Click here to see a list of all the Quizzes!
Veggie/School Stereotype Quiz!
Maze of Destiny Quiz!
Mystical Quiz
Werewolf Quiz
Evil Overlord Memegen
Phobia Quiz
Violent or Creative Quiz
Char. Good Quiz
Char. Flaw Quiz
Bob/Bill Quiz
Cheez Quiz
Monty Python Quiz
Pet Quiz
Personality Quiz
Serial Killer Quiz
LTE Quiz
Dog Quiz
Pointless Law Quiz
Weird Job Quiz
Paranoid Quiz
Object Quiz
Pronouon Quiz
Animal Quiz
ZIM Quiz
TAB Quiz
Weird Quiz

ATTENTION: Angelfire no longer allows images hosted from their site (such as all the images in these quizzes) to leave their site. Some of the quiz results have been moved to a different image hoster...but not all. So...if the image doesnt work...I suggest you save the images to your computer and use them from there, if you absolutly have to prove to everyone that you are mozzerella cheese, or whatever...
Welcome to:
Weird Quiz TAB Quiz ZIM Quiz Jenny-Obsessed Animal Quiz Pronoun Quiz Pointless Object Quiz Paranoid Quiz
Weird Job Quiz Weird Law Quiz Serial Killer Quiz My Dogs Quiz Longest Text Ever Quiz Person Type Quiz
Monty Quiz
Best Quiz Flaw Quiz Cheez Quiz Bob/Bill Quiz Phobia Quiz Pet Quiz Cartoon Quiz Violent/Creativity Quiz Mystical Quiz Overlord Werewolf Quiz Maze of Destiny Quiz Veggie/School Stereotype Quiz


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Here are some quizes I made myself. I learned how by viewing the source on other quiz pages and taking notes. Also, I'll admit that there was some copying and pasting involved. The point is, the quizzes themselves are original. Enjoy.
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