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Other Characters- Frontier

Adventure/Zero Two

~ Tai Kamiya
~ Matt Ishida
~ Sora Takenouchi
~ Izzy Izumi
~ Mimi Tachikawa
~ Joe Kido
~ TK Takaishi
~ Kari Kamiya
~ Other Characters
~ TK/Kari Group
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~ Digimon Analyzer
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Zero Two

~ Davis Motomiya
~ Yolei Inoue
~ Cody Hida
~ Ken Ichijouji
TK Takaishi ~ see Adventure
Kari Kamiya ~ see Adventure
~ DNA Digimon
~ Other Characters
~ TK/Kari Group
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps


~ Takato Matsuki
~ Henry Wong
~ Rika Nonaka
~ Jeri Katou
~ Kazu Shiota
~ Kenta Kitagawa
~ Suzie Wong
~ Ryo Akiyama
~ Calumon
~ Impmon/Beezlemon
~ Other Characters
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps


~ Takuya Kanbara
~ Koji Minamoto
~ Zoe Orimoto
~ Tommy Himi
~ J.P. Shibayama
~ Koichi Kimura
~ Bokomon/Neemon/Patamon
~ Seraphimon/Ophanimon/Sorcermon
~ Susanoomon
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~ Digimon Analyzer
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~ Zero Two
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~ Frontier
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~ Digimon Dawn/Dusk
~ All Analyzer Introductions
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~ Return to Takari's Castle

Other Characters- Frontier


"You running way good. Me see how good at fighting." -Gigasmon (to Lobomon)

"Hey, there. Nice doggy. Sit." -Gigasmon (to KendoGarurumon)

"I go bye now." -Gigasmon

"Me no care what happens to weak little things." -Grumblemon

"That's all you can do with your spirits? That's pathetic. Even make pathetic look good." -Grumblemon

"You learn hard way that it's silly hammer smacking time." -Grumblemon

"Even if I get tired, you still get defeated good." -Grumblemon

"We coming get you!" -Grumblemon

"Peek-a-boo!" -Grumblemon

"Looks like I find what I want anyway. Couldn't have done without you. Now me get rid you!" -Grumblemon

"Now I take fractal code in name of Cherubimon." -Gigasmon

"Here come I!" -Gigasmon

"Sorry, but KendoGarurumon no come play today." -Grumblemon (to Koji)

"To play hide and seek, you really need seek, you know." -Gigasmon (to Agunimon)

"Tracks. Fresh. Little further." -Grumblemon (following the kids)

"Be careful, or you'll get smashed next, Ranamon." -Grumblemon

"Nowhere hide now." -Grumblemon

"You may take Gigasmon spirit, but me have other powers. You no can beat me. Earth spirit be mine." -Grumblemon

"Play now!" -Grumblemon (to the DigiDestined)

"Peek-ee-boo!" -Grumblemon (to Agunimon)

"Now I take fractal code in name of Cherubimon." -Gigasmon

"Me not afraid of beast spirit." -Gigasmon

"Those stupid children think they can me defeat." -Grumblemon

"So, they still all living? Well that not last long and then I take all their spirits." -Grumblemon (about the DigiDestined)

"You wanna fight? You guys not learn quick, do you?" -Gigasmon (to the DigiDestined)

"Not eve legendary beast warrior of light can stand up to power of earth itself." -Grumblemon

"Me just want beast spirit back, so give it!" -Grumblemon

"Brats in cave, but at dead end. They no hide now." -Grumblemon

"This look like good place to eat fractal code. Me hungry." -Grumblemon

"That’s it, piggy boy. Spirit evolve. Fight me!" -Grumblemon (to J.P.)


