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Other Characters- Zero Two

Adventure/Zero Two

~ Tai Kamiya
~ Matt Ishida
~ Sora Takenouchi
~ Izzy Izumi
~ Mimi Tachikawa
~ Joe Kido
~ TK Takaishi
~ Kari Kamiya
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Zero Two

~ Davis Motomiya
~ Yolei Inoue
~ Cody Hida
~ Ken Ichijouji
TK Takaishi ~ see Adventure
Kari Kamiya ~ see Adventure
~ DNA Digimon
~ Other Characters
~ TK/Kari Group
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps


~ Takato Matsuki
~ Henry Wong
~ Rika Nonaka
~ Jeri Katou
~ Kazu Shiota
~ Kenta Kitagawa
~ Suzie Wong
~ Ryo Akiyama
~ Calumon
~ Impmon/Beezlemon
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~ Digimon Analyzer
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~ Takuya Kanbara
~ Koji Minamoto
~ Zoe Orimoto
~ Tommy Himi
~ J.P. Shibayama
~ Koichi Kimura
~ Bokomon/Neemon/Patamon
~ Seraphimon/Ophanimon/Sorcermon
~ Susanoomon
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~ Zero Two
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Other Characters- Zero Two

Last Updated: 6 January, 2011


"So much destruction, so little time."

"I need to relax and think happy thoughts. Crushing the DigiDestined, dark control spires, and getting rid of that pestering minion to name a few."

"I'll destroy you DigiDestined later." (running away)

"You're a daddy, not a mummy!" (to Mummymon)

"This is fun. Nothing quite relaxes me like scaring kids!"

"Those Digi-rats make me so tense! I've got to try to relax. Maybe I should think happy thoughts. Let's see... evil spells! Crushing my enemies! More control spires! Less Digi-Destined! Oh, I can't keep those kids out of my head! How hard can it be to get rid of them? Where did I go wrong?"

"I love the holiday season, Mummymon. All those smiling faces - all the better when we give them something to frown about!"

"Hey Paildramon, I want to watch you kick the bucket!"


"Every time she does that to me it makes me feel closer to her. Could this be love?" (about Arukenimon)

"Just think of me as a well wrapped present."

"This is more fun than fishing!"

"Either this is a Destiny Stone, or it's a giant motza ball!"

"I'm going to put those kids under wraps for the last time!"

"Egad! I'm blind as a bat! Aren't you guys out late?" (about LadyDevimon's bats covering the windshield)


"Do you think that power is going to bring you happiness? If you do, then you are living in a dream. Power isn't going to help you escape the loneliness you feel, it just makes it worse. The more powerful you are, the more alone you become."

"Do you think that power will bring you happiness?"

"It’s all beginning to make sense to me now. I’ve been searching for answers in the Digital World, trying to find a meaning of my existence, but so far been unable to find something to ease my pain, and now I know why. I was created from you, just like Arukenimon and Mummymon were. We are a part of the Real World, foreign to the Digital World. We do not belong there." (to Oikawa)

"You and I are very different... I mean, apart from the obvious difference that you're a tiny little flower and I'm the most powerful on two worlds." (to a flower he protected)

"You poor, simple-minded creatures... how I envy you."

"If I cannot win then at least I will not allow myself to be defeated by the likes of you. You shall find that even if you think you've beaten me you really haven't!"

"I'm grateful to have met you. I now know my existence has a meaning... even if that meaning is only to be hated and loathed." (to Azulongmon)

"No, he can't be allowed back into the Digital World." (about Oikawa)

"The Destiny Stone almost looks too beautiful to destroy. But I must."

"It galls me to be so close to the opponent I so hungrily seek, only to have him ripped away from me. I must find him."


"BlackWarGreymon, I have nothing further to tell you, unless you want to hear a good joke that Gennai told me in limbo." -Azulongmon

"BlackWarGreymon, you ask more questions than Cody." -Azulongmon

"In all seriousness, you truly saved the world. Thank you! To all of you!" -Gennai

"After a long battle, each of us guardians was sealed away by the Dark Masters. They didn't even leave us something to read!" -Azulongmon

"You must be Davis. Well, despite him, I wish you all the best." -Azulongmon (to the DigiDestined)

"Yes, Izzy is quite intelligent. If it weren't for that intelligence, he'd be... well... Tai." -Azulongmon

"In order to break the seal, we needed to take away the power from the Digi-Destined crests. Of course, Joe complained about it, but he complained about everything." -Azulongmon

"When all around you is darkness, always remember to keep the light on inside, no matter how high your electric bill gets." -Azulongmon

"Kindness will release the Golden Radiance." -Wizardmon

Yukio Oikawa

"Thank you Cody. If only I'd had your optimism I might not have ended up with such a sad fate. But I was unable to maintain hope through the bad times and I drowned in my despair. If only I'd had friends like you, or allowed myself to have them."

"I think Highton View Terrace is too cheerful a name. I say they rename it "Dark View Terrace" instead. That's much more appropriate."


"Behold my power."


