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Updated: 7/6/2009

It is said that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Back in the 990's, the Christian world held its breath. It was believed that Judgment Day would come a thousand years after the birth of Christ. Medieval preachers interpreted the biblical attackers from the north--from Gog and Magog--to be the fearsome Vikings ransacking their towns and churches. Obviously, the 10th century prediction was not fulfilled.

At the turn of the millennium (1999), I began this project as a retrospective of the past millennium and to reflect on the accomplishments and failures of humankind. The object of this project is to bring to the world a comprehensive time line highlighting major events from 1000 - 1999. We need to learn from the mistakes of the past. Looking at world events since I started this project, it's obvious that we haven't learned a thing. In re-launching this site, my hopes are to showcase the major turning points in history, what led to them and the consequences of the actions.

It covers major historical events, people, natural disasters, inventions, religion, art and music - anything that influenced or played a pivotal role in who we are today and to give us an insight on who we can be tomorrow.

Each century has its own page with links to other sites, historical accounts and the occasional editorial.

This has been an interesting and educational undertaking and is by no means finished. It will be updated regularly as new pivotal points emerge.

Links and special acknowledgments are mentioned at the bottom of the relative pages. When I first started this project, researching the data was more time consuming. I started with the History Channel's World Timeline and then searched for more indepth information. Now (2009), with Wikipedia, there's one place with information on mostly everything. If you'd like more information on a certain topic that's not linked, click on the Wikipedia link at the bottom of each century page.

An interesting thing about the History Channel's World Timeline is when you click on anything upto the year 1000, you get a list of events. Starting with the year 1100, then you have to "chose a decade". Not that there was more going on after the year 1100, there is more recorded history. Starting in 1800, after you select a decade, you get to select a year.

Giselle Aguiar

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1000's | 1100's | 1200's | 1300's | 1400's | 1500's | 1600's | 1700's | 1800's | 1900's | 2000's

About the Project | The Third Millennium Prophecies | Bibliography | Lessons Learned