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02 Group with TK, Kari, and/or their Digimon

Adventure/Zero Two

~ Tai Kamiya
~ Matt Ishida
~ Sora Takenouchi
~ Izzy Izumi
~ Mimi Tachikawa
~ Joe Kido
~ TK Takaishi
~ Kari Kamiya
~ Other Characters
~ TK/Kari Group
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps

Zero Two

~ Davis Motomiya
~ Yolei Inoue
~ Cody Hida
~ Ken Ichijouji
TK Takaishi ~ see Adventure
Kari Kamiya ~ see Adventure
~ DNA Digimon
~ Other Characters
~ TK/Kari Group
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps


~ Takato Matsuki
~ Henry Wong
~ Rika Nonaka
~ Jeri Katou
~ Kazu Shiota
~ Kenta Kitagawa
~ Suzie Wong
~ Ryo Akiyama
~ Calumon
~ Impmon/Beezlemon
~ Other Characters
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps


~ Takuya Kanbara
~ Koji Minamoto
~ Zoe Orimoto
~ Tommy Himi
~ J.P. Shibayama
~ Koichi Kimura
~ Bokomon/Neemon/Patamon
~ Seraphimon/Ophanimon/Sorcermon
~ Susanoomon
~ Other Characters
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps


~ Adventure
~ Zero Two
~ Tamers
~ Frontier
~ Movies


~ Digimon DS
~ Digimon Dawn/Dusk
~ All Analyzer Introductions
~ Submitted Quotes

Site Related

~ Past Updates
~ Return to Takari's Castle

02 Group with TK, Kari, and/or their Digimon

With T.K.

"That's it, TA!" -Davis
"TA?" -TK
"He forgot how to spell TK!" -Cody

"There isn't much time. The image created by the control spires will start to break up. But there is still something that I have to do." -BlackWarGreymon
"Save your strength." -Imperialdramon {Fighter Mode}
"No, my strength is my final gift to you, my friends. I will seal the Highton View Terrace gate with my own body." -BlackWarGreymon
"Don't do it!" -WarGreymon
"I must! Aah!" -BlackWarGreymon
"He always wanted to do something meaningful with his life." -TK
"I'd say this definitely qualifies." -Cody

"What's in this?" -TK
"It's a secret, but I'll tell you. A little hot sauce, a little wasabi, and a mystery meat I found in the refrigerator covered in green fuzz!" -Matt

"All for one!" -DigiDestined
"AND ALL FOR ME!!" -Davis
"Uh, Davis? I don't think that's how it goes." -TK

"It's my fault we're late. I had an appointment for a haircut, but when I looked in the mirror, I realized my hair was perfect!" -Davis
"The problem was that he was looking in the mirror for over an hour!" -TK

"There's a light at the end of the tunnel!" -Davis
"Couldn't you think of something a little more original?" -TK

"Here's you hat, TK. I didn't want anyone to step on it." -Cody
"That's okay. I've got six others like it at home. One for each day of the week!" -TK

"Am I great or what?!" -Davis
"If he keeps telling himself that, he might start to believe it." -TK
"At least someone will." -Yolei

"It's the soothing sounds of buffalo migrating." -Mr. Ishida
"Buffalo?!" -TK & Matt
"Yeah, I heard these recordings help with stress. At this point, I'm willing to try anything!" -Mr. Ishida
[Puts the earphones in]
"I'm a happy little buffalo..." -Mr. Ishida
"You've flipped your lid." -Matt
"Don't mind him, Dad. He's just not a happy little buffalo!" -TK

"You will bow before me!" -Digimon Emperor
"Sorry, the floor's kind of dirty." -TK

"When you can't think of anything to say, do you always resort to fighting?" -TK
"I guess..." -Digimon Emperor
"That's your problem. You don't know when to talk and when to fight. Now's a good time to talk. On the other hand... it's also a good time to fight!" -TK

