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Team 2

Challenge #7 "Three Steps"

Pat: Captain ~ Linda R.

This tutorial was written using PSP8, however you should have no trouble using the PSP7.

"Bonnie Lass"

Rose Corner Tube and Image

Open your image in PSP 8, Shift/D to duplicate the image. Close out the original.

We will work with the duplicate.

Toolbar/View and click on Rulers. This will give you the ruler measurements around the edge of your image.


**Working with the Selections Tool**

Now, go to your Selections Tool.

Selection/Rectangle with '0' Feather and Anti-alias checked.

Place your cursor at the 20-20 mark at top left corner.

Keep the mouse key depressed as you drag across your image

to the opposite corner, again

going to the 20-20 mark and then drag straight down

till you reach the 20-20 mark at the lower corner.

On your Layer Palette, Promote selection to layer.

On that layer open your Effects/3D Effects/and

apply cutout with the following settings:

Vertical and Horizontal 6

Opacity 30 Blur 10 Color Black

Fill interior with color ~ unchecked

On your layer palette again, go to the Background layer and highlight

it. Then do a Promote Selection to Layer again.

This should appear right on top of the background

layer and under the first promoted layer.

Effects/3D Effects/Cutout and this time we will use these settings:

Vertical and Horizontal -2 -2 Opacity the same and Blur set at 3.

Here are the results so far

Merge Visible and save work


Now for the frame

Set your foreground colour to #C7775E

or a colour of your choice

Add Border Symetric 8

Select Border with magic wand

Floodfill with your colour - Select none

Add Border Symetric 25

Select Border with magic wand

Go to Selections invert

Keep Selected


Then Edit/ Copy and keep selected

Now Selections/Invert again

and Edit/Paste into selection

and then Select none

You now have a neat double border frame

Add corners or dings or some type of decoration

if you wish and you are done

I used the rose corner tube and

resized it to 80% before adding it to my graphic

We hope that you have enjoyed your Team Spirit Tutorials 2 Quickie 3 Steps or Less Tutorial.

Be sure and watch for 3 new Team Written Tutorials just for you next month.


Proud Member Team Spirit Tutorials 2

Team Spirit Tutorials is a part of PSPMadeEZ

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**These Tutorials may not be copied or pasted without the express authority of the owner of this website. Do not claim them as your own**