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Adventure Scenes

Adventure/Zero Two

~ Tai Kamiya
~ Matt Ishida
~ Sora Takenouchi
~ Izzy Izumi
~ Mimi Tachikawa
~ Joe Kido
~ TK Takaishi
~ Kari Kamiya
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Zero Two

~ Davis Motomiya
~ Yolei Inoue
~ Cody Hida
~ Ken Ichijouji
TK Takaishi ~ see Adventure
Kari Kamiya ~ see Adventure
~ DNA Digimon
~ Other Characters
~ TK/Kari Group
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~ Digimon Analyzer
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~ Takato Matsuki
~ Henry Wong
~ Rika Nonaka
~ Jeri Katou
~ Kazu Shiota
~ Kenta Kitagawa
~ Suzie Wong
~ Ryo Akiyama
~ Calumon
~ Impmon/Beezlemon
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~ Takuya Kanbara
~ Koji Minamoto
~ Zoe Orimoto
~ Tommy Himi
~ J.P. Shibayama
~ Koichi Kimura
~ Bokomon/Neemon/Patamon
~ Seraphimon/Ophanimon/Sorcermon
~ Susanoomon
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Adventure Scenes

Egg Talk
From: Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo

"Go on, dig in!" -Biyomon
"Oh, yah! I haven't had food like this in a long time! My stomach's chimin'!" -Tai
"If we had some ketchup to go with this it'd be perfect!" -Matt
"Mmm... I love ketchup and eggs!" -TK
"Sounds pretty gross to me." -Sora
"What's the matter, Joe? You haven't eaten anything!" -Gomamon
"I was just thinking that if we were able to get back home, ketchup wouldn't be a problem." -Joe
"Oh, now I'm homesick. How depressing." -Mimi
"Now I want to go home, too." -TK
"It's been four days since we've been here. I wonder if anyone's tried to find out where we are." -Izzy
"Cheer up! Just tell me how you like your eggs and I'll try to do my very best!" -Sora
"I like mine with soy sauce!" -Tai
"How 'bout salsa?" -Matt
"How about a reality check?" -Sora
"I'll have mine with mustard and jellybeans, please." -Izzy
*laugh* -Tai
"How gross!" -Matt
"Mmm... Jelly beans, that sounds good." -TK
"What? You're both weird. My favorite is eggs topped with maple syrup. Yummy! Sometimes I even like them with cherries on top!" -Mimi
"That's weird." -Sora
"But I bet it's good." -TK
*laugh* -Matt & Tai
"What? You're making me lose me appetite! I just like plain eggs! Ugh, I wish we could talk about something other than egg recipes." -Joe
"Don't be so hard on yourself, they're just having a little fun." -Gomamon
"Yeah, join the party!" -Matt
"I think it's really too late for him. I think Joe thinks we've gone a little crazy over these eggs." -Tai
"Well, I mean, really. Jelly beans and cherries on eggs. That's crazy talk. Salt and pepper's all they need. Keep it simple! That's always been my motto." -Joe

Goodbye (For Now)
From: Home Away From Home

"Agumon! Come back!" -Tai
"I'm needed in the DigiWorld. I'll never forget you my friends! Thanks for your help!" -Agumon
"Wait! Take me with you! You still needs my help! Agumon!" -Tai
[Tai attempts to follow but is stopped by Kari]
"Tai! Stay with me!" -Kari
"No. Go wait for mom and dad." -Tai
"I'm so sorry." -Kari
"Why?" -Tai
"You're right. I know you have to leave." -Kari
"I really do, okay?" -Tai
"Okay." -Kari
"Agumon can't digivolve without me. This is my fight too!" -Tai
[Tai starts to float up, still holding Kari's hand]
"Please be careful." -Kari
"Goodbye, Kari." -Tai
[Kari lets go of Tai's hand]
"Bye, bye, Tai. Don't forget about me." -Kari
[The gateway closes, leaving Kari standing alone looking up.]

