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Team 1 ~~ Challenge # 4

~**~~~*Fall Fancies*~~~**~

Lloyd, ~ Bambi, ~ Carl

This Tutorial was written using PSP7, you may certainly use vrs. 8 if you are familiar with the changes.

**~~**Back To School**~~**


Files needed are in the Zip File Here

(Includes Image Below)

You can unzip the Tubes into your Tube Folder. and open them in PSP as mentioned below .

1. Choose photo 'School Girl' or the image You desire.

2. Choose background color #Ebe3a2. Add 1px Border

3. Choose background color #Ebe3a2 and foreground color #DDA546

4. Add 5px border Select with magic wand and choose 3d Effects

-- Inner Bevel with settings 5, 40, 2, 0, 10, 315, 50, 30.

5. Selections. Select None

6. Switch background and forground colors and add a 3px border

7. Switch backgrounds and repeat steps 4and5.

8. Add a 22 px border and select with the magic wand.

9. Go to Effects/Texture Effects/Mosiac/Antique with the following settings

Open and minimize Small Apple and Vine tubes.

10. Copy and paste vine to image, as a new layer. (Or, you could left click on the

vine layer and drag it to the main image).

11. Using deformation tool, move your mouse towards the center, to the little

handle, when the cursor becomes two

little arrows, pointing in opposite directions, hold down the mouse button and

rotate the vine so that it can be placed near the bottom, place it there. (Screenshot

done on white, to make the box you'll see, while using the deformation tool, show

up better. Arrows drawn on to show what you'll see when you find the handle you'll

use to rotate. (Your arrows will be much smaller.))

12. Duplicate the layer and rotate the vine to the same angle as the right side

(either using the deformation tool, as

before, or, using Rotate in the Image drop down in the tool bar.) Move vine to right


13. Make first vine layer active, and, from your 3D Effects, give it a slight drop

shadow-Vertical -1, Horizontal -2,

Opacity 75, Blur 7.4

14. Repeat drop shadow on second vine layer.

15. Copy and paste, or drag, as before, the Small Apple to the main image, make

sure it's the top layer.

Move vines and apple until you're happy with the placement and give the apple the same drop shadow as the vines.

16. Layers/Merge all flatten

17. Reverse the foreground and background colors. Add a border of 10px

18. Select with the magic wand and add an inner bevel as in Step 4.

19. Selections/Select none. Now save as a .jpg file

We hope You have enjoyed this tutorial and have fun as You learn the different

effects in PSP .


This Tutorial was Team Written just for you. Be looking for 3 more in Oct.


Proud Member Team Spirit Tutorials 2

Team Spirit Tutorials 2 is a part of PSPMadeEZ

Cover Page


**These Tutorials may not be copied, pasted, or used on any other website without the express authority of this site. Do not claim them as your own. **