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Mercy Ministries International -Bangkok

Jesus came to give life and life to the full. Established in 1979 as a direct response of God's love for the poor and the needy, Mercy Ministries remains an integral part of Youth With A Mission (YWAM), seeking to share both hands of the gospel, to preach the Good News and meet the basic needs of humanity.

With a work force of 1910, Mercy Ministries operates in over 73 countries and is involved in projects serving the poor and needy in their own community to a fleet of Mercy Ships travelling the globe bringing Gods love to some of the worlds poorest nations.

Mercy Ministries approach is one of a holistic ministry, reaching out to the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of those we have been called to serve. Mercy Ministries, as a part of YWAM, adopt the following guiding principles as a foundation of service:

Everyone on Earth has the right to:
1.Hear and understand the gospel of Jesus Christ
2.Have the basic necessities of life: food, water, clothing, shelter and health care
3.Lead a productive life of fulfillment: spiritually, mentally, socially, emotionally and physically

There is a world in need:
1.There are over 1.3 Billion people living in Absolute Poverty
2.There are over 22 Million refugees
3.There are millions of unemployed and under-employed amongst the poor
4.Most of these people have yet to hear & see the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Action.

Current Staff needs:
Personal assistant
MED consultant
Accountant (Cambodia)
Communications staff

For more info check out the MMI Web page at:

or write to us at:
Mercy Ministries International
GPO Box 177
Bangkok 10501


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