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Team #3 Challenge 5

~~"October Splendor"~~

Pat~~TB~~Linda R.

This tutorial was written using PSP7 but you may certainly use PSP8 if you're familiar with the changes.



For this tutorial you will need:

Paint Shop Pro - download a free trial here

Mask 118 - download here. Unzip, open in PSP and minimize.

Filter - Variations by Adjust - download here -

Filter - Greg's Pool Shadow - you may also download it from the PSPMadeEZ files.

This Pattern tile - Right-click and save in your Patterns folder.

Main Image - Right-click and save to your hard drive.

Remember to save often. (Ctrl + S)

1. Open the main image above and duplicate (shift + D). Close original.

2. Effect - Enhance Photo - Automatic Saturation Enhancements

PSP8 - Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Automatic Saturation Enhancements). Use these settings: (screen shot size reduced for faster loading)

3. Have your background color set to #281E17. (PSP8- you may choose this on the Canvas Size window.) Image - Canvas Size - Increase the Width to 295 and the Height to 430. I used a Background color of #281E17. Change the Placement to the bottom right (PSP8), or if you are using PSP7, the settings are:

Top 30 Bottom 0 Left 30 Right 0

If you are using a different image, increase both settings by about 30 pixels to allow the image to be centered in the Mask.

4. Layers - Promote to Layer. (PSP8 - Right-click on the Background layer in the Layer Palette and click Promote to Layer.)

5. Masks - From image

Choose the Mask 118. Delete mask, and answer YES when asked to merge with image. (PSP8 - Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image. Right click the mask layer in the Layer Palette and click Delete in the window that opens and answer YES when asked to merge with image). This is what you should have so far:

6. Add a Drop Shadow with these settings:

Vertical 1 Horizontal 1

Opacity 100 Blur 0

Color #37261E

7. Add a new Raster layer.

Layers - Arrange - Send to bottom. (PSP8 - Right-click the new layer, then Arrange - Send to bottom.) Flood-fill the layer with the pattern tile you saved at the beginning of this tutorial.

8. Effects - Plugins - Adust - Variations.

I clicked on ‘More Magenta’ and ‘Darker’.

Add an Inner Bevel to this layer with the following settings:

9. Effects - Plugins - Greg’s Pool Shadow

Use the default settings. Layers - Merge - Merge Visible (PSP8 - Right-click on Raster 2 in the Layer Palette, then click Merge - Merge Visible.)

10. Image - Add Borders - Add a 5 pixel symmetric border of white. Select the border with the Magic Wand and flood-fill with color #221D17. (PSP8 - You may choose the color in the Add Borders window.) Your image should look like this:

You need VM Natural /Sparkle

Download it here

Promote to Layer

Add New Raster Layer - Move to bottom

Choose selection Tool /point to point and on top layer cut out Pumpkin Eyes, Nose and Mouth

You may have to go to View/Zoom in by One to see clearer.

Select None

Click View /Normal View

Select Bottom Layer and Flood Fill with Black

Duplicate Bottom layer Twice

SAVE as .psp

Rename your layers

Bottom Layer - Flame 1

Next Layer - Flame 2

Next Layer - Flame 3

Top Layer - Picture

SAVE as .psp

Select Picture Layer - Select All /Float Defloat/Invert selection

Now only the holes that you cut out of the pumpkin should have marching ants around them

KEEP SELECTED go to Flame 1 Layer - Flood Fill with #F4A855

Go to Flame 2 Layer - Flood Fill with #E05518

Go to Flame 3 Layer - Flood Fill with #FFCD53

Go to Picture Layer - Drop Shadow V 2 H 2 Opacity 100 Blur 0


SAVE as .psp

Duplicate Picture Layer twice so that you have three picture layers and the three flame layers

Merge a Picture layer with a flame layer - do this with each copy of the picture and a flame layer

You will now have three merged layers of the picture with the different coloured gaps in the pumpkin

SAVE as .psp

Click on top layer

Choose Selection tool /Point to point

Go around the edges of the star

Effects/ VM Natural /Sparkle adjust setting to your taste


Click on Layer two

Effects VM Natural Sparkle adjust setting slightly to your taste


Click on layer Three

Effects VM Natural Sparkle adjust setting slightly to your taste

Repeat the same procedure on the little girls crown

SAVE as .psp



Keeping selected go to each layer and repeat the VM Natural Sparkle effect on each layers border

SAVE each of your merged picture and flame images as a .PSP file. Such as Halween1, Halween2, Halween3

File/Jasc Software Products/Launch Animation Shop

In the Animation Wizard, first page, Tic *Same size as the first image frame*

Next: Transparent

Next: Upper left corner of frame and With Canvass Color

Repeat animation indefinately and 30-40, according to your taste, in second box

Then add your three images in the their proper order.


File/View Animation

You should see your beautiful animation now. You will want to next go to

File/Save As and then save to your favorite Animations Folder.

Remember to save as a .gif file.

If you want to add a fancy frame to your animation, you should do it with your first image. Then do a shift/D twice. Then continue on with the rest of the tutorial.That way you will have your three animation frames framed just alike and they won't bounce or jiggle when you take it through animation shop.

We hope that you have enjoyed the Animation Tutorial. Next month there will be three more tutorials Team Written Just For You.


Proud Member Team Spirit Tutorials

Team Spirit Tutorials 2 is a part of PSPMadeEZ

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** These Tutorials may not be copied or pasted, used on any other website without the express authoriaty of this site. Do not claim them as your own. **