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Monday, 11 June 2007
Evolution of Dad Update: 150 dads get one minute of fame
Topic: movies

Last week I had a chance to meet Filmmaker Dana Glazer as he dropped by my house while    working on his documentary The Evolution of Dad which he hopes to have out by 2009.  Gathering some clips and research for the movie he decided to work the streets of New York City and snagged 100 or so willing folks who agreed to give one minute of airtime to show their love or vent on dad. In this newly released clip (above) he starts off with those who show gratitude to their dads.  

But Dana is taking a closer listen at remarks like this women said about her dad, "When you are ready to not pay so much attention to your self so much... give us a call and ...when ever you're ready we are here." (See 5 min 30 sec left in  the clip).  Of course there is a deeper story here that I wanted to know... what did her dad do (or didn't do) when she was a kid?  As Dana filmed and listened he was surprised how many others like her, wanted that reconnection. He has already changed the focus of his movie early in the game to dig deeper into their stories. It will be interesting to see the different directions the movie will go as he keeps listing to America's kids. I'll keep you updated as the film clips pile up. 

On the light side, If you don't want to watch the whole nine minutes at least check out girl sitting at the reflecting pool at 8:10...

Posted by athomedad at 10:33 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 12 June 2007 1:53 PM EDT
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Friday, 18 February 2005
2 Movie Posters 2 Dads 2 Bad?
Topic: movies

2 movies, 2 dads 2 bad - First off this weekend, we got a stay-at-home dad (laid off cartoonist) in Son of the Mask (it's basically Mr Mom meets the Dancin Baby). Then next weekend we got Hollywood's Mr. Macho himself, Vin Diesel taking care of the kids in The Pacifier: Prepare for Bottle. As you click on the official movie link, you see Vin Diesel with his hands full and the Diesel in the background muttering "you gotta be kidding me"  Not a good start here. The film is billed as the story of an undercover agent who, after failing to protect an important government scientist, learns the man's family is in danger. In an effort to redeem himself, he agrees to take care of the man's children only to discover that child care is his toughest mission yet.  What is fascinating to me, is both movie posters are nearly identical in theme. Both have dad in dead center with a baby (or two) in hand and mom standing on the side. The message is clear, involved dads (or dads trying to be involved) are in high gear and selling in Hollywood. It is encouraging to see the image of dad with their kids featured, but I'll wait for the full reviews to see if we have any improvement over Mr Mom or Daddy Daycare.

Posted by athomedad at 2:22 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 18 February 2005 2:45 PM EST
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Wednesday, 22 December 2004
Meet the F$%ckers
Topic: movies
I saw the movie

I heard a knowing giggle from my two boys as we were walking into the movie "Lemony Snickets:  A Series Of Unfortunate Events".  They were covering their mouths, trying to hold on to their secret.  I looked down at them and nearly ran into their inside joke. It was a huge poster for the Meet the Fuckers Fockers movie.   I could read their minds.  I have an excuse to say a near swear word!  Ok, hurray for Universal Studios for good marketing, but that's not why I'm writing about the movie.  Dustin Hoffman plays an at-home dad in the flick. With the tonnage of reviews, what would the critics call him?  A Mr. Mom or a stay-at-home dad?   The most widely distributed movie reviews were  from AP Movie Writer David Germain and Reuters reporter Sheri Linden. Checking  both sources, they decided to use the stay-at-home dad term. The Boston Globe and the Chicago Tribune, (also widely syndicated)  followed suit. The only major reporter using Mr Mom so far was  NewsDay's Gene Seymour.  It was refreshing to finally see an absence of the Michael Keaton descriptor from the major news outlets.  It could be an early indicator that the media may lighten up a bit  in next year Father's Day articles. Below are the early results and links (more reviews will be out today and into the weekend).

  Source  Writer   Term Used
Associated Press   David Germain
  AP Movie Writer
 stay-at-home dad
Reuters   Sheri Linden  stay-at-home dad
Boston Globe   Ty Burr, Globe Staff    stay-at-home dad
Chicago Tribune    stay-at-home dad
New York Post  Kim Burnes  stay-at-home dad
Lincoln Journal Star  L. Kent Wolgamcott  stay-at-home dad
NewsDay   Gene Seymour  Mr Mom

Posted by athomedad at 11:22 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 22 December 2004 12:58 PM EST
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