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YWAM Thailand Homepage

National Office

Project Life Foundation
Child Sponsorship  Program

Mercy Ministries International

House of One Heart

The Shelter
Kings Kids
YWAM Music
Hope Cards
Member Care
Tamar Center
Thapraya MED
Thapraya Rual Development
Phang Nga
Phang Nga
Khon Kaen
Khon Kaen
Home of Joy
Home of Joy
Chiang Rai
House of Refuge
Eden House
Family Learning Center
Home of the Open Heart
Chiang Rai DTS

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YWAM - Chiang Mai

  • Bilingual DTS
  • Outreach Teams
  • The Centre

Bilingual DTS

Beginning September 2002, we will also be hosting an International Bilingual (Thai/English) DTS just outside of Chiang Mai. If you have a heart for God, Asia, and the Thai people, this is the place for you. The cost will be around $2500US per person - this INCLUDES outreach phase as well. For more information, please write to us at The Centre

To register for the September DTS online click here. (Not yet functioning)

If you would like us to send you registration materials by mail. Then click here or you can write to us at the address at the bottom of this page.

We are still raising funds to build the lecture hall. We will soon put up some pictures of the building progress. If you would like to assist with this project in any way please contact the YWAM ChiangMai base leader Bruce Geske.

Outreach Teams

Hosting dozens of teams yearly.

If you are interested in bringing an outreach team to Chiang Mai, please first contact the Outreach Teams Department at the National Office in Bangkok. Let them know that your desire is to minister in Chiang Mai, and they will connect you with the ministries in Chiang Mai. Once you have contacted the main office in Bangkok, then they will direct you to the proper outreach coordinator. Even if you have a strong and long standing relationship with a particular ministry, please contact the National Office first.

The Centre

Come and join us! Don't miss out on an excellent opportunity!!

At The Centre, YWAM works in partnership with Asian Outreach International to reach the 25,000+ students of the Chiang Mai University and the Technological College which are located near by. In working together, we are being an example of unity and showing the power of pooling our resources. We do this primarily through an English teaching program in which volunteers teach English in order to establish relationships with the students and then use this opportunity to share the gospel. We have ongoing English classes, cell groups and an evangelistic fun night on Fridays.

We believe this to a very strategic ministry in the South East Asian region, perhaps even wider. We also assist volunteers and teams to work with orphanages, public schools, local churches and hill tribe people around Chiang Mai and neighbouring provinces.

How can you be involved short term?

English Teaching
Come as a short term worker to help teach English. We have the material and, if you can speak English, you can teach English. Most of the teaching is conversation and the Thais are easy to work with. Our classes run for 4 weeks, one hour per day. We encourage volunteer staff to commit for at least 4 weeks so that they can build relationships with the students and stay for one entire course.


Come make friends with the Thai students. They love making friends with foreigners. We need help with hospitality and running the service end of the ministry.

University Ministry

Come with a team to minister on the university campuses, joining in sports activities, special interest classes, cell groups, dramas and evangelism.

How can you join our long term team?

Our biggest need is for a seasoned missionary to take over the leadership roll of director. We also have a need for a secretary, an administrator, and English teachers. Musicians are also welcome to join our team, as this is a great tool for reaching out to students.

If you are coming through YWAM , we require that you complete a DTS before coming. If you are coming through Asian Outreach, your application needs to be processed through Hosanna International which is an associate ministry of Asian Outreach. All staff at the Centre are volunteers so you will need to be responsible for your own financial support. For singles, you should figure about US$10.00 per day for food, housing, and local transportation.

You need to come with a servant's heart.
If you do, what the Lord can do through you is limitless!

We believe that the Thai university students are the most open group to the Gospel at this time. We have seen more students come to the Lord this past year than in the years previous. This is an exciting time in Thailand, we need more workers. As Jesus said in Matthew 9:37, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few."

Email the Centre at: The Centre or visit the website at: The Centre

For more info, please contact us at:

YWAM Chiang Mai
P.O. Box 290 C.M.U. Post Office
Chiang Mai 50202


[ YWAM Thailand Homepage | National Office | Project Life Foundation | Child Sponsorship Program | Mercy Ministries International | House of One Heart |
The Shelter | Kings Kids | YWAM Music | Hope Cards | Member Care | Tamar Center | Thapraya MED | Thapraya Rural Dev. | Phang Nga | Khon Kaen |
Partners | Home of Joy | House of Refuge | Eden House | Family Learning Center | Home of the Open Heart | DTS |