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Forest Temple Walkthrough

Getting There

In the Market, play the Sun's Song and all the Redeeds will freeze. Leave the Market place and go to Kakariko Village. Here you will notice that all of the people from the castle market came here. Go to the first house to the left and you will see two ladies in there and Talon asleep. Talk to one of the ladies and they will tell you that it is very hard to wake up Talon.

Leave the house and go to the place where you give all those chikens to that lady and there will be another lady there. Talk to her and she will give you an egg. Just hold on to that for a while.

Go to the graveyard and go left and the one on the end of that row with flowers infront of it, open that one up and go in. Race Dampe on his race. It is free and all you have to do is follow him and avoid his fireballs. If you are able to follow him through the race he will give you the Hookshot. If you don't make it, keep trying until you get the hookshot. When Dampe disappears, open the chest and get the Hookshot and then go straight and you will see two blue blocks there, play the Song of Time and they will disappear. Now you shall be Windmill. If you don't have the Heart Piece that is there then get it. Go to the guy playing the that thing that spins and talk to him. He will tell you that a kid came there, played a song and messed up the windmill (of course he is talking about you). Take out the Ocarina and he will teach you the Song of Storms (this song creates a strom).

Leave Kakariko Village and wander around until your egg hackets. Once it does, go back to the Kakariko Village and back to the house with Talon and use the Cucco to wake him up. He will explane that after Ingo took over the Lon Lon Ranch he got kick and and Malon still works there. Now go to the chicken lady and give her the Cucco. She will tell you that Cuccos get happy if they wake up a heavy sleeper. Now your Cucco is happy and she will give you a rare Blue Cucco.

Go back to Kokiri Forest. You will notice that evil has taken over the Forest and it is full creatures. Go to the Lost Woods and go the way you would towards the Sacred Forest. But at one spot Mido is in the way so play Saria's Song and he will move out of the way. Go to the Sacred Meadows that are now full of giant cretures called Moblins. Kill them by hitting them in the back with the hookshot when they are not looking. To kill the last one, get it to hit down one and go, then avoid the stricks. Stand on the triforce and Sheik will appear and teach you a warp song called Minuet of Forest which will warp you to that Triforce spot. She then leaves so go infront of that tree and hookshot up there and go in.

Forest Temple

Go towards the staris and kill the two Wolfos that appear, then climb the vines on the right almost to the top and drop off onto a tree stump. Shoot the Gold Skulltula that you find to the right then walk along the branch and leap across to the tree opposite to find a small key inside a chest. Drop down to the ground, open the door and go through. Kill the Big Skulltula in the new room with the hookshot then go through the next door into a room where four ghosts appear and extinguish four torches in the centre making a box in the middle of the room sink into the floor.

Go down the steps and take the passage on the left, then play the Song of Time on the ocarina to move the block aside and reveal a door. In the next room, kill the plant that snaps at you and use your shield to bounce rocks back at the Octorok in the water. Go to the right side of the room where vines are climbing the wall and use the hookshot to kill two Skullwalltulas, then climb the vines and avoid a third and get to a ledge.

Pass through the next door and use your shield to deflect the blue bubble that flies at you and put its flames out then slash it with your sword to destroy it. A chest appears, inside of which you find a dungeon map! Go out through the opposite door to the one you came in and you'll find yourself on a balcony.

Slash the flower ahead of you and climb onto the balustrade. Use your hookshot to shoot the Skullwalltula on the vines, then shoot it at the target above the balcony to your left to pull yourself across to it. Stand on the switch on the new balcony to lower the water level in a well down below. Leap onto the vines to the left of the balcony and climb down to the ground.

Kill any monsters that confront you and go forwards to the path, then use your hookshot on the chest on the other bank to pull yourself across. Inside the chest is a recovery heart, and a Gold Skulltula is on the wall. Kill the Skulltula, grab the token and make your way using the ladder down the well you recently drained.

Follow the path along; grabbing two recovery hearts on the way to find a chest and some vines at the end. Inside the chest is another small key. Grab the key and climb the vines on the wall to come out of another well which is in the room just past where the ghosts extinguished the lights.

