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Frontier Group

Adventure/Zero Two

~ Tai Kamiya
~ Matt Ishida
~ Sora Takenouchi
~ Izzy Izumi
~ Mimi Tachikawa
~ Joe Kido
~ TK Takaishi
~ Kari Kamiya
~ Other Characters
~ TK/Kari Group
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps

Zero Two

~ Davis Motomiya
~ Yolei Inoue
~ Cody Hida
~ Ken Ichijouji
TK Takaishi ~ see Adventure
Kari Kamiya ~ see Adventure
~ DNA Digimon
~ Other Characters
~ TK/Kari Group
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps


~ Takato Matsuki
~ Henry Wong
~ Rika Nonaka
~ Jeri Katou
~ Kazu Shiota
~ Kenta Kitagawa
~ Suzie Wong
~ Ryo Akiyama
~ Calumon
~ Impmon/Beezlemon
~ Other Characters
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps


~ Takuya Kanbara
~ Koji Minamoto
~ Zoe Orimoto
~ Tommy Himi
~ J.P. Shibayama
~ Koichi Kimura
~ Bokomon/Neemon/Patamon
~ Seraphimon/Ophanimon/Sorcermon
~ Susanoomon
~ Other Characters
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps


~ Adventure
~ Zero Two
~ Tamers
~ Frontier
~ Movies


~ Digimon DS
~ Digimon Dawn/Dusk
~ All Analyzer Introductions
~ Submitted Quotes

Site Related

~ Past Updates
~ Return to Takari's Castle

Frontier Group

"Would you mind getting off me?" -Takuya
"Oh, sorry. His fault." -Bokomon
"Yeah, my fault. Hey!" -Neemon

"Thank you, Agunimon!" -Kumamon
"No, thank you. You are one brave little bear!" -Agunimon

"Just stay calm." -Takuya
*cries hard* -Tommy
"If this is your calm, I'd hate to see upset!" -Takuya

"Hey, what's that?" -Zoe
"Is, 'It's a building with a fence around it' too obvious an answer?" -Bokomon

"We're still hungry!" -Zoe
"Hey, we have to eat something!" -Takuya
"Anything!" -Tommy

[Eating the ShellNumemon's food]
"Mine's just like asparagus!" -Takuya
"Yuck!" -Zoe, Tommy, & J.P.
"Hey, I like asparagus!" -Takuya

"Koji's playing with toys!" -Takuya & Tommy (while riding the toy train)

"I wonder how Takuya and the others are doing." -Zoe
"I don't know." -Neemon
"Thanks a lot." -Zoe

"Our destiny is at hand!" -ShadowToyAgumon Leader
"Our destiny is a hand?" -ShadowToyAgumon 1
"Oh, be quiet." -ShadowToyAgumon Leader

[Doing a magic trick]
"Observe, nothing up my sleeves..." -J.P.
"(thinking) Or in his head." -Koji

"Why are we here, Bokomon? All these fortune tellers are fakes." -J.P.
"Like my grand-mama's teeth." -Neemon

"Well if it's a fight you want, then fight me!" -KendoGarurumon
"Mmm?" -BurningGreymon
"Don't look at me!" -Beetlemon

"I always heard savages rely on intuition." -Koji
"You really hate being nice, don't you?" -Takuya

"You're an annoying little gnome, you know that?" -Lobomon
"Yeah, what he said!" -Agunimon

"That was hard." -Neemon
"You didn't do anything." -Koji
"Oh, yeah." -Neemon

"You're toast, lady!" -Takuya
"Thanks, but I already had my breakfast." -Ranamon

"Zoe ate all those?! Where does she put it all?!" -Takuya
"Well, she is a growing girl." -Koji

"This isn't working. You're going to fall." -Takuya
"At least I won't be here anymore." -Tommy

"Get out human, or suffer my wrath!" -Cerberumon
"No! (thinking) I hope his wrath isn't as bad as it sounds." -Takuya

"Hey, why are we running?" -Zoe
"I don't know!" -J.P.

"When's your birthday?" -Zoe
"In August." -Takuya
"Ha! I knew it! I was born in May! That gains me a grand total of three months older than you!" -Zoe

"How about you, huh?" -Takuya
"I have a name!" -Zoe
"Okay, Zoe, are you leaving?" -Takuya
"Why? Would you miss me?" -Zoe
"I won't be responsible for your safety, you know." -Takuya
"Good one, Romeo. I'll be fine." -Zoe

"Arrivederci!" -Neemon
"Nice pronunciation." -Bokomon & Zoe (sarcastic)
"Thank you." -Neemon

"Uh, I hope you're planning on helping us, Mr. Takuya. You carry with you the Spirit of Agunimon, one of the ten Legendary Warriors. You can defeat the Digimon turned evil by Cherubimon. Only you have the power to save us! You must help us repair the part of the Digital World that has been destroyed!" -Bokomon
"I think you need to calm down, buddy." -Takuya
"My name's Bokomon, and I'm not your buddy! I just think you need to understand the situation here! Sorry, didn't mean to yell." -Bokomon

"What made you change your mind about going home?" -Takuya
"Well, I didn't have much going back there anyway, and I thought it might be fun to hang out with you guys and get to know you a little better." -J.P.
"Get to know Zoe, you mean!" -Takuya

"Yay! Malto Bella" -Zoe
"Yeah, Mal... whatever she said." -J.P.

"The track splits here, now which way to go. Left or right? Off or on, high or low... Time to make a decision! I made myself sick..." -Bokomon
"This way!" -Takuya
"No, this way!" -Zoe
"You're wrong!" -Takuya
"Why? Just because I disagree with you? Don't you think the Forest Terminal might just be surrounded by trees?" -Zoe
"Trailmon said to stay on this track and your way curves left! You think you know everything!" -Takuya
"Well, I'm right!" -Zoe
"So, you wanna go right?" -Takuya
"No, I'm going to way that makes sense!" -Zoe

"Maybe girls aren't meant to be Digimon." -Takuya
"Excuse you!" -Zoe

"WHA!! I'm alive! I could just kiss you!" -Zoe
[Realizes she's holding onto Takuya]
"AHH!" -Zoe
[She slaps him a few times]
"Get away from me!" -Zoe
"What?! Girl! You're the one that grabbed me in the first place!" -Takuya
"My name's not 'Girl', and keep your hands to yourself in the future, little boy!" -Zoe

"Hey, are you okay? Let me help you up." Takuya
"Don't touch me!" -Koji

"The human smells like chocolate!" -Pagumon #1
"Eat the human! Eat the human!" -Pagumon #2

[Tommy & J.P. decide to stay in the Digital World]
"Well, I won't be responsible for your safety. You're on your own." -Zoe
*laugh* -Bokomon & Neemon
"Hey, are you mocking me?! Gee, you try to be nice to a girl..." -Takuya

"It's just being here is kinda of like working." -J.P.
"And we all know how you feel about that!" -Takuya

"This looks like more fun than it is." -Tommy
"You got that right." -Takuya
[About bouncing on the huge balls]

[Hiding on the swinging pirate ship]
"Whose idea was it to hide on this thing?!" -Koji
"Would you rather wrestle the bear instead?!" -Takuya

"Oh-oh." -Tommy
"Don't look in my direction, kid." -Koji
"Don't point him at me!" -Takuya

"If you look down, you can see the forest." -ToyAgumon
"Wow." -Tommy
"Cool." -Takuya
"They're just trees." -Koji

"Follow him. Come on, chop chop." -Bokomon
"Don't tell me what to do!" -Koji

"It's spirit taking time." -Grumblemon
"Actually it's stuck in the mud time." -Neemon

"I guess we have no choice but to keep walking." -Takuya
"Man, this world sure like's its walking." -J.P.

"I say we go inside, how bad could it be? Sleeping Beauty used to live in a castle in the forest." -Zoe
"Yeah, so did the Wicked Witch." -Koji

"Hey, bud, could you possibly go any faster?!" –Koji (sarcastic)
"No problem. Just hold onto your bandana." -Trailmon
[Speeds up]
"Koji!" -All
"What?!" -Koji

"Definitely--" -Takuya
"--Not good." -Koji

"We gotta stop him." -Koji
"Um, all right. I'm ready to go when you are." -Takuya

"Well, there he goes." -Koji
"Nice of you to point out the obvious." -Takuya

"Do you feel as sick as I do right now?" -Takuya
"No, I feel sicker." -Tommy
"Guys..." -Zoe
"Me too!" -Neemon

"I can't feel my fingers." -Zoe
[Koji hands his jacket to her]
"Here, take it." -Koji
"You sure?" -Zoe
"Mmm-hmm." -Koji
"Grazie. You're the best." -Zoe

"You don't see that everyday." -Koji
"He can't control his Beast Spirit. He sure looks silly." -Takuya
"Not as silly as you looked beating up your friends, Mr. Pot-Calling-the-Kettle-Black." -Bokomon

"Malto Bella!" -Zoe
"I'm just glad I didn't hurt you guys when I found my Beast Spirit." -Tommy
"Does everyone have to bring that up?!" -Takuya

"Time to evolve!" -Tommy
"And fast!" -Zoe

"They're right behind us!" -Takuya
"And that's where I plan to keep them!" -Worm the Trailmon

[Scared, Bokomon latches on to J.P.'s leg]
"Stop acting like my Aunt Mabel's dog!" -J.P.
"Aunt Mabel's dog would have turned tail and run by now!" -Bokomon

"You know, guys, the more I think about it, the more I think I really did defeat him." -Takuya
*sigh* -All

"Are you crazy?! Run already!" -Bokomon
"Yeah, but where am I supposed to run to?" -Takuya
"Anywhere but here!" -Neemon

"What just happened to me?" -Takuya
"You mean before or after you became a Digimon?" -Zoe

"It's Tommy and J.P. We have to help them." -Zoe
"I know that!" -Takuya

"Man, did I look that cool?" -Takuya
"Mmm-hmm. But different." -Tommy
(about Lobomon)

"Delicious!" -Bokomon
"It's brain food!" -Floramon

"Do you have any questions?" -Minomon
"Can we slide around on the floor on our socks?" -Neemon
"If you feel you must." -Minomon

"Now, before we give you some lovely parting gifts, are there any questions?" -Minomon
"Yeah! Where is the cafeteria?!" -All

"Thanks." -Lobomon
"Prego. Glad to do it." -Kazemon

"Wait a minute. What's going on?!" -Agunimon
"Rhino boy has two evolutions!" -Bokomon
(about Gigasmon)

"Whoa, is this a big playground? And if it is, who needs a playground this big?" -Takuya
"We're going to find out, aren't we?." -Tommy
"Of course." -Koji

"That bear's dangerous." -Koji
"And you didn't even get thrown down by it." -Takuya
(about Monzaemon)

"Now I know what it's like to be a kid in a candy store." -Takuya
"And it's the best thing ever!" -Tommy

[Looking for Tommy]
"In that creepy castle?" -Koji
"How can it be creepy? It's lavender." -Takuya
"Never underestimate your enemy." -Koji
"It's just so... lavender." -Takuya

"I didn't know Digimon had to go to school." -Zoe
"That's where they learn the skills they'll need as full-grown Digimon." -Bokomon

"Perhaps the big, blue human would like to go first." -Togemon
"Do you mean me? The name's J.P." -J.P.
"Very well, Professor J.P. The class is yours." -Togemon
"I'm no professor. I'm only in the seventh grade." -J.P.
"Oh, don't be so modest. Your class awaits you, Professor." -Zoe
"Professor!" -Bokomon
"Professor!" -Neemon
"Professor! Professor! Yeah!" -Digi-kids

"Are we stopping?" -Tommy
"Does that mean I get to eat, and lie down, and eat?" -J.P.

"You can't fight that guy. Just leave him to me." -Koji
"To you?" -'Curious' Gotsumon
"Yeah, watch this." -Koji

"Is there anything we can do?" -Zoe
"Yes, get out of here before it's too late!" -Bokomon

"How are we going to find Grumblemon anyway?" -Koji
"Geez. It seems harder to avoid him than to find him." -Takuya

"Didn't you forget me warrior of earth?" -Gigasmon
"Actually I did forget that." -Agunimon

"Out here there's no forest to catch fire." -BurningGreymon
"Uh-oh." -Gigasmon

"That was food?!" -Zoe
"I'm insulted!" -Deramon
"I'm going to be sick!" -Tommy

"Welcome back, my lord." -Sorcermon
"It's good to be back, my faithful servant." -Seraphimon

[Bokomon interrupts Seraphimon's tale]
"My, this story sure sounds familiar." -Bokomon
"Bokomon!" -DigiDestined
"What?!" -Bokomon

"Dear brave, Sorcermon. You are a true friend. Your courage gives me strength." -Seraphimon
"I am as you taught me." -Sorcermon

"Zoe, is everyone all right back there?" -Takuya
"We've been better!" -Zoe

[Bokomon puts the Seraphimon's egg into his waist band]
"Have you ever been a mommy before?" -Neemon
"You sure look like one." -Tommy

"Tommy!" -Zoe
"Tommy!" -Koji
"Tommy!" -Takuya
"I don't feel so good, J.P." -Tommy
"Hey, are you okay, little man? Hey, why didn't anyone yell out my name?" -J.P.

