 April 2004
Oi. Can you pass me some water please? I'd rather not have the contaminated water, but then... beggars can't be choosers.
So lets see... today I woke up and read the rest of Earnest Hemmingways The Old Man and the Sea. I didn't know it didn't have chapters and last night my mom gave my Nyquil (Thank goodness for nyquil) and I said "I'll read one chapter, then I'll be tired." So I kept reading, and reading, and on page 53 I thought "Wait... there are NO chapters." and I couldn't stay awake anymore. So I slept. Anyhow.

Today I was up more than I was yesterday. Today I can go down the stairs and go into the kitchen without having to stop and work on breathing again. I can make it all the way to the kitchen sink before I can't breath. Pnuemonia is a biotch. Die.

I have 22 days left of school. Bliss.

I am about to go put a mask on my face (not a drama mask, a clay mask... you know?) and do my yoga and then go downstairs and see if Jen and Mamacita want to watch That 70's Show. <3

Love you all. Oh wait... except you. I don't love you.

Posted by Beth at 6:21 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 27 April 2004
WHAT?! No Dr. Phil today!? What will I do from 3:00 to 4:00?? NO! MY SCHEDUAL!
You know how I wasn't sick... but I really was, but I didn't want to admit to it? Well it turns out, I'm really, actually very sick. I have bronchitis and pnuemonia. This is the first time I've been out of bed doing something other than going to the bathroom or falling over, since Friday night.

Theres nothing to do during the day so I've resorted to watching daytime television and people, let me tell you, it isn't pretty. I usually end up watching Regis and Kelly and falling asleep and waking up and reading and then watch the news and... wait... is this what its going to be like to be in a nursing home? Oi.
Dr. Phil has become my best friend while I've been sick and I think that my values that I look for in friends have gone down, becuase whenever I try to talk to him he always talks over me. I don't know, maybe I should wait my turn... or something.
Theres really nothing going on except boredom and I haven't been online for a fluffing long time.
I'm going to go though becuase I feel like I'm going to pass out again and I'm starting to not be able to breath... which, in the long run, is a problem.


Posted by Beth at 9:41 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 21 April 2004
Sick? I'm not sick... JUST LET ME HOLD THE BABY.
Yesterday was 4/20. Lots of things happened on 4/20... anyone have a clue. VERY GOOD... Columbine. Someone also said it was Hitlers birthday. Ahh nothing really interesting happened yesterday, other than I was sick when I woke up and stayed home from school. I worked on my research paper (which I officiall hate Cults and The Occult; Their Effects on America's Youth. DIE PAPER DIE.)
My mom got her baby. Its name is Jeanie. She's wonderful. I held her yesterday and it was fun. She puked (more like projectile vomit) all over my mom. When you watch a baby sleep, it makes you tired. I watched the kid sleep for two minutes and I thought I would die. MWAH. She's cool though. She's definatly going to be a devil when she's fifteen. I can sense it. When she starts to cry I say "Whats wrong Jeanie Bean?" and she smiles.
She's a goddess.
I stayed home today too. I didn't set my alarm last night, so I might have gone if I would have set it but I didn't so I woke up at 10 to the sounds of Jeanie. I went downstairs and sat there. My mom concluded that I need to drink this huge bottle of water every hour. She handed me two and a bowl of Jello. I love jello.
Wes is coming over this afternoon, so I took a break from my paper and jumped in the shower. My hair is extra frizzy/nappy today. Probably becuase I couldn't find my gel, so I just moussed it. MEGA-MOUSSE.
Last night I had to go to the bathroom really bad and I walked into the bathroom and there was some nasty looking bug chilling beside the potty like it owned the place. Man, I ran out of there and got my dad but by the time we got back it was gone. I put on my vans and put my feet up on the wall while I pottyed. I thought it was going to come back out and attack me.
Theres really nothing good going on. I am finally feeling a little hungry so I'm going downstairs for some Jell-o.

Posted by Beth at 1:39 PM EDT
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Sunday, 18 April 2004
WHAT?! Where -Oh- Where Did My Spring Break Go?
Well, today is... sunday. Tomorrow I go back to Auschwitz... er.. school.
I got my glasses! They are so pretty, but they don't stay clean at all.
What else can I tell you thats useless and boring...

OH YES. Today Brittany and I went down to Blacks Run in her neighborhood and started cleaning it. There were some cool kids down there too, they helped. Then they went and played with the ducks.

Yesterday my sister took me driving. I was doing GREAT! She said "BETH you're so much better than your brothers..." and then I tried to park in this spot. Well, I ran up and over those cement parking blocks and some dumb butt didn't drill the spikes all the way in and I ended up ripping off the front of her brand new 2003 Toyota Carolla. Good job Beth. Now when we drive, we take the Buick.

Well, I'm really tired and I have a couple things to do before school tomorrow, so I'm going to run and get them finished.


Posted by Beth at 5:00 PM EDT
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Thursday, 15 April 2004
Being At Home All Day Long Produces Odd Ideas in Heads of Many Teenagers.
Yesterday I screwed up my sisters computer so we spent all last night working on how to fix it. We finally figured out that we didn't have to delete alot of programs, but do a system restore to yesterday. Yes. Well... deleting is the answer to all OTHER problems, is it not?