"Honey, you couldn't outwit and nitwit." -Ranamon (to Grumblemon)

"What a deliteful place to destroy those kids." -Ranamon

"When I want your truth I'll ask for it, sugar." -Ranamon (to Mercurymon)

"Oh, how I adore being adored!" -Ranamon

"It's actually my beast spirit. And the little thing actually looks happy to see me." -Ranamon

"Let the party begin!" -Calmaramon

"Ooh. He's feisty." -Ranamon (about Agunimon)

"You might as well just shoot at the floor, sugar." -Ranamon (to Lobomon)

"Get your beast spirit, rock-head. Fetch." -Ranamon (to Grumblemon)

"How dare you compare me to that incompetent rock-head." -Ranamon (to Mercurymon)

"Look at me! I'm the belle of the beast spirit ball!" -Calmaramon

"Hi, there, kiddie-pie!" -Ranamon

"Honey, I could do this all day. But I'll take pity on you and destroy you now!" -Ranamon (to Kazemon)

"Right, that's it! No more pussy-footing around!" -Ranamon

"The is no way to treat a lady. Didn't your parents teach you any manners?!" -Ranamon (to Lobomon)

"Mercurymon, I am so angry I could spit! But I won't 'cause I'm a lady." -Ranamon

"She'll go from the fairest to the foulest before you can whistle 'Dixie'." -Ranamon (about Kazemon)

"Oh, you are such a goody-two-shoes." -Ranamon (to Zoe)

"You little brats! This isn't over!" -Calmaramon

"Thanks for the overwhelming, underwhelming lesson in combat. Let me show you how it's done." -Ranamon

"Mercurymon, try speaking English." -Ranamon

"Those boys would trade their tail feathers for a wink." -Ranamon (about the Toucanmon)

"I'm going to take you apart wing by wing." -Ranamon (to Kazemon)

"Oh, my, all this beauty sure is painful." -Calmaramon

"You won't be so pretty when I'm through with you, sweetheart." -Ranamon (to Zephyrmon)

"I let you off easy this time!" -Calmaramon

"Pay attention, son. I'm trying to threaten you here." -Ranamon (to J.P.)

"Oh, great. As if things weren't bad enough, now we have to worry about Duskmon?" -Ranamon

"I really am gorgeous." -Ranamon

"Gotta do everything myself." -Ranamon

"It's over girlie-girl." -Ranamon (to Kazemon)

"It's time I clipped your wings for good." -Calmaramon (to Zephyrmon)

"Oh, sugar, he wouldn't join us in a million years." -Ranamon (about Duskmon)

"With so many options, I don't know where to start." -Ranamon

"I told you, he's all mouth and no moxie, sugar." -Ranamon (to Mercurymon; about Grumblemon)

"Ready or not, here I come. In all my radiant beauty. Aren't you impressed?" -Calmaramon

"Mercurymon, can't I squash just one of them? All this whining is giving me a headache." -Ranamon

"How'd y'all get so strong?!" -Calmaramon (to the DigiDestined)

"Oh, great. As if things weren't bad enough, now we have to worry about Duskmon?" -Ranamon

"I think you polished your face one too many times, sugar." -Ranamon (to Mercurymon)

"Don't get your drawers all in a bunch, I'm practicing with it. Soon, I'll be unbeatable." -Calmaramon (to Mercurymon; about her beast spirit)

"My, you're quite a little glutton for punishment, aren't you?" -Ranamon (to Kazemon)

"Huh? Why?! You're pretty! You're beast spirit made you pretty! Hmm. Well it's not like you're prettier than me. I mean that's just not possible. But just because you are prettier than me doesn't mean anything, you got it?! Do you have adoring fans all over the world who worship you? I don't think so!" -Ranamon (to Zephyrmon)

"Oh, sweetie. Don't tell me you're tired of playing with me already?" -Ranamon (to Lobomon)

"That is the last time I listen to you, Mercurymon. You should have just let me squash them." -Ranamon

"There’s nothing that can stand in my beautiful way now." -Calmaramon


"Could you come back another time? I was just about to eat." -Petaldramon (to the DigiDestined)

