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Friday, 17 December 2004
at-home dad escapee
Topic: bad dads
New Page 1

I'm off to a Christmas party tonight, and it looks like my fellow daddy bloggers are quiet too, some probably decking it till 2005.  I didn't  feel like posting today either but I was reading this one media story from the Hawkeye newspaper out of Burlington, Iowa. Apparently a prisoner escaped from their local jail. Looking for clues, they found he listed his last occupation as a stay?at?home dad. If you are going to a Christmas party tonight and see this guy (he's probably the one drinking the most vodka) call the sheriff's office. 

Oh yes they also wrote: "he was previously charged with escape in August, but those charges were later dropped." (I guess when they caught him outside the prison last time they didn't have enough evidence.)

Posted by athomedad at 5:26 PM EST
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