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This is the beginning of an archive, which I try to add to often (but I get behind). Apparently someone thinks it's good, because the awards (Okay, award, 1 so far) are at the bottom. I try to keep this archives kept up and appropriate for all age groups, but I apologize in advance for anyting that may be deemed offensive. I don't have sources for most of these, but will be happy to give credit where credit is due if I'm contacted. If you're really in a silly mood, some of the coolest humor places I've found are here . (Also feel free to send me things to add) Read on and enjoy (remember: Common sense is highly over-rated, when things don't make sense, try a sense of humor).

School Humor

50 fun things to do during a boring lecture
Definitions from the college student's dictionary
The incredible writing monkeys
50 fun ways to fail a test
The Universal Grade Change Request Form
The World's Easiest Quiz
How to deal with anxiety
How they're figuring our exam grades...
The Death of Socrate's Rooster
50 fun things for a professor to do the 1st day of class
Why barfing is better than school food (a little disgusting)

Computer/Geek Humor

The Geek Quiz
Badtimes Virus alert (parody)
The Raven (Abort, Retry, Ignore?)
If Dr. Seuss Wrote Star Trek

Science Humor

Cartoon Physics
Heavy Boots (I'm not sure if this is funny or scary)
Quantum Physics explained
Kid's Science
Things you don't want to hear during surgery

Slightly Cynical Humor

Definitions from the cynic's dictionary
My Favorite Things (parody)
A Touching Story
Rejection lines you probably don't want to use (or hear...)
If those didn't work, how to get rid of a blind date(slightly less appropriate)
Not enough dating? try Muppet's view of women
Rejection of a rejection

"How To" Humor

How to be annoying
How to be a kid again
How to know if you're from Michigan
How to properly care for floppy disks
How to write a paper

Other Humorous Stuff

Psychiatric hotline message
Top 16 signs your cat has a personality disorder
30 fun things to do while driving
Stephen Wright lines
"Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey
Random humorous quotes
The procrastinator's creed
Are you a god? take this simple test
The HIT-N-RUN Point Chart


Email: dawbie@usa.net

5 Star Humor Site