[Whamon starts to cry]
"Here we go again." -Agunimon
"You don't have to be such a big crybaby." -Lobomon

[Whamon's crying]
"He's sure losing a lot of water. Is that normal?" -Neemon
"No idea." -Bokomon

[Inside Whamon]
"Did we die?" -Tommy
"I don't think so." -Zoe
"It smells like something did. Pee-ew!" -J.P.

"That Kazemon was kinda cute." -Toucanmon #1
"Definetly cute!" -Toucanmon

"It's just that beast spirits are hard to control." -Takuya
"Yes, remember what happened to Takuya?" -Bokomon

"But what about my plan?" -J.P.
"J.P.!" -All

"You should be thanking Zoe." -Takuya
"Yeah. She's the one who did everything." -Koji

"Knock, knock. It always pays to be polite, right?" -Arbormon
"Yeah, you were really polite to my door." -Datamon

"Presto!" -Zoe
"What are those?" -Koji
"These are Trailmon tickets. Remember that food eating contest? Well, this is the grand prize for scarfing thirty plates of that disgusting food in an hour. Do I rock or what?!" -Zoe

"All right, let's kick it!" -Beetlemon
"Kick it?! Sounds violent to me." -Raccoon Dog the Trailmon

"You're not playing nice." -Agunimon
"I never play nice or fair." -ShadowWereGarurumon

"Does it bother you that we don't appear to be stopping?" -Trailmon
"It should be working." -Lobomon
"Well, it might be working if we weren't heading downhill. Yep, this would be the hill right here. So, where are you from?" -Trailmon

"What's the matter with you? My burger's are getting cold. Don't you even care?" -Petaldramon
"No!" -Zephyrmon, KorIkkakumon, & MetalKabuterimon

"All right. Who was the nimrod who slammed on the brakes?" -J.P.
"That'd be me, blue boy. End of the line." -Trailmon

[About to enter the Dark Continent]
"I think we should take a vote." -J.P.
"Agreed!" -Bokomon

[Scared, Zoe grabbed onto Koji]
"Oh, sorry about that." -Zoe
"No problem." -Koji

"All right, Tommy. Show them the plan." -Takuya
"One plan coming up." -Tommy

"Guys, don't do anything stupid." -Zoe
"Don't worry. We're just going to talk." -Koji
"If he's lucky that's all we're going to do." -Takuya

"Whoo-hoo!!" -Trailmon
"Oh! You can hear that on Mars!" -Takuya

"Where are you going? Come back here! Hey!" -J.P.
"Hey, yourself! I got a schedule to keep." -Trailmon

"Fractal code, rendered." -Ophanimon (D-Tector)
"Oh, man, I think I broke it." -Takuya

"We saw two humans run into the forest, being chased by Pagumon. Over there!" -Poyomon
"Oh! That's worse than bears!" -Neemon

"These humans have come to save the Digital World, not steal some artifact." -Bokomon
"But we didn't know that at first." -Takuya
"You're not helping." -Bokomon

"I really want to help, but I'm too slow. You guys should just go on without me." -Tommy
"That's not an option!" -Takuya

"Agunimon! Look down here! Only one of them has a shadow!" -Kumamon
"Thanks. Game over!" -Agunimon

"So, guys, are we there yet?" -J.P.
"Uh, let's see. Desert wasteland, Forest Terminal. I'd say no." -Takuya

"We are indebted for your kindness." -Floramon
"Indebted? Does that mean you're going to charge us?" -J.P.

"Well, you didn't see me spirit evolve." -Zoe
"What?!" -Takuya & Tommy
"You spirit evolved?" -Tommy
"Mmm-hmm." -Zoe
*laugh* -Takuya & Tommy
"As if you could!" -Takuya
*laugh* -Takuya & Tommy

"Don't worry. We'll take care of him. Right, guys?" -Takuya
"Right!" -Zoe
"I guess." -Tommy
"Whatever." -J.P.

"Climb up, you guys. It's fun." -KurasakiNumemon
"Aw, man, I'm learning a bunch of new definitions." -J.P.

"You mean you all are legendary warriors?" -KurasakiNumemon Leader
"Yeah, in the flesh!" -Takuya

"What's wrong now?" -Lobomon
"We don't know where Grumblemon is." -Agunimon
"You don't know?!" -Lobomon

"Hey, that is cool! Super robot punch!" -Takuya (with a toy robot)
"Not you too!" -Koji

"I think he's going to be okay." -Koji
*BUURP* -Tommy
"Ah, get him off! Get him off!" -Koji

"Now we wrestle for the championship of the world!" -Monzaemon
"Yeah, I'm next!" -Tommy
"Are you crazy?! It'll crush us!" -Takuya

"It's that bear again!" -Takuya
"No, it's different. It looks all funky." -Koji

"Thanks!" -Takuya (to the flying toy robot)
"You just can't stop playing with toys." -Koji

"Thanks, Pandamon." -Takuya
"Don't thank me. Just stop the ShadowToyAgumon." -Pandamon

"Show off. I could've done that." -Agunimon
"Yeah, but you didn't." -Lobomon
"At least I could have done a better job." -Agunimon
[The ShadowToyAgumon combine into a giant robot]
"Are you sure you don't need a little help there, buddy?" -Agunimon

"Get off my head." -J.P.
"Hmm?" -Bokomon
"For a little guy, you weigh a ton." -J.P.
"Party pooper." -Bokomon
[Bokomon jumps onto Neemon's back]

"One day I'll be as strong as the legendary warriors." -Tsunomon
"Actually, Zoe and J.P. and two of the leg--" -Bokomon
[Zoe and J.P. cover his mouth]
"Bokomon!" -Zoe
"Zip it, would you?" -J.P.

"Cheer up, little buddy. Here, try my apple. It's hot dog." -Takuya
"Tommy could be your little brother." -Zoe

"Hey, Koji, you falling asleep over there?" -Takuya
"Sleep? I'm lucky I'm not bored to death." -Koji

"Your beast spirit awaits, Koji Minamoto. But first, you have some growing to do." -Ophanimon (D-Tector)
"What does she mean by that?" -Koji

"Look, we know you're here!" -Bokomon
"Kinda." -Neemon

"Thanks." -Lobomon
"Don't thank me 'till we're out of here." -"Curious" Gotsumon
"Can't we wait a minute?" -Lobomon
"You wanna wait for him to come back?" -"Curious" Gotsumon

[Grumblemon and Golemon appear]
"Oh, save me!" -Neemon
"Just give me a minute!" -Takuya
"Aahh!" -All
"Right. Minute's over!" -Takuya

"Boy, would I like to shut that guy up." -Agunimon
"Me too." -Beetlemon

"Whoever he is, he's very upset." -Neemon
*laughs* -BurningGreymon
"Maybe not." -Neemon

"It's Grumblemon, no!" -Takuya
"Grumblemon, yes!" -Grumblemon

"Hey, check it out. You can control your beast spirit." -Tommy
"Thanks to you, buddy." -BurningGreymon

"I can't believe it. We're actually here." -Takuya
"My leg's can believe it. *groan*" -J.P.
(on reaching the Forest Terminal)

"Maybe nobody lives here." -Tommy
"Maybe you should open up a wishful thinking store, Tommy." -Takuya

"Little further." -Grumblemon
"Will you stop that?" -Mercurymon

"But they're just children." -Seraphimon
"Yes, but they're also legendary warriors. And if not for them, you'd still be stuck to the ceiling." -Bokomon

"Someone owes us some answers." -Zoe
"And I think you're that someone." -Koji
"Uh... please?" -Tommy

"But we're legendary warriors!" -Takuya
"Yeah, we can't just walk away now!" -Zoe

"You can't have that spirit. It's mine, mine mine!" -Grumblemon
"Not today. It's my turn to play!" -J.P.

"What is summer vacation without a beach house?" -Zoe
"This seems a little too convenient." -Koji

"It's obvious we're not alone here." -Takuya
"You're right about that, Einstein. Have you forgotten about the Toucanmon?" -Koji

"Sugar, do you actually think you can take me on alone?" -Ranamon
"That's a silly question. Of course I can, sugar." -Kazemon

"You're actually pretty good at this." -Ranamon
"Oh, Ranamon. That means so little coming from you." -Kazemon
"You little brat!" -Ranamon

"What just happened here?" -Takuya
"I'm guessing Ranamon's not as good at controlling her beast spirit than you lot." -Bokomon

"I'm nothing like her!" -Zoe (about Ranamon)
"Of course!" -Neemon
"Hey! Say it like you mean it!" -Zoe

[Looking for the boy's D-Tectors]
"And it's really important that we find them." -Zoe
"Wish we could help." -Gallantmon

"Why don't you let me try that?" -Tommy
"You're just a little kid." -Datamon
"Video games are my specialty." -Tommy

"Right. One hour." -Tommy
"Actually now it's only fifty-eight minutes." -Datamon

"Sorry, buddy, but it looks like I'm going to have to turn down your generous offer." -Datamon
"That's bette-- what?!" -Arbormon
"I have another customer." -Datamon

"You truly deserve to have this." -Datamon
"Thanks, Datamon." -Tommy
"Just don't tell anyone I've gone soft." -Datamon

"Hm?" -Tommy
"It's not broken. But, I did add something." -Datamon
"My beast spirit. You are awesome Datamon!" -Tommy

"We're not going to the star, we're going to what's under it. "-Bokomon
"All that way?" -J.P.

"This should be fun." -Takuya (entering the race)
"Just don't blow it!" -Worm the Trailmon

"Wake up! We can't go 'till you wake up!" -Kettle the Trailmon
"Give me five more minutes." -Neemon
"You nit, you don't have five minutes!" -Bokomon
"Hmm." -Neemon
"Pretend I don't know him." -Bokomon
"Well, like I say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." -Kettle the Trailmon

"Stop that! What're you, crazy?" -Takuya
"Yeah, I guess you could say that." -ShadowWereGarurumon

"You okay, Lobomon?" -Agunimon
"Yeah." -Lobomon
"Then let's see how wolf-boy handles this one." -Agunimon

"Are the cliff's in your world as high as they are here?" -Franken Mole the Trailmon
"Koji!" -Kumamon
"Because here, they're pretty doozy." -Franken Mole the Trailmon

"Whaddya say we give these guys the hot foot?" -Worm the Trailmon
"Yeah, I like the sound of that." -BurningGreymon

"Move it!" -Chameleomon
"This is as fast as I ever move." -J.P.

