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Team 2

Challenge #1-"The Dance"

Dawn, Pat, TB

This Tutorial was written using PsP7. You could certainly use PSP8 if you are familiar with the changes.


"Colorful Dancers"

You will need:

The Simple Filter

Images you need-Zip


Open the dancers tube and the original image.

Duplicate the original image (Shift + D)

Using Duplicate Image, go to the Layer Palette and

promote Background layer to Raster Layer.

If you have PSP8, use the Warp Brush with these settings:

Warp Mode: Push --- Size 32

Hardness 0 --- Strength 100

Edge Mode: Background --- Draft Quality: High

Final Apply: Best Quality (checked)

Use the brush to push the colors around to your satisfaction:

If you are using PSP7, use the Retouch Tool with

these settings:

The effect is similar and won’t be too noticeably

different after the next step.

Go to Effects - Texture Effects – Mosaic Antique and

apply the following settings:

Lower the opacity of this layer to somewhere between 78-82%.

Add the tubed dancers on a separate layer (Raster) using a scale of 80.

Add a drop shadow to this layer with the following settings:

Vertical - 3 Opacity - 70

Horizontal - 3 Blur - 20

Shadow Color - #000000-Black

Fill Interior With Color - Unchecked


Colors / Adjust contrast brightness /Brightness 18 Contrast 18

Merge Layers

Open Mask Image Edge8 (attached origin unknown) in PSP and Minimize

Add New Raster Layer

Flood Fill with White

Masks / New From Image - Edge 8 - Source Luminance and Invert Checked

Masks / Delete say yes to pop up window


On Masked Layer go to Selections /Select all /float / Selections /defloat

Your mask will have marching ants around it

Floodfill with #FFB52C

Keep Selected go to Selections /Invert

Apply Cut out - Effects 3d /Cutout /

Vertical and Horizontal 3 Opacity 75 Blur 12 Shadow colour Black

Keep Selected - Go to Selections / Invert


Vertical - 3 Horizontal - 3

Opacity - 75 Blur - 12

Shadow Color - #000000-Black

Fill Interior With Color - Unchecked

Apply Effects/Texture Effects/Straw Wall

Angle 100 --- Blur 40

Density 15 --- Length 14 --- Width 1

Transparency 0 --- Color Black

While still Selected go to Effects / Sharpen / Sharpen

Selections / Select None

Merge Layers


Your image should look like this

Now copy image

paste as new image, name it #2

Go to Original Image/add borders/add 5

Using magic wand click inside the border

and now go to edit/paste/into selection

Go to effects/artistic effects/topography/

width 50 Density 100 Angle 45 color white

add dropshadow

V and H - 1 --- opacity - 100 --- blur - 3.7 --- color - black

Add another border 10 with magic wand click inside

the border

and now go to effects/plugins/simple/quicktile


Go to effects/artistic effects/topography/


add border - 5 with magic wand click inside the border

and now copy your #2 image activate your original

imageand paste into selection again

apply dropshadow

add border 15

and now go to effects/plugins/simple/quick tile


Go to effects/artistic effects/topography/


now go to your pattern tool

scroll to the top to find your image

make this your pattern

Go to your Draw tool

Type- single line width- 2 Antialias- ticked

Holding down the shift key

make small diagonal, horizontal and Vertical lines

between the inside border and outside border

and Thats it

Have fun

We certainly hope that you've enjoyed this tutorial as much as we've enjoyed writing it for you.

Join us soon for 3 new tutorials, 'Team Written', just for you.

Proud member 'Team Spirit Tutorials 2'


Team Spirit Tutorials 2 is a part of PSPMadeEZ

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**These Tutorials may not be copied or pasted, used on any other website without the express authority of the owner of this site. Do not claim them as your own.**