Admiral Zarith Astrum

Lords of the Sith Fleet Command

Affiliation: Imperial

Imperial Army Rank: Colonel


Holonet Archives

Service Record

Zarith quickly joined the Imperial Navy as an initiate Pilot in the Black Epsilon squadron. Rising rapidly through the ranks, her keen senses and almost inhuman reflexes have made her ship the last sight many enemies of the Empire have ever seen. Since that day she has been declared an Ace in all three major Imperial squadrons

Zarith has been attached to Imperial Special Tactics Unit 2232, unofficial name: "Lords of the Sith". Her talent and knowledge of space warfare and tactics have been recognized by her appointment as Admiral, LoS Fleet Command. Now she spends much of her time in space teaching others the skills they need to defeat the Rebel menace, but still be found haunting deep space in search of prey.

Zarith has mastered the Pistol and has become a highly skilled battlefield medic. This choice is perhaps out of a sense of latent guilt over the lives she has taken in space, although several enemies of the Empire have learned that her aim and skill is deadly.

Zarith was recently promoted to the rank of Colonel in the Imperial Army based on her performance in the galactic civil war. Her next goal is to help plan and support military buildups and become a base commander.

She has been decorated extensively for her actions as a pilot, having won the highest award the Empire can give three times in space combat operations. She has been awarded the Imperial Medal of Honor a total of 4 times, the Imperial Heroism Medal and the Imperial Medallion of Service.

Her skill as a pilot has also been recognized with the reward of two ships. First she was awarded the right to fly the Imperial Guard TIE/Interceptor for her capture of a Rebellion corvette. Secondly she was granted a fighter by no less than Darth Vader himself, his personal fighter from the Clone Wars.

Recent Activity:

After a dream that seemed to have the Emperor calling her name in summons, Zarith traveled to the Imperial Retreat on Naboo. Spending several days in meditation and service to the personnel there, she was finally granted an audience with the Emperor and given the opportunity to swear fealty to him directly. Upon completion of her service she was dismissed with the title of Emperor’s Hand and told to “let her hate guide her”. She dreams that one day he will call upon her again to serve and to learn his wisdom like his apprentice Darth Vader.

Frustrated by the inability to become a member of the Imperial Inquisition except in an auxiliary role, Zarith resigned her commission in the Imperial Navy and petitioned to join as a cadet. Her show of humility and willingness to unlearn previous habits was sufficient to gain a trial commission. With her previous insights learned before and her newfound zeal, she quickly rose to a position of trust and authority. Decorated for her heroism in battle over Kessel, she continues her fight against internal and external corruption and helps to ensure the “purity” of the New Order.

Zarith recently received a summons to the Imperial Retreat and was given a special mission by the Grand Inquisitor. Concerned with irregularities with Imperial operations in the Yavin and Endor systems, she was instructed to join Storm Squadron. She has completed a tour of duty with them and is now preparing her report.

Due to her activities on Yavin IV, Zarith is starting to wonder if the stories she heard about Alderaan were true. The words Death Star have been used to describe a weapon destroyed in Yavin IV space and she has heard conflicting stories of its role in the destruction of Alderaan. Whispers talk of a massive project in the Endor system and her investigations may lead to that forest moon soon.

She intents to propose to the Grand Inquisitor that she begin to infiltrate the neutral aligned squadrons to find out their involvement with the Death Star project and their operations in Endor.


Zarith often returned to her fringer days by dancing in various cantinas around the galaxy, using it as a cover for her investigations. But behind the pretty girl is a mind calculating and cold, listening with eagerness for mention of her nemesis. Although her skills have diminished and she rarely performs in public, she still listens and watches to hear the latest news from the Entertainer grapevine.

Zarith has one true passion on the ground, Swoop Racing, and never passes up the chance to seek out the local tracks when grounding on a new planet. She has been recognized as a champion at all six major planetary swoop tracks and now dreams of making her own track someday. Intrigued by the complexity and challenge of the Lok Marathon, she seeks a planet to build a track that would be as deadly as it would be difficult.

Zarith has become a Master Explorer and Master Scout in her quest to find her nemesis, traveling some of the most dangerous planets in the known galaxy at extreme personal risk. In the process she has been honing her combat skills by hunting some of the most dangerous creatures in known space. Among her accomplishments have been the defeat of an both a Mutant and Giant Aklay on Yavin IV, the Gorax of Endor, an Ancient Kryat Dragon on Tatootine and the legendary gaping spider Kilin Dray on Dathomir.

She has recently began exploring her freelance heritage by creating a small mining company. It has become profitable quickly and Zarith already plans to use the funds to increase the lethality of the LoS Fleet.

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