"Hand over the burgers or I'm making them desert." -Chameleomon (about the Burgermon babies)
"All you're making is a big mistake." -Tommy

"The giant Digimon..." -Kazemon
"...was Petaldramon?!" -Kumamon

"Nighty night!" -MetalKabuterimon
"Sleep tight!" -Burgermon Babies

"Ah-ha." -Duskmon
"I will not be made sport of, Duskmon." -Mercurymon
"I was clearing my throat." -Duskmon
"'Tis unlikely." -Mercurymon

"Take a guess." -Arbormon
"Oh, no. Not Arbormon again." -Bokomon
"Good guess!" -Arbormon

"You have to trust me!" -Takuya 1
"It'll all work out!" -Takuya 2
"How?" -Koji, Zoe, Tommy, & J.P.
"It just will!" -Takuya 1 & 2
"How?" -Koji, Zoe, Tommy, & J.P.
"Hey, I can't think of everything here!" -Takuya 1 & 2

"How did he find us so fast?" -MetalKabuterimon
"Never mind that. You won't have long to worry about it." -Duskmon
"Why don't I find that reassuring?" -Zephyrmon

"Looks like we have to follow Takuya's plan after all." -KendoGarurumon
"Don't worry. It's a good plan." -KoriKakumon
"It'd better be." -MetalKabuterimon

"Attack now!" -Agunimon
"That's our cue!" -Zephyrmon
"Right!" -KendoGarurumon

"Takuya, can we really beat Duskmon?" -Tommy
"You worry too much, buddy. Once we put my new plan into action, we'll take that laughing eyeball out in one shot." -Takuya

"I need Lobomon's help." -Agunimon
"I think he might need yours." -Bokomon

"The master will be displeased." -Mercurymon
"Forget the master, what about us?!" -Ranamon

"You guys are like family to me. You're the best friends I've ever had. Thanks for coming to rescue me. I love you guys!" -J.P.
"Okay, now I'm uncomfortable." -Takuya

"Just hand over your spirit and I won't have to hurt you." -Karatenmon
"Yeah, right." -Lobomon (thinking)

"All right. Your spirit, if you please." -Karatenmon
"And if I don't please?" -Lobomon

[KoriKakumon meditates]
"How's that going to help you?" -Asuramon
[KoriKakumon turns around and points to his behind]
"Right here." -KoriKakumon

"I will cover this world in darkness." -Duskmon
"I can't let that happen." -Koji

"Where's Koji?" -Agunimon
"I don't know. Do I?" -Neemon

"Have you no control?" -Mercurymon (wet)
"Why are you getting mad at me? It was your idea!" -Ranamon
"Uh, I'm surrounded by bafoons." -Mercurymon

"Pyro Darts!" -Agunimon
"Missed me! Missed me! Now you gotta ki--" -Ranamon
[Agunimon's next attack hits Ranamon]
"Thanks, but no thanks." -Agunimon

"Let's get back in there." -J.P.
"Back in?! I was so bored waiting for you to come out." -Neemon

"It's so dark." -Kazemon
"I can't see." -Aldomon
"I can." -Sakkakumon

"Let's pick a direction and get moving." -Takuya
"I pick this way!" -Patamon
"Works for me. It's better than standing around here yacking." -Takuya

"Why hello there!" -Patamon
"Who are you?" -Koji
"I'm Patamon!" -Patamon

"I didn't know you could evolve." -Angler the Trailmon
"Sure can!" -Beetlemon

"I wish we knew what these guys wanted us to do." -Takuya
"Relax, I'm sure they have a good plan." -Zoe

"How does this thing stay on the tracks?" -Takuya
"Actually, I don't think it does." -KuratsukiNumemon

"These kids won't be able to help you." -Koji
"I'll help you right up-side the head!" -Takuya

"All right! Time to chow down!" -Takuya, Zoe, Tommy, & J.P.

"Hey, look at that symbol." -Zoe
"He's also a... a legendary warrior?!" -Takuya

"What's going on here? You mean you're not allies?!" -KuratsukiNumemon
"That's what we've been trying to tell you!" -Tommy

"Careful, it's slick." -Neemon
"You don't have to tell us." -Agunimon

"Whoa, is this a big playground? And if it is, what needs a playground this big?" -Takuya
"We're going to find out, aren't we?" -Tommy
"Of course." -Koji

"Is anyone else feeling sick?" -Tommy
"Get us off before he losses it!" -Koji
"Sure, I'll just snap my fingers." -Takuya

"I'm sorry you hate me so much." -Tommy
"I don't hate you, it's just... Hmm." -Koji

"The entrance to the forest kingdom should be at the end of this field." -Bokomon
"Field? This is more like a jungle." -Zoe

"I didn't know Digimon had to go to school." -Zoe
"That's where they learn the skills they'll need as full-grown Digimon." -Bokomon

"I didn't know you could digivolve." -J.P.
"I really wish I couldn't. It's been nothing but a real pain in the neck." -Tsunomon
"Aw, come on, you don't really mean that." -J.P.
"Yes I do." -Tsunomon

"So I digivolved to help them get their ball back, but all they saw was a big freaky monster. Now they won't play with me 'cause they're afraid." -Tsunomon
"I wasn't afraid!" -Zoe

"Here you go, kid." -Beetlemon
"Thanks a lot, Beetlemon!" -Tsunomon

"What is that?" -Koji
"It looks like a boat." -Tommy
"It's Zoe and the others." -Takuya
"Good timing!" -Tommy

"If Bokomon's right, then we all should be able to get a beast spirit." -Koji
"But if that's true, then we're only half-way there." -Zoe

"Spirit evolve? I won't do it. There has to be another way to stop him." -Takuya
"Right." -Zoe
"Sorry, J.P., I'm with them." -Koji

"Wow, Lobomon. Have you been fighting someone?" -Tommy
"Glad to have you back, Tommy." -Lobomon
"Tommy, don't you remember? You just had a horrible nightmare." -Zoe

"What if something happens to him?" -Takuya (about Koji)
"Wait, what if something happens to us?" -Tommy
"Don't say that. You're scaring me!" -J.P.

"You in much pain when I find." -Gigasmon
"I already beat you to it." -Lobomon (thinking)

"Not Gigasmon again." -Koji
"Maybe he's fighting Takuya and the others." -Bokomon
"Come on, let's go." -Koji
"But, wait, what about the spirit?" -Bokomon
"Later." -Koji

"Zoe!" -Beetlemon
"He got her spirit!" -Agunimon
"Zoe, no!" -Kumamon

"More tasty spirits for me." -Gigasmon
[He's stopped by Lobomon]
"Why don't you taste this first?" -Lobomon

"Boy, would I like to shut that guy up." -Agunimon (about Gigasmon)
"Me, too." -Beetlemon

"That thing may be on our side." -Bokomon (about BurningGreymon)
"Okay, but somehow I don't think so." -Agunimon

[Watching Agunimon battle BurningGreymon)
"He's strong." -Tommy
"Too strong." -Koji
"If he comes after us, there's no way we can win." -Zoe

"Takuya, listen to him!" -KendoGarurumon
"Come on, Taky, it's us!" -Beetlemon

"What a horrible noise. It doesn't sound human at all." -Zoe
"Well, of course not. That's why it's called a beast spirit." -Bokomon
"But it's like Takuya isn't even there." -Zoe

"So what? We should just hand over our spirits? Well, that's not going to happen, especially since I've got my beast spirit." -Takuya
"Gee, why me no afraid of that?" -Grumblemon
"Well, you should be 'cause it's very powerful!" -Takuya
"Only powerful if you can control it. I'm betting you not learn yet, or why you look so afraid?" -Grumblemon
"Oh..." -Takuya (takes a step back)
"Gee, you tell me all I need know." -Grumblemon

"I'll go help the others, so go get him!" -Tommy
"Right!" -BurningGreymon

"That you, Ranamon?" -Grumblemon
"How many warriors of water do you know?" -Ranamon

"Dig on in!" -Deramon
"Hail to the chef!" -All

"Let's go." -Takuya
"Okay." -Koji
"Yeah." -Zoe

"This place is empty too." -Koji
"Yeah, and just a little bit creepy." -Zoe

"Man, I can't see anything in this fog." -Takuya
"Yeah, we could be attacked." -Koji

"Well, at least their polite, I guess." -Takuya
"Yeah, or eager to lure us in there." -J.P.

"Just little further." -Grumblemon
"So you keep saying." -Ranamon

"They won't know what hit them, right Mercurymon?" -Arbormon
"They shall know pain, that I promise." -Mercurymon

"Me just want beast spirit back!" -Grumblemon
"Why don't you come and get it, buddy?" -Takuya
"Yeah!" -J.P.
"Yeah!" -Tommy

"Where are you going? Me not finished talking yet, Arbormon." -Grumblemon
"Talk is cheap. Time waits for no 'mon, right?" -Arbormon
"He make no sense, but maybe he know right direction." -Grumblemon

"I'm with you!" -Tommy
"You sure?" -J.P.
"Mmm-hmm." -Tommy

"He's completely out of control. Head for cover!" -Lobomon (about MetalKabuterimon)
"Right behind you!" -Agunimon

"Where did they all go?" -J.P.
"Now this is suspicious." -Takuya

"She's the warrior of water, and very evil." -Bokomon (about Ranamon)
"Well of course she is." -Takuya

"So, now you're going to mock me?" -Ranamon
"Of course not. I'd rather fight!" -Kazemon

[Calmaramon appears for the first time]
"That's one ugly-- uh..." -Takuya
"She's not very nice either." -Tommy
"And she smell's terrible." -J.P.

"Those feathered fan-boys still have our D-Tector's." -Takuya
"The way they waddle, they couldn't have gotten far." -Koji
"Then let's get them!" -Takuya

"Don't let them get away! We can swim there!" -Takuya
"I'll race you there!" -Zoe

"Hey, J.P. how's your-- you know." -Tommy
"I don't want to talk about it." -J.P.
"He he." -Crab

"This is great." -Zoe
"Yeah, I'll say." -Takuya

"There must be something at the bottom of the sea that's doing this." -Bokomon (about the whirlpools)
"Well, then, maybe we can find it and fix it." -Takuya

"Zoe!" -Takuya
"It can't be!" -Bokomon

"How can he sleep at a time like this? Doesn't he know we have important things to do?" -Tommy (about Neemon)
"Like what? Sweep the raft?" -J.P.

"You broke it!" -Tommy
"Quit your belly-aching, I didn't break it. (to himself) I think I broke it." -Datamon

"Seraphimon turned into a Digi-Egg." -Zoe
"Yes, I know." -Ophanimon
"So, what are we supposed to do about it?" -Koji

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Climb on." -Franken Mole the Trailmon
"Thanks." -Koji (sarcastic)

"Now I don't have a partner." -Mole the Trailmon
"I'll do it. If that's all right." -Zoe
"Really? That would be swell." -Mole the Trailmon

"Goodbye, Digital World." -Mole the Trailmon
"I'm coming!" -Kazemon
[She catches him right above the water]
"How anti-climatic." -Mole the Trailmon
"You know, you're a little on the heavy side." -Kazemon
"This happens to be my ideal weight, thank you very much." -Mole the Trailmon

"Dogmon, is it time for a treat?" -ShadowWereGarurumon
"How 'bout a kaboom?" -Dogmon
"God boy!" -ShadowWereGarurumon

"Now's our chance to pass them!" -Takuya
"I was hoping you'd say that." -Worm the Trailmon

"My children can't stop crying." -Burgermon Mother
"Yeah, neither can I. Cooking's painful." -Tommy (chopping onions)

"You can't do this. We have digi-rail passes." -Zoe
"Yeah, yeah, write it down, you'll sell millions." -Franken Mole the Trailmon

"Only the foolhardy would dare go through the Continent of Darkness. We'll have to find another way to the Rose Morning Star." -Bokomon
"But the shortest route is through there. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?" -Takuya
"Huh?!" -Bokomon

"Do you really thing he's alive?" -Zoe (about Duskmon)
"There's no doubt about it." -Koji

"This bridge just defines rickety. Is it safe?" -Zoe
"Shouldn't we test it out first?" -Tommy
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained." -Takuya 1
"Test is for cowards." -Takuya 2
"Come on guys, we have bad guys to fight!" -Takuya's 1 & 2

"This is it, guys! Attack!" -Agunimon
"Wait!" -KendoGarurumon

"Now the fun begins!" -Ranamon
"Oh no. Not the belly-button!" -Zoe (being tickled)

"What's it gonna be? Boogie or bye-bye?" -Sepikmon
"But I never learned how to boogie." -Bokomon
"Then, bye-bye!" -Sepikmon

"Now what?" -Bokomon
"I need a plan." -Agunimon

"I need to think this through first." -Agunimon
"That would be nice." -Neemon
"I can't just run in." -Agunimon

"Did Koji just call me Jeep? You really are my friends!" -J.P.
"'Course we are, bone-head." -Takuya
"Yeah, just don't tell anyone." -Koji

"I can't bee-lieve it's over this quick." -Honeybeemon
"It's not!" -Kazemon

"Hey guys, guess what?" -Zoe
"You bring me a present?" -Neemon

"I'm starting to wonder of they'll ever get out." -Tommy
"They will. I hope." -Zoe

"Let's get up there." -Zoe
"I'm ready!" -Tommy

"He made it in!" -Tommy (about Duskmon)
"Yeah, but Taky and Koji don't know that." -J.P.

