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Water Temple Walkthrough

Getting There

After you are gone with the king, play the Song you just learned to get warped to Lake Hylia. There you will notice all the water is gone except for a bit in the center. Put on the Water Tunic and walk to the water in the center and now put on the Iron Boots and go walk underwater until you reach a closed gate. Take out the hookshot and shot the diamond above the gate for it to open and enter the Water Temple.

Water Temple

Change your boots as you enter so that you can float to the surface then walk into the room ahead of you. Put your boots back on, drop down into the water and sink to the very bottom. Walk round to the right, defeat the two Spikes with your hookshot and walk through the door marked by the two unlit torches and continue down the passage to find Princess Ruto of the Zora. She tells you that Sheik rescued her from under the ice and asks you to help her save Zora's Domain. To do this you need to destroy an evil monster. She goes on to say that there are three places in the temple where you can change the water level and tells you to follow her. Walk into the room, take your boots off and float up after Ruto. Climb out of the water at the top and pass through a door to kill four spikes and make a chest appear. Open the chest to find the dungeon map.

Exit via the door you came in by, stand in front of the Triforce symbol, and play Zelda's Lullaby on the ocarina to lower the water level in the temple. Drop down the hole that you floated up through and at the bottom use the bow to fire arrows through the flame of the torch in the centre so that they light the torches either side of the door. You need to be quick when lighting the second one or the first one goes out. When the torches are lit, the door unbars.

Go through the door to encounter three Shellblades which are like large clams with spiky edges. Shoot them in their exposed innards with the hookshot when they open up. Kill all three Shellblades to make a chest appear which contains a small key. Make your way back to the central area where spikes and Blue Tektoids attack. Beat them and go to the opposite side of the room. Climb onto the brown platform and push the block in the wall forwards and down a long tunnel until it drops into water. Put your iron boots on and follow the block into the water. At the bottom, follow the corridor to the end and take your boots off to rise to the surface.

Walk forwards to enter the new room and shoot the Blue Tektite across the way. There is a chasm in front of you which is too wide to jump at the moment so hit the diamond-shaped switch on the right to make a water spout rise in the centre of the chasm. Jump onto the water spout and across to the other side. If you miss the jump, use your hookshot on the circular symbol to pull yourself back up.

Go through the door into a room with a square pool in the middle of which there is a strong current. Look down and you can see a stone dragon's head and a piece of its body under the water. Drop in and equip the boots when you're over the body to sink onto it. Look at the dragon's head to see a switch in its mouth. Use the hookshot on the switch to raise the portcullis underwater then turn to the right and use the hookshot on the white circle to pull yourself over to the exit.

Kill the two Shellblades with the hookshot and switch to your normal boots to rise to the surface. Climb from the water and open the chest for a small key, then hit the diamond switch. Put your iron boots back on, drop into the water, and pass back into the room with the stone dragon in it. Float to the surface, climb out and leave the room, then fire your hookshot at the circle across the way to travel to the other side and exit through the door. Drop down into the water and sink to the bottom then follow the corridor to the end. Look up at the circle on the wall and use the hookshot to pull yourself out of the water. Return to the central area, go right and enter the next tunnel. Walk to the end of the tunnel and use a bomb to blow a hole in the floor where you can see a slight gap. Drop into the hole and use the iron boots to sink down.

Kill a Shellblade, walk to the end of the corridor, and rise to the surface. Climb onto the platform with the switch and stand on it to raise the water level. Kill the Blue Tektites and aim your hookshot at the white circle on the neck of the statue ahead to pull yourself up. Walk past the statue to the bars. Behind them is a Gold Skulltula and a diamond switch. Charge up your sword and release it to activate the diamond switch and raise the bars. Kill the gold skulltula and drop back into the water then drop back down the hole and return along the tunnel and float back up. Return to the central room and go to the locked door directly ahead in the central structure. You find yourself on a narrow platform with spikes on the floor on both sides. Go to the end of the platform and turn around then look up and right and use your hookshot to pull you up onto the ledge where you find another Triforce symbol. Play Zelda's Lullaby when standing right in front of the symbol to raise the water level; pushing a block up with it. At this point you should be floating in the water. Put your boots on and sink down to where the block which has risen has now revealed a hole. Drop down the hole into a big square room with a diamond switch. Hit the diamond switch to open one of the grates in the ceiling and drop spikes and Shellblades down to attack you.