"Wormmon. I'm sorry. Don't go, you're my best friend." -Ken
"You're my best friend too. Goodbye, Ken. Hmm." -Wormmon
[Wormmon disappears]
"Wormmon, no!" -Ken
"He's gone, Ken." -TK
"He can't be!" -Ken
"Ahh..." -Wormmon (as Data)
"Not again. Wormmon is gone, just like my brother. I was helpless to save him and now I can't save Wormmon either. *cries* Why do I keep losing people?! I came to the Digital World to get away from all those feelings, but I just can't escape!" -Ken

"Don't forget the Crest of Kindness!" -Paildramon
"The what? Oh, yeah." -Davis & Ken
"Hey, don't forget about us!" -TK

"The mall's crowded, as usual." -TK
"This anniversary is making me think of all the Digimon we lost." -Matt
"I know what you mean. Everywhere I look today, I'm seeing their faces." -TK
[They remember Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon]
"Sure are lots of good memories." -Matt
"Mmm-hmm." -TK

"What took you so long? Lose your way?" -Poromon
"It's a long story. Some teachers are just nitpickers about such little things!" -Davis
"What was it this time?" -Yolei
"I was accidentally playing soccer indoors, and somehow a window broke. Boy, Mr. Reynolds sure is a grouch!" -Davis
"Not again!" -Cody
"It's the fourth time, but hey, who's counting?" -TK
"Four? I thought it was at least six!" -Davis
*laugh* -All

"It seems sturdy enough." -Cody
"Of course it is! What do you mean by that, anyway? Don't you think I know what I'm doing?" -Davis
"You said it!" -TK
"Yeah, even if it is what we were thinking." -Yolei
"Hey, that rock slide wasn't my fault, it was Flamedramon's!" -Davis
"Was not!" -Flamedramon
"Was too!" -Davis
"Was not!" -Flamedramon
"Was too!" -Davis
"Was not!" -Flamedramon
"Was too!" -Davis
"Was not!" -Flamedramon
"Was too!" -Davis

"Down there. That's where the engine room is." -TK
"Figures. How come the engine room is never on the same floor as the front door?" -Davis

"That reminds me, Davis. I met your sister yesterday." -TK
"She probably said a ton of bad things about me. She probably told you that I wet the bed every other Thursday, and that I sucked my thumb until about a week ago." -Davis

"What's so funny?" -Ken
"You claim to be the Digimon Emperor. You turn good Digimon into your slaves. You see Ichijouji, you're a pretender. You have no idea of the powers that you're up against." -TK

"You are real, not just computer data. I can't believe that I never figured that out." -Ken
"You know, for an evil genius you really are a slow learner, Ken." -DemiVeemon
"And you've constantly abused digimon ever since you claimed to be the Digimon Emperor." -Davis
"I had no idea. What have I done?! I thought my dark rings were a stroke of genius! I never realized I was causing pain. I made them work for me tirelessly, without ever giving them a break, and I was cruel to them beyond imagination! I'm a monster!! I can't believe what I've done!!" -Ken
"It's hard to argue with you there, Ken. You've done some pretty horrible stuff!" -TK

"Doesn't anyone have an idea?" -Davis
"I have one." -TK
"What?!" -Davis
"I say we run, and then after that we run some more." -TK

With Patamon

"We need food! Let's eat!" -Patamon & Veemon

"They're being guarded by the Vegiemon. Watch out for their disludge!" -Patamon
"Patamon, tell us everything you know about Red Vegiemon." -Matt
"Okay!" -Patamon

"Wanna fight?" -Patamon
"Actually, I'd prefer a staring contest." -Wormmon
"Hmm..." -Patamon
"Grr..." -Wormmon