"Just a mirror." -Agunimon
"Or is it?" -Mercurymon

"You're in for a big surprise." -Takuya
"Do your worst." -ShadowSeraphimon

"He's gaining on us!" -Beetlemon
"Don't look back. Run!" -Aldamon

"We can use our attacks..." -Kazemon
"All together..." -Kumamon
"To win." -Beetlemon

"I have an idea. Could you guys hold him still for awhile?" -Aldamon
"Sure." Kazemon
"No problem." -Kumamon

"Who are you?" -Duskmon
"I could ask you the same question." -Beowolfmon

[Searching for Koji]
"Dying of curiosity down here!" -Takuya
"Sorry. I'm out of ideas." -Kazemon

"Koichi, you must know. You have a brother." -Grandmother
"A brother?" -Koichi
"You must find Koji." -Grandmother
"Koji? My brother." -Koichi

"Thanks, little guy." -Koji
"Oh, no problem." -Patamon

"I'll be back in a jiffy." -Takuya
"It better not be a long jiffy." -Bokomon

"Guys, what are those?" -J.P.
"They looks like train tracks." -Tommy

"A Trailmon graveyard?" -Zoe
"Scary." -Tommy

"I am your twin brother, Koji." -Duskmon
"My twin?" -Beowolfmon

"Is he alive?" -Bokomon
"Koji!" -Koichi
"Never felt better." -Koji

"Phantomon, come out and show yourself!" -Agunimon
"Don't wander off too far." -Patamon

"What in the world is this place?" -Agunimon
"Don't ask me. This world just gets weirder and weirder." -Beetlemon

"It's working!" -Patamon
"That's it. Keep it up!" -Kazemon
"I'll do anything to free Ophanimon. I'm putting all my freezing power to work." -Kumamon

"I'll distract him while you rescue Ophanimon." -Lowemon
"All right!" -Zephyrmon

"Zephyrmon, it's too late. Save yourself." -Ophanimon
"No. I won't give up." -Zephyrmon

"What in the world happened in there?" -Takuya
"I'm not sure." -Zoe

"Cherubimon's done! He's beaten!" -J.P.
"I wouldn't count on that." -Koichi

"Are you ready for this?" -MagnaGarurumon
"Are you kidding? I was born ready!" -EmperorGreymon

"We have to get the others out of the way." -MagnaGarurumon
"Right!" -EmperorGreymon

"What, you haven't beaten this guy yet?" -EmperorGreymon
"Not yet." -MagnaGarurumon

"Aaahh!" -Patamon
"What are you yelling for, Patamon?"! -J.P.
"Something's coming!" -Patamon
"For dinner?" -Neemon

"It's not over yet, guys." -Takuya
"No, but it soon will be. For you." -Cherubimon

"Are those ghosts?" -Zoe (about the Poyomon)
"Looks like it." -Tommy
"Or marshmallows. They go great on chocolate." -J.P.

"What is it?" -Takuya
"A spirit. Spirit of Flame." -Bokomon
"A spirit. That wasn't so hard. All right! Time to go home!" -Takuya

"But what if he's in trouble?" -Zoe (about Agunimon)
[Agunimon kicks Cerberumon hard]
"Trouble? Oh, no, no, no, no." -Neemon

"You are DigiDestined now." -Ophanimon (D-Tector)
"I'm Digi-what?" -Takuya
"DigiDestined, chosen to do great things. But don't be frightened. The one who chose you, is you." -Ophanimon (D-Tector)
"I chose myself?" -Takuya

[Trailmon drives off, leaving a cloud of dust]
"Wait! You're supposed to -cough cough cough- take us..." -Tommy
"With you." -J.P.

"Kinda pretty." -Zoe
"Pretty. Pretty she says. These are the marks of the ten legendary warriors." -Bokomon
"The ten legendary warriors?!" -Takuya, Zoe, Tommy, & J.P.
"I've never heard of them." -Neemon
"Are you serious?! The legend of the ten legendary warriors is the first thing we learn in Digimon school." -Bokomon
"I must have been sick that day. But they sure are pretty." -Neemon
"Argh!" -Bokomon

"That stuff hurts! Ah!" -Agunimon
"Agunimon, hang on!" -Tommy

"You must go to the Forest Terminal." -Ophanimon (D-Tector)
"The Forest Terminal? Sure. Why not." -Koji

"We have returned!" -Takuya
"You blew it! What took you so long?" -Zoe
"Well, that's a funny question. After a while, we got worried, so we decided to check back in." -Takuya
"No, you took a wrong turn and missed a once in a lifetime opportunity." -Zoe

"Welcome to Wind Factory Incorporated." -Bokomon
"Wind Factory Incorporated?" -Zoe
"A division of Mother Nature Enterprises." -Neemon

"So what exactly do you call this?" -Zoe
"A nine-volt omelet?" -Neemon

"I'm worried we might have offended the Minomon." -Zoe
"More than lunch offended us?" -Takuya

"Oh. mighty leader, we have reports of some pink soft outsiders who toured the factory and are now in the Kokuwamon village." -Goblimon
"I hate pink soft outsiders!" -Snimon

"What's your name? Or should I just call you lunch meat?" -Snimon
"None of your business!" -Beetlemon
"You dare to taunt me?!" -Snimon

"Can't you just lend us some?" -Tommy
"Yeah, hand it over!" -Takuya & J.P.
[Bokomon pulls out a coin pouch]
"Big bucks!" -Zoe
[He turns it over and some lint falls out]
"As you can see, I'm without funds as well." -Bokomon

"You're the people these guys found to help them?" -Koji
"Yeah, none of us could find any food either." -Takuya

"We'll give you back to your ally in exchange for our women." -KuratsukiNumemon
"Ally?" -Koji
"Don't play dumb. We know you're all in league with Grumblemon." -KuratsukiNumemon
"Huh?!" -All
"This can't get any worse." -Takuya

"Okay, guys, here's the plan. While I'm fighting Grumblemon, you go free the captives and get all the KuratsukiNumemon to safety. Got it?" -Lobomon
"Mmm-hmm." -Kazemon & Kumamon

"We owe you a great debt, heroes." -KuratsukiNumemon
*giggle* -Kazemon & Kumamon

"Cast us aside, will they?" -ShadowToyAgumon Leader
"Actually, they already did." -ShadowToyAgumon
"I was speaking rhetorically." -ShadowToyAgumon Leader
"Oh. What does that mean?" -ShadowToyAgumon

"Hey, that's wild, Takuya! A giant walking teddy bear!" -Tommy
"Maybe he knows hot to get to Forest Terminal." -Takuya

"Monzaemon, get them now." -ShadowToyAgumon
"Me? Can't we just play?" -Monzaemon

"Why are you crying? What happened?" -Koji
"I just feel real sad right now." -Takuya

"What just hit me, Takuya? I feel that everything is so hopeless." -Koji
"It is hopeless!" -Takuya
"Sorry I yelled at you." -Koji
"No, I'm sorry I yelled at you." -Takuya

"Don't you care about your own brothers and sisters?" -Takuya
"I don't have any. Happy now? See, I don't know what it's like to have brothers." -Koji

"Hey, Tommy!" -Takuya
"Down here! He can't hear us. We'll have to go in." -Koji

"Well, at first I was so scared of him that I almost wet my pants. But then I realized the big guy only wanted to play video games." -Tommy
"Probably only a kid could figure that out." -Koji
"You're right. And you through kids weren't good for anything." -Takuya

"Oh, I was hoping you'd join us for afternoon snack time." -Togemon Teacher
"Afternoon snack time?! Why didn't you say so? We are there, lady!" -J.P.

"Kapurimon! Hang on, dear, I'm coming!" -Togemon Teacher
"Togemon, no! You'll be swept away. The current's just too strong." -Bokomon
"But Kapurimon..." -Togemon Teacher
"Tsunomon! Go get him!" -Beetlemon

"Hey, Bokomon, how much longer do we have to walk to reach the Forest Terminal?" -J.P.
"Don't worry. You should only have to walk a little bit more." -Bokomon
"A little bit more? Man, these little bits are killing me." -J.P.

[Eating the meat apples]
"I think I'm eating prime rib." -Takuya
"Mmm. Gingered pork." -Koji
"*munch* Mine's ossobuco (veal shank)!" -Zoe

"This stinks. I do a spectacular magic show and I still have to watch this stupid fire." -J.P.
"Quit complaining. We drew straws and you lost, fair and square." -Takuya

"What was that?" -Koji
"I know I definitely heard something this time." -Takuya
"Right." -Koji

"What's that?!" -Zoe
"It's called the sun, Zoe. Good eye." -Takuya

"Stop following me"! -Koji
"Come on, let's follow him!" -Bokomon (dragging Neemon behind)

"Now who first to be beaten up real good?" -Gigasmon
"Me!" -Zoe
"No, me!" -Takuya
"Me, too!" -J.P.
"And me!" -Tommy

"Spirit." -Koji
"Koji, look, your D-Tector!" -Bokomon
"Oh, boy!" -Neemon
"It's your beast spirit." -Bokomon
"Beast Spirit!" -Koji

"Check it out. Hey, masked dude, what's your fortune telling?" -Takuya
"Carry Wood Method." -Sepikmon
"Um, okay. So, what exactly is the Carry Wood Method?" -Zoe
"I give you these sticks of wood and have to carry them. One at a time." -Sepikmon
"And what does that tell us about our future?" -Zoe
"That in the future, you shall be stronger." -Sepikmon

"Hit him hard!" -Agunimon
"Right!" -Beetlemon
"I'll chill him out!" -Kumamon

"What is that thing?" -Agunimon
"You mean other than bad news?" -Beetlemon
"Now hold on. That thing may be on our side." -Bokomon
"Okay, but somehow, I don't think so." -Agunimon

"Help me!" -BurningGreymon
"Huh?" -Agunimon
"I've been possessed by the beast spirit!" -BurningGreymon
"Shamanmon?" -Agunimon
"Please, rescue me!" -BurningGreymon/Shamanmon

"Yes, well, remember that you still have to get back those spirits that Grumblemon stole." -Bokomon
"Thanks for the reminder." -Koji (sarcastic)

"Looks like your human spirit can't compete with the beast spirit. You have to turn into BurningGreymon again." -Koji
"I can't. What if I lose control again?" -Takuya
"It'll be okay. Just remember what Tommy said." -Zoe

"There's the sign: Forest Terminal." -Takuya
"Uh, but shouldn't there be a Trailmon here?" -Koji
"Yeah, really." -Zoe

"This place is beautiful." -Tommy
"Doesn't mean it's not dangerous." -Koji

"We'll never find out what's inside if we don't go in." -Tommy
"Says the kid at the back of the line." -J.P.

"Me just want beast spirit back." -Grumblemon
"Why don't you come get it, buddy." -Agunimon
"Yeah!" -Koji
"Yeah." -Tommy

"We should be fighting them." -Sorcermon
"Fine with us. We beat you good." -Grumblemon

"Quick, this way!" -Sorcermon
"Well, duh!" -J.P.

"You escape in this." -Sorcermon
"Wow, a get-a-way Trailmon!" -Takuya

"Hey, everybody, there's an opening up ahead!" -Takuya
"Let's just hope it leads to a way out." -Koji
"Yeah." -Takuya

"All right, big guy, clam down." -Lobomon
"Yeah, what is the matter with you?" -Agunimon
"I can't stand it!" -Whamon

"Why you make this stuff up?" -Grumblemon
"Hey, I don't make this stuff up on purpose, it just sort of comes to me, right?" -Arbormon
"Now me more confused then before." -Grumblemon

"You ready to rock these butt-heads?" -Beetlemon
"Yep, let's roll." -Kumamon

"Arbormon, keep them busy while I get spirit." -Grumblemon
"You're got it, Grumbo. But first I have to change, into something more comfortable." -Arbormon

"I don't know how you saved us, but thank you." -Bokomon
"Yeah, and welcome home, Whamon." -Zoe

"Did you hear that?" -Toucanmon
"We're standing right beside you, geek-boy, of course we heard." -Toucanmon

"Besides, it's a beach house. The food could have sand and bugs in it and no one would care." -Takuya
"Bring on the bugs!" -Zoe and J.P.
"And sand! Whoo-hoo!" -Neemon

"What the heck is that?" -Takuya
"That Gomamon." -Gomamon
"Well, whoever you are, could you let go of my foot, okay?" -Takuya

"Whirlpools?" -Takuya
"Don't worry, we're safe here. But if you get too close, they'll suck you in and never spit you out." -Gomamon

"J.P., what are you doing?" -Takuya
"To make a good boat, you need a good plan." -J.P.
"What have you got? Great, J.P.. That should only take a few years to build." -Takuya
"It's just like building a model ship, only bigger." -J.P.
"Yeah, right." -Takuya (sarcastic)

"They sure are happy." -Neemon
"And it's all thanks to you, Zoe. If you didn't have the courage to stand up the Ranamon, none of this would be possible." -Bokomon
"Thanks." -Zoe
"My pleasure." -Bokomon