"Where's my burger?! I'm wasting away here!" -Petaldramon

"Oh, yes! Feel the power, baby. Oh, yes!" -Arbormon

"Yesterday's ally, today's enemy." -Arbormon (about Duskmon)

"Every time the three moons align in the sky, I am reminded of one thing. Hamburgers!" -Petaldramon

"I gotta eat right now, right?" -Petaldramon

"At last! The ultimate hamburger!" -Petaldramon

"I'd love to chat, but I've got some road work to take care of. Fugetaboutit." -Arbormon

"Thorn Jab, baby!" -Petaldramon

"Hand it over or you'll never have another customer!" -Arbormon (to Datamon)

"One, two, three, four, use Digi-kids to mop the floor. Five, six, seven, eight, they're the kids I just don't like." -Arbormon

"Eating good makes you grow up big and strong, right?" -Petaldramon

"Now I'll make whoever has those D-Tectors pay for making me work so hard." -Arbormon

"That was an appet-ee-zer. You kids are the main course." -Arbormon

"You’re in for it now, right?" -Arbormon

"Let’s get this over with." -Petaldramon

"Those human kids are weeds, and I'm the weedwhacker!" -Arbormon


"I'm surrounded by baffoons." -Mercurymon

"Thou had better master it before thou destroys us all!" -Mercurymon (about Calmaramon's beast spirit)

"What's fair for me, is deadly for 'thee." -Mercurymon (to Agunimon; about his mirrors)

"That little whelp is much stronger than I remember." -Mercurymon (about Agunimon)

"Odds, bodkins. They're using the forces of nature to amplify their powers." -Mercurymon

"Thou art due to failure before thou even start." -Mercurymon (to Agunimon)

"I can be anywhere, even behind thee." -Mercurymon (to Agunimon)

"Prepare for thy doom." -ShadowSeraphimon

"Oh, you again." -ShadowSeraphimon (to BurningGreymon)

"Thou does not frighten me. Seriously." -ShadowSeraphimon (to Aldamon)

"Gadzooks! I don't have that attack in my records!" -Sakkakumon (about their combined attacks)

"I welcome thy challenge, humans." -Mercurymon

"Chapter Four. Now I will squash you like a boot squashes the tiniest bug." -Mercurymon (to Agunimon)

"If only thy mouth were thy weapon, then truly thou couldst never be defeated." -Mercurymon

"Will you stop sniveling, woman?!" -Mercurymon (to Ranamon)

"If only thy mouth were thy weapon. Then surely, thou couldst never be defeated!" -Mercurymon (to Agunimon)

"Fear not. Soon it will be all over. "-ShadowSeraphimon (to Takuya)

"Thy actions reflect badly on us Thou should study an opponent first, not borishly run into battle." -Mercurymon (to Grumblemon)

"Your diligence proves your allegiance, my piney partner." -Mercurymon (to Arbormon)

"Seraphimon’s fractal code, and it’s all mine. With this, the Digital World shall before me. *laughs*" -Mercurymon


"The last warrior destroyed. Time to desolve the seal." -Cherubimon

"Those children are surprisingly persistent. But they've interfered for the last time." -Cherubimon

"Power is everything, and the only thing." -Cherubimon

"Destroy the human and fulfill your destiny." -Cherubimon (to Duskmon; about Koji)

"The spirits of the ten legendary warriors are drawing closer. And when I have them in my control, the Digital World shall me mine." -Cherubimon

"Impossible. Somehow you realized the true power of darkness." -Cherubimon (to Lowemon)

"Here I hold Kumamon and KoriKakumon of ice. You have given me what I need." -Cherubimon

"Finally, the spirits of the ten legendary warriors will be mine!" -Cherubimon

"Get ready. I'm about to rock your world." -Cherubimon (to EmperorGreymon & MagnaGarurumon)

"No matter how much power you have acquired, you are still no match for one of the Celestial Digimon." -Cherubimon

"It hurts because you still remember your pathetic human heart. Let the darkness take over." -Cherubimon (to Duskmon)

