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Other Characters ~ Adventure

Adventure/Zero Two

~ Tai Kamiya
~ Matt Ishida
~ Sora Takenouchi
~ Izzy Izumi
~ Mimi Tachikawa
~ Joe Kido
~ TK Takaishi
~ Kari Kamiya
~ Other Characters
~ TK/Kari Group
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps

Zero Two

~ Davis Motomiya
~ Yolei Inoue
~ Cody Hida
~ Ken Ichijouji
TK Takaishi ~ see Adventure
Kari Kamiya ~ see Adventure
~ DNA Digimon
~ Other Characters
~ TK/Kari Group
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps


~ Takato Matsuki
~ Henry Wong
~ Rika Nonaka
~ Jeri Katou
~ Kazu Shiota
~ Kenta Kitagawa
~ Suzie Wong
~ Ryo Akiyama
~ Calumon
~ Impmon/Beezlemon
~ Other Characters
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps


~ Takuya Kanbara
~ Koji Minamoto
~ Zoe Orimoto
~ Tommy Himi
~ J.P. Shibayama
~ Koichi Kimura
~ Bokomon/Neemon/Patamon
~ Seraphimon/Ophanimon/Sorcermon
~ Susanoomon
~ Other Characters
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
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~ Zero Two
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~ Frontier
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~ Digimon Dawn/Dusk
~ All Analyzer Introductions
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Site Related

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~ Return to Takari's Castle

Other Characters ~ Adventure

Last Updated: 6 January, 2011


"There's no way I'm handing this over to DemiDevimon, He'll take all the credit for himself. But, wait. If the digivice is here, where is the eighth child hiding?"

"He's got Gatomon. But not for long." (about Myotismon)

"It'll take more than the likes of you to destroy me!" (to Myotismon)

"How can I betray you when I was never on your side to begin with?" (to Myotsimon)


"Just trust me, after all I'm the floating glowing guy."

"Fear not, for I am a friend to all, and yet I am a friend to none."

"Who needs a doorbell with such noisy visitors?"

"But now the lines are clear and only ten cents a minute!"

"Piedmon, hands off those crests!" -Young Gennai

"It will take a minute for Agumon and Tentomon to get on the net. My modem's older tham I am."

"The sky will be darkened by the wings of many bats. The fallen people will invoke the name of the undead Digimon king, and when the clock strikes the hour of the beast the undead king will reveal himself in his true form, as the beast. Then angels will shoot arrows of hope and light at the loved ones of those they have been sent to protect and a miracle will happen." -Gennai reading the Prophecy

"When I was searching through the Dina Ruins, I came across an ancient inscription. It told of a time long ago, when a strange being appeared from behind the wall of fire. It was angry. You would be too, if you lived with that kind of humidity. The mere existence of this being caused a warp in space and time was thrown completely out of whack. It threatened the collapse of the Digital World, and even worse than that, my new wristwatch stopped working. The Digimon knew they didn't have the strength to defeat this being, so the original Digi-Destined children were summoned from the real world, and together they defeated the evil."


"Don't expect me to play stupid games with you, I'm far too wise for that!"

"You have used up all your power. That wasn't very smart, Angemon. Now you're no use to anyone. You can't get away from the dark forces. Evil is everywhere so don't savor your victory. There are other Digimon just as powerful as I am. Some of them are even stronger. I wonder what you'll do when you run into them. You haven't won at all. What a waste of time!"


"Is there no end to your stupidity? Well, maybe I can put an end to it for you." -Etemon

"After that, I was sucked up by a black hole. I think I gave it indigestion." -MetalEtemon

"I'm going to have to punish you by playing a little piece..." -Etemon

"Quit standing there clapping like a trained seal." -Etemon (to Gazimon)

"Don't forget to tip your waitress." -Etemon

"Those rotten kids beat me again! I have to find something easier to beat. Like cardboard boxes, or something!" -Etemon

"I'm metal and you're wood. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!" -MetalEtemon (to Puppetmon)

"Get Digi with it!" -MetalEtemon

"I've got a new Number One. It's called "Bye Bye, Digimon, Bye Bye!" -Etemon

"It's my time to shine because I am so fine!" -MetalEtemon

"Get dig with it! MetalEtemon's in the house!" -MetalEtemon

"You say you want a digivolution? Well the answer's 'No'!" -Etemon

"This is the end of the line for you and your goat, baby!" -Etemon (to Joe and Ikkakumon)

"Where's my fried banana sandwich? You know I like to eat after my nap." -Etemon

"Come on, you floppy-eared freaks! Let's roll!" -Etemon (to the Gazimon)

