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Chris Sabat Email Interview (all credit to Catreena of the Official Chris Sabat site)
Its Finally HERE, Chris has taken the Time to do an e-mail Interview

First I wanted to tell you how nice it was to finally meet you.

I have been working on updating the site, I have gotten some wav files on the voices page (Vegeta and Piccolo). Hopefully, I will have the rest up soon. I also have changed the main page and put up your picture along with the pictures of Vegeta and Piccolo that you gave me. If you happen to get a chance to check it out, let me know if you like it.
I have been to the site, and it looks great. Thanks a lot. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

I wanted to ask you a few questions so I can fill in the "About Chris" page, and I realize how busy you are so I will try my best to keep it brief.
Thanks, and sorry it took so long to get back to you on this. I had another convention in Milwaukee last weekend .

Okay here goes, Age?

Where are you from?
I was born in Washington, D.C. and lived there until I was 5. My family moved to Houston ( actually League City ), Texas and I spend most of my years there. However, during my Freshman year in high school, my family and I moved to Sydney, Australia for two years.

April 22, 1973 ( Taurus )

How did you get started in voice acting?
I first started 'voice acting' when I was in junior high school, before "Caller ID" and "Star 69". I was infatuated with prank calling. A few years ago I found a list of 'voices' I liked to use and who I had used them on. I was what you might call 'at one' with the telephone in those days. And I also loved answering machines, changing mine and all of my friends' on what might have been at daily basis at one point. I never made any money at it, but I racked up some pretty hefty phone bills. In middle school and high school I was really opened up to the world of Speech, Drama, and Choir studying under some very enthusiastic and creative instructors. I have to give these amazing people ( Gaylyn Wenzel, Connie Goodwin, Milton Pullen, and Sue Cruise ) most of the credit for pushing me to explore the use of my voice. The real work started when I left Houston for the University of North Texas in Denton to study Voice/Opera. After a year I realized that I may have been good at it, but I really didn't like the idea of making a living at it. I returned to Houston and went to Alvin Community College. It was an amazing place to study Radio/Television and I would recommend it to ANYONE interested in it. I started working for radio stations here and there and finally landed a gig as Production Director for a radio station in Galveston, Texas. This is where I first started professionally using my voice as an 'actor', cutting hundreds of spots, tags and liners on a small budget, which meant having to do all the voices myself. It was in Galveston and Houston that I also started doing some commercial voiceovers and on-camera work for other companies. Eventually I moved back to the University of North Texas with a different motive -- Radio/Television/Film. I spent the next three years working towards a degree and trying to find voice work in the Denton/Dallas/Fort Worth Area. I was starting to get a lot of work, mostly by word of mouth.

(I know you told me that you worked in radio and then found out about an opening to voice a character) I was wondering what character that was? For what show? How did you get the position of Voice Director?
As I said earlier, I was living and working in Denton. I met many incredible people there. One of them, and I'll refer to her by her cyber-tag, Agent Mai ( some of the Internet hounds know who she is ) was working for FUNimation and told me that they were holding auditions for a Dragon Ball movie "Sleeping Princess In Devil's Castle". I was cast for the parts of Yamcha and Igor. A couple months later I was called to help the Producer/Director cast and schedule a new band of actors -- the current cast of Dragon Ball Z. Trying to find voice matches for the Canadian cast was one heck of a task, and we must have auditioned over 500 people. When production kicked in, I started as an Assistant Voice Director under Barry Watson and eventually started directing the episodes myself.

A fan asked me to ask you: Why FUNimation does not use the original Japan music for DBZ?
My job entails taking the completed script, and making sure the current voices sound good on each episode. I don't write or approve the scripts or make any executive decisions. I truthfully don't know the details on the DBZ music or dialogue. Those are questions for someone else.

Another fan asked: Do you do the hiring of the voice actors?
No, and I'm glad you asked that. I have never had the final say on ANY of the major voice casting. I do, however, hold the auditions.

Out of the characters that you voice for DBZ which one is your favorite?
Vegeta is certainly my favorite. He would be my favorite character regardless of whether or not I voiced him.

Do you have any plans for the future, any other shows that you will be voicing for?
At this time, I am only focusing on Dragon Ball Z.

Is FUNimation going to be doing the DBGT series?
I really only direct the voices on Dragon Ball Z. As for the future of the series or any upcoming series, I am not the person to ask.

Okay, I cannot think of anything else so I guess I will leave it at that. I know how busy you are, so I will be waiting to hear back from you whenever you get the chance.
Sorry again for the delay and I hope this works for you. Thank YOU, Christopher Sabat

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