Royal Knights

"Justice is beautiful." -Crusadermon

"Beautiful. At this rate we shall gather enough data for Lucemon in no time." -Crusadermon

"Oh, a new challenge. This may require us to get serious." -Dynasmon

"Dynasmon, what are you doing?! Don’t you realize everything will disappear?! Everything!" -Crusadermon

"Now, let's finish this world." -Crusadermon

"We will not show you any mercy." -Dynasmon

"Uh-uh. If I were you, I'd be more worried about myself." -Dynasmon (to EmperorGreymon)

"Lord Lucemon will certainly be pleased will all this data." -Crusadermon

"He alone has the power to restore the Digital World." -Dynasmon (about Lucemon)

"Master, your exquisite reawakening will soon come to pass." -Crusadermon (about Lucemon)

"Ta-ta!" -Crusadermon (to the DigiDestined)

"Only four areas remain. Come, let's finish this." -Crusadermon

"I claim this data in the name of Lord Lucemon!" -Dynasmon

"How amusing. You two wished to be trashed by us again?" -Dynasmon (to EmperorGreymon & MagnaGarurumon)

"Lord Lucemon is free!" -Dynasmon

"Shall I destroy you now, or would you like your humiliation prolonged?" -Crusadermon (to MagnaGarurumon)

"Your arrogance bores me. Shall I call your bluff?" -Dynasmon

"Ah Dynasmon, we’re being bathed in beautiful white flowers in the dawn light. Could there be a more perfect way to begin this day of destiny?" -Crusadermon

"We are here for Lord Lucemon's justice!" -Crusadermon & Dynasmon
"We have come to fulfill Lucemon's destiny as his emissaries of evil!" -Dynasmon
"We are supporters of his right to become this world's supreme ruler. We serve Lord Lucemon by collecting fractal code." -Crusadermon
"And we are known to all as the Royal Knights!" -Crusadermon & Dynasmon


"Data. Give me more data." -Lucemon

"Flattery will get you everywhere." -Lucemon

"Rise up, my Royal Knights. It is now up to you." -Lucemon

"Hurry, my Royal Knights. Get me more data. I need more data." -Lucemon

"Ah, yes. My strength is growing. It won't be long now." -Lucemon

"Soon, I shall be free once again." -Lucemon

"It's not long now. *laughs*" -Lucemon

"You both look surprised. Did you really think that would work against me?" -Lucemon (to EmperorGreymon & MagnaGarurumon)

"Now I'll absorb the Knights data and become unstoppable." -Lucemon

"You must choose to follow me or be destroyed." -Lucemon (Larva Mode)

"You are standing in the way of my utopia." -Lucemon (Larva Mode)

"Hurry, my Royal Knights. I am tired of my prison. Hurry and set me free." -Lucemon

"Cherubimon, you pitiful fool! You failed me. No matter! As long as I have the data you collected, my resurrection will soon be complete." -Lucemon

"This will be even more satisfying that I expected. Look at the little insects, pretedning like they matter...Soon they will learn the folly of their false beliefs...they will taste the sweetness of utter oblivion." -Lucemon (Chaos Mode)

"Oh, yes. I was imprisoned in the dark area for far too long! The hate! The bitterness! I've taken all of it and added it to my powers. I'm beyond the Lucemon I was before." -Lucemon (Chaos Mode)

"I really must congratulate you. You own the spirits of the ten legendary warriors. Too bad I cannot allow a being with all that power to exist in me world. Say good-bye!" -Lucemon (Chaos Mode)


"That first step's a doozy." -Trailmon

"Hey, I'm not just any ol' train. I'm Trailmon and I'm a lot more handsome than you scrounged up little pugs, thank you very much!" -Worm the Trailmon

"Whoo hoo! Whatever. blah blah blah. Whoo! Blah! Blah!" -Franken Mole the Trailmon

"Sounds to me like you figured things out, kid." -Dark Trailmon (to Flamon)

