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Tuesday, 16 May 2006
Seattle Playgroup Video from the Today Show
Topic: Media
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Here's the Video for the The Seattle At-Home Dads Group that was on the Today Show this Monday morning.  Chris Nelson of the group was featured.  We had a fun night in New York and didn't get into the Survivor Finale, but we did spot past survivor winner Ethan who also ended up interviewing my wife for a CBS promo (in picture). The next morning we had fun with the Today show where I huddled with other nervous book authors in the green room for 30 minutes before they smothered us with make up for our interview with Ann Curry, (it's right after the Seattle playgroup video).  We were in and out of there in 4 minutes, then flown back to New England just in time to pump out our flooded basement in our North Andover, MA home.

Posted by athomedad at 12:45 AM EDT
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Friday, 12 May 2006
My Wife and I do a Quickie in NY
Topic: tv shows
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My Wife and I do a quickie in NY,  but before I get into that, the Seattle At-Home Dads Group, will be on the NBC Today Show on Monday (the 15th).  Ed C. of Renton, WA reports that his Seattle group and one of their dads will be profiled . He also noted that they got a nice write-up in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer last month. As for the quickie, My wife and I  will be interviewed for a few minutes on the show during the segment, (so don't blink or you miss it). The Seattle segment will show during the 9 o'clock hour EST, so who knows what time it will end up in your area, (in the East coast its either 9 or 10 am depending on your programming).  Since I'll be hanging out in New York Sunday night, does anyone have tickets for the Survivor Finale??

Posted by athomedad at 10:32 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 17 May 2006 1:11 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 28 February 2006
Wanna Trade?
Topic: comix
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Sign of the times - in today's paper. Funny how things come full circle.



Posted by athomedad at 4:31 PM EST
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Tuesday, 17 January 2006
The End of the At-Home Dad Convention
Topic: at-home dad convention
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At-Home Dads Convention Comes to an End -  After a ten year reign, Bob Frank's At-Home Dad Convention has come to an end. It all started 11 years ago with a phone call from Bob pitching the idea and offering Oakton College as a venue.. Using the mailing list of the (hardcopy) At-Home Dad Newsletter we sent out a mailing and got over 80 dads plus  to attend the first convention. It was exciting for Bob to pull off such a stunt. And even though it lost money for the College, the event caught the attention of the national press and gave hope to the at-home dads across the country. Bob, Bruce Drobeck,  and I had talked of ending it last year at the ninth convention and we came close to announcing it.  We hadn't changed a diaper in years, and although we still felt we were doing our daddy duties when the kids come home we were going though very different experiences then the rookie dads we saw at the conventions. We knew it was time to move on, but simply it was hard to let go... so we went on another year..  When Barry Reszel who had done a fabulous job as the program coordinator made his announcement to step down, it was an easy decision for Bob to make. 

I'd like to share the following comments Barry sent out in a e-mail sent out today. 

With sadness I write to tell you the 10th Annual At-Home Dads' Convention this past November was the last-at least in the format and at the location we have come to associate with this event.

Though Brian Chalmers stepped forward to volunteer as lead convention coordinator (and for that, I express sincere gratitude), Dr. Bob Frank and Oakton Community College have decided not to host the event going forward. The summary reason is that it's been a great 10-year run, but Bob is looking to do other things and the college is pursuing new programming strategies. We as a community would be remiss if we didn't thank Bob for his time and dedication and Oakton for its facilities, staff, and financial support. I am a richer man and better at-home dad because of my affiliation with the convention; I'm proud to say I have been to all 10.

Over the years, the convention coordinators have adapted formats, changed styles, and worked to, first, forge and nurture the at-home-dads' community and, second, to enlighten those in attendance with information, exercises, discussions, and stories. Sometimes the sessions/presentations were great; sometimes they weren't, but all-in-all, I'd have to say the gatherings achieved their aims.

To those who have called for the convention to be held at alternative places and times or with a different format, perhaps this is the impetus you need to step to this community's forefront and achieve your vision.
In closing, I simply want to reiterate a thought I shared at this year's convention. I believe the legacies we leave will determine how well we have lived. When I gather with a group of at-home dads, I somehow know I am in the midst of men who believe that, too, and live that belief by dedicating themselves to their greatest legacy-their children. For that, we are all heroes in my book.

Best, Barry Reszel

Posted by athomedad at 1:39 PM EST
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Tuesday, 6 September 2005
The Tenth At-Home Dad Convention Program
Topic: at-home dad convention
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Tenth At-Home Dads Convention - Here's the program and registration for the Tenth At-Home Dad reunion (or as we like to officially call it, the At-Home Dads' Convention). The Keynote will be  Kyle Pruett who got a high approval rating from the dads who saw him last year. We held off on announcing him as he almost couldn't make it.  For those who have already gone you will be sent a postcard soon as a reminder. You may want to show up to this one as there's other possible big news on the convention.

