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Shadow Temple Walkthrough

Getting There

Now leave by playing the song you just learned and go to the Temple of Time. Now become an adult again and play the Nocturne of Shadow. Now you will be at the top of the Kakariko Graveyard. Walk down the staircase infront of you and stand in the center of all those torches. Light Din's Fire so all the torches get lite at once. Now the door in front of you will open up so enter the Shadow Temple.

Shadow Temple

Follow the corridor to the end, turn to the right and use the longshot to pull yourself across the gap. Use the Lens of Truth to see that the wall in front of you is false and walk through it into a large chamber with skulls on sticks, a bird statue in the centre which can rotate and a huge chasm in front of you with a door on the other side of it set into another statue.

Use the Lens of Truth find the real skull on a stick (the others all vanish) and push the statue round until it faces the genuine skull. This opens the door in the mouth of the statue on the other side of the chasm. On the wall to the left of where you came in the Lens of Truth reveals another tunnel. Go down it and open the door at the end to get into another dark passage which appears to be blocked but isn't. Walk through the fake wall ahead into a dark chamber and turn right. Go round the corner and use the lens of truth to find a hidden passage on the right hand wall which leads to a grey door. Go through the door which locks behind you to find a redead, two keese and two pots. Kill the redead and the keese to make a chest appear and the door unlock. Open the chest to find the dungeon map and collect some recovery hearts from the clay pots.

Go back out the way you came in, go back to the dark chamber and turn right, go round another corner and use the lens of truth to find another hidden corridor between two clay pots. You come into another dark chamber just like the previous one. Turn left and walk round smashing pots for rupees then use the lens of truth to find the hidden passage in the far corner. Go down the passage and through the door which locks behind you to find another dead hand, this time one with six arms! Kill it as before to make the door unlock and a chest appear. Open the chest to get the hover boots!

Head back the way you came to the room with the statue of a bird and the skulls on sticks in it and put the hover boots on. Run straight at the door across the chasm and the boots let you pass across. Go through the door in the statue and down a long flight of stairs to a room with a beamos in the centre. Take out the beamos from a safe distance using a bombchu and enter a circular room. Using the lens of truth, you can see that there are two hidden passages to left and right. Go left to a door and through into a room with two grim reaper statues in the centre, spinning around with their scythes out! Make your way around the room; ducking the scythes when necessary using the R button and collect all the ice rupees. One of them is high up on a box and you'll need to use the longshot to get to it. The door on the right opens when you collect the last rupee and inside the room is a chest with a small key in it. Take the key and exit the room.

Return to the room with the scythes in and go back to the room which had the beamos in the centre. Take the other hidden passage to a door through which two gibdos are lurking. Freeze them with the Sun Song and kill them to make a chest appear between the two torches. Open the chest to find the compass. Return to the room with the beamos in it and go to the wall on the right. Plant a bomb against this wall to reveal a locked door. Unlock the door and go through to reveal a slope leading downwards.

Follow the corridor down, killing the Big Skulltulas that bar your way, until you come to a ledge just past which is a guillotine. Drop off the edge of the platform and pass the guillotine when it rises, kill the Big Skulltula that drops down from above and pass the second guillotine then follow the corridor to a wide open area with more guillotines and shadowy monsters that drop from the ceiling.

Jump across the gaps, timing your run so that you jump just as the guillotine blade rises each time. Watch out for the red bubble which attacks you when you land on one of the platforms. When you leap to the final platform a stalfos appears so raise your shield to deflect its first attack then target it with Z and chop it up! Once you've taken care of the Stalfos, use the lens of truth to look around and reveal an invisible block to the left. Jump onto this block and from there across to the block in the corner then make your way to the door on the right of the room, just left of the door that you used to enter this area. Go through the door and follow the corridor to what appears to be an empty room with a like like on the far side. Use the lens of truth however and you find that there are two invisible grim reaper statues spinning around in the centre. Make your way round the edge of the room killing the keese that drop from the ceiling as you go and kill the like like from a distance with your bow. When you've killed all the keese in the room the door ahead opens. Go through the new door into a room with a Gold Skulltula and a small chest in it. Kill the Skulltula and open the chest to get a blue rupee then use the lens of truth to reveal a hidden chest containing some arrows.

Make your way back to the room with the guillotines and jump across via the invisible platforms to meet another stalfos. Put your hover boots on if you don't already have them and walk across onto the moving platform suspended by chains when it's at its lowest point. Wait till it gets to its highest point and leap to the platform on the other side which has blade traps spinning round a beamos in the centre. Kill the beamos and collect the five ice rupees to raise the bars on the doorway ahead then go through. Follow the new corridor to a room where two spiked blocks repeatedly crash to the floor. Use the lens of truth to locate a moveable block in the wall on the right. Pull it out from the wall then push it under the spiked blocks so that it is under both of them and stops them both from hitting the ground. Go right into a small alcove and break the pots for some recovery hearts and bombs then squeeze past the moveable block and enter the cage on the left to find and kill a Gold Skulltula. Leave that cage and enter the one on the right to get some arrows from a chest then pull the block the rest of the way to the end of the room. Climb onto the block and from there jump onto the roof to the left then use the top of the spiked block to reach the platform on the right and open the chest for a blue rupee. Stand on the switch to make a small chest appear on the platform on the top right of the map. Use the longshot to pull yourself to the chest and open it to get a small key. Drop off the ledge and go back up the corridor then make your way back to the platform in the guillotine room with the beamos and the blade traps on it.