"Just call me the naptime express." -Trailmon

"No ticket! No ride! No how!" -Trailmon (kicking the Toucanmon off)

"Track? I don't need no track" -Worm the Trailmon

"End of the line. Or maybe not. I guess that depends on you. Good luck." -Dark Trailmon (to Agunimon)

"It's time's like these I'm glad I don't have a nose." -Raccoon Dog the Trailmon (about Raremon climbing over him)

"When I get home I'm going straight to bed to eat bonbons." -Angler the Trailmon

"I'd leap for joy if I only had feet." -Angler the Trailmon

"End of the line, and all is fine." -Kettle the Trailmon

"Backing it up, moving it out. Backing it up, there ain't no doubt." -Kettle the Trailmon

"It's decision time. You want to go home?" -Dark Trailmon

"You trying to clean me or freeze me?!" -Angler the Trailmon (after having cold water dumped on him)

"Can't we talk about this, my little dumpling?" -Angler the Trailmon

"I was afraid of what they'd do to me. Well, not really the cute one. So I didn't ask any questions." -Angler the Trailmon (about the four evil legendary warriors)

"Yummy!" -Angler the Trailmon (after eating a bar of chocolate)

"The direction of the trails is up to the rails." -Kettle the Trailmon

"Whoo-hoo! Chug-chug! *laughs* Chug!" -Buffalo the Trailmon

"All right, settle down back there." -Worm the Trailmon

"Yeah, yeah. Good luck to you now." -Franken Mole the Trailmon

"Yummy!" -Worm the Trailmon ('eating' BurningGreymon's Fire Tsunami)

"Well here we are. Get out and get lost." -Franken Mole the Trailmon

"You are the rudest creatures ever! I'd teach yo a lesson if I could only get up." -Angler the Trailmon

"I think that my time has come at last." -Angler the Trailmon

"Nien, nien. No crying. I had a good life while it lasted. I'm just sorry I wasn't able to help you after all." -Angler the Trailmon

"Yay, I'm young again! Free to ride the rails again! And eat pound after pound of sauerkraut!" -Angler the Trailmon

"I'm kinda tired, sleepy-by nappy-time." -Worm the Trailmon

"The land I run over is starting to look like Swiss cheese." -Worm the Trailmon

"The outbound express is hitting the rails." -Worm the Trailmon

"And please be egg-xtra careful. I love babies." -Angler the Trailmon

"Whoo whoo! Chug, chug, chuggegy-chug!" -Buffalo the Trailmon

"Not bad, for a human." -Worm the Trailmon (to Takuya)

"End of the line. Where you go when you have no where else to go." -Dark Trailmon

"You are the rudest creatures. I’d teach you some manners if I had any strength left." -Angler the Trailmon

"This is why I didn’t want to go to Beanstalk Village. It’s one of the roughest routes in the world." -Worm the Trailmon

Other Digimon

"A human child defeated me?!" -Ceberumon

"Well I'll be dipped. The brat really is Agunimon!" -Candlemon leader

"Was that a love-tap?" -Woodmon (to Lobomon)

"Now there's a man who knows what he likes and doesn't care what he eats." -Deramon (about J.P.)

"Mole is out of the race and the human is throwing a major hissy." -Piddomon (about Mole the Trailmon & Zoe)

"I'd rather go home! I'd rather watch grass grow!" -Tsunomon (about going back to school)

"Remember to trust in yourselves and your friends." -Shamanmon

"I can't believe J.P. and Beetlemon are the same person. He was scared before, but now he's not afraid of anything." -Tsunomon

"Gabumon, thanks for saving me. I can't wait for the time I can digivolve too! Hope I'm as cool as you!" -Kapurimon

"In honor of you, I'm naming our new creation, the Little Tommy." -Burgermon

"Where's the ancient spirit?" -Ceberumon

"Hey, chocolate boy, we want more!" -Pagumon

"I'll eat you up!" -Raremon (to Koji)