"I told you not to trade with that sly fox, but I guess you never listen to me, do you?" -Toucanmon
"What? Did you say something?" -Toucanmon

"Hey, our D-Tector's." -Tommy
"Really? So these things are called D-Tector's?" -Datamon
"They belong to me and my friends. Give it." -Tommy
"You must have a cracked transistor, kid. These are mine." -Datamon
"It was the Toucanmon. They stole them and then they brought them here and traded them." -Tommy

"You did just fine, kid. Have you ever heard of the expression that truth is the greatest treasure?" -Datamon
"No." -Tommy

"Now, how do you like that?" -Beetlemon
"It's cool, I guess. But what's the point in spirit evolving? I don't get it." -Raccoon Dog the Trailmon
"It's all about style. It's about being smooth and cool." -Beetlemon

"You okay?" -Kumamon
"Yeah, but my nerves are ka-put." -Angler the Trailmon
"You did great." -Kumamon
"When I get home I'm going straight to bed to eat bon-bons." -Angler the Trailmon

"Hate to bug you, but I got a little problem." -Franken Mole the Trailmon
"Why? What is it?" -Lobomon
"That drooling mutt is eating my brakes." -Franken Mole the Trailmon

"Look, I don't want to overdue it or anything, but I owe you my life, blah, blah, blah." -Franken Mole the Trailmon
"Don't worry about it." -Koji

"Big rocks, whacking me in the teeth! I'm ka-put." -Worm the Trailmon
[They stop]
"That was fun." -Agunimon
"Yeah." -Worm the Trailmon

"So, what do you say?" -Takuya
"I say my wheel's are shot, my jazzy's bruised, but nothing feels better than winning. Whoo!" -Worm the Trailmon

"So no food?" -Zoe
"Of course there is. You'll have more hamburgers than you can eat in a lifetime." -EbiBurgermon

"So that's the story of this Hamburger Village?" -Takuya
"It's a hamburger lover's paradise, my boy." -Bokomon

"Takuya, this will be a friendly competition, right?" -Zoe
"You worry too much, Zoe." -Takuya
"Yeah, no problem." -Koji

"So, do you think they're edible?" -TorikaraBallmon
"I'm not going to try it, you try it." -TorikaraBallmon
"I'm not going to try it, let them." -TorikaraBallmon

"Here, try my burger italiano. Cheese, tomato sauce, and lots of freshly chopped mushrooms." -Zoe
"*eats three of them* *munch munch munch* Tastes like chicken!" -Neemon

"Time's up!" -Chamealeomon
"We're almost done. Hold your water." -J.P.

"Mine's a meaty meat burger! Steak, pork cutlets, and ground beef! I was going for volume." -Takuya
"My seafood burger has lobster, scallop, and shrimp." -Koji
"And I topped it all off with some sardines and peanut butter!" -Takuya
"My special sauce is made with pureed squid and white chocolate!" -Koji

"It wasn't really that bad. Mine was better. Huh?" -Takuya & Koji
"What are you talking about, Takuya? Yours was horrible." -Koji
"At least mine was edible. Yours even smelled bad. You just about killed Bokomon and Neemon." -Takuya
"Maybe we should have a rematch then." -Koji
"Fine, anytime. You'll lose." -Takuya
"Yeah, right. In your dreams, botulism boy." -Koji

"My hamburger's the best!" -Takuya
"Wrong again, dorkus!" -Koji
"Hmm. Which one is it, guys?" -Takuya & Koji
"Ahhh! *run away*" -Bokomon & Neemon

[Duskmon gets hit with a powerful blow.]
"Now that oughtta quiet him down!" -Bokomon
"Where'd he go?" -Lobomon
"Deadly Gaze!" -Duskmon
"Or make him fight harder." -Bokomon

"Well I'm famished! Let's eat!" -Bokomon
"Are you crazy?! We're right in the middle of an argument!" -Takuya
"Being angered easily is a sure sign that one is famished. So let’s find a place to make camp and try to discuss this like civilized folks. If you can." -Bokomon
"Yeah, let's eat!" -Neemon
"I'll second that motion!" -Zoe

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" -BurningGreymon
"Takuya, get out of there!" -Lobomon
"Why? I just defeated him." -BurningGreymon
"All of us combined weren't enough to defeat him and you think you did it in one shot?" -Lobomon
"Well, yeah." -BurningGreymon

"What's wrong with him?" -Zephyrmon (about Duskmon)
"I don't know, he's acting weird." -KoriKakumon

"Oh, hey, buddy. What time is it?" -Takuya
"Huh? Couple before five forty-five." -Truck Driver
"Oh!" -Takuya
"Hey, kid! Where's the fire?!" -Truck Driver

"Where have you been?" -Bokomon
"I missed you." -Neemon
"Yeah, I missed you too." -Agunimon

"I'm sorry, guys. This is all my fault." -Takuya
"What are you talking about? You saved us." -Zoe

"Let me put you out of your misery." -Volcamon
"You're the liar! My friends would never do that to me! You're the one who's miserable!" -J.P.

[A slimy hand gets past Takuya and touches Zoe]
"Hands off, buster!" -Zoe
[She hits Takuya over the head with a slap of rock.]
"Let's get this over with!" -Koji
"Sorry, Takuya." -Zoe

[Zoe falls on top of Takuya.]
"Mmm." -Zoe
"You all right?" -Takuya
"Hm?" -Zoe
[She realizes she's lying on him and suddenly jumps up.]
"Of course I am!" -Zoe

"Aah!" -Zoe
[Zoe gets sucked into an eyeball portal]
"Zoe!" -Takuya

"Who's there?" -Koji
"Who are you looking for, little boy? Maybe it's me. Maybe it's not. But I know who you are. And I know I'm looking for you." -Karatenmon

"Now what do you think?" -Calmaramon
"So ugly." -Honeybeemon

"Where's me cheering? Huh?" -Calmaramon
"How 'bout this instead?" -Zephyrmon

"But I think you'll have to do better than that to defeat me." -Duskmon
"I intend to." -Lobomon (thinking)

"Prepare for thy doom." -ShadowSeraphimon
"People keep saying that, but I'm still around." -Agunimon
"Then let's change that, shall we?" -ShadowSeraphimon

"What? No witty quips?" -ShadowSeraphimon
"Why waste my breath on a jerk like you?" -Takuya
"It shall be purest pleasure to destroy thee." -ShadowSeraphimon

"You mean Seraphimon's being born right now?" -J.P.
"This is the most beautiful thing ever." -Tommy
[The egg hatches in a cloud of smoke]
"And the smokiest." -Zoe

"Right, whenever you're finished, I believe you have something to give me." -Sakkakumon
"Oh, yeah." -Beetlemon

"Is he saying 'light boy'?" -J.P.
"Does he mean Koji?" -Zoe
"Yeah, but how would he know?" -Tommy
"Duh! Because it's all bright over here!" -Patamon

"A bad thing's coming." -Patamon
"Bad thing?" -J.P.
"What kind of bad thing?" -Tommy
"Could you be more specific?" -Neemon
[A blast happens close by]
"Sorry I asked!" -Neemon
"Me too!" -Patamon

"Is everyone all right?" -Takuya
"I think so." -Tommy
"Sort of." -Zoe
"Mostly." -Neemon

"What was that?" -Zoe
"Something big." -Tommy
"'Something big,' he says. How 'bout huge?!" -J.P.

"So if Seraphimon is now Patamon..." -Tommy
"Then it must have been Ophanimon they were carrying inside of that container." -J.P.

[Patamon attacks Velgemon]
"Patamon!" -Koji
"Crazy little guy." -Takuya

"Come on, people, why don't you lighten up?" -J.P.
"I'm light." -Tommy

"Unless you just said that to make me feel better. Did you really mean that?" -Koichi
"Of course, silly." -Patamon
"Thanks, Patamon." -Koichi

"What's wrong? Is something coming?" -Koichi
"Yeah, and it's big and scary." -Patamon

"This isn't working." -Aldamon (fighting Cherubimon)
"Of course not. He's the big boss." -Beetlemon

"But what if it's a trap?" -Zoe
"Oh! A trap?! But I'm too young to die!" -Neemon
"You ninny! Didn't it occur to you that our friends have overcome immense challenges. Traps are part of the game. Takuya, my boy, am I right?" -Bokomon
"Actually, Neemon does have a point." -Takuya
"Huh?!" -Bokomon
"Hah! Got you! Of course we're going!" -Takuya

"You sure froze him out." -Kazemon
"It was my pleasure." -Kumamon

"What in the world is this place?" -Agunimon
"I don't know. This world just jeeps getting weirder and weirder." -Beetlemon

"Hit him once for me!" -Tommy
"Twice for me!" -Bokomon

"Did we defeat him?" -EmperorGreymon
"Never!" -Cherubimon
"Good! Because we're ready to fight some more!" -EmperorGreymon

"So, do you think we got him?" -J.P.
"No way. It's never that easy." -MagnaGarurumon

"Everyone all right?" -Takuya
"Yeah." -Koji
"None of us got hurt? Well, I guess there's a first time for everything." -Takuya
"What about me?" -Neemon
"I'll help." -Patamon
[Patamon tries to help Neemon down]
"Nincompoops." -Bokomon

"You ready?" -EmperorGreymon
"Mmm-hmm. Let's go!" -MagnaGarurumon

"And now I shall relieve you of the legendary spirits." -Cherubimon
"I don't think so." -MagnaGarurumon
"Not as long as I'm breathing." -EmperorGreymon

"We're not done yet." -EmperorGreymon
"No way." -MagnaGarurumon

"What do you say? Think you can handle it?" -MagnaGarurumon
"Yeah. Sure." -EmperorGreymon
"That a boy." -MagnaGarurumon

"You're done, Cherubimon. It's time to restore..." -EmperorGreymon
"The spirit of the Digital World!" -Takuya, Koji, Zoe, Tommy, J.P., Koichi, Bokomon, Neemon, & Patamon

"Hey, you okay?" -EmperorGreymon
"Did we get him?" -MagnaGarurumon
"Oh, yeah." -EmperorGreymon
"Then I'm fine." -MagnaGarurumon

"They're coming." -Tommy
"Takuya!" -Zoe
"Koji!" -Koichi

"It feels like a dream." -Tommy
"Well wake up, buddy, 'cause we did it. Cherubimon's gone and the Digital World is safe again!" -Takuya
"Yeah!" -Tommy

"The wind into flame!" -Zoe
"The ice into flame!" -Tommy
"The thunder into light!" -J.P.
"The darkness into light!" -Koichi

"But where are we?" -Koichi
"In the bottom of a big hole." -Neemon

"Where'd you get those equations?" -Lowemon
"I saw them in a book." -MetalKabuterimon
"Well that's reassuring." -Lowemon (sarcastic)

"Yeah, right. All the cool kids wear goggles." -Koji
"Well they will." -Takuya

"Just trust me on this one." -Takuya
"Why? Have you been right before?" -Neemon
"Well sure, at least once." -Patamon

"All right! If you guys are smart, you'll turn around and run right outta here!" -Agunimon
"And you'll run fast!" -Lobomon
"Okay!!" -Centarumon
"Man, we are good!" -Agunimon

"Beanstalk Village?" -Takuya
"Bingo! What else would you call a place with a giant beanstalk growing up in the middle of it?! Beantown?!" -Franken Mole the Trailmon

"I don't care what happens to me." -Elder Mamemon
"We don't care what happens to you either." -Dynasmon

"Bring it on!" -EmperorGreymon & MagnaGarurumon (to the Royal Knights)

"We might be able to win if we combine the power of all ten legendary warriors." -Koichi
"They're all here" -Zoe

"Mercurymon and Ranamon." -Koji
"Grumblemon and Arbormon." -Takuya

"The whole village is gone." -Koji
"They scanned it." -Takuya

"It's up to you now. Which one will you choose?" -Ophanimon (D-Tector)
[Koji walks down the stairs, away]
"Hey, which one are you choosing?!" -Takuya

"I'm Zoe, it's nice to meet you." -Zoe
"And I'm... I'm Takuya. Hi there." -Takuya

"Yes, through the process of digivolution." -Bokomon
"Digi-what? It had to be something I pressed." -Takuya

"Hey, you sweet mode of transportation, you fell like taking a ride, to the Real World?" -J.P.
"Yeah, pretty please?" -Tommy
"Ah, take a hike." -Angler the Trailmon

"What grade are you in?" -J.P.
"Sixth, why?" -Takuya
"Well, I'm in seventh grade!" -J.P.
"Yeah, like I care." -Takuya
"Like I care that you care." -J.P.