Promises and Tears
From: The Fate of Two Worlds

"This sure brings back a lot of memories. This is the exact spot where we spent our first night here in the digi-world." -Sora
"That's right! This is where Gabumon first digivolved into Garurumon and fought Seadramon." -Izzy
"Yeah, and this is the place where I fainted for the first time. Well, the first time in the digi-world, anyway. Boy, it sure is great strolling down memory lane, isn't it? Hey, do you think we when all get back, we'll be some kind of heros? And win a whole bunch of awards, like an Emmy or something?" -Joe
"Joe!" -Gomamon
"Sorry! Old dopey me. Open mouth, insert foot. I mean, we can always come back, right guys? Right?" -Joe
"Joe..." -Gomamon
"Oh, I forgot. Faux pas. Time passes differently here than in our world. You guys will probably be long gone. Whoops, there goes the other foot." -Joe
"Hey! You know, we've still got a lot of summer left. I was thinking... maybe we could stay here until our vacation's over." -Matt
"Yeah! That's a great idea!" -Tai
"If Matt's staying, I'm staying too!" -TK
"Me too! Is that okay, Tai?" -Kari
"Sure!" -Tai
"I'm staying too!" -Mimi
"Me too!" -Sora
"We might as well. We've got plenty of time, since an entire day in the digital world is equal to just one minute in the real world, and we've still got four weeks left of summer vacation..." -Izzy
"Then we can stay here in the digital world for up to... Let's see, carry the four, divide by three... A really, really long time!" -Joe
"To be precise, it's forty thousand three hundred and twenty days. That's about a hundred and ten years!" -Izzy "All right, we're staying!" -Tai
"Yay!" -Everyone
"Hey look!" -Agumon
[In the sky, a black shape is moving slowly across the sun.]
"It's an eclipse!" -Izzy
"Yes, it is. And there's something very important you should know about it, children." -Gennai
"I know! You're not supposed to look directly into it!" -Mimi
"True. That's not all. This eclipse could cost you your lives." -Gennai
"You mean it's not an ordinary eclipse?" -Izzy
"That shadow is the gate that connects your world to the digital world. I'm afraid the eclipse will only last for two more hours." -Gennai
"That's not a problem. We'll just wait until it opens up again." -Matt
"Yeah. After all, we still have over a hundred years of summer vacation left!" -Mimi
"Actually, when Apocalymon appeared, the flow of time here and in your world became synchronized." -Gennai
"So, then, we still have four weeks left, right?" -Mimi
"That's plenty of time to have fun." -Matt
"Well, actually, you only have the two hours, because once the portal is closed, it's closed forever." -Gennai
"But..." -Matt
"Sorry. It's time to say goodbye." -Gennai
"Ohh..." -Everyone