"I've gotten so jumpy, that it feels like there's a kangaroo in my pants." -Kokuwamon

"YukimiBotamon, if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times: Never ice the visitors!" -Togemon Teacher

"Welcome humans to our school, where we learn and play all day. We think our teacher's really cool, so we hope you'd like to stay. Welcome humans to our school, where we learn the Digi-rules. Stay and play that would be cool!" -Digi-School theme song

"Sweet dreams, children." -Bakumon

"He turned into a Digimon. And not just any Digimon, a legendary warrior. Maybe there's hope yet." -'Curious' Gotsumon

"I guess to be a hero, I needed your help after all. And you needed mine, to. Maybe asking for help is what makes you a hero. Of course, having a Beast Spirit doesn't hurt, either." -'Curious' Gotsumon (to Koji)

"What did do wrong? The recipe is very clear. One egg in pasta boiled in dirty socks." -Deramon

"Go, Ranamon! Go, Ranamon! Go Ranamon! Go, go!" -Toucanmon

"Two, three, four! When you take a little pear-fruit and you mix it in your stow, you'll make the most delicious soup - the flavor's never dull! We shake our heads, go up and down, and sing this song quite cheerful! A little bit of us resides is every yummy spoonful! It's ready!" -Floramon's song

"Will anyone survive long enough to win?!" -Piddomon

"Whoa, nelly!" -Piddomon

"Nice try, butterfly!" -Mushroomon (to Kazemon)

"You were awesome!" -Nyarromon (to Gabumon)

"Oh, Ranamon, the ravishing!" -Toucanmon

"You remind me of when I was young." -Datamon (to Tommy)

"Fifteen minutes. I almost hope the kid makes it." -Datamon (about Tommy)

"Moving in for a closer look, I see... I don't see anyone." -Piddomon

"This team is going straight into the record books!" -Piddomon (about Takuya and Worm the Trailmon)

"Now you see me, now you don't." -Chameleomon

"I am your past ,your present, and your future." -Dark Beetlemon

"Well we finish and the universe throws a human into the mix." -KuratsukiNumemon

"No, wait! The championship!" -Monzaemon

"You digivolved! Awesome!" -Tsunomon (about Kazemon and Beetlemon)

"Oh, my! I didn't know humans could digivolve" -Togemon Teacher

"Stupid humans, this is too easy!" -Bakumon

"I'm sorry. From now on I'll only send you good dreams." -Bakumon

"Boy, you think that if they left an inscription, they could leave a stupid map." -'Curious' Gotsumon

"I'm gonna save him!" -'Curious' Gotsumon (about Lobomon)

"Crazy kid's got rocks in his head." -Gotsumon (about the 'Curious' Gotsumon)

"Just remember what you have been told and you will prevail." -Shamammon

"She might even talk to us with those beautiful lips and that cute, cute, cute voice." -Toucanmon (about Ranamon)

"So it really is true. Humans have the power to digivolve." -Datamon

"Here, catch. Help out your friend, guys!" -Datamon (tossing the D-Tector's to Takuya & Koji)

"Worm is back on the track, and they're going to win the Great Trailmon Race"! -Piddomon

"It looks like some of them have never seen a kitchen before." -Burgermon Baby (about the DigiDestined)

"Let's get in there and rescue our daddy!" -Burgermon Babies

"That's it! The ultimate burger!" -Burgermon Father

"Good-bye my new friends. And good luck!" -Sepikmon

"You don't have real friends. You know why? Because you don't think you deserve them." -ShadowBeetlemon

"The truth hurts. But in a few minutes, I'll free you from your pain. Permanently." -ShadowBeetlemon (to J.P.)

