
Height: 6'6''

Weight: 270 lbs.

Finishing Move: Scissors Kick

Manager/valet(s): The Kommandant, The Jackyl, Steven Richards

Titles Held: 1x WWE Tag Team Champ

Other aliases: Sniper, Bull Buchanan

Real Name:

In late 1997, the South African Truth Comission debuted, led by the Kommandant. They consisted of Sniper, Recon, and The Interrogator. Kommandant soon left, and The Jackyl took over. As he focused on The Interrogator, Recon and Sniper were left out in the dark and were soon gone.

Sniper re-debuted in March 2000 as Bull Buchanan, the assistant of The Big Bossman. They beat D'lo Brown and The Godfather at WrestleMania 2000. They also beat The Acolytes at Backlash. They broke up soon after, and Buchanan was recruited by Steven Richards for his group to censor the WWF's vulgarity. After beating the Godfather in a match to ban his ho's, he became one of them, known as The Goodfather. The three set their sights on Rikishi and Too Cool and beat them in a six man tag at SummerSlam. Val Venis joined in the Fall, and all four teamed to beat The Dudley Boyz and The Acolytes at Unforgiven. They lost in a Dudley Boyz Tag Team Table Invitational at No Mercy. He and the Goodfather won the tag team titles from The Hardy Boyz shortly after the event. They teamed with Edge & Christian at Survivor Series to lose to The Hardys and the Dudleys. They lost the belts at Armageddon in a Four Way Match to Edge & Christian.

Buchanan disappeared for a long time, and finally re-emerged at the end of 2002. He came to the aid of John Cena, who thought of himself as a rapper. Buchanan was given the name B-2, and they feuded with Rikishi. Cena and B-2 then set their sights on Smackdown's tag team titles, held by Eddie and Chavo Guerrero.