Admiral Zarith Astrum

Lords of the Sith Fleet Command

Affiliation: Imperial

Imperial Army Rank: Colonel


Holonet Archives

The Mystery of Dathomir

When the peculiar old man came to her the first time babbling about wanting to give her a crystal and telling her that she had a special gift, Zarith quickly told him to be about his business. The strange words ran within her head afterwards, making her question the dreams and strange insights she had been having. She tried to justify it by saying to herself, “you have always had fast reflexes and the ability to predict your opponents. Your father taught you how to read body language almost before you could read script. Any good trader has to have that.” Still, there was curiosity and she was considering seeking him out to find out more about his purpose.

At this time her dream came regarding the Emperor. When she met him, it was almost as if he was surrounded by a dark aura, shimmering like a heat mirage. It was if he was a coiled serpent ready to strike and she nearly fainted the first time she was presented. With a smile, the aura around him seemed to diminish but was still hidden beneath the surface. It was almost as if he knew she could sense it.

Later, when introduced to Darth Vader she sensed a similar aura, although his was tinged by almost a sadness and longing. Even more so she was curious to find out what was this power they both seemed to possess.

Not long after the old man returned, and after consultation Zarith agreed to take and guard the crystal. There did not seem to be anything special about it, although it glowed and was warm to the touch she had seen trinkets like it in starport all over the galaxy. She thought she was simply humoring a crazy old man until the hunters arrived.

When the “Sith Shadows” arrived and attacked, demanding the crystal be surrendered she was confused. The Sith were supposed to be a band of legendary heroes, the last remaining being Darth Vader who destroyed the Jedi menace. Although initially overmatched, she was able to defeat her enemy with the aid of companions. A data pad obtained from one of the Sith lead back to their base camp.

After the base camp was overrun and the enemy defeated, another data pad was found. This time it talked of a village on the savage planet of Dathomir. She recognized the coordinates as a strange foggy area that caused disorientation that she had discovered during one of her scouting missions. She quickly boarded her ship and launched into space, no longer letting her uncertainty hold her back.

Upon arrival on Dathomir she headed to the coordinates and was shocked by what she found. Here was a community of force-wielders who did not pay homage to the Empire and seemed to be training people in the forbidden Jedi arts. She knew she should report this to her superiors as any resurgence of the Jedi was a threat to the New Order. Something inside her cautioned her to be silent, just like she did not report the fugitive female Jedi who was hiding on Dantooine in the ruins of the old Jedi Temple.

She continues her secret travels to the village, slowly learning the ways of the force and helping them to defend themselves from the onslaught of the Sith Shadows. She is drawn by the teaching but fears that something inside her is changing. A choice will have to be made soon on what path she wishes to take as her powers develop.

The Imperial Inquisition has specifically told Zarith that traveling to Dathomir is prohibited and punishable by death. Zarith lied to the Grand Inquisitor when asked if she had ever been to Dathomir and realized that she faces death if she ever is caught. Her hope is to unravel the mystery and present it to the Emperor directly to eliminate this potential hotbed of rebellion and terror.

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