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Friday, 18 February 2005
2 Movie Posters 2 Dads 2 Bad?
Topic: movies

2 movies, 2 dads 2 bad - First off this weekend, we got a stay-at-home dad (laid off cartoonist) in Son of the Mask (it's basically Mr Mom meets the Dancin Baby). Then next weekend we got Hollywood's Mr. Macho himself, Vin Diesel taking care of the kids in The Pacifier: Prepare for Bottle. As you click on the official movie link, you see Vin Diesel with his hands full and the Diesel in the background muttering "you gotta be kidding me"  Not a good start here. The film is billed as the story of an undercover agent who, after failing to protect an important government scientist, learns the man's family is in danger. In an effort to redeem himself, he agrees to take care of the man's children only to discover that child care is his toughest mission yet.  What is fascinating to me, is both movie posters are nearly identical in theme. Both have dad in dead center with a baby (or two) in hand and mom standing on the side. The message is clear, involved dads (or dads trying to be involved) are in high gear and selling in Hollywood. It is encouraging to see the image of dad with their kids featured, but I'll wait for the full reviews to see if we have any improvement over Mr Mom or Daddy Daycare.

Posted by athomedad at 2:22 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 18 February 2005 2:45 PM EST
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Saturday, 19 February 2005 - 9:44 AM EST

Name: chip
Home Page:

I hate those "daddy at home with kids" movies. They are ridiculous, and though they claim to be supporting a different view of parenting, I find that they actually reinforce all the worst stereotypes.

My kids disagree. On Daddy Daycare for example, I told them I thought it made dads look stupid, but they thought actually it didn't make dads look bad. I guess I have to teach them how to watch movies more critically...

Wednesday, 23 February 2005 - 10:26 AM EST

Name: Homer Jay
Home Page:

I'm sure no matter what they will be relatively incompetent yet lovable and well meaning. They will surely need the kids to guide them through the way mom used to do it. But it is encouraging to see dads actively parenting.

Wednesday, 9 March 2005 - 12:10 PM EST

Name: Danigirl
Home Page:

Hi! Just thought you'd like to know, your blog was quoted in the Ottawa (Canada) Citizen on Saturday, March 5. The article is a roundup of 28 mommy(and daddy) blogs, including mine. I printed the full article at if you'd like to see it.


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