"What's so high-tech about a fan?" -J.P.
"It beats a folded-up piece of paper." -Minomon

"Now where are you?" -Lobomon
"You want to guess?" -Grumblemon
"Huh?" -Lobomon
"Too late!" -Grumblemon

"Thanks a lot! Now I'm the freak those guys won't play with even if you paid 'em!" -Tsunomon
"We wouldn't play with Tsunomon anyway. He's not like us." -Kapurimon
"Got that right." -Nyaromon

"Where'd you find it?" -Takuya (about the meat apple)
"It was just lying on the ground. There must be a tree somewhere close by." -Zoe

[Takuya pushes Zoe out of the way of a falling tree]
"You okay?" -Takuya
"Yeah." -Zoe

"Um, Takuya, are you okay?" -Tommy
"I should be asking you that. Thanks, Tommy." -Takuya
"Oh, it was nothing, but you're welcome." -Tommy
"It wasn't nothing. It was the bravest thing I've ever seen." -Takuya
"Well I owed you one. Now we're even." -Tommy

"Aw, come on, guys. I was just trying to be nice, that's all." -Deramon
"Being nice has nothing to do with cooking." -Takuya

"We can beat him. Just like we beat Gigasmon." -Takuya
"Gigasmon? But he's one of Cherubimon's followers." -Sorcermon
"Yeah, so?" -Takuya
"So, you're not allies with Cherubimon?" -Sorcermon
"Are you kidding?" -Zoe

"So these be the whelps that hath given thee so much trouble." -Mercurymon
"They be tougher than looks." -Grumblemon
"Verily." -Mercurymon

"I'm sorry, but I happen to know more about it's special needs." -Bokomon (about the egg)
"Special needs? Like what?" -Zoe
"It must be protected and nurtured, by someone of great knowledge." -Bokomon

"They're really colorful and really annoying. Have you seen them?" -Takuya (looking for the D-Tectors)
"No. Sorry." -Kongoumon

"What are you talking to your D-Tector's for?" -J.P.
"Don't knock it until you've tried it, my friend." -Bokomon
"Oh, excuse me, Mr. Bouncy-wouncy." -J.P.
"He likes it when we bounce." -Bokomon
"Uh--huh." -J.P.

"Except I've never cooked before." -Koji
"Me neither, but I'm willing to give it a shot." -Takuya

"It's no use. Now they're prisoners too." -TorikaraBallmon
"Then we'll just have to face the Chameleomon by ourselves. Raise your wing if you're with me." -TorikaraBallmon
"Yeah!" -All 6 TorikaraBallmon

"Wow, look at that." -Takuya
"That moss is actually glowing. Wonder if it's safe to touch." -Koji
"Let's see. (picks some up) Yep, sure is." -J.P.

"Had enough?!" -Mercurymon (to Agunimon)
"Leave him alone!" -Zoe, Tommy, and J.P.
"Oh, can it!" -Mercurymon

"You can't hide anywhere." -ShadowBeetlemon
"I'm Beetlemon!" -Beetlemon
"That's a great hiding place." -ShadowBeetlemon

"I'll dispatch them as soon as I'm done with you." -ShadowBeetlemon
"Dispatch this, shadow boy!" -J.P.

"Zoe, is that you?" -Takuya
"No way. I mean, yes. Copy that. Loud and clear, good buddy." -Zoe
"Where'd you learn to talk like that?" -Takuya

"Don't worry about it." -Zoe
"Yeah, the three of us still have enough power to take care of this." -Tommy

"Gadzooks! I don't have that attack in my records!" -Sakkakumon
"Of course not! That attack's never been used before, buddy!" -Aldamon
"It can't be!" -Sakkakumon

"We did it!" -Kazemon
"Finally." -Beetlemon
"We conquered our fears and beat him as a team." -Kumamon

"Then ask me and leave me to my dreams of venerschitsal. Even when you try to be nice you're rude." -Angler the Trailmon
"But aren't you being rude in response to our rudeness?" -Tommy
"Tommy, would you be quiet?!" -Zoe
"Yah, yah. He's right. You have moxie, little one." -Angler the Trailmon

"You know, it's always better to destroy many than a few." -IceDevimon
"How about just one? You!" -JagerLowemon

"So what do we do now?" -Koji
"Make a new plan, I guess." -Takuya
"Well, stop guessing and start planning." -Bokomon

"Missed again!" -MagnaGarurumon
"Whoa, clam down. Did you really think it would be that easy?" -EmperorGreymon

"We're not done yet." -EmperorGreymon
"No way!" -MagnaGarurumon

"These two are tougher than I thought." -Takuya
"We have to find another way of going at it." -Koji

"It's not over yet!" -MagnaGarurumon
"You've got to go through us!" -EmperorGreymon
"How brave and noble you are..." -Crusadermon
"I think we already went through you." -Dynasmon

"What should we do now?" -Patamon
"We have to get them to a safe place." -Koichi

"Wow, how'd he do that?" -Patamon
"Koichi, since when did you know how to fly?" -Bokomon
"No idea. But I dig it." -Koichi

"That would explain why I could jump so easily." -Koichi
"What do you mean, Koichi?" -Patamon
"The gravity on the moon is less than on Earth." -Koichi
"Okay, now I'm really confused." -Patamon

"But where are we?" -Koichi
"Um... Uh... Hmm..." -Bokomon & Neemon
"I know. We’re at the bottom of a hole!" -Neemon
"What a brilliant deduction, Commander Obvious." -Bokomon

"What were we shooting at?" -KendoGarurumon
"Well, nothing really." -Agunimon
"Okay, now I'm confused and annoyed." -KendoGarurumon

"There has to be a way put of this!" -Agunimon
"Calm down." -KendoGarurumon
"How can I be calm at a time like this?" -Agunimon

"Hey, Agunimon, want to try again?" -MetalKabuterimon
"Are you crazy?! I can’t believe I let you do it the first time, metal-head!" -Agunimon

"Um, are yo super-sure about this?" -Patamon
"Super is as super does." -SuperStarmon

"Aw, man. An asteroid belt." -J.P.
"More good news." -Takuya

"It's time to pay for not handing over your obsessions." -Sagittarimon
"You mean possessions, not obsessions." -Koichi, Koji, & Takuya
"I know what I mean! My mind is like a steel trap!" -Sagittarimon

"It would have been even more moving is you were defeated." -Crusadermon
"I guess we'll just have to do it ourselves." -Dynasmon

"I'll bet that chocolate bar seals the deal, right?" -J.P.
"Wrong!" -Worm the Trailmon

"We'll do whatever it takes to save this world." -Takuya
"Mmm. Uh-huh!" -Zoe

"You're going to take us all the way?" -Zoe
"How 'bout shinning me up before we go?" -Worm the Trailmon
"Not likely!" -J.P.

"Elder..." -Katsuharu
"Let him go now!" -Tommy

"Come on, Mamemon, get on!" -Zoe
"Move quickly!" -Bokomon

"Thanks a lot, Koji." -Koichi
"No problem, brother." -Koji

"It's pretty empty out there. There's not that much to save." -Koichi
"We've got a royal problem." -Koji

"You’re got to watch all these babies by yourself?!" -The DigiDestined (to Swanmon)

"The Village of Beginnings." -Crusadermon
"It looks like a giant birthday cake." -Dynasmon

"We can't let them hurt the eggs." -EmperorGreymon
"That's a big painful job." -MagnaGarurumon

"Hey, are you sure this is safe?!" -Agunimon
"Trust me. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Blast off!" -MetalKabuterimon
"Whoohoo!" -Agunimon
[Agunimon hits the ground]
"Maybe it was divide by two." -MetalKabuterimon

"Thanks, Rabbit. I have a little present for you." -SkullSatamon
"Oh-oh." -Gazimon

"Well, buddy, it looks like it's up to you and me again." -Takuya
"Yeah. I'm ready to go when you are." -Koji

"EmperorGreymon, he's our man! If he can't do it, no one can!" -Fire Terminal's resident Digimon

"Well, do you guys believe in the power now?" -EmperorGreymon
"I believe!" -Patamon

"Gotsumon!" -Lobomon
"You okay?" -Kumamon
"I hope so. We have to save someone." -Kazemon

"What is that?" -Takuya
"You don't know? It's a protective barrier someone left behind." -Bokomon
"But who?" -Takuya
"I don't know." -Bokomon
"Of course you don’t." -Takuya
"Ha, ha, that was so funny I forgot to laugh." -Bokomon

"What, no witty comeback?" -Dynasmon
"Oh, I'll give you a comeback." -Takuya

"What have you done to my beautiful Knightmon?" -Crusadermon
"Same thing we're going to do to you." -MagnaGarurumon

"Am I right?" -Koji
"Right as rain, my bandanna friend." -Datamon

"My friends are so smart! I'm going to do the dance of smarty pants! Smarty pants! Smarty pants! Oo-aa." -Sepikmon
"Uh, that's very kind of you... You can stop dancing now." -Takuya

"I wouldn't get up if I were you." -Dynasmon
"Yeah, well I’m not you." -EmperorGreymon
"EmperorGreymon..." -Patamon

"Ophanimon's Castle. Finally." -Zoe
"But I was having fun." -Neemon
"You're such a twit!" -Bokomon

"You are the one's who are destined to protect this world." -Nefertimon
"Yes, we are them. Uh--they! Uh-- yeah, that's us!" -Takuya

"I actually like myself now." -Zoe
"Well I really like you too, Zoe." -Takuya
"Yeah?" -Zoe
"*blush* Like, you know, not like-like." -Takuya
*blush* -Zoe
"Uh, oh come on you know what I mean, right?" -Takuya
"Right." -Zoe

"Do desire to go with it when it disappears?" -Crusadermon
"We desire you to disappear!" -Takuya

"It's gone." -Takuya
"I can't believe they destroyed it all." -Koji

"What are those floaty things?" -Tommy
"It looks like someone's taking a bubble bath." -Neemon
"Oh, goody. Bath time!" -Patamon
"Papa-mom says 'Come back'!" -Bokomon

"I'm Lopmon." -Lopmon
"I'm Salamon. And who are you?" -Salamon
"I'm Patamon!" -Patamon

"Do you guys smell something funny?" -Tommy
"Huh?!" -All
"Oh! Pants on fire! Pants on fire!" -Neemon

"That's Shinzuku." -Zoe
"No, it can't!" -Takuya

"We have to stop him." -Takuya
"But how?" -Zoe
"We have to find a way." -Koichi

"Where's Takuya?" -Zoe
"And Koji?" -Koichi
"Maybe the flying eggs know. Hello! Eggies!" -Neemon
"How very tragic! Lucemon must have scanned the data of every Digimon on the moon!"-Bokomon
"Well, I don't see an egg big enough for Takky, or Koji." -J.P.
"Look! What's that!" -Tommy
"Here we cooome!" -Patamon
"Takuya!" -Zoe
"Koji!" -Koichi
"Man, am I glad to see YOU guys!" -Takuya
"Hey, not nearly as glad as we are to see you!" -J.P.
"I gotta tell 'ya, it was a little touch-and-go there for awhile, but then Patamon and his buddies helped us out!" -Takuya
"They stopped Lucemon?! They're awfully powerful for such little guys." -Tommy
"Kinda like you, Tommy." -Zoe
"Hey, well don't forget who these guys used to be!" -J.P.

"It says that if Digimon are let into the Real World, they will cause chaos and eventually... uh..." -Bokomon
"And eventually, what?!" -Takuya
"Eventually destroy it completely." -Bokomon

"Oh, Neemon, they fought the unthinkable and accomplished the unimaginable." -Bokomon
"It feels like the same. Yipee!" -Neemon
"Great job!" -Patamon
"That's right!" -Lopmon
"Uh-huh!" -Salamon

"We've got to stop him." -Zoe
"But how can we?" -Neemon
"I don't know." -Bokomon
"But you know everything, Bokomon!" -Neemon

"We've got to go there." -Koji
"The let's evolve." -Takuya

"As humans..." -Tommy
"And as Digimon..." -Zoe
"We have sworn..." -J.P.
"To protect this world." -Koji
"And the human world as well!" -Takuya br> "We have to succeed!" -All five

"We're back in the Shibuya Train Station. And if he's not here, then he must be above us." -Aldamon
"He's trying to get above ground." -Kazemon
"We've got to move!" -Aldamon

"No! It's impossible!" -Lucemon Larva Mode
"Impossible is our special strategy!" -Susanoomon

"Put that in the statue. Hurry!” -’Curious’ Gotsumon
"But why?” -Koji
"When the third eye shines the legendary spirit will awaken. Do it now!” -’Curious’ Gotsumon
"The spirit? Why would you do this for me?” -Koji

"Hey, where yous going? Mercurymon ain’t done with yous yet." -Arbormon
"I go to Forest Terminal. Get beast spirit back from annoying kids." -Grumblemon
"Ooh. Sounds like fun." -Ranamon
*chuckles* -Mercurymon
"I tried to stop him. You saw, right?" -Arbormon

"I bet it’s a trap." -Koji
"You think everything’s a trap." -Tommy

"That was too easy." -Ranamon
"Right." -Arbormon

"Guess we gotta go back." -Tommy
"that’s what I’ve been saying." -J.P.

