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Logo, Background, Graphics by:

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We are a part of the PSPMadeEZ Group

* Three new tutorials will be presented every month.

* These tutorials are written and produced by a Total Team Effort. One person on a team starts and then passes on his/her work to another to add some more, and so on. The results of the team efforts are then compiled into a finished Tutorial and posted.

* You may do them at your leisure.

* These are 'Unmoderated' so you will be mostly on your own, we (TST2 owner ~ Moderators) will help where we can. Address any questions to Linda, ~ Lloyd, ~ Ila. ...

* You are welcome to show your 'results' through the PSPMadeEZ group.

Enjoy~ !!

*Please go here for the original Team Spirit Tutorials page.

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Tutorials ~Challenge 1~ Team 1; Team 2; Team 3

Tutorials ~ Challenge 2 ~ Team 1; Team 2; Team 3

Tutorials ~ Challenge 3 ~ Team 1; Team 2; Team 3

Tutorials ~ Challenge 4 ~ Team 1; Team 2; Team 3

Tutorials ~ Challenge 5 ~ Team 1; Team 2; Team 3

Tutorials ~ Challenge 6 ~ Team 1; Team 2; Team 3

Tutorials ~ Challenge 7 ~ Team 1; Team 2; Team 3

Tutorials ~ Challenge 8 ~ Team 1; Team 2; Team 3

Tutorials ~ Challenge 9 ~ Coming Soon Team 1; Team 2; Team 3

Tutorials ~ Challenge 10 ~ Coming Soon Team 1; Team 2; Team 3

Tutorials ~ Challenge 11 ~ Coming Soon Team 1; Team 2; Team 3

Tutorials ~ Challenge 12 ~ Coming Soon Team 1; Team 2; Team 3
