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Team 1

Challenge 2~ "The Art of Jim Warren"

Miss Sally

This Tutorial was written using PSP7, you may certainly use PSP8 if you are familiar with the changes.



For this tutorial you will need the VM Extravaganza freeware filter, which can be downloaded at:

You will also need this Gold fill. Right click and save to your computer Fills folder.

Twirls Mask here

An image. If you want to use this one, right click and save to your Image files.


Unzip the VM Extravaganza filters and install in the PSP Plug-in folder

Open the Gold Fill in Paint Shop Pro and minimize.

It is a good idea to write down the step numbers as you complete them. This will help you keep track of where you are in the tutorial.

Remember to Save often

. . . . . .

Since this tutorial requires toggling between adding borders, it is a good idea to prepare the color palette before we begin. Set the Background color to white (#FFFFFF) and select a color from your graphic for the Foreground. I chose #51C4D8

You will also need to select the Gold Fill pattern in the Styles box in the Color Palette.

To do that:

  • Click on the small arrow pointing right on the Styles Box


Click Pattern on the fly-out box


  • Click in the styles box again (Not on the Small arrow)

  • Then click on the Downward pointing arrow

  • Select the Gold Fill pattern

  • Scale 100%, Angle 0

  • Click OK 

1. Open the main image and duplicate once. Close original.

2. Select Image – Add Borders – Symmetric checked – 2 – click OK

  1. Select the Magic Wand –Tolerance 0 –Feather 0 – Sample merged not checked

  2. Click inside the new white border (You may need the Magnifying glass to complete this step). There will be marching ants around the inside of the border.

  3. Select the Flood Fill Tool and fill the new border with the gold fill pattern

  4. Selections – Invert

  5. Effects - 3D Effects – Cutout and use these settings:

Color – Black

Opacity – 65

Blur 20

Vertical and Horizontal 2

  1. Repeat the Cutout changing the Vertical and Horizontal to –2

  2. Selections – Select None

  3. Click on the middle of the arrow separating your foreground and background color on the Color Palette. This will toggle the color you selected from the graphic and set it as your background color.

  4. Image – Add Borders – Symmetric checked – 2 – Click ok

  5. Toggle foreground and background colors

  6. Image – Add Borders – Symmetric checked – 2 – click OK

  7. Choose Magic Wand and click inside the new white border

  8. Flood fill with Gold Fill Pattern

  9. Selections – select none.

  10. Repeat Steps 10-16

Now your image border should have five alternating sections like this:


 I have enlarged and cropped the graphic to more easily see the five borders

 18.  Image – Add Borders – Symmetric checked – this time we will be adding 20 – click OK

  1. Choose the Magic Wand and click inside the new border

  1. Effects – Plug-in Filters – VM Extravaganza – James Bondage

Use the following settings:

Calibre            118

     Spin      118

Hole 72

Click OK 

Selections – None

  1. Image – Add Borders – Symmetric Checked – 2 – Click OK

  2. Choose the Magic Wand and click inside the new border

  3. Flood fill with Gold Fill Pattern

  4. Selections – None

  5. Repeat steps 10-16

  6. Effects – 3D Effects – Inner Bevel – choose Metallic from the drop-down Preset menu

 26. Accept the default settings by clicking OK.

Step 27

Now at this point the image is large and if you when you save it as a .jpg and open it in an e-mail it will be about 242KB - You want to decrease the file size

Go to File/SAVE COPY AS (give it a name)

Save as type - JPEG - JFIF Compliant [*.jpg,*.jif,*.jpeg]

Options  - Standard Encoding checked and Compression set at 43 say OK and

Save and say YES to the next box that opens.

Now it will only be about 57KB.

You can always try using this setting when you want to save an image for posting

The idea comes from a tutorial - How to make smaller image files -  


Go there if you need to see detailed screenshot images on how to do it.

Step 28

Here you want to make the colors nice and crisp again go to

Effects/Enhance Photo Clarify/Strength of effect 2


Now we are going to add a mask :)

Open the Twirls  mask in your PSP Window and minimize.

Step 29

Add a new Raster layer

Flood fill with your color you chose earlier - (here I am using #51C4D8 )


Step 30

Masks / New /from Image

Source Luminance Checked

Invert Mask Data Checked

say OK

Selections from Mask OK   Now your mask will have marching ants around it

Flood Fill with your Gold Fill  - keep selected

 Effects Inner Bevel  Angled Default OK - keep selected

Effects / Sharpen /Sharpen - keep selected

Effects / Drop Shadow Vertical and Horizontal 0  Opacity 100 Blur 2.6 

Select None 

Masks Delete say Yes to box that comes up

SAVE image as .jpg

 At the top of the tutorial is the finished image.

. . . . .

We sure hope you've enjoyed our tutorial.

*Join us soon for three new tutorials.*


Proud Member Team Spirit Tutorials 2

Team Spirit Tutorials 2 is a part of PSPMadeEZ

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**These Tutorials may not be copied or pasted, used on any other website without the express authority of this site. Do not claim them as your own. **