"He’s got pants now." -Willis (about Gargomon)

"Now I've lost both of them!" -Willis
"You'll never lose me, Willis. I told you, I'm your friend. And friends are always there for each other." -Terriermon
"Terriermon!" -Willis

Other DigiDestined

"Dad always gets the munchies whenever he flies." -Michael

Other Digimon

"It's a real bummer working for the Digimon Emperor. All day it's 'destroy this', 'destroy that', 'get me a cappuccino'." -Drimogemon

"Faces, from long ago... I love jigsaw puzzles!" -Andromon

"I don't want any human world deadbeats in here!" -Digitamamon

"If he thinks he can catch us, he's got rocks in his head. And then again, so do we." -Gotsumon

"For trying to escape, you get to smell my roots, and I have root rot!" -RedVegiemon (to Gabumon)

"I am here to warn you...beware the Darkness..." -Devimon

"What a touching display of friendship. I think I'm about to cry. *laughs* I think I'm going to destroy you!!" -Daemon

"Kidnapping, Oikawa? I'm impressed!" -Daemon

"Here's the rules: no cookies in your cell, no loud noises after eight, and no shuckin' oysters in months without an R." -Starmon

"Before, I was soft and runny. But now I'm hard-boiled!" -Digitamamon

"Would you like to sit in the Digivolving, or Non-Digivolving section?" -Digitamamamon

"He's big and obnoxious, but we like him!" -Gekomon (about ShogunGekomon)

"It's too late for you now. You can't turn back time. What's done is done. You've made your bed, now lie in it! I'd go on, but I can't think of any more clichés!" -Punimon (to Ken)

"Today's entree is tuna surprise. Unfortunately, we're out of tuna. That's the surprise!" -RedVegiemon

"Back to work, boys. Remember, don't leave any stone unturned, even if it's your cousin!" -Gotsumon

"I know how to get him to followe me! (to Scorpiomon) Arachnid! Arachnid! Arachnid!" -Coelmon

"Need to catch a bus? Or maybe I should just drop the subject!" -SkullSatanmon (holding a bus full of kids)


"In all my travels around the world, I have found one thing that cures all and solves all problems... PRUNE JUICE!" -Cody's Grandpa

"It could be just my imagination, but I think my family's gone nuts." -June

"There's nothing worse than telling a lie." -Cody's Grandpa

"You know, Yolei, will all the snacks and drinks you take to give to your friends, it's a wonder this store shows any profit at all!" -Yolei's father

"Kendo isn't just using the same move over and over again." -Cody's Grandpa

"I have been to many lands and met many people. In all my travels, I have found only one thing I can count on... PRUNE JUICE!!" -Cody's Grandpa

"People will rely on you only to the extent that you rely on yourself." -Cody's Grandpa

"Ken, I made your favorite: Liver, squash, and lumpy mashed potatoes! Ken? I'll just leave it outside your door." -Mrs. Ichijoiji

"We always used to go camping until I used poison ivy for toilet paper!" -Davis' Grandpa

"Bonjour. On behalf of the French Republic, I hereby charge you with trespassing and am placing you under citizen's arrest! N'est pas?" -TK's Grandpa (to the partying Digimon)

"I even labeled the toilet!" -Mrs. Ichijoiji (about her new label maker)

"It's the Battle of Versailles! Well, the second one." -TK's grandfather (about fighting the Digimon in the Palace of Versailles)

"You've got a lot to learn about women, Matt." -Mr. Ishida

"This doll obviously has more than just cotton balls in its stomach." -Cody's Grandfather (about Armadillomon)

"I have to write this article for the deadline. It's all about the historical significance of toilet paper." -TK's Mom

"I don't want to barge in. I might set off one of his booby traps." -Mrs. Ichijouji (about Ken's room)

"It's strange. I mean, we don't even own a donkey." -Mrs. Ichijouji

"Um, Izzy. What happened to that friend of yours, Tento?" -Izzy's Mom

"I've studied legends all over the world. The Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, the Bermuda Triangle... You should see my frequent flyer miles!" -Sora's Father

Other Humans

"Please deposit two dollars for the next thirty seconds." -Phone Operator

"Students who are late for first period will be responsible for cleaning the gum from the desks after school. Come on kids. Chop, chop!" -Principal (over intercom)

"May I have you attention, please. Could the student who put the jelly doughnuts in the swimming pool please report to the principal’s office!" -Principal (over intercom)

"And then, I threw the jelly doughnuts in the pool!" -Male Student

"Will Mary Robinson please report to the principal’s office? Your locker is missing." -Principal (over intercom)

"We apologise for the pilot stepping out for popcorn in the inflight movie." -Plane Stewardess

"Please take a seat next to the girl with the camera around her neck." -Teacher (to T.K.)

"Will the owner of a grey 747 parked outside the window please report to the cock pit. Your lights are on." -Airport Announcement

"Attention, holiday shoppers! Get into the spirit of the season and spend, spend, spend!" -Mall Announcer

"We now return to the Power Rangers arbor day special!" -T.V. Announcer

"I don't believe it! One of the strange monsters had a strange light hit him in a strange way, which turned him into another strange monster. This is all really strange!" -News Reporter