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Team 3

Challenge #4~~"Fall Fancies"

**~~*The Circus*~~**

Linda F & Linda R

This Tutorial was written using PSP7, you may certainly use version 8 if you are familiar with the changes.



The following is what you will need for this tutorial. Download the tubes to your favorite Tubes Folder.





Balloon Tube


Gregs Pool Shadow You may find that filter here.


Super Blade Pro Presets; Terrycloth-diz.q9q

Kepf 5

Download these two and the

Crystalcrunch into your Super Blade Pro Environments and Textures Folder.






NVR Bordermania


<<**~ Ok, lets get started.~**>>

1. Open a transparent image 342 x 366 in Paint Shop Pro

2. Flood fill with #3E6AC9 or color of your choice. *The darker colors

bring out the clarity of the clown and then really accent the Gregs Pool

Shadow highlights so you may want to stick with those.*

4. Apply Gregs Pool Shadow with these settings:

Diagonal 30

Center 43

Horizontal 50

Diaginal 23

Horizontal 21

Vertical 35

Intensity 91

Lightness 137

5. Open up your clouds, copy and paste as a new layer and arrange them in

your picture the way you would like to have

them. Lower the opacity of the clouds to 44.

6. Open up your rainbow and copy and paste as new layer. Lower the

opacity of your rainbow layer to 64

7. Open up your clown image and copy and paste as new layer. Align your

rainbow to be even with the clowns arm on the right side.

With top layer (Clown) ....... add: Effects/3-D Effects/Drop Shadow with these settings:

Horizontal -- 4 Opacity 47 Blur 6.2

Vertical --1 Horizontal --2 Same opacity and blur

Layers/Merge/Merge All (Flatten)

Image so far:

8.. Image/add borders/symetric---11

Click inside borders with the Magic wand for marching ants

Add a new Raster Layer

Flood Fill with color f5d6b0

Add a new Layer. Name this layer: Spray.

Making sure that your "Spray" layer is activated, click on your Spray Can


9. Using your color picker, pick out these two colors: One as foreground

and one as background. Just change them when changing to

the other color. (Just click on the arrow between) You can toggle

back and forth between the two in this manner.

10. Just give short bursts of each of the colors, careful 'not' to overlap as we

want some of the base color of the frame to show also.

Now in your Layer Palette, right click on your 'Spray' layer and 'Duplicate'.

You should now have 3 layers. Click on the bottom layer, Background,

making it invisible. (Red Glasses)

11.. On your second layer:

Effects/Plug In Filters/VM ToolBox/Zoom Blur with these

settings. (UPload plug in)

12.. Next - Top Layer:

Super Blade Pro/Terrycloth-diz.q9q, move slider bar on Height more

towards middle until it suits you. OK

Layers/Merge/Merge Visible, making sure that one of the visible layers is


When you've done that, then turn your background layer back on. Make sure

that the marching ants are still around your border.

13.. Super Blade Pro and use the Kepf 5 default settings. Apply this twice for

nice definition. (Upload Plug In)


14.. Effects/3D Effects/Cutout with Vertical and Horizontal set to 1, blur 1,

Opacity 40, Shadow Color Black and making sure that the Fill Interior

With Color Box is "UNCHECKED".

Do the very same but this time change the Vertical and Horizontal to -1.

(Minus) . Selections/Select None.

15.. Image/Add Borders/size 24. Use the Light Gold color from before.

Select the border with your magic wand set at Tolerance '5', Feather 'none',

Sample merged 'Unchecked'

16.. Effects/Plug In Filters/Simple/Diamonds (upload Simple)

17.. FMTileTools/Collage/Circular (Upload FMTileTools Plug In)

18.. Next Effects/Artistic Effects/Topography with these settings:

Width=100, Density=40, Angle=48; color is the same light gold.

Effects Blur/Gaussian Blur/Radius 1

19.. Effects/Artistic/Topography




F5d6b0 -- Color


20.. With marching ants still active, Effects/3D Effects/Cutout with these

settings: Vertical and Horizontal=7

Opacity=30 Blur=18 Color=Black

21.. Image/Add Borders/Symetric/6 using the Pinkish color as before.

Select with your Magic WandEffects/Super Blade

Pro/lizs_crystalcrunch q5q and apply this twice.



Vertical and Horizontal --1

Opacity -- 33

Blur 1.8

Shadow Color - black

Now go back and change the Vertical and Horizontal to - (minus) 1

Selections/Select None

22. Image/Add Borders/Symetric/14 using the pinkish color as before.

Select with your Magic WandEffects/Super Blade

Pro/lizs_crystalcrunch q5q and apply this twice.



Vertical and Horizontal --1

Opacity -- 33

Blur 1.8

Shadow Color - black

Now go back and change the Vertical and Horizontal to - (minus) 1

Selections/Select None

23. Image/Add Borders/6 with the Light Gold color and select with Magic Wand

Apply the crystalcrunch twice as before.

24. Image/Add Borders/Symetric/6 using the Pinkish color as before.

Select with your Magic WandEffects/Super Blade

Pro/lizs_crystalcrunch q5q and apply this twice.



Vertical and Horizontal --1

Opacity -- 33

Blur 1.8

Shadow Color - black

Now go back and change the Vertical and Horizontal to - (minus) 1

Selections/Select None

25. Layers/Merge/Merge All (Flatten)

26. Effects/PlugIn Filters/NVRBorderMania/Border#2 with these settings: Border Width 9, Frame Width 16, Highlight

Intensity 110, Shadow Intensity 33 Bevel UNCHECKED Notch Corners CHECKED. (Upload NRVBordermania)

27. Image Resize/Percent/90%


28. Layers/New Raster Layer and name this layer Balloons (upload tube)

Using the tube provided, resize to about 85%. Apply this tube to your image and place where you like it.


29. Effects\3D Effects\Drop Shadow with these settings:Vertical and Horizontal 4 Opacity 49

Blur 9 Color Black

Next the same but this time change your Vertical and Horizontal to -2.


Here is our finished image. I hope you will enjoy working with this tutorial.


Join us soon for three new Tutorials, written just for you.


Proud member of Team Spirit Tutorials 2

Team Spirit Tutorials 2 is a part of PSPMadeEZ

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These Tutorials and/or their Images may not be copied, pasted or used on any other website without the express authority of this site. Do Not claim them as your own.