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Monday, 19 February 2007
James Dobson rings Kyle Pruett's doorbell and runs away.
Topic: Kyle Pruett

Sorry for the 2nd Pruett video in a row but the popular At-Home Dad Convention keynote speaker had to give a little spanking to patriarchal marriage crusader James Dobson for "cherry-picking" his research. Looks like he grabbed a sentence from Pruett's  Fatherneed book to make a point in a Time Op ed piece titled Two Mommies is One Two Many.  Jim Burroway of the Turtle Box Bulletin does a great job of reporting the dirty details here. The whole mess was discovered by Wayne Besen, of the watchdog group Truth Wins Out who was the first to inform Pruett of  Dobson's bad behavior. So far Dobson is not responding to Pruett's effects to contact him.

Posted by athomedad at 2:29 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 19 February 2007 10:03 PM EST
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