"I'm sure gonna miss you, Sora. Say 'hi' to your mom for me when you get back." -Biyomon
"Sure. I wanna thank you, Biyomon. Before I met you, I didn't get along with my mom very well. We argued. She would never let me do anything. But thanks to you, I understand her a lot better. You showed me how much my mom really loves me." -Sora "You mean it?" -Biyomon
"Of course." -Sora
"That makes me so happy to hear you say that. Sometimes I thought I was just bothering you and getting in your way all the time." -Biyomon
"Don't be silly. You weren't a bother, you're my best friend! Oh, Biyomon, I'm gonna miss you so much!" -Sora
*hug* -Sora & Biyomon
"I know it's gonna be hard to find a friend as great as I am, Gomamon. But, you'll have to try." -Joe
"Not a problem. I took an ad out in the personals. I've got five interviews lined up for next week." -Gomamon
*holds his hand out* -Joe
"What?" -Gomamon
"At least let's shake hands." -Joe
"Okay. For luck." -Gomamon
"Wow." -Joe
"What?" -Gomamon
"For someone without a hand, you've got a pretty strong grip." -Joe
*laugh* -Joe & Gomamon
"Tentomon?" -Izzy
"Yes, Izzy?" -Tentomon
"There's something I need to tell you before we part ways, okay? I love you." -Izzy
[Tentomon falls over.]
"Tentomon! Are you okay?" -Izzy
"Yes, I'm fine, but I was a little taken aback by your sudden display of emotion." -Tentomon
"You're right. Sorry about that. I don't usually get emotional, but this was a unique occasion." -Izzy
"I understand. You don't have to say it. I know how much our friendship has meant to us. And in the name of our friendship, I need to ask you one last favor." -Tentomon
"Yeah, what is it?" -Izzy
"Would you please turn off those windshield wipers!" -Tentomon
"Sure thing, pal. Anything for you. Gimme a hug." -Izzy
"Ack! Ack! You're choking me!" -Tentomon
"*cries* T.K., will you stop crying, because you're making me cry!" -Patamon
"*cries* I-- I-- I was just crying because you were crying!" -TK
"Well, if you're crying because I'm crying, and I'm crying because you're crying, then neither one of us needs to be crying, do we..." -Patamon
"Oh yeah." -TK
"Besides, I'm sure we're gonna see each other again one day." -Patamon
"Yeah, just like we saw each other again after that thing with Devimon." -TK
"That's right, we did." -Patamon
"Let's make a pact. We'll see each other again! Promise?" -TK
"Promise!" -Patamon
*laugh* -TK * Patamon
"Hmmm." -Gabumon
"Hmm." -Matt
"Hmmm." -Gabumon
"Hmm." -Matt
"Hmmm. That says it all." -Gabumon
"Mmm-hmmm." -Matt
"I wouldn't mind hearing you play your harmonica, one last time." -Gabumon
"Glad to. *starts playing*" -Matt
"Stupid Matt and his harmonica..." -Tai
"What's the matter?" -Agumon
"No-- nothing." -Tai
"Yeah, sure. Hey, come over here and look at this! This is the spot where I first made my Pepper Breath! Remember?" -Agumon
"Remember? How could I ever forget? That's where you burned Seadramon's tail and he attacked us! And your aim hasn't gotten much better since then, either." -Tai
"Hey! You don't really believe that, do you?" -Agumon
"Hmmm.... Well look at the bright side, your aim hasn't gotten any worse!" -Tai
"Come on, Tai!" -Agumon
*laugh* -Tai & Agumon
"For me?" -Gatomon
"Uh huh. Here, let me put it on you. It doubles as a flea collar." -Kari
"Thanks, Kari." -Gatomon
"It looks good on you." -Kari
"Gee, thanks. Oh well, I guess this is... good-bye." -Gatomon
"Yeah. 'Till next time." -Kari
"Next time?" -Gatomon
"Yep, that's right! *smiles*" -Kari
"Palmon! Where are you? I want to say goodbye!" -Mimi
"Huh? Princess Mimi, what are you doing?" -Gekomon
"Palmon's disappeared. Have you seen her?" -Mimi
"Not recently. Sorry." -Gekomon
"I don't understand how she could leave at a time like this. There's only a few minutes left! Palmon! Where are you? I'm leaving soon!" -Mimi
[Palmon hides behind some large flowers.]
"Mimi..." -Palmon
[All the kids are walking with Gennai to the trolley car that will take them home, and away from their friends.]
"Have you all finished saying your goodbyes? You can take this cable car home on one condition. You have to promise to bring it back to San Francisco where I borrowed it from." -Gennai
*cries* -Mimi
"Well... uh..." -Tai
"Can't we just have a little more time? Please, Gennai, do something!" -Sora
"I'm sorry, Sora. The gate won't wait any longer. What's the problem?" -Gennai
"Palmon seems to have disappeared." -Agumon
"Why would she run away? Why?" -Mimi
*cries* -Palmon
"Palmon, so that's where you're hiding!" -Gekomon
"Mimi's been looking for you!" -Gekomon
"Yes, I know. But I don't want to see her." -Palmon
"I don't understand." -Gekomon
"It's simple. If I don't see her, then she can never say goodbye to me." -Palmon
"Is that what you really want?" -Gekomon
"I'm afraid you'll regret it one day..." -Gekomon
"It's too painful to say goodbye." -Palmon
"I'm sorry, Mimi. We can't wait for Palmon any longer..." -Sora
"It's time. Get on the cable car, everyone." -Gennai
"Come on, let's go..." -Tai
[The kids climb slowly into the trolley, as Mimi cries, and the digimon watch sadly. Once inside, the kids open the windows to see their friends on the beach.]
"Well guys, this is it. What can I say?" -Tai
"Try... goodbye." -Agumon
[Gatomon blows Kari's whistle hard, in a farewell salute to their friends, as the trolley car sputters to life. Then, as the car begins to move down the beach, the kids hang out the windows, waving and shouting final goodbyes.]
"Don't let anyone push you around!" -Tai
"Make sure you dress warm!" -Kari
"Take it easy!" -Sora
"Thank you for everything!" -Gennai
"Mimi!" -Palmon
"Mimi, look!" -Sora
"Mimi, Mimi!" -Palmon
"Palmon!" -Mimi
"Mimi, I'm sorry!" -Palmon
"It's okay, don't worry about it. Goodbye Palmon, and thanks for everything! I love you!" -Mimi
"Goodbye Mimi!" -Palmon
[Palmon trips and hits the ground. Mimi gasps and her hat flies off her head and spins in the breeze. Palmon gets up quickly, and starts running after the trolley again, and following her are the other Digimon, all running and waving. Mimi smiles, and the other kids all wave to them. When the Digimon reach the shoreline they are forced to stop their chase, but they continue to yell and wave. They get smaller and smaller, and eventually fade into the fog, as the trolley soars into the air and disappears from the digital world. Train crossing lights flash red, and open their barriers to let pass a train that never comes.]
"Our adventure in the Digital World might be over for now, but that gate won't stay closed forever! I have a feeling that this won't be the last time we see our pals, the Digimon! You wait and see! One day that portal will open up again, and we'll return to the Digital World! I wonder if Agumon will remember me. I know I'll never forget him! Or the rest of the Digimon. None of us will!" -Tai