"He's faster than I thought." -Karatenmon (about KendoGarurumon)

"Betrayed by our own trap." -Honeybeemon

"Oh, I'm scared. Not!" -Cherrymon (to Beetlemon)

"So bee-autiful!" -Honeybeemon (about Zephyrmon)

"If that's the way you want it, let us begin your beautiful destruction!" -IceDevimon

"What is this?! A human turned into a Digimon?!" -Cerberumon

"No one escapes the darkness!" -Cerberumon

"Let's turn up the heat on these artifact filchers!" -Candlemon Leader

"Looks like the legendary Agunimon has a problem with waxy build-up." -Wizardmon

"You have arms like tree trunks! You'll make a good digger." -Floramon (to J.P.)

"Please come back, when you're not a bunch of dead beats!" -Kongoumon (throwing the DigiDestined out of his restaurant)

"Our home, our life. Gone." -KuratsukiNumemon

"This little trooper saw through to the real me and played with me anyway. He's a good boy." -Monzaemon (about Tommy)

"To make up for their monstrous mistakes, the ToyAgumon insist they take you off the island." -Pandamon

"Oh, come on! Let me go! I'm never going back to that nasty school!" -Tsunomon

"Check it out, I can digivolve. Is this cool or what?" -Gabumon

"It just so happens that everything is on the house, which by I mean it's free, not served on the roof." -Toucanmon

"Go Ranamon! Go Ranamon! Go Ranamon! Go, go" -All four Toucanmon

"You should write books, if you can think up stories like that." -Datamon (to Tommy)

"Oh great wooden one. I bring you the finest burgers, crafted by my own humble hands." -Burgermon Father

"Is it trick-or-treat time, mom?" -Kid (seeing Flamon)

"Let's party!" -ShadowMetalKabuterimon

"Your look of fear makes you so much prettier." -IceDevimon (to Kazemon)

"But getting an ugly tie is not the Cuban Missile Crisis." -Mrs. Kanbara (on the phone with her husband)

"Be our pals. Out last ones didn't last very long." -Pagumon

"We're back!" -Pagumon (to Tommy & J.P.)

"So, you've claimed the spirit of Agunimon, have you? We'll soon shed some light on this." -Candlemon Leader

"You destroyed part of my factory, so I'll destroy you!" -Snimon

"You were really awesome!" -Nyaromon (to Gabumon)

"That stupid Grumblemon. Things will be different once I get the spirit. Then I'll be a legendary warrior, and he'll get his." -'Curious' Gotsumon

"You will come up against a foe you have faced before. But this foe has a friend, and in meeting him, you will find a friend as a foe." -Shamanmon

"Fine, get out of here, you're bugging me. Go ahead, go one to the Forest Terminal. They say no one's ever returned from there." -Deramon

"Complimentary baskets are available for your valuables. So just go out and have a good time. Leave the worrying to us." -Toucanmon

"I told you. This is my race, boy!" -ShadowWereGarurumon (to Agunimon)

"You two are funny. Will you be my friends?" -Sepikmon (to Bokomon & Neemon)

"You're actually quite good for an amateur. For a puppy." -Karatenmon (to Lobomon)

"Bee-trayed by are own trap." -Honeybeemon

"Ah, fresh meat." -IceDevimon (about the DigiDestined)

"I know you are protectors of the peace! But all of you must hear what I have to say! I have a prophecy. It concerns the return of an ancient evil, Lucemon." -Baronmon

"Most times the right thing to do is easy to see, if you’re willing to look and to do what’s necessary." -Angemon

"Once the key is found, together we will win." -Mamemon Elder

"That's true. He's the lazy one of the bunch. If he's willing to fight, then so am I." -Elecmon (about J.P.)