"Is that the best you've got? I've seen sharper needles in granny's knittin' bag!" -Etemon (to Togemon)

"Now, before I cancel you like a bad sitcom, direct me to Datamon." -Etemon (to Tai & Izzy)

"No! Back off, baby!" -Etemon (to MetalGreymon)

"Now I'm not going to tell you again, let go of me or I'll open you up like a can of beans!!" -Etemon (to Datamon)

"I can find those kids myself; After all, I am the ultimate metal detector! -MetalEtemon

"You can't hide from me; I'm the king of swing! -MetalEtemon

"Watch your step; Banana Slip!" -MetalEtemon
[Puppetmon slips on the banana peel.]
"Too much of a waxy build-up, uh-huh-huh!" -MetalEtemon

"Supreme! I'm fired up and ready to go on a mean streak! -MetalEtemon


"Ah, darkness, the perfect cloak for my evil, ideal conditions for producing fear. Human blood always tastes better with a dash of fear in it." -Myotismon

"These DigiDestined are making me feel and little batty." -Myotismon

"I went out to have a bite to eat and to get familiar with the city. It is always so difficult to get a good meal when one is away from home." -Myotismon

"Unthinkable. Is there no Digimon strong enough to defeat these children? I will have to deal with them myself." -Myotismon

"I must find the secret to the gate. Once I understand the meaning of these cards, the key will open the lock. Then I'll be able to enter the path to the human world." -Myotismon

"If you fail me again, my bats will have a new chew toy. You!" -Myotismon (to DemiDevimon)

"You DigiDestined think you're so smart, but in reality, I'm always one step ahead of you." -Myotismon

"Soon now. Not in fire or ice, but in fog, this world will be mine!" -Myotismon

"You've stood in my way for the last time!" -VenomMyotismon

"Perhaps you're brain is too small for this job." -Myotismon (to DemiDevimon)

"*laughs* You foolish DigiDestined. The seven of you are no match for my power. Prepare for your ultimate destruction! *laughs*" -Myotismon

"I'm ready to proceed. Go now and tell our forces that no sacrifice is too great in this moment of glory." -Myotismon

"There's certainly no need to tell them that they won't be sharing in the rewards. I hold all the cards, and they are no longer a mystery now. All I need to do is to find the DigiDestined eighth child." -Myotismon

"I shall now be embarking on a journey to another world. There are forces which must be neutralized before our victory her can be complete. But never fear, I shall return in triumph." -Myotismon

"It's time to stand back and watch me work my magic. Open the gate to my destiny!" -Myotismon

"Meanwhile, we are not the only ones looking for him, are we? You dolt! Make sure that those children don't find him first!" -Myotismon (to DemiDevimon)

"Defeated? You say those little punks beat Mammothmon and Gesomon?" -Myotismon

"Losers! Failures! Instead of causing pain and havoc I find you here, eating ice-cream!" -Myotismon (to Pumpkinmon & Gotsumon)

"Angemon. They must be desperate if they sent you." -Myotismon

"I hope you like fishing, Gatomon, because you are going to be the bait to lure the eighth DigiDestined child. Now I do not need the crest to find the cowardly, puny human." -Myotismon

"We'll start by separating the children from their parents. Ah, how they'll scream and weep. Delicious." -Myotismon

"Are you done? I'm bored. It's time to finish you off." -Myotismon

"Farewell, Digidoomed!" -Myotismon

"Do you expect to beat me with geraniums? NightMare Claw!" -Myotismon (to Lillymon)

"I shall enjoy devouring you. Angelfood is one of my favorites!" -VenomMyotsimon (to Angemon & Angewomon)


"I rule this sea with an iron fist, an iron tail... an iron everything, really."

"This is my moment to shine. Does my hair look all right?"

"I'm tired of playing around with you, WarGreymon. Say goodbye!"

"They're easier to figure out than a two piece jigsaw puzzle." (about the DigiDestined)

"Farewell, DigiDestined! It was a rare pleasure knowing you... medium rare!"

"Never send a Rookie to do a Mega's work!"

"What's this!? There's supposed to be eight of them! Two of them are missing."
[One of Scorpiomon's clams hits MetalSeadramon.]
"You chuckleheaded cockleshell! Stop eating and find the other two now!!"


"I'm the life of the party. I put the fun in fungus."

"This is more fun than the time I was fumigated for termites!"

"MetalSeadramon out, Puppetmon in."

"Don't lie to him or your nose will grow."

"That kind of negative attitude brings me down."

