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Home of the Open Heart (Project L.I.F.E.)
Chiang Rai

The statistics are horrible. Thailand's Department of Public Health says that by the year 2002, Thailand will have the most HIV/AIDS cases in the world per capita. That means there will be a lot of Aids orphans, an estimated 14,000 per year. Some of them will be HIV positive. Chiang Rai, one of the provinces worst hit by the Aids crisis, had no home for HIV positive babies. Project L.I.F.E. stepped in to meet that need with the Home of the Open Heart. Opened in December 2000, its heart purpose is to give HIV positive babies a loving home until their HIV status is determined. Home of the Open Heart will care for HIV+ babies until they die.

Current staff needs:
Child care workers
Administration staff

For more info, please contact:

Home of the Open Heart (Baan Nam Jai)
P.O. Box 121
Baan Du Post Office
A. Muang
Chiang Rai 57000


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