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Profile, Skills and Education

Public Affairs Writer
English Writer
English Editor
Comms Advisor
Creative Writer
Desktop Publisher
English Senior Editor

Website Designer/ Webmaster
Radio Host

Text-only clips
Contact me

Ruthanne Urquhart

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Curriculum vitae. Ottawa Sun (left), The Maple Leaf, Canadian Vocational Journal, The Maple Leaf.

CMP offers challenges, opportunities

Canadian Forces Personnel Newsletter, final issue English frontMy primary role as a Writer and Editor for Chief Military Personnel was Managing Editor of the monthly tabloid Canadian Forces Personnel Newsletter.

This bilingual Government of Canada publica-
tion, now stood down, covered CF human resource issues such as career management, employment equity, health care, pension amendments, insurance coverage, recruiting, conflict management, IM, and others, and featured articles of general interest to CF personnel.

I edited various CMP and other publications and products, and provided copy for media such as the Government of Canada online news service
D-NEWS, which is accessed by CF base, wing and formation newspapers throughout Canada.

As well, I was responsible for the content (text and photos/graphics), page creation and upload, and maintenance of CFPN Online, and provided content for several other Defence websites.

From August 2006 through September 2007, I also designed and laid out the newsletter and designed other CMP products such as programs, posters and a special insert to The Maple Leaf.

And because I was attached to a Public Affairs section, I wrote press releases, media response lines and other public affairs products, and created information tools such as PowerPoint presentations.


2007   2006   2005   2004


New legislation to ensure job reinstatement for reservists

Top of page


Transition interviews provide valuable tools, information
CF, Algonquin College partner on Geomatics Tech program
CF doctor-scientist works to improve wounded care
Program changes affect application of benefits, recognition
Question Corner: Where do all those unused Clothing Online points go?
Folkestone remembers
In celebration of Carol Isfeld
Chief Military Personnel Change of Command | Chef Personnel Militaire
     Passation de commandement
Forces program has your move covered
Nurses in Afghanistan get 'a little piece of home'
Canadian officer receives U.S. decoration
Question Corner: CF dependants and citizenship documentation; Where
     do I get medical paperwork for my claim?; Operational Stress Injury
     Social Support
Ontario business honours soldiers
CF recognizes civilian employers, educators
CDS Guidance to COs update
Military Family Services Program there for you
Kuwait Liberation of Kuwait Medal
Canadian Forces Day Enrolment Ceremony | Journée des Forces
     canadiennes Cérémonie d'enrôlement
April CFPN
New allowance for seriously injured, ill personnel
Padre Chaim Mendelsohn a perfect fit
March CFPN
CF renames, fine-tunes Civilian Clothing Allowance
Hospital Comforts Program makes treatment, recovery friendlier
Question Corner: Annual Leave
Question Corner: Reimbursement for dental treatment
Ancient order calls CF personnel, Defence employees to its ranks;
     Warrior-healers launch millennium of service
Medical care in Canada for CF families
International Military Chiefs of Chaplains Conference | Conférence
     Internationale des Aumôniers militaires en chef
February CFPN
Forces Pension Modernization Project
Intermediate Leadership Qualification residential component changes
January CFPN
Family Services Program expands support
Terms of Service policy adjusted
CF revises Recruiting Allowances
Government extends CWATRP

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Casualty Support for CF personnel and their families | Soutien aux Blessés
     pour le personnel des FC et leurs familles
October CFPN
Project honouring soldier benefits Afghan children
Question Corner: Military work hours; Operational commitments won't stall
     your career
September CFPN
RAdm Pile champions Official Languages
Basic relationship training
New scholarship honours soldier
Victoria Cross Photo Gallery / La Galerie de photographies de la Croix
     de Victoria
Question Corner: Revisitng release for medical reasons
Question Corner: CF personnel and unions

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Question Corner: CF Allowances – taxable but not pensionable;
     NCM vs. NCO; Pension eligibility, insurance coverage during fitness
     activities, sports
Question Corner: Rembursement for massages
CF leadership doctrine
New Terms of Service now in effect; Spring 2005 NCM recruitment
     allowances; CF University Program
Continuing engagements; Education Assistance Loan Program
DND/CF working on facilitating access to family health care
Chemical Warfare Agent Testing Recognition Program; ESDP service
     medal approved
Foreign-born CF dependants are Canadians
Women throughout Canadian military history

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Military family housing rent

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