This morning I cleaned while my mom was on the phone and then took a shower. Finally she was off (Man, the woman can REALLY talk when she wants to!) and I worked on getting my AUCTIONS up. If you would like to visit my auction please look at the link to the side. Its not hard to miss.

Then I started to take a nap and all of a sudden, I hear this noise... far off... but a noise none-the-less. THE PHONE! I answer it and its Brittany. We start to make plans,
"Lets go downtown" I say
"Okay, but I can only go after 5." She says
"Mom, can we go downtown at 5?" I ask
"No, its too dark. But you can go to the bookstore." She replies.
"Brittany, we're going to Barns & Noble." I say.
"Okay, see ya at 5." Brittany says.
We went to Barns & Noble and hung out. We saw a small person and Brittany looks at me and *tries* to whisper "BETH! LOOK HE'S MY SIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!" She was so fricken loud. Midgets aren't deaf, kid!

Then we went to Petco. The dude that flirted with me wasn't there. =( Thats okay though becuase we saw fishies, and rats and all sorts of other rodents that could gnaw the limbs off babies, snakes, froggies, and lots of other things.

I pushed Brittany into this guys butt. MWAHAHA. <3 I love doing that. I did that another time when we were at the mall and her hand was out and this old guy infront of us bent over really quick and I just... slighty nudged her hand forward. She realized what I was doing though and saved herself.

Meh, nothing really interesting is going on. I finally got an email from my brother, Joe who hasn't emailed me for a while. When we were in Petco and we were looking at all the fish stuff, it made me miss him so bad. I remember when I would sit in his room while he would set up his fishtank. Sometimes I would help him. I remember helping him do something with his water in the filter. Man, that filter was huge. Anyhoo. I miss him like a french fry that lost its ketchup.

Tomorrow is my "last" day of spring break. Of course I have Saturday. I don't really consider Sunday spring break becuase I have to go to church, and thats work. I hope I get my super nintendo <3 tomorrow.

Also, tomorrow I'm going to Anna <3 and Emily's <3 softball game. I'm taking a big sign and holding it up constantly. I heard barely anyone goes, so I'll be able to make it obvious that I'm rooting for Anna and Emily. Its going to be a BIG sign. Bright too. Meh... probably not. I don't have any poster board.

My mom might be babysitting for this woman tomorrow, and the woman is coming at four or something. Good thing I'll be gone at five becuase I don't want to do anything that might comprimise my mom. Sometimes I do things and don't realize it and then REALLY screw junk up. Good job beth. *Remembers past experiances*

Ahh, I have to go.


Posted by Beth at 9:33 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 16 April 2004 11:52 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 13 April 2004
2 Hours of Pretending to Drive: My Second Day of Spring Break
Today I woke up around nine. Again. Why can't I sleep in for the love of fluff???

After I took a shower and got all squeaky, I baked snicker-doodles for my friend. While I was baking to my hearts content, my mom did the dishes and we watched Practical Magic <3. We ate lunch and then talked until my dad got home.

When he got home we went about an hour away to see the tax fairy. When we got there, I realized that I could sit in the front seat the whole time and trick people into thinking I can drive. It worked out pretty dandy becuase I almost peed my pants so I took the keys and walked around with them trying to find a bathroom. It appeared as if I could drive. Anyhoo, that went on for two hours. As the title said.

On the way home my dad got this really bad headache and couldn't see to drive, so my mom drived. Now let me tell you something. My mom doesn't drive. She doesn't like driving and she is very opposed to the idea of ME driving, let alone herself. Well, when they switched seats, my mom turned around and gave me this crazy eyed look--maybe she thought it would make me feel better. Sometimes things get confused, becuase it made me feel jittery.

When we got home (which we did, safely.) we ate dinner. Chicken with marinade sauce <3. Its not chicken at the smith house without Beth's marinade sauce. <3333. Anyways, then I had an eye appointment.

You know how at the eye appointment, they blow those little puffs of air in your eye? Well, I hate it. I kept jumping every two seconds becuase, well, to tell you the truth folks--I don't like people messing with my eyes. They're very valuble and I only have two. Anyways, the visit concluded with: Elizabeth needs glasses.

We stepped next door to LensCrafters and I picked out these gold frames that are kind of rectangular shaped. My mom turned into the frame-nazi and wouldn't let me get these 60's-ish brown frames. Meh, glasses are glasses, right?

I came home and Jen (my sister) and I left to go get Brit and we left to go to the bookstore. When we got there, it was uneventful except when I got myself stuck in the bathroom stall and some lady was vomiting like a crazy fluffer next to me. I hate that.

After that I took the snicker-doodles over to my friend. He was on the phone so I didn't stay long.

Then Jen and I came home and watched the Presidential address... I might speak about that tomorrow, but I have to go now becuase my sister wants to go to bed and I have to leave her room.


Posted by Beth at 9:51 PM EDT
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