"Are you sure you don’t want to race me, Tommy? I’ll give you a ten inner tube start." -Takuya
"Aw, come on. I’m on vacation." -Tommy

"Thanks for the help, you guys. You really saved our necks." -Takuya
"No problem." -Gomamon

[Calmaramon knocks Kazemon to the ocean floor]
"Zoe!!" -Takuya
"It can’t be." -Bokomon

"I bet the old guy swindled you. I told you not to trade with that sly fix, but I guess you never listen, do you?" -Toucanmon
"Huh? Did you say something?" -Toucanmon

"Well, if we’re stuck here. we might as well look around." -Koji
"I’m looking, and I’m kinda liking." -J.P.

"It was just too much for them." -TorikaraBallmon
"How will we find daddy now?" -TorikaraBallmon

"What are you doing here?" -Burgermon Father
"We’re here to rescue you." -Zoe
"Nice job. Who are you?" -Burgermon Father
"I’m Tommy. We met your family in the village, the asked for help." -Tommy
"Are they all right?" -Burgermon Father
"They’re fine. But right now we have to concentrate on getting you out of here." -J.P.

"You did it!" -TorikaraBallmon
"We don’t have to worry about those big bullies anymore!" -TorikaraBallmon
"We couldn’t have done it without your help." -Kumamon

"We’re not going back. We’ve all been walking for hours." -Takuya
"Let’s walk back a few hours, then we can all get out of this poor excuse for a dark closet once and for all." -Bokomon

"Who’s there? Show yourself!" -Takuya
"Who’s there? Show yourself!" -Pipismon
"What are you, a parrot?" -J.P.
"What are you, a parrot?" -Pipismon
"What are you, a parrot?" -Pipismon
"Knock it off!" -Tommy
"Knock it off!" -Pipismon
"Knock it off!" -Pipismon
"Knock it off!" -Pipismon

"Uh, excuse me. May I have my boomerang back?" -Sepikmon
"That depends, are you going to be more careful with it?" -Agunimon
"What do you mean? It’s a boomerang. I throw it and it comes back. Now I’m confused." -Sepikmon
"Just watch where you throw it next, pal, you could hurt someone." -Agunimon
"Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. I just wanted some friends." -Sepikmon
"Maybe you’re trying too hard. Just be yourself, you know." -Agunimon
"You mean people will like me if I be myself?" -Sepikmon
"Sure." -Agunimon "So, will you really be my friends?" -Sepikmon
"Yeah, why not?" -Agunimon
"Ooga-chaca! Ooga-chaca! Mercurymon has our other friends, right? I can help you find them. Just follow my spirit boomerang. It will lead you right to them." -Sepikmon

"I don’t know how we got here, but it looks like we’re trapped" -J.P.
"Are you serious?!" -Takuya

"Who elected him? Not exactly inspirational as a leader." -Takuya
"It looks like he’s just showing off to me." -Zoe
"What of we don’t want to see what he’s showing?" -Koji

"Those girls have been mean to me ever since I came back from Italy. But, listen, I’d totally understand if you want to go catch up with them." -Zoe
"Are you kidding?! You’re nicer than all of them put together." -Nice Girl
"Thanks!" -Zoe

"Wait, where are the others?" -Zoe
"I’m afraid the eyes still have them." -Bokomon

"You’re in danger, Takuya. You’re inside Sakkakumon." -Zoe
"Sakkaku-wha?!" -Takuya

"Look, something’s happening!" -Tommy
"Something’s always happening, kid." -J.P.

"His two spirits have come together." -Tommy
"He’s pretty." -Neemon
(about Beowolfmon)

"What are we going to do now, boss?" -Beetlemon
"Move it. Otherwise we’re sunk." -Aldamon

"That can’t be a Digimon." -J.P.
"Of course it can, young man. Haven’t you learned anything on this world? Have you forgotten Sakkakumon so soon?" -Bokomon

"We’re never going to get to the Rose Morning Star like this." -J.P.
"Well, maybe he thinks we’re all supposed to race there." -Neemon

"Squeaky clean at last!" -Angler the Trailmon
"Like a whole new Trailmon!" -Zoe
"You’re all shiny now!" -Tommy

"How about some chocolate? Ah!" -Zoe
"Ah!" -Angler the Trailmon
"So, how does it taste?" -Zoe
"Mmm. Like sweet milky kindness." -Angler the Trailmon

"The resemblance between them is kind of creepy." -J.P.
"And they look the same." -Tommy

"Hey, nice shot." -Lobomon
*nod* -Lowemon

"But first I must give you a little something for freeing me." -IceDevimon
[He freezes Takuya’s and Koji’s D-Tector’s]
"My D-Tector! This is a thank you?!" -Takuya

"This may be our last battle. I’m glad to be fighting it with you, Takuya." -Koji
"Well, I guess we’d better win then." -Takuya
"Yeah." -Koji

"Those two are tougher than I thought." -Takuya
"We have to find another way of going at it." -Koji

"So, we’re on the moon?!" -Takuya
"I can’t believe it." -Zoe
"Well, I couldn’t either, but it’s true." -Koichi

"Hey, you guys! Check it out! I know how to get us back to the Digital World! You’re going to love this. All we have to do is build ourselves--" -MetalKabuterimon
"A rocket?" -Agunimon
"Yeah. How’d you know?" -MetalKabuterimon
[Sees rocket imbedded in the ground]
"Hey! Where’d that come from?" -MetalKabuterimon

"I had no idea these humans could evolve..." -Sagittarimon
"And don't forget about little old me." -Angemon
"Huh?" -Sagittarimon
"I believe we have unfinished business." -Angemon

"Release him now, you witch!" -MagnaGarurumon (about Koichi)
"How dare you!" -Crusadermon

"Aw, brotherly love is so grand." -Crusadermon
"I think her helmet’s on too tight." -J.P.

"The time has come." -Dynasmon
"Prepare now for your beautiful destruction." -Crusadermon

"So, is it really true that you’ve inherited the spirits of all ten legendary warriors?" -Swanmon
"You bet your booties." -Bokomon

"Pabumon?" -Zoe
"The babies are rising up and fighting." -Angler the Trailmon

"Now behave yourself, Pabumon." -Zoe
"Pabu! *cries*" -Pabumon

"I’ll give you one last chance to leave this village and go back to wherever it is you came from." -EmperorGreymon
"But the party’s just begun." -SkullSatanmon
"Then let me give you the first dance!" -EmperorGreymon

"When we work together as one..." -All Biyomon
"We can all help get the job done." -All Poyomon

"I digivolved?" -Meteormon
"Good timing." -MagnaGarurumon
"All I wanted to do was help you fight her and now I can." -Meteormon

*laughs* -Dynasmon
"What’s so funny? you missed!" -EmperorGreymon
"Did I?" -Dynasmon
"No!" -EmperorGreymon

"Will you fight us or save your friends?" -Crusadermon & Dynasmon

"Stop right there, humans! While I have nothing against you personally, I must demand that you hand over all of your obsessions!" -Sagittarimon
"Obsessions?" -Takuya
"No, wait! I mean your possessions. I should have just said ‘stuff’ like I usually do. I never should have bought that thesaurus." -Sagittarimon
"So, you have nothing better to do than rob us?" -Tommy
"That’s right. Now, if you don’t want to get hurt, hand over your obsessions." -Sagittarimon
"I can’t believe we’re getting robbed by someone this dumb. You mean ‘possessions’, right?" -J.P.
"Yeah, right. That’s what I just said, isn’t it?" -Sagittarimon

"Enjoying the burn?" -Dynasmon
"More than you can ever imagine." -EmperorGreymon
"What?!" -Dynasmon
"You forget. Fire is my element." -EmperorGreymon

"Give me a break." -Dynasmon
"I’d like to break you." -EmperorGreymon

"If I stop looking, I’ll stop thinking, and I really don’t want to do that right now." -Takuya
"Yeah, we can’t have you thinking now." -Zoe
"Well Neemon thinks I’m good at it." -Takuya
"Yeah." -Zoe

"Lopmon fall down, go boom!" -Patamon
*laughs* -Lopmon
*laughs* -Patamon & Salamon

"You will not survive." -Lucemon
"That’s where you’re wrong!" -Susanoomon

"Everything’s going to be okay now." -Koji
"Okay, nothing. Are you kidding?! It’s going to be superly-awesomely-great!" -Takuya

"Mom." -Koji
"I’d thought I’d never see you again." -Koichi & Koji’s mom

"Even if I spend time with my family." -Takuya
"Or other friends." -Zoe and J.P.
"Or our family." -Koji and Koichi
"Or standing around not crying." -Tommy
"I’ll be best friends with you guys!" -Takuya
"Forever!" -All

"What's up with them?" -Takuya
"Um, excuse me, are you all right?" -Zoe
"Oh, no dear. A giant Digimon raided our village. He said something about the three moons making him hungry and my husband gave him a big plate of our best burgers." -Burgermon Mother
"Now I'm hungry." -Takuya
"He liked them so much that he took my husband away to cook for him in his mansion." -Burgermon Mother
"Oh." -Zoe & Tommy
"Man, that's really messed up." -Koji
"Yeah, how are we supposed to get our hamburgers now?" -J.P.
"You're compassion is astounding." -Bokomon

"It's hopeless. Now they're prisoners too." -TorikaraBallmon
"Then we're going to have to face the Chameleomon ourselves. Raise your wing if you're with me!" -TorikaraBallmon
"Yeah!" -All Six TorikaraBallmon

"Tommy, I'm sorry I put you in danger. I had no idea any of this would happen. It's because of my plan that we're stuck here." -Zoe
"I don't mind at all. Besides, it was fun learning to cook. I even got to chop my own food. Back home, I was just a little kid, always getting in the way. But since I came to this world, I've been able to do things I never even dreamed of. So let's make some hamburgers and make a new plan, okay?" -Tommy

"But, we can't just do nothing." -Takuya
"We can't go charging in like this either. We'd be destroyed for sure." -Koji
"What should we do?" -Takuya
"Why don't you turn into Susanoomon? That would solve everything." -Neemon
"You can't just whip out a miracle like that!" -Bokomon

"I'm so thankful that we're together. But, how are the five of us going to beat him?" -Takuya
"Did you already forget what we talked about?" -Agunimon
"Besides, there are more than just the five of us." -Koji
"You and the five of us." -Takuya
"The spirits of all ten legendary warriors are behind you." -J.P.
"We defeated Lucemon one and we can do it again." -Tommy
"Especially now that we have all you help." -Zoe
"Your courage makes us stronger than we've ever been." -Agunimon

"Lucemon is powerful. Remember his weakness. He exists without consciousness." -Cherubimon
"Even so, it will take all your skill, bravery, and cunning to defeat him." -Seraphimon
"Have faith in yourselves and work together and you will be triumphant." -Ophanimon

"You legendary warriors ready to save a couple of worlds?" -Takuya
"We are if you are." -Agunimon
"Again the warriors hold our fate." -Ophanimon
"And us too. Today, we all are going to write a whole new legend. Right, team?" -Takuya
"Yeah!" -Zoe & Tommy
"Yeah!" -J.P.

"Soon you will taste the fury of Snimon!" -Snimon
"The only thing I'm going to taste is a cheeseburger with a side of fries!" -Beetlemon

[Climbing up a rope ladder.]
"Well, ladies first." -J.P.
"Huh? *groans*" -Zoe
"What?" -J.P.
"I'm wearing a skirt." -Zoe
"No, wait! I didn't..." -J.P.
"As if you didn't know! Sicko!" -Zoe
[Slaps J.P. across the face.]