"They're doing just what they promised. They're protecting our home." -Elecmon (about EmperorGreymon & MagnaGarurumon)

"Koji! Is it really you?!" -'Curious' Gotsumon

"Thank you, guys, for saving me." -'Curious' Gotsumon

"Wow. And I thought he was tough before." -'Curious' Gotsumon (about MagnaGarurumon)

"If only I was stronger, I could help him." -'Curious' Gotsumon

"I'll be counting on you, Koji." -'Curious' Gotsumon
[Angler the Trailmon leaves]
"We all will. Without you guys, we wouldn't have any hope." -'Curious' Gotsumon

"We've come to put an end to your destruction. If those human children can stand and fight, then so can we." -Zanbomon

"For Lady Ophanimon, I will protect this place." -Nefertimon

"He can’t get away with this. I won’t let him." -’Curious’ Gotsumon (about Grumblemon)

"I hope he can beat Gigasmon." -’Curious’ Gotsumon (about KendoGarurumon)

"I shall conjure up a potion made from orange juice and earwax, which I shall place into a hat and drink while standing on one leg. The result will be astounding. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it." -Gekomon

"I can’t stand it! I wanna go home! Do you hear me? Home!" -Whamon

"That’s it. Nobody messes with my store." -Datamon (to Petaldramon)

"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the Annual Great Trailmon Race, sponsored by Digi-Loob." -Piddomon

"It’s just you and me now." -Volcamon (to J.P.)

"Come on, chocolate boy. Who are you really fighting?" -ShadowBeetlemon

"I will have your spirit. It’s only a matter of time." -Karatenmon (to Lobomon)

"Oh, I’m scared. Not!" -Cherrymon (to Beetlemon)

"All light will one day be extinguished. Whether that happens now or later is unimportant. It appears their fate is an unlucky one." -Phantomon

"Lady Ophanimon is being held in the sphere above us. Trapped in the glowing orb of light." -Ornyxmon

"Great spirits of the universe, hear me! Give me your power!" -Baromon

"Listen. The Digital World is crying out for your help." -Baromon

"I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I’m glad we’re friends now." -Toucanmon

"We have to follow them. Tommy needs our help." -TorikaraBallmon

"What an amazing flavor. It's so simple, yet delicious. What is the secret? I must know. Onions, soaked in salad dressing?! Young man, you've created a masterpiece better than my own. You've captured the bliss of the burger. *munch* Mmm." -Burgermon Father

"Agunimon, can't you see? All these Wizardmon are me! We all look real because we are! Just try to run; you won't get far!" -Wizardmon

"I am still undefeated! Whoo." -Monzaemon

"Hi, handsome." -ShadowBeetlemon (to Beetlemon)

"Life just stinks, don't it? But don't worry, I'll take care of that for ya!" -Volcamon (to Beetlemon)

"You force yourself to be alone." -Karatenmon (to Koji)

"Smug fool! No one controls IceLeomon." -IceLeomon (thinking)

"Try our Bouncing Bear Special!" -Burgermon (on the moon)

"Ophanimon foresaw the wickedness coming to the Digital World, and knew she might not survive, but she nonetheless stood up against the forces of darkness. She also saw that humans could help defeat the evil ones, but she didn't know which humans would succeed. So she risked putting them all in danger and called them to the Digital World. Luckily, most were brave enough to swallow their pride and leave when she asked. Those four remained, and as Ophanimon ordered, I have continued to protect them." -Angemon

"I’m afraid I don’t. I am Nefertimon, I protect this castle on the orders of Lady Ophanimon." -Nefertimon

"Your friend is right, I am like a librarian. I protect this place, but that doesn’t mean I know everything it contains. That would be impossible." -Nefertimon

Other Humans

"Tell Dad I want something big! A forklift!" -Shinya Kanbara

"Mind your manners, Shinya. And don't even think of eating that cake, Takuya." -Mrs. Kanbara

"Well, how would you feel if the kids didn't acknowledge your birthday? Well that wasn't their fault. The calendar wasn't on the right month." -Mrs. Kanbara (on the phone with her husband)

"Besides, you can plot your romantic conquests just as easily on the upstairs’ phone." -Mr. Himi (to Yutaka)

"To us, the Mamemon are our true friends. And I will do whatever I must to protect them." -Katsuharu

"The occurrence was apparently caused by an electrical discharge. When asked why an electrical discharge looked like a giant dragon, a city spokesman said 'That's what discharges do.'" -News Reporter