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The Arlian dragonballs are made up for the game. The Arlians had dragonballs but since Vegeta blew up their planet they were scattered across Earth and Namek. The location of their creator is unknown.
There are 3 sets of dragonballs. 1 on Earth, 1 on Namek, and 1 scattered across the two planets. Each set of dragonballs contains 7 dragonballs.
The Earth dragonballs grant you one wish.
The Namek dragonballs grant you three wishes.
The Arlia dragonballs grant you two wishes.
The Earth dragonballs can bring many people back to life at once, but only one time a piece. Namekian can bring people back unlimited times, but only one at a time. Arlian cannot bring people back to life (Arlian dbs 1-3 are on Earth, and 4-7 on Namek).
Once all the dragonballs of one set are found and the wish is made those dragonballs can't be collected for a week. If someone has a dragonball and you want it you can fight them for it (the initiator of a fight over a db gains nothing but the db if he wins).
Just know, if they hired protection then it becomes a team battle (not to be confused with team war) and you cannot fight them alone for it.
If you die your dragonball(s) go back to where they were found.

Finding Dragonballs

On Earth it takes 3 days to find a dragonball. 1 with a locator/upgrade.
On Namek it takes 4 days to find a dragonball. 2 with a locator/1 with upgrade.
It takes 5 days to find an Arlian dragonball. 3 with a locator/1 with upgrade.
You can choose the order in which you search for the dragonballs (3,1,7...). To find the dragonballs you have to defeat opponents (you don't gain pl or anything from this; I play the part of the opponent if you dont want me to do the entire battle) but if you just can't do it you can pay 200 credits to bypass that opponent (300 for namek, 400 for arlian). Battles too hard? Bring a few senzu beans along and increase your chances of winning. The opponents have everything you have except items, and what is listed next to them. You gain nothing from these fights but the dragonball (if more than 1 db you get half the number he has, rounded up). Same with all other fights involving dragonballs. Just realized something. "What if we try to find the same dragonball at the same time?" Well, the people looking fight each other and then fight the monster. Keep that in mind if you're trying to find the same db as someone else, you'll probably be hurting when you fight the monster. These are the opponents:

Earth Dragonballs:
1 - Beat a level 1 saibaman. Has 20 more speed, 20 less pl, 200 less hp and 10 less intelligence.
2 - Beat a level 2 saibaman. Has 20 less speed, 10 less pl, 100 less hp and 10 more intelligence.
3 - Beat a level 3 saibaman. Has 25 more speed, 10 more pl, 100 more hp, 10 less intelligence and 2 more endurance.
4 - Beat a level 1 mutant saibaman. Has 35 more speed, 40 more pl, 15 less intelligence and 1 more endurance.
5 - Beat a level 2 mutant saibaman. Has 45 more speed, 30 more pl, 200 more hp and 20 less intelligence.
6 - Beat a level 3 mutant saibaman. Has 15 more speed, 50 more pl, 300 more hp, 5 less intelligence and 3 more endurance.
7 - Beat a level 5 saibaman. Has 45 more speed, 40 more pl, 400 more hp, 20 less intelligence and 5 more endurance.

Namek Dragonballs:
1 - Beat a level 1 Namekian warrior. Has 35 more speed, 20 more pl, 200 more hp, 15 less intelligence and 7 more endurance.
2 - Beat a level 2 Namekian warrior. Has 50 more speed, 25 more pl, 250 more hp, 20 less intelligence and 4 more endurance.
3 - Beat a level 1 Namekian berserker. Has 50 more pl, 500 more hp, 10 less intelligence and 5 less endurance.
4 - Beat a level 1 Namekian regenerator. Has 30 less speed, 20 less pl, 500 more hp, 25 more intelligence and 9 more endurance.
5 - Beat a level 3 Namekian warrior. Has 65 more speed, 40 more pl, 400 more hp, 25 less intelligence and 10 more endurance.
6 - Beat a level 2 Namekian regenerator. Has 50 less speed, 30 less pl, 700 more hp, 20 more intelligence and 12 more endurance.
7 - Beat a level 3 Namekian berserker. Has 70 more pl, 700 more hp, 20 less intelligence and 10 less endurance.

Arlia Dragonballs:
1 - Beat a level 1 Arlian warrior. Has 20 less speed, 80 more pl, 800 more hp, 15 more intelligence and 20 more endurance.
2 - Beat a level 2 Arlian warrior. Has 10 less speed, 100 more pl, 1000 more hp, 10 more intelligence and 15 more endurance.
3 - Beat a level 1 Arlian mutant. Has 20 more speed, 60 more pl, 600 more hp, 15 less intelligence and 30 more endurance.
4 - Beat a level 2 Arlian mutant. Has 30 more speed, 70 more pl, 700 more hp, and 20 less intelligence and 15 more endurance.
5 - Beat a level 4 Arlian warrior. Has 120 more pl, 1200 more hp, and 10 less endurance.
6 - Beat a level 3 Arlian mutant. Has 40 more speed, 80 more pl, 800 more hp, 25 less intelligence and 20 more endurance.
7 - Beat a level 2 Arlian warrior and a level 1 Arlian mutant.

Grantable wishes by the Earth Dragon
+75 stats
+2500 credits
move one person to another location
wish an unlimited number of people back from next dimension(see details above)

Grantable wishes by the Namekian Dragon
+75 stats
+2500 credits
move an unlimited number of people to another location
wish one person back from next dimension(see details above)

Grantable wishes by the Arlian Dragon
+150 stats
+5000 credits

Post a message if you have another idea and I'll see if it's good.