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Wednesday, 16 February 2005
a daddychip off the old block and some car talk
Topic: Blog comments

A Chip off the old blog - I'd like to welcome daddychip to the daddy blog block. He's a former stay-at-home dad who wishes he could have stayed at home longer. It's refreshing to see a dad still sharing his thoughts after his kids are in grade school. From reading his first posts he's a good dad in my book. Check out his neat post about the demise of his car. and his son's reaction to Mr Tow truck hauling it away. These at-home-dad-car-posts have gotten my attention as I was busy wrecking my Buick Lesabre last week in a harrowing accident with a semi. The guy just pulled into my lane (blind spot?) sending me spinning into an Escort which then hit a limo. (No injuries). Funny though, I remember countless movies of people watching the world go round when their car spins, but when I was whirling around, I can just remember one moment in time looking directly into the oncoming cars headed toward before a second back-side SMASH into the truck. The Buick probably saved my life, If I had a SUV I would have rolled over, If I had an escort I wouldn't be here. In any case my car was totaled so I am in the hunt for a new car.. Sorry, I don't think I will be buying athomedaddy's Escort as I will continue with a new Buick. (The Escort post should probably be posted in athomedaddy's dark side.)

Posted by athomedad at 9:09 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 16 February 2005 11:05 AM EST
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Wednesday, 16 February 2005 - 5:52 PM EST

Name: Chip
Home Page:

Thanks for the welcome athomedad! It's been great finding all these dadding blogs!

Thursday, 17 February 2005 - 8:10 AM EST

Name: Mike
Home Page:

Ditto that, Chip.

Or should I just yell, ECHO!

Thanks for the link.

Monday, 12 January 2009 - 1:03 AM EST

Name: "LayoffGossip"
Home Page:

People always hate to talk about when they are laid off. But as it has become every day's news headline since Yahoo started it with cutting 1500 of its task force last year, now a need of platform has been in demand where people can express their selves in words how they are feeling about their company, whey the got laid off was that justified or not.
And every thing they want to tell anonymously.And is providing you that platform.

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