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Cody and his Digimon

Adventure/Zero Two

~ Tai Kamiya
~ Matt Ishida
~ Sora Takenouchi
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~ Mimi Tachikawa
~ Joe Kido
~ TK Takaishi
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Zero Two

~ Davis Motomiya
~ Yolei Inoue
~ Cody Hida
~ Ken Ichijouji
TK Takaishi ~ see Adventure
Kari Kamiya ~ see Adventure
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~ Takato Matsuki
~ Henry Wong
~ Rika Nonaka
~ Jeri Katou
~ Kazu Shiota
~ Kenta Kitagawa
~ Suzie Wong
~ Ryo Akiyama
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~ Takuya Kanbara
~ Koji Minamoto
~ Zoe Orimoto
~ Tommy Himi
~ J.P. Shibayama
~ Koichi Kimura
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~ Seraphimon/Ophanimon/Sorcermon
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Cody and his Digimon

Last Updated: 6 January, 2011

Cody Hida

"Why do evil geniuses have to be so evil?"

"People are like milk. They can turn bad."

"No sense running; you're already late." (to Davis)

"Well, I think the best way to make friends is over a good game of checkers."

"You're always hungry." (to Upamon)

"I heard that he's so mart that one time, he gave his teachers homework!" (about Ken)

"I want MaloMyotismon to stop hurting innocent Digimon."

"Kimeramon is not the monster, Ken. You are."

"Be careful where you point that thing!" (to Davis about DemiVeemon)

"How many times do I have to tell you not to wander around the house? Mom might think you're a rodent." (about Upamon)

"The only way not to look suspicious is to sneak quietly."

"I turn my back on him for one minute and he disappears!" (about Upamon)

"Even if this place was called the Valley of Duckies and Bunnies, with a control spire there, there's trouble."

"You should be ashamed of yourself, Ken. You're the kind of bully who gives bullies... a bad name!"

"I don't even like to fight Digimon. What will we do if we're forced to fight other kids?"


"The buffet is now open! Delicious! This is the best thing I've ever eaten in my whole life. All two days of it!"

"A penny for your thoughts, Cody? I'd offer more, but I'm short on cash."


"How about we play a game of Checkers? We can use my shell as the board."


"I need an egg cracking attack!" (about Digitamamon)

"Save us some snacks for when this is over!"

"Hold still, you pile of scrap metal. Gold Rush!"
[The attack bounces off Andromon.]
"Hey, that comment about scrap metal was just a joke!"

"Do I know how to dig a hole, or what?"

"Didn't we meet in Metal Shop?" (to Snimon)


"This thing is enormous! It makes Texas look like Rhode Island!" (about the Digimon Emperor's base)


"How do you like it when you're on the bottom?!" (to Knightmon)

Cody with his Digimon

"Armadillomon, armor digivolve to..." -Armadillomon
"Digmon, the Drill of Knowledge. I used to say the Drill of Power, but I think this makes me sound smarter!" -Digmon

"A chill of evil's in the air." -Armadillomon
"Oh, don't be so dramatic." -Cody

[Upamon bounces up and down]
"Youmadeit youmadeit youmadeit youmadeit youmadeit youmadeit youmadeit youmadeit youmadeit youmadeit youmadeit!!!" -Upamon
"You're going to have to forgive him. He's hyperactive." -Cody (to Joe)

"Hey, watch it, Cody! Be careful!" -Armadillomon
"I'm sorry, but that Ken makes me so angry!" -Cody
"Yeah, me too!" -Armadillomon
"Armadillomon, you really need to control your temper." -Cody

"Whoa!" -Cody
"My thoughts exactly." -Armadillomon

"What happened? Why did I digivolve, Cody?" -Ankylomon
"I don't know, now I'm really confused. Veemon can't digivolve, but you're at the Champion Level." -Cody

"What's up with you, Cody? You seen sad. Is it BlackWarGreymon?" -Upamon
"No, Upamon, it's...TK. I'm worried that he and I will have to DNA digivolve together soon." -Cody
"But, there'd be nothing better, would there?" -Upamon
"I don't know. I thought I knew who TK was, but now it's like...sometimes it seems like he's a completely different person." -Cody
"Maybe you're just getting to know him better. Just because you see a new side to someone, doesn't mean it's a bad side. Look at us digimon, we change all the time, and I don't hear you complaining about us getting you out of tough scrapes. Unless you do it when I'm not around. You...don't do it when I'm not around, do you?" -Upamon