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Thursday, 1 March 2007
The inside poop on Brad Pitt and Bruce Cantrall !
Topic: celebrity dads

The Inside Poop >>   I've noticed a small trend about two types of at-home dad stories. You know, the ones about us and the ones about celebrity dads. Every time a story about dads with kids crosses the copy editor's desk he/she has to describe us as a Mr Mom or a Stay at-home dad in the headline.  For instance Brad Pitt was a Mr Mom in this  headline about missing the Oscars so he could stay home with the kids a few days, but Bruce Cantrall's  Northeast Wisconsin At Home Dads group were Stay-At-Home Dads in this headline.  Of course we will always find a misplaced Mr Mom heading but it just seems they will be reserved more for Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise's table. 

 Do your own research here:  googlefight   



Posted by athomedad at 2:58 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 7 March 2007 8:24 AM EST
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Tuesday, 21 December 2004
I'll do the dishes after I make this throw....
Topic: celebrity dads
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Quarterback Jamie Martin will be the key to success for St. Louis.

Hold on kids!  I'll be home in a sec. 

Just a few weeks ago, at-home dad Jamie Martin was playing football with his two kids at home. Having been retired for a few years he got a phone call out of the blue from his previous boss, The St Louis Rams. They were offering his old quarterback job back. With star quarterback Marc Bulger recovering from a bruised shoulder, and backup Chris Chandler playing as if he had one, Martin got the nod to take the field last Saturday after Chandler's poor 1st quarter play offered no choice. He ended up completing 16 for 31 passes and gaining 188 yards but did lose the game to Arizona Cardinals 31-7. The St Louis Dispatch reported that Martin hadn't thrown a pass in an NFL game in two years, which, "is a lot different than just tossing the ball around in the back yard." Looks like Bulger will back next week and if he holds up, Martin ought to playing football with the kids on a regular basis again after the season's over.

New playgroup: I'd like to welcome Tom Irwin of Baltimore County, MD to the playgroup mix he's at

Posted by athomedad at 1:26 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 21 December 2004 1:51 PM EST
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