With TK/Patamon

"So Patamon can digivolve to Angemon?" -Davis
"Yup." -TK
"And Gatomon, what about her?" -Davis
"Oh, she can digivolve to Angewoman." -TK
"Then I have one question: Is there an Angebabymon too?" -Davis
"Sometimes, he says the strangest things." -TK
"Veemon, tell me you can Digivolve into Ange-something too!" -Davis
"Uh..." -Veemon
"Ange-Dinosaur-mon? Ange-Soccer-Player-mon? C'mon!" -Davis
"I just don't have it in me!" -Veemon
"He's still got a lot to learn." -TK
*laughs* -Patamon

With Kari

"It's time to digivolve!" -Yolei
"DNA style!" -Kari

"Drink this herbal tea. It's 10% herbal and 90% tea." -Joe
"Thanks a lot, Joe." -Cody
"Buy, that Joe really comes prepared." -Yolei
"That's nothing. Wait until you see him during hayfever season!" -Kari

"Would it be okay to get a ride home with you guys? I don't want to take the bus by myself." -June
"No way, not in a million years! Take the bus! It's not my fault you came all the way out here!" -Davis
"Come on, kids, that's not nice. Someone take the bus with June." -Mr. Ishida
"And the absolute perfect volunteer is... TK!" -Matt
"Matt, you take the bus with June." -Mr. Ishida
"Huh? I'm broke!" -Matt
[Mr. Ishida hands some money to Matt.]
"There's more than enough here." -Mr. Ishida
"Have fun, you two!" -Tai
"Have her home before curfew!" -Izzy
"I'll trade for your seat!" -Matt
"Don't be silly. You'll sit with me!" -June
"Aaahhhhhhh!!" -Matt
"Come on, hunk. We gotta go catch the bus, it's a long ride." -June
"Please! TK! You can have my college money! Ah!" -Matt
[The van drives away.]
*laugh* -All
"Ah!" -Matt
"See ya in four hours!" -Kari

"Hey, check out that scrumptious smell." -Kari
"Wow! That's awesome! My stomach is growling with sheer delight." -Yolei
"Mine's growling sheer hunger!" -Davis
"Mine too." -Veemon

With Gatomon

"Does Davis always snore like that?" -Gatomon
"Every night." -Veemon
"How do you sleep?" -Gatomon
"I don't." -Veemon

"I never saw an egg with a spike in it." -Agumon
"It must have been rough on the chicken that laid that thing." -Gatomon

"I usually get misty at happy reunions. I actually think I'm gonna cry." -Armadillomon
"Don't. Your tears will turn into icicles." -Gatomon

"And one and two, and one and two. Flap those wings! It's amazing! I haven't felt this good in years, and it's all because of catnip! Thanks, Gatomon!" -Hawkmon
"Go on... no, really... go on, I want to hear more!" -Gatomon

"It's Gennai!" -Gatomon
"I have a present for you, here." -Young Gennai
[Hands Gatomon her tail ring]
"It's my tail ring!" -Gatomon
"Your tail ring is quite an important little item, Gatomon. It kept the dark powers of the Digimon Emperor's base from growing out of control and it allowed you all to DNA digivolve. And since that's not necessary anymore you get to have it back. But do me a little favor, no big deal, but if you could keep it away from power-hungry evil creatures trying to destroy the world, that'd be great." -Young Gennai

With Kari/Gatomon

"It's a control spire." -Cody
"What's it doing there?" -Kari
"Controlling, spiring, the usual." -Gatomon

With Patamon/Gatomon

"The thing that would freak me out the most though would be to have two minds in one body." -Gatomon (about DNA Digivolving)
"It's strange, it didn't feel like two minds in the same body. It's more like our minds merged into one great super being." -DemiVeemon
"Sounds weird to me. You already have enough voices running around in your head." -Patamon
"Yeah, if I merged with you I could get lost in there with the others." -Gatomon

With TK/Gatomon

"Wait a minute that voice. I hear that voice in my nightmares. It's Myotismon!" -Gatomon
"Is that Myotismon or VenomMyotismon?" -TK
"Actually I'm MaloMyotismon!" -MaloMyotismon
"MaloMyotismon?!" -TK