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The Family Learning Center - Chiang Rai

The Family Learning Center of Chiang Rai is a YWAM Thailand Support Ministry.They are dedicated to promoting quality Christian education in Northern Thailand by providing services and resources that will include a framework and facilities for a Homeschool Cooperative, a library, and evangelistic outreaches by staff and students, as well as an English Learning Center.

Their Mission

The Family Learning Center of Chiang Rai is dedicated to providing excellent quality of Christian education in Thailand, especially for the children of missionaries who work in the country.

The Family Learning Center Cooperative is a ministry committed to supporting parents in the education of their children by providing a cooperative framework in which the children can receive a quality, affordable education in a classroom setting, without having to leave their families and reside in another country.

The Family Learning Center Library is a ministry that provides resources for the student of the cooperative, for the home-schooling parents in Chiang Rai Province, and for the Christian English speaking Community.

The English Learning Center provides tutoring in various subjects in English for local Thai students.Ý The students of the Family Learning Center are major participants as teachers and peer tutors in this part of the ministry.

Evangelistic Outreaches - The students of the Homeschool cooperative, under the supervision of the staff, prepare and perform Evangelistic Outreaches into the local schools, and churches, as well as trips into various Hill Tribe villages.

Current staff needs:
Maintenance staff
ESL teachers
Administration staff

For more info, please contact:

Family Learning Center
P.O. Box 148
Baan Du
Chiang Rai 57100


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