The blog has split into two forms, in
my Alabama cat who blogs at (using Blogger) and I do more of a
photoblog now
at and its new mirror
site at Flickr.
Yes! I am willing to sell the
domain name if the price is right.
Keeping this blog has been a lot of fun. I
have also kept two additional blogs, and,
so it has been a lot of work. I have other interests taking time now and
knew I would not be keeping a blog forever. I would like to end this
blog and encourage you to keep checking the other blogs for updates on
my life -- and
Thank-you to everyone who dropped by here.
I will not delete this one -- I use it for reference myself.
dad is 75 years old and he's the best dad in the
world - a kind and gentle guy who would give you the
shirt off his back, as they say. Happy Father's Day, Dad!
know this is on many minds with Al Gore's new movie out,
so here I am again with a thought or two. There's no
doubt the earth is warming. I've heard it said that our
world is coming out of an ice age and that it is still
warming up from that.
At one time the polar ice caps were tropical forests,
then the ice age hit. I suppose the big question is --
is this a normal cycle of the earth caused by nature or
is man destroyng the earth? I don't know, but warming up
we are and man has been an influence.
I heard an interview with a man who was in the original
Greenpeace cause. He said they went after scientifically
proven problems and issues back then. Some of them were
radical concepts. Then he left Greenpeace when their
desire to maintain a radical image was stronger than
their desire to follow scientific fact. He felt that
Greenpeace had supported causes that were harmful - just
to stay radical.
a general rule, I don't answer pollsters who call on the
phone, but then my nephew once had a job calling people
and he said they got very excited when someone was
willing to stop and talk (must have been rare).
This time the pollster caught me in a good mood. She had
a sweet voice and truly did sound like a college
student. She just asked a few questions about the state
gubernatorial election and that was all.
One of
her questions were how I felt about the issues between
the two major candidates -- and then it hit -- I had no
idea what issues each was promoting! Yikes! I need to do
some homework.
While winter here is
heaven, the summers are hot. It was a little cooler
today and walking felt so good.
just saw Mr. & Mrs. Smith on DVD --a good romantic
movie - cute and humorous, too. I kept thinking how Brad
and Anjolina fell in love during this movie.
Heard a news bit on the radio that coal does more damage
to the air than nuclear energy -- much more radiation
released by coal than any other energy source. That was
Got a chuckle from Flickr users
having a hard time posting their SecondLife photos.
Flickr just wants real life photos to be public, but for
many people, SecondLife is more than real life. I know
of some chair-bound people who can walk and fly in that
world. I also have a deaf friend who prefers to be in a
world where sound does not matter one whit. I think
Flickr should lighten up and let the SL photos be
posted. Maybe I will post a SecondLife photo to my
Flickr account in support.
I never knew this - and I
wonder if it is still true in all places - but its a
handy little grocery shopping tip from Lil S. She says:
How to Tell
Fresh Bread
you go to buy bread in the grocery store, have you ever
wondered which is the freshest, so you "squeeze" for
freshness or softness? Did you know that bread is delivered
fresh to the stores five days a week? Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Each day has a different
color twist tie.
They are: Monday = Blue,
Tuesday = Green, Thursday = Red, Friday = White and Saturday
= Yellow. So if today was Thursday, you would want red twist
tie; not white which is Fridays (almost a week old)! The
colors go alphabetically by color Blue - Green - Red - White
- Yellow, Monday through Saturday. I thought that was
interesting information to pass along.
I spent the day doing the
daily online work, weekly house work and laundry, computer work and
snatches of in between - plus
talking to my sister on the phone, playing with the cats
and watching a little TV. Whew! Why do days have to go
by so quickly? Life is way too short.
We saw
Cars yesterday -- and it is one of the best
movies I have seen in a long time. The
animation is breathtakingly superb - above anything
anyone else does. The story had me crying and laughing
-- many jokes for adults and lots of subtle humor plus,
of course, humor for children. (Its one of those movies
I want to see twice because I know I must have missed
some of the more subtle humor.)
I've said this
before, but I have to repeat myself-- it is fun watching
a matinee with little children in the audience. Hearing
them laugh really made the whole movie-going experience
even better. In some ways, I love being in a crowd.
I got
this cute site from Jennifer C. Move your cursor
over this screen and see how surprisingly easy it is to
create a work of art. Click the mouse to change colors.
Below is my own masterpiece. (P.S. I am going to see
Cars, the new cute computer animated movie. I expect it
will be very good.) (P.S.S. If you don't know who
Jackson Pollock is,
here's his Wikipedia info and picture samples.)
I am in trouble now -- I
subscribe to more podcasts than I have time to listen
to. There's much good information in the world.
My iPod is getting well worn although it is still going
well enough to not need replacing -- its a 3rd
generation /10 g -- a humble one, but it does everything
I want. I use it almost every day and consider every scratch on the case with pride.
I just finished the newest
book by Lynn Kurland, a fantastic author. Her books are
wonderful and I've read everyone single one of them.
Keep up the good work, Lynn!
There's no doubt about it -
grandparenthood is much more fun than parenthood. is good, too.
We are subscribing to
Discover Magazine thanks to a school fund drive by a
niece or nephew -- and I found this article
with facts about sleep. Here's just an excerpt of some
of the more interesting facts.
Mattresses have an average
lifespan of 8 to 10 years. They grow some nasty stuff in
that time; one study links mattress bacteria to sudden
infant death syndrome.
An adult bedbug can survive
up to 1 year without feeding
A six-year study of a
million adults showed that people who get only six to
seven hours of sleep a night have a lower death rate
than those who get eight hours.
In 1964, 17 year-old Randy
Gardner stayed awake for 264 hours and 12 minutes, the
world record. (And nobody has broken that record since
then? I wonder why.)
The idea that it is
dangerous to wake a sleepwalker is a myth. Given what
they might do, it is a good idea to wake them.
Nobody knows why we dream.
More facts in the current issue
of Discover. This entire article will eventually appear on
their website at