Take the narrow platform ahead onto another platform with a guillotine to the left. Jump past the guillotine when it rises to get onto an invisible block then use the eye to spot the invisible moving platform on the chain ahead and jump onto it. Put the hover boots on and walk across to the locked door in the wall that the moving platform brings you level with. Open the door and go through to a room with ice rupees hanging in the air, invisible spikes in three spots on the floor, and two redead at either side of the room. Play the Sun Song, kill the two redead to make a chest appear and open the chest to get a blue rupee then collect all the ice rupees. Some of the ice rupees hang in the air and to get them you need to stand so that they're between you and a white circle on the wall or ceiling and fire the longshot at the circle to pull yourself through them. Some of the white circles can only be seen with the lens of truth. Once you've got all the rupees, go through the unbarred door on the left. The door locks behind you and you find yourself in a large room with stairs on either side and a large skull with flames coming out of it directly in front of you. Climb the stairs, killing all the keese to unlock the door then throw a bomb from the bomb flower into the top of the skull to destroy it and reveal a small key. Collect the key and kill the gold skulltula that was behind the skull. Go back into the room with the invisible spikes and use the lens of truth to spot the white circle above the platform with the locked door on it. Pull yourself up with the longshot, unlock the door and go through into a corridor.

At the bend in the corridor you see two blade traps and a fan on the wall at the far end. Run down the corridor when the fans slows and turn the corner to be confronted by a Big Skulltula. Defeat him to face another fan. Go past this one round another corner to find a third fan. Use the longshot on the wooden log above the fan when it slows to pull yourself across the gap and drop into the passage below. In the next room time your run across the platform so that you go past each fan as it slows to a halt. Use your shield to deflect the fireballs which drop from the eye on the wall ahead and pass through the door to find a room with two redead where the spirits are saying let the sacred feet guide you. Play the Sun Song to freeze the redead and make a fairy appear that recharges your health and energy.

Beat the redead to open the door you came in by and put your hover boots on. Go out and use the lens of truth to spot a hidden tunnel in the wall to the right opposite the fan. Let the fan blow you across to the tunnel to find another door. Enter the door at the end to find two gibdos, two blade traps on the floor and a locked door on the far side of the room. Kill the gibdos to unbar the door you came in by and make a chest appear. Open the chest to find a blue rupee then use a bomb on the rock with the gap in it in the bottom right corner of the room and the lens of truth to reveal a hidden chest beneath the rock containing a small key.

Unlock the locked door with the key and go through it. In the new room pull the block on the left out onto the track in the floor then pull and push it down the track onto the picture on the floor below the ladder. Climb onto the block and up the ladder. Leap across to the left to land on the boat and look up to the top left corner of the room to find and kill a Gold Skulltula with the longshot. Stand on the Triforce symbol on the boat and play Zelda's Lullaby to make the boat bob about and float towards the left of the map.

As the boat sets out two Stalfos attack you. Battle them but be quick because when the boat reaches the other end Navi tells you that it's about to sink and you need to get off immediately. If you haven't yet killed the Stalfos just break off the fight and jump off the left side of the boat. Do it fast, because after a brief pause the boat drops incredibly quickly, by which time it's too late. Smash some pots for arrows and turn right to get to a door. Go through the door into a room which appears to have just stone pillars in it but which the lens of truth reveals as being filled with invisible walls.

Two huge claws - the Floormasters - are roaming around the room. Go right following the wall and then turn left and go down the corridor on the left where the floormasters should attack. Kill them and make your way right to the door at the bottom of the map. Enter the door which locks behind you to find - or rather not find - an invisible floormaster. Use the lens of truth to see the floormaster and kill it to unlock the door and make a chest appear. Open the chest for a small key and leave the room. Go left, right and left to get to the door on the left side of the room and enter. There are three large skulls with flames coming from the top of them spinning in front of you. As you did with the last skull of this type, climb the stairs and throw bombs from the bomb flower into the top of the skulls to destroy them for loads of rupees. Drop down to where the skulls were and kill the Gold Skulltula on the wall then leave the room.

Back in the room with the invisible walls go left, left and right to get to the door at the top of the map. As you enter the room two spiked walls begin to close in on either side. Fortunately they're made of wood so cast Din's Fire to burn them up! Play the Sun Song to freeze the redead on both sides of the room, kill them then open the small chest on the left for a blue rupee and the huge ornamental chest for the boss key!

Leave the room and make your way back through the room with the invisible walls to get to the door you originally came in by (straight ahead, left, left and right) and return to the dock where you jumped off the boat. Walk forwards to the end of the dock and face right. On the other bank you can see a cluster of bomb flowers growing at the base of a grey column. Shoot one of the flowers to make the column topple, forming a bridge.

Cross the column - which turns out to have a bird statue on top of it - go right and then left into a short passage with a locked door at the end. Unlock the door and go through into a room with the boss door ahead of you across a huge chasm. Use the lens of truth to reveal a lot of small platforms in the chasm. Jump forwards to the central platform directly ahead then put the hover boots on and run at the narrow platform on the right. Walk to the end of the platform and use the boots to cross the last gap to the boss door. Unlock the door and go through. You come to a hole in the centre of a circular room. Drop down to land on a circular platform and confront Bongo Bongo!

Bongo Bongo
You should leave the Lens of Truth on the whole time while fighting this boss. While it is hitting the floor, Z-Target one hand and fire an arrow at it then Z-Target the other hand and hit it with another arrow and then he will come after you. Shot it's red eye and it will freeze then go up to him and strike him with the sword. Be carefull, when he is not pounding he will come after you and squeeze the life out of you. Repeat this process until dead.

After he is dead. Collect the heart piece and go into the blue thing. You will appear in the Chamber of Sages with Impa. She will present you with the Shadow Medalian. Then she will tell you that the Princess is still alive (I wonder where she is?). Now you will appear back in the Kakariko Graveyard.