Kill them all to open another grate in the opposite corner to the switch. Float up into the new area and open the chest for a small key. Return to the central room where you just raised the water level and climb onto the floating block. Jump across to the door, open it and return to the central area.

On the new ledge turn right and walk around till you see a ledge on the outer wall with two clay jars on it. Pull yourself across to the ledge with the hookshot then follow the passage until you come to some spikes blocking your way. Use your hookshot on the white circle to pull yourself on to the ledge above the spikes. Turn around, look up and aim your hookshot at the farthest of the three circles on the roof to pull yourself into a square room with a diamond switch, some jars and a chest inside a water spout. Grab some health from the jars, stand near the chest and use your hookshot to hit the diamond switch and stop the water temporarily. Open the chest to get the compass.

Go back down the hole, past the spikes and return to the central area. Put your boots on and sink down to the tunnel directly below you. Walk along the tunnel and take your boots off to rise to the surface in the room where you encountered Princess Ruto. Climb out of the water and look for the small fissure in the wall. Plant a bomb next to it to open a hole and pass through to find a chest with another small key in it. Return to the central area and float up to the ledge running around the central structure. Walk around to the opposite side of the room and use the hookshot to reach the platform on the wall with the locked door. Open the door and go through into a room with a diamond switch and a water spout. Stand on the water spout and hit the diamond switch with the hookshot to make the water rise and take you up to the room above. Kill the Blue Tektite and go through the new door.

You find yourself by another Triforce symbol. Play Zelda's Lullaby to raise the water level once again. Drop from the ledge and climb onto the central platform. Run around the central platform anticlockwise until you see another passage open on the wall. Swim across to the passage and drop into the water and sink down. Follow the corridor along to the block ahead and pull the block towards you until it stops. Return to the central area and head to the opposite side of the room to find a locked door in the wall. Unlock the door and go through it.

Kill the two Keese on the wall ahead then walk forwards and drop onto the platform just below you. The platform below the one you're now standing on is moving up and down the sloping wall. Drop onto it and ride it to the bottom then turn right and jump onto the lowest platform. Use your hookshot to drag yourself up the descending platforms ahead and shoot the circle on the wall at the top to pull yourself into a short tunnel at the end of which is a locked door. Go through the door into a room with statues around it, Blue Tektites in the middle and a red diamond switch. Shoot the switch with your hookshot to raise the water level and reveal circular targets on the necks of the statues. Pull yourself across to the first statue, turn and shoot the switch again to lower the water and the statue necks. Then pull yourself across via the circle on the wall to the right, climb over the statue, shoot the diamond switch again, pull yourself to the next statue via the circle on its neck. Shoot the switch again to lower the water and the statues once more, climb onto the statue and shoot the switch once last time to raise yourself up and jump across to the ledge nearby. Kill the Blue Tektites and shoot the Like Like on the other side of the spikes. Shoot the white circle on the ceiling to pull yourself across the spikes and go through the door.

You appear in what seems to be a massive open area with a leafless tree ahead of you behind which is a barred exit. Walk past the tree and turn around to encounter Dark Link who is actually a reflection of you!

This enemy is a bit of a nightmare to defeat because he responds almost instantaneously to your every move. The only way to hit Dark Link effectively is to lock onto him and parry his attacks, then counter before he gets his guard back up. He drops down through the floor and reappears behind you whenever you hit him so be ready to turn. Whatever you do, don't do a thrust with your sword or Dark Link jumps on top of it, instead keep doing slashes with your sword. Once you've beaten Dark Link the door ahead of you unbars and the wide open area transforms into an ordinary room. Go through the door to find a chest inside which you get the Longshot which is just a longer version of the Hookshot.

Once you've got the longshot, play the Song Of Time to remove the block behind the chest and reveal a hole in the floor. Drop down the hole to find yourself in a cavern with a waterfall to the left emptying into a river. Navi warns you about vortexes in the water and the water is moving very fast so put your boots on before you get into it. Step into the water and go right, then follow the river along avoiding the vortexes and collecting recovery hearts on the way. Just after the second vortex you'll find a Gold Skulltula on the wall, so kill it and collect the token with the longshot. When you reach a platform with two jars on top climb up onto it, turn round and look up at the roof of the tunnel to find a white circle. Use the longshot on the circle to get to the next platform then shoot an arrow at the gold eye on the wall opposite your platform to open the portcullis. Immediately turn to the left and use the longshot on the chest in the tunnel to drag yourself across. Open the chest for a small key.