"All right! Those twerps are about to self-destruct. I'll sit back and enjoy the show."

"See, TK? I have friends after all. Problem is, they don't like you, and what they don't like they destroy!"


"Hello, Andromon. Babysitting?"

"How brave of you to volunteer. I promise to make this as painful as I can!"

"Now I will finish you once and for all."

"There's nothing like a little wholesale destruction to end a hard day's work!"

"They weren't even worth my time. You're next."


"How small they look from here, like ants. Strange that such little creatures could cause so much trouble." (about the DigiDestined)

"Once upon a time there were these DigiDestined, then Piedmon destroyed them all. The end."

"I always get so happy before a tragedy."

"Well, hello there boys and girls, and welcome. Today I'm going to tell you an amazing story. Once upon a time there were eight DigiDestined. They went with their Digimon companions to try to save the world. The children and their Digimon discovered that in order for them to do it, they'd have to travel to the top of Spiral Mountain. But to their dismay, the Dark Masters beat them. So sad."

"Hello, my name is Izzy and I'm very smart. Although I didn't know how to stop me and my friends from being turned into keychains." (in a mimicking voice)

"Who would like to the first to be destroyed? Oh, come now, don't tell me you have stage fright?"

"Welcome to the dead end, Come be a keychain like your friends!" (to T.K. & Kari)

"In order to succeed, sometimes you have to step on people along the way."

"I must quit this; It costs me a fortune in new doors!" (blasting open yet another door)


"MWAHAHAHA... Wait a minute, what am I laughing at? I'm supposed to be depressed!"

"I am the ultimate Digimon, complete with hot and cold running water."

"I hope you learned your lesson. Always save your receipts! The warranty was probably still good on those things!"

"I'll take these children and use their fear to make them digital and disappear!!"


"I made this dish up myself. I call it shrimp fried rice with whipped cream and strawberries!" -Mimi's Mom

"And luggage doesn't make a sound, you got me? Or else it's liable to get itself thrown out of the car!" -Dwayne (to DigiDestined)

"Everyone always thinks he's perfect. But that's too much to expect of him. We've got to give him the freedom to become his own man. He's got to make mistakes, that's part of what it is to be a kid." -Mrs. Izumi (about Izzy)

"I guess if the sun doesn't come up tomorrow, we'll know you failed!" -Jim

"And all this time I never knew you had a sense of humor!" -Mr. Izumi (to Izzy)

"He was only at camp for half a day. I wonder what happened to make him change so much?" -Mrs. Izumi (about Izzy)

"We were better off lost in the fog!" -Matt's Dad (as Gizamon appear)

"For once in your life, Joe, you actually sound like you know what you're talking about." -Jim

Other Digimon

"Hey, you got something to say to me then say it to my face. Don't talk behind my back. Come on, out with it, you little wing-headed two-toed porkchop!" -Elecmon (to Patamon)

"I'm in the mood for a game of Aerial Attack!" -Unimon

"You're the one with the big hat, you think of something!" -Chuumon (to Mimi)

"Why can't the bad guys ever win?" -Ogremon

"You know us monsters. We love to gossip." -Leomon

"It's not every day your lunch saves your life." -Whamon

"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to play with fire, someone could get hurt. Namely me!" -Ogremon (to Greymon)

"You're amazing! Remind me to call you the next time I have trouble with my landlord." -Ogremon (to the DigiDestined after they defeated Apocalymon)

"Look, I'm a virus type Digimon. You guys are data and vaccine types. If I hang around here too long, I'll get sick to my stomach." -Ogremon

"We all make mistakes. Remember disco?" -DemiDevimon

"Oh, it's just a bird, a large bird, mind you. A large angry bird! Woah!" -Phantomon (about Birdramon)

"Never a moment's rest; it's always 'seize her' or 'grab her' or 'terrorize that old lady'. I'm one pooped spook." -Bakemon

"Yup, the king of the Undead. He's the 'Un' and you're the 'Dead'!" -DemiDevimon

"That chick is heavier than she looks!" -Garbagemon (about Lillymon)

"It's even worse then Myotismon, it's a teenager!" -Gotsumon

"How much Woodmon could an Ogremon chuck if an Ogremon could chuck Woodmon?" -Ogremon

"Over my smelly armpits you will!" -Ogremon

"By the way, did I mention I charge by the mile?" -Whamon

"Don't worry about a thing, Princess Mimi. We'll be right back." -Otamamon

"How's Patamon and TK? They all right?" -Elecmon

"You can thank me later, after you take over the world, boss." -DemiDevimon

"I hate this fog. Master, where are you? I'm getting mildew on my wings. Ah, finally. Geez, you couldn't take a cab like everyone else?" -DemiDevimon