Posted by athomedad at 5:20 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 1 October 2005 1:33 PM EDT
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Monday, 1 August 2005
Meet Mister Mom
Topic: tv shows
Taking a quick google news check with the keyword

Meet Mister Mom  NBC Aug. 2 at 8 p.m. ET - Watched the advance screening a few weeks ago but wanted to stick my 2 cents in before I go off on vacation again.  It's basically set on the formula where 2 moms go on vacation while the dads are left to manage their chaotic households. Since the dads only watch their kids for 7 days it won't win much sympathy from full time dads. Checking in with Rebel Dad he even called for a boycott of the sponsors, but not to worry, you can keep using your Clorox and Glad  this thing will be off the air after the first 6 week run.  This things is pure mainstream eye candy as the dads get projects like assembling a go-kart for a soap box derby (the kids don't even help) or caring for a  farm "pet" dropped off to the 2 dads houses (a llama and a pig) just to get a reaction. 









Posted by athomedad at 6:13 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 15 February 2007 1:44 PM EST
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Thursday, 16 June 2005
The search for the perfect at-home dad
Topic: articles
Taking a quick google news check with the keyword

Sharon Jayson of USA Today tapped several blogs, at-home dad playgoups members, myself. and the National Center for Fathering several weeks ago looking for the perfect dad in the Maryland area. The search was tough as she was looking for one of the 98,000 dads who fit the definition of an at-home dad. Her frantic week-long search came up with Michael Paranzino of Bethesda who writes his Full Time Father Blog.  He got the full USA Today treatment in today's issue with a full day interview profile, a photographer who tagged along for the day resulting in a nice audio gallery show complete with Mike's narration. A sidebar was also added repeating the 98K number and comparing it to a staggering 5.4 million stay-at-home moms stat. She threw in a quote from Yale researcher Kyle Pruett who agreed that kids of at-home dads, feel loved, adored and treasured but says at-home dads will always be a small segment.... .I don't see us having mass societal shifts in that direction.... our society wants men working hard and making lots of money.  I agree to a point with Pruett as dads who don't make a penny will probably remain scarce.. However you can't ignore the increasing number dads who make a few bucks on ebay  to pay for the diapers.

Posted by athomedad at 9:30 AM EDT
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Friday, 29 April 2005

Topic: sex
Taking a quick google news check with the keyword

The new foreplay - Cleaning the kitchen:

At the At-Home Dad message board there's been talk on house cleaning. During the discussion "Cliff" dug up this 2-year-old old research out of UCAL which I couldn't help but to share with all: Dad's that clean house likely to have better behaved children and wives who find them more sexually attractive

Posted by athomedad at 10:17 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 19 May 2005 1:18 AM EDT
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Friday, 18 February 2005
2 Movie Posters 2 Dads 2 Bad?
Topic: movies

2 movies, 2 dads 2 bad - First off this weekend, we got a stay-at-home dad (laid off cartoonist) in Son of the Mask (it's basically Mr Mom meets the Dancin Baby). Then next weekend we got Hollywood's Mr. Macho himself, Vin Diesel taking care of the kids in The Pacifier: Prepare for Bottle. As you click on the official movie link, you see Vin Diesel with his hands full and the Diesel in the background muttering "you gotta be kidding me"  Not a good start here. The film is billed as the story of an undercover agent who, after failing to protect an important government scientist, learns the man's family is in danger. In an effort to redeem himself, he agrees to take care of the man's children only to discover that child care is his toughest mission yet.  What is fascinating to me, is both movie posters are nearly identical in theme. Both have dad in dead center with a baby (or two) in hand and mom standing on the side. The message is clear, involved dads (or dads trying to be involved) are in high gear and selling in Hollywood. It is encouraging to see the image of dad with their kids featured, but I'll wait for the full reviews to see if we have any improvement over Mr Mom or Daddy Daycare.

Posted by athomedad at 2:22 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 18 February 2005 2:45 PM EST
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Wednesday, 16 February 2005
a daddychip off the old block and some car talk
Topic: Blog comments

A Chip off the old blog - I'd like to welcome daddychip to the daddy blog block. He's a former stay-at-home dad who wishes he could have stayed at home longer. It's refreshing to see a dad still sharing his thoughts after his kids are in grade school. From reading his first posts he's a good dad in my book. Check out his neat post about the demise of his car. and his son's reaction to Mr Tow truck hauling it away. These at-home-dad-car-posts have gotten my attention as I was busy wrecking my Buick Lesabre last week in a harrowing accident with a semi. The guy just pulled into my lane (blind spot?) sending me spinning into an Escort which then hit a limo. (No injuries). Funny though, I remember countless movies of people watching the world go round when their car spins, but when I was whirling around, I can just remember one moment in time looking directly into the oncoming cars headed toward before a second back-side SMASH into the truck. The Buick probably saved my life, If I had a SUV I would have rolled over, If I had an escort I wouldn't be here. In any case my car was totaled so I am in the hunt for a new car.. Sorry, I don't think I will be buying athomedaddy's Escort as I will continue with a new Buick. (The Escort post should probably be posted in athomedaddy's dark side.)

Posted by athomedad at 9:09 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 16 February 2005 11:05 AM EST
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