"This really reminds me of the time I lost my little brother at the amusement park. I've never been so worried in my life until now." -Takuya
"I know. Little kids are always getting in the way." -Koji
"That's not what I meant! Man, you must be the most selfish kid in the whole world! TWO worlds! We have a responsibility to take care of Tommy because he's younger than us! Don't you take care of your own brothers and sisters?" -Takuya
" don't have any. Happy now?" -Koji
"Oh." -Takuya
"See, I don't know anything about having brothers." -Koji
"Well, why don't you just imagine that Tommy is your little brother? And think what it would be like for a little kid to be alone and afraid. Imagine that you could keep him from feeling that way." -Takuya

"Of all the people I could be stuck with, why did it have to be you?" -Zoe
"Because it was written in the stars?" -J.P.
"Save it!" -Zoe

[Takuya saves Zoe form being crushed against a tree.]
"Are you ok?" -Takuya
"Yeah, I think so." -Zoe
"Hey, how come Takuya gets to fall with Zoe?" -J.P.
"Run you idiot!" -Koji

[J.P. finishes his magic trick.]
"Do another!" -Takuya
"I don't know anymore and I don't even know how I did the first one." -J.P.

"Good, whole brat brigade here!" -Grumblemon
"And ready to fight!" -Takuya

"I guess Calmaramon can't control her beast spirit." -Bokomon
"So I guess..." -J.P.
"We're O.K.!" -Everyone

"'Cause I'm a girl and girls know how to handle power when they need to." -Zoe
*scream* -Tommy & J.P.
"Scary!" -Neemon
"Stop! Having power does not make you scary!" -Zoe

"Let's see how cute you are when you're squashed like a bug." -Ranamon
"Let's not!" -Zoe

"It doesn't matter which form you take. Your heart is an open book, and I can read every page." -Karatenmon
"Then read this!" -KendoGarurumon

"Wait, you're nice, remember?" -Calmaramon
"For you, I'll make an exception!" -Zephyrmon

"You haven't beaten me yet." -Takuya
"Then allow me the pleasure of correcting that oversight." -ShadowSeraphimon

"Stop doin' that!" -Agunimon
"My, art thou jumpy. One might accidentally get the notion that you are afraid." -Mercurymon
"Quit messin' around or I'll burn this place down!" -Agunimon

"Oh! come to Mama!" -Bokomon (to Patamon)
"You want him to call you Mama?!" -Everyone

"Whenever there's trouble, we have to stick together." -Zoe
"Why, so we can all be destroyed in one easy swipe?" -J.P.

"Takuya told us to stay put." -Tommy
"If Takuya told you to shave your head and run around in circles, would you do it?" -J.P.
"Hmmmmm..." -Tommy

"Soon it will all be clear to you. This mystery will be resolved." -Ophanimon
"(thinking) Clear to me? (out loud) What did she mean? (thinking) Of course. Duskmon! (out loud) He must have some answers for me." -Koji

"Everything's gone crazy! Of course, it might just be me..." -Tommy
"No arguement here." -J.P.

"Well, then, we'll just have to get it away from him! All you're brother needs is a little fractal code digitize." -Takuya
"I can't, I won't fight him. I can't fight my own brother!" -Koji
"Uhh! Listen to me! You'll fight him and I'll tell you why! Because he is you brother! You're the only chance he has, Koji. If his own brother won't save him who will?" -Takuya

"Shall I destroy you now, or do you want to play some more?" -Cherubimon
"We'd better think of something quick, or he's gonna squash us like a bunch of little beetles!" -Zephyrmon
"Great. Thanks a lot for that visual, Z!" -Beetlemon

"That did it!" -Beowolfmon
"Indeed. It showed just how pathetic you are!" -Cherubimon

"Come down here and fight!" -Lowemon
"I've got a better: You come up here, if you can!" -IceDevimon

"Go stop that guy!" -Tommy
"I'll do my best, which, as we all know, is awesome!" -EmperorGreymon
"Hit him once for me!" -Tommy
"Twice for me!" -Bokomon

"Looks to me like you've got something on your mind, Koichi. You wanna share it?" -Zoe
"Uhh..." -Koichi
"Aww, come on. Don't be shy. I mean, after all, we're all friends here, right? *wink*" -Zoe

"Takuya and Koji, there our men if they can't do it no one can." -Bokomon & Neemon
"Trying to concentrate here." -Takuya

"For someone with so much courage, you're a little short on brains. I was merely testing you." -Cherubimon
"Test's over. Time to teach you a lesson!" -MagnaGarurumon

"Now let's go make some history!" -Koji
"So go already! I got me some rootin' to do!" -J.P.

"So do you guys have a plan?" -Elecmon
"I plan to run." -Neemon
"That's not the answer I was looking for." -Elecmon

"As long as we're willing to stay together and continue to believe, destiny will show us the way." -Bokomon
"I wish destiny could show me the way to a good burger." -J.P.
"Now that's something I can believe in!" -Neemon
"Sometimes the echo from your empty head is deafening." -Bokomon

"Finally, a worthy foe. So far, this has been quite boring." -Crusadermon
"Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. And you're about to get more then you can handle!" -EmperorGreymon

"Haven't you figured it out yet?" -Crusadermon
"What do you mean?" -Koichi
"In order to have data in the Digital World, you have to have a physical form. You, Koichi, have no physical form. Terribly sorry." -Crusaderemon
"That means I'm...." -Koichi
"A spirit only." -Crusadermon
"Wait! Tell me the truth!!" -Koichi

"Oh, great. Where do we start?" -J.P.
"How about at the beginning?" -Tommy

"Bokomon, you guys keep a look out for the Royal Knights." -Takuya
"We'll keep our eyes peeled." -Bokomon
"Really? That sounds painful!" -Neemon

"You know I just hate it when I get my hopes up like that." -Bokomon
Zoe: I know exactly how you feel." -Zoe

"I really like you, too, Zoe." -Takuya
"Yeah?" -Zoe
"Like, you know, not like like. Come on, you know what I mean right?" -Takuya
"Right." -Zoe

"Taku." -Chibomon
"I think I like this guy." -Takuya

"You're not actually going to try and stop me, are you? How amusing." -Lucemon (Chaos Mode)
"Do you see us laughing?" -Aldamon
"We will stop you!" -Beowolfmon
"Oh, very well, if you insist. My entrance into your world will be even more impressive if I use each of you as my stepping stones." -Lucemon (Chaos Mode)

"Is everyone okay?" -Koichi
"I guess so." -Zoe
"I'm still standing!" -Neemon
"Yes, you are... on my head!" -Bokomon

"You, who would destroy both worlds with your evil..." -Takuya
"Feel the power of the legendary warriors..." -Koji
"And perish!!" -Everyone

"Before you go--there is something I need to tell you." -Koichi
"Mmm?" -Koji
"You can do this." -Koichi
"Yeah." -Koji
"I believe in you--Brother." -Koichi

"He's too strong!" -EmperorGreymon
"Forehead." -MagnaGarurumon
"What?" -EmperorGreymon
"It's his forehead. Beams of light seem to shoot out from it every time he's about to launch an attack. It's gotta be the source of his power!" -MagnaGarurumon
"So what do we do?" -EmperorGreymon
"Our attacks are useless from a distance. We've got to strike at close range! If we can find a way to release the compressed data stored in his forehead, he'll have a sudden loss of energy. Then we can take him out!" -MagnaGarurumon
"Okay. But how are we supposed to get that close?" -EmperorGreymon
"I fly in first and distract him, while you come in behind me and go straight for the forehead." -MagnaGarurumon
"Why should you go first? My armour's stronger than yours!" -EmperorGreymon
"And what am I supposed to do once I get there? In case you didn't notice, my attacks were useless. The only way to get him is with your sword! Once we're up there, it's all gonna be on you. So what do you say? Think you can handle it?" -MagnaGarurumon
"Well sure. No problem!" -EmperorGreymon
"Thatta boy!" -MagnaGarurumon

"Are we there yet!" -Neemon
"No!" -Bokomon
"How about now!?" -Neemon
"No!" -Bokomon
"Now?" -Neemon
"No, no, no, no, and no! Now, would you please stop asking?! Uhh!" -Bokomon
"Okay... How about now?!" -Neemon
"If you don't have a real question, be quiet!" -Bokomon
"Bokomon?" -Neemon
"Yes?" -Bokomon
"I have a question!" -Neemon
"What is it?" -Bokomon
"Are we there yet?!" -Neemon
"NO!!" -Everyone
"Okay!" -Neemon

"Takuya! Speak to me!" -Bokomon
"Are they all right?" -Neemon
"They look all right. Thank goodness!" -Bokomon
"So Lucemon is coming back, huh?!" -Takuya
"That's... not good!" -Bokomon
"You got it wrong, pal! Lucemon was defeated a long time ago!" -Takuya
"I will show you! The truth is about to happen!" -Baronmon

"But it doesn’t really matter, does it? If they don’t know where it is, they will soon enough." -Takuya
"Right again, my boy." -Bokomon
"Wow, you’re startin’ to make a habit of that." -Neemon

"You are the ones sworn to protect the Digital World, are you not?" -Nefertimon
"We are them, uh, uh, uh, we are they. Uh whatever, yeah that’s us!" -Takuya

"Hey JP." -Tommy
"Hm?" -J.P.
"I’m scared, what if we mess up? If we can’t stop ‘em this whole world will be destroyed and with all of us still in it. I don’t know, I guess I’m still just a scaredy cat." -Tommy
"It takes a brave person to admit being scared to death." -J.P.
"Are you scared?" -Tommy
"Are you kiddin’ me?" -J.P.
"I am scared out of my chocolate coated mind! I haven’t changed one bit, but I’m still here." -J.P.
"Yeah." -Tommy

"You wanna take a break?" -Zoe
"If I stop looking I’ll start thinking and I really don’t wanna do that right now." -Takuya
"Ha ha ha, yeah we can’t have you thinking, now can we?" -Zoe
"Well, Neemon thinks I’m good at it." -Takuya
"Yeah." -Neemon

"Looks like they’re holding their own!" -Zoe
"Yes, but for how long?" -Koichi
"Hang in there guys, the fate of the Digital World is completely on your shoulders." -J.P.
"We’re with you!" -Tommy
"We know you can do it!" -Bokomon
"What he said!" -Neemon
"We believe in you!" -Patamon
"Be strong!" -Nefertimon

"You keep getting stronger, what is this ability of humans to exceed their natural limitations!?" -Crusadermon
"You don’t get it! We don’t believe in limitations!" -MagnaGarurumon

"Hey Bokomon, you said the Legendary Warriors sealed up Lucemon. Do you know how?" -Tommy
"The legend only says that they joined forces. Then it says they sealed him up. I'm afraid it's not very enlightening, is it?" -Bokomon
"Not at all. I don't get it! We have the power of the Ten Legendary Warriors, so we should be able to do it, too." -Zoe
"It's light and shadow!" -Patamon
"That's it!" -Lopmon
"The light and the darkness must become one for it to work." -Salamon
"If it's about the light and darkness... then Koji and Koichi are involved." -J.P.
"It does kind of figure that those two hold the key." -Takuya
"Okay, but how?" -Tommy
"Well, you see, the trouble is..." -Patamon
"We don't really know!" -Patamon, Salamon, & Lopmon

"I'm betting it's not good news." -J.P.
"It's the Dark Area!" -Bokomon
"I was right! That can't be good news!" -J.P.

"We've got to follow him." -Koji
"Well then let's evolve." -Takuya

"We have to work as a team. We are totally committed to do whatever it takes to stop Lucemon." -Aldamon
"As humans--" -Kazemon
"And as Digimon--" -Kumamon
"We're here to protect--" -Beetlemon
"All the Digital World." -Beowolfmon
"And the human world as well!" -Aldamon
"We have to succeed!" -All

"Oh, they have to hurry and leave. Wait!! Hurry and leave?! We didn't even get a chance to say good-bye! Oh! Wait! I'm going with you!" -Bokomon
[Neemon grabs onto Bokomon's waistband, trying to hold him back, with the help of Patamon, Salamon, and Lopmon.] 
"Bokomon, no! You said that Digimon can't survive in the Real World! Besides, you can't leave me!" -Neemon
"I don't care! I want to go!" -Bokomon
"Fine then! But if you leave, who will snap my waistband?" -Neemon
"No, don't go! Come back! Fear not! I'll write it all down so we'll never forget what you did. I'll make sure everyone knows the legend about the humans who saved the Digital World! And became the best friends a Digimon could ever hope for!" -Bokomon

"Koji, listen to me. Koichi is still alive." -Lowemon
"What? Are you sure?" -Koji
"The bond between us is strong. Even though we've been separated, I can sense he's still alive. Go, Koji. Hurry!" -Lowemon
"He's alive. Koichi's still alive!" -Koji