"Can I at least have some milk and cookies?" -DemiDevimon

"Remember to always start your day with a good breakfast, boss." -DemiDevimon

"Yes, it's true. I don't floss." -Ogremon

"Plan Eliminate? What about Plan Elimi-nine?" -Hagurumon

"The tags should be in the convience store, next to the jerky." -Drimogemon

"Oh, boy, you know what? I hope that the all-night drive-thru is still open. "-DemiDevimon

"He fell for it like an over-ripe fig." -Cherrymon (about Matt)

"Just call me a crazy little Digimon." -Piximon

"Of course I remembers Whamon. Nice guy, snappy dresser. Oh, you mean the Dark Masters." -Whamon

"DigiDestined, please save this world!" -Whamon

"Look at this fire! This is terrible! I didn't bring any marshmallows." -Centarumon

"Who's the hot-tempered foul-mouth who-- oh, it was you boss. Okay, no problem." -Scorpiomon (to MetalSeadramon)

"It’s raining kids and Digimon again. I’m gonna have to start carrying an umbrella." -Frigimon

"They really are the digidestined..." -Piximon

"Aaahh!! I'm melting!!" -LadyDevimon (after Angewomon beat her)

"Well, next time try not to land on my head." -Frigimon (to Tai, Matt, & their Digimon)

"Young man, didn't anyone ever tell you, you should listen to your elders? Or was it redwood you should listen to, I can never get those two straight." -Cherrymon

"How dare you call me short! The date's off!" -Numemon (to Mimi)

"When it rains kids, I usually notice." -Frigimon

"You mean... Queen Kari is your sister?" -Andromon

"You're gonna need more then sunscreen to stop me!" -Meramon

"Wow! She's so feisty, what a girl!" -Numemon (about Mimi)

"This one Nunemon kept following my sister, but I handled it! A little Sub-Zero ice punch show and tell!" -Frigimon

"Goodbye, meet to nice ya!" -Sukamon "He means "hello, nice to meet ya"." -Chuumon

"No, Gabumon! Making funny faces will not defeat your enemy!" -Piximon

"If I'm going down, you're coming with me into the black pit! Just try these!" -Datamon

"So what I'm hearing is... You actually thought I would let you leave without paying?!" -Vegiemon (to Joe & Gomamon)

"Have some more!" -Numemon (tossing more soda out for Nanimon)

"This is what he gets for not feeding us!" -Numemon (finding the soda to give Nanimon)

"Move it, ya flying beanbag, I'm coming through!" -DemiDevimon (to Patamon)

"Oh great! It's the noodle-brainer team!" -DemiDevimon

"You'll never get out of here in one piece!" -Dokugumon

"I have a suggestion. You see, I never understood why the master has wasted all this time searching for the eighth child, when it would be so much easier just to... destroy you all!!" -Phantomon

"After you guys left File Island, Sukamon and I went on with life as usual, you know eating, eating, and more eating." -Chuumon

"I never saw him again, a powerful evil force took over the land causing all kinds of bad things to happen, then it rebuild the Digital World so it would be easy to conquer, I been hiding ever since." -Chuumon (telling the DigiDestined what happened)

"Red leader to Blue leader. Areas thirteen though eighteen are clear." -Divermon 1
"Gold leader to Blue leader. Areas twenty-three and twenty-four are clear, too." -Divermon 2
"Listen, Phil, Sid. How many times do I have to tell you guys, there are just three of us, you can call me Jim." -Divermon 3

"Here's mud in your eye!" -Garbagemon

"Don't you know that wherever you go there will always be garbage?" -Garbagemon

"I've been too hard on you guys; You need a break. Okay, breaks over!" -WaruMonzaemon (to the Numemon)

"Somebodys been sleeping in my bed... and here they are now!" -WaruMonzaemon

"Never did like that bleached look!" -LadyDevimon (to Angewomon)

Other Humans

"Daddy, give me that toy. I want that doll! If I don't get one right now I'm gonna start screaming at the top of my lungs!" -Boy on train (about Yokomon)

"You know, I think we drive pretty close to Highton View Terrace. Let's see, first take the freeway to the parkway to the throughway, and... oh. That's the wrong way." -Bus Driver

"Phone lines have gone dead worldwide. If your telephone is dead, please call your phone company." -News Announcer

"If that's a car, its got an aweful lot of trunk space!" -Driver in Car (about Mammothmon)