Follow the tunnel to the end which brings you back into the room above the water with the dragon statue in it. Drop into the water and make your way back from here to the central area. Put your iron boots on again and drop to the bottom of the room. Go through the tunnel on the right of the area to get to where you met Princess Ruto then float up to the top and play Zelda's Lullaby in front of the Triforce to lower the water again. Fall down the hole to the bottom and make your way back to the central area.

Go left round to the door leading into the central structure and inside use the longshot to pull yourself up to the top platform in the room and shoot the gold skulltula on the roof. Drop back down and make your way to the second floor and walk out onto the balcony. Walk left round to the other side of the building, taking care not to fall down the gap and shoot the eye on the wall with the bow to open the portcullis then use the longshot on the white circle just past the portcullis to pull yourself into the tunnel. Follow the corridor to the very end and push the red block you moved some time earlier to let you get to a room with a chest containing a small key. Grab some recovery hearts from the pots at the rear of the room.

Go out of the room and down the corridor ahead then use the longshot on the circle up above to pull yourself up to the next ledge which is above the central area. Hang off the edge and drop down to the first floor then go through the tunnel at the top of the map. Pass through the underwater tunnel and in the next room use the longshot to reach the locked door. Open the door, go through and kill the Blue Tektites that otherwise impede your progress. Next put on your iron boots and cross to the other side avoiding the boulders underwater then float up to the surface and climb out. Enter the new door and drop down onto the platforms on the left to kill the stingers in the water with your longshot. Get onto the platform at the bottom right of the room and use a bomb to blast a hole in the wall. Pull the block on the other side of the wall towards you until it stops then go to the bottom left corner of the room and plant another bomb to make another hole. Enter the passage that's revealed and go into the passage and push the block ahead to the far wall. Then come back into the main room and pull the block out as far as possible and finally return back into the passage and push the block the rest of the way to drop it into the water onto a switch, raising the water level.

Swim across to the large steps on the other side of the room and go out the door. In the next room walk to the edge and shoot the blue Tektites then step on the switch to the right to remove the bars on the door at the other end of the room and raise three water flumes in the centre. Jump across on the flumes and exit through the door. Walk to the edge of the corridor that you find yourself in and you see huge boulders rolling past from right to left. Look to the right and kill a gold skulltula with the longshot then put your iron boots on, wait for the boulder to go past and go right down the corridor to the end where the weight of your boots pulls you down a hole. Follow the tunnel, kill the shell blade then remove your boots, float to the surface and follow the corridor to another locked door. Go through the door and open the large chest in the centre to get the boss key! If you want to store up some energy, break the pots at the back of the room and trap the fairies in bottles for later consumption!

Make your way back to the central area and enter the central structure. Use the longshot to get up to the ledge with the Triforce on it and play Zelda's Lullaby to raise the water level. Climb onto the floating block, jump across to the door and head out onto the ledge and then left round the first corner. Pull yourself across to the door in the outer wall and go through into the room with a diamond switch and a water spout. Stand on the water spout and hit the diamond switch with the hookshot to make the water rise and take you up to the room above.

Go through the door to find yourself by the highest Triforce symbol. Play Zelda's Lullaby to raise the water level back to the top. Jump back onto the central ledge and walk round it until you're facing the ledge at the top of the map which has a statue on it. Use the longshot on the neck of the statue to get across to the ledge and go through the door after smashing the pots for fairies if you need them. Avoid the blade traps in the next room by timing your run and not stopping until the top and open the boss door! Navi warns you as you enter the room that the water isn't normal. There are spikes around all the walls and four platforms in the centre. Jump onto one of these to trigger the appearance of Morpha.

This boss is esay now that you have the Longshot. Z-Target the red thing inside of Morpha and pull it towards you, then strik it with your sword. If you get too close, Morpha will pick you up and takes away a lot of your hearts, so keep a safe distance. Repeat this until dead.

Once you killed it, collect the heart piece and go into the blue thing. Now you will appear in the Chamber of Sages with Ruto who gives you the Water Medalian. Now you will appear on the island in Lake Hylia with Sheik. The water will start rising and the water in the lake will refill. Now once she leaves and it is day, play the Sun's Song twice or if it is night, play it once and shoot an arrow at the sun as it is rising to get the fire arrows. Collect the fire arrows and if you want you can go fishing to get a Golden Scale.