Make your way right to the first door and go through it back into the room with the four extinguished torches. Walk forward to the centre of the room and go left. Climb onto a ledge and go up some stairs to an unlocked door. Open the door and go through to find another blue bubble. As before, use your shield to extinguish its flames, then slash it with the sword and head through the next door to encounter two Stalfos. These skeletal beings have swords and shields, so keep your shield up, let them get in close, then slash at them when they drop their guard. Kill both of them to make a chest appear and open the chest to find another small key.

There is only one door in this room so go out the door you came in and return to the room with the four torches. Go down the steps and head right, then jump up onto the next ledge. Climb the stairs and use the small key to unlock the door ahead. Kill the Big Skulltula in the next room and go through the door at the end to find another blue bubble. Kill it off then go straight ahead and climb the ladder you find there. Turn right at the top and climb another ladder, turn left and go through an archway with gold triangles marked on the floor. Pull the grey block on the left out of its alcove and push it in the direction indicated by the arrows. When it stops at a wall, run round through the archways to get behind it and push it down a small drop.

Climb the ladder which was behind the grey block and walk round until you find the red block. Push the red block forwards until it stops then go back down the ladder, climb on top of the grey block and up onto the next platform, go find the red block and push it forwards into the next drop. Climb on to it to reach the next ledge, go right and right again to come to another ladder then climb it to the top where two blue bubbles attack. Kill the blue bubbles and open the next locked door with a key to get into a twisted passage - a quite remarkable optical effect.

Follow the passage to the end into a room with platforms in it and a chest stuck to one wall. Navi warns you to watch for the shadows of monsters on the ceiling. Pass through the next locked door and you come to a staircase leading down. Go down two sets of stairs to the bottom and pass through the door where a Stalfos attacks you. Kill him and the central platform drops down and two more Stalfos attack. Kill the two new Stalfos; breaking pots for hearts if you need them, and when you're done, a chest appears and the door unbars. Open the chest to get the bow!

Go out through the door you came in by and make your way back up the stairs and through the twisted passage into the room where the two blue bubbles were. Activate the bow and fire an arrow at the silver eye above the door to the twisted passage. Enter the door and the twisted passage has now straightened out, so walk down it to the room at the end which has now changed around; allowing you to get at the chest which was previously stuck to a wall. Climb down the ladder, avoid the hole in the floor and open the chest to find the Boss Key. Drop down the hole in the centre of the room and kill two blue bubbles to open the door. Go up the stairs and out of the door to come to a small ledge above one of the garden areas. Kill the plant to the right and leap onto the narrow ledge ahead for some recovery hearts and to shoot a gold Skulltula on the wall. Grab the Skulltula token with the hookshot, then go back onto the main ledge and head left to come to two doors. Open the door on the right to be confronted by a huge claw which attacks you! When you've hit it enough times it splits into three smaller claws which you need to finish off quickly or else they grow big.

Once you've vanquished the claws, a chest appears and you get another small key from it. Exit the way you came in and take the door on the right. In the next room, drop down, turn left and go through the next door. Kill the Big Skulltula and go through the following door into the room with the four torches.

Head straight across the room and use the bow to shoot an arrow into the gold eye above the barred door, un-barring it. Next make your way back to the room where you fired at the eye above the door to transform the twisted passage. Shoot another arrow at the eye to warp the passage once more and go through it then through the room with the chest on the wall and in the room beyond, advance cautiously until you see the ghost in the first picture. Shoot this picture while the ghost is in it to burn it, then go down the stairs and shoot the next one. Finally, shoot the third one which is just above you as you go down the second flight and Joelle the Poe sister appears. Chase her to the bottom of the stairs and hack her with your sword until she dies; lighting the torch by the door and making a chest appear which has another small key in it.

Pass through the room where you found the bow and repeat what you just did with the three pictures on the other side. When you've got the compass from vanquishing Beth the Poe's sister, go up the two flights of stairs to the next locked door. Open the locked door with a key and go through into another area with ladders at all angles and monsters on the ceiling! Watch your own shadow and you'll see a large round shadow grow on top of it, showing the monster about to drop. Keep moving and when the monster does drop, turn round and slash at it.

Drop down to the floor, climb the ladder on the right and follow the passage along to find two green bubbles. Deal with these the same way you handled the blue ones to find another locked door at the end.

Unlock the door and pass through to find a room with four rotating platforms which have spikes between them and a torch in the middle. Leap onto one of the moving platforms and face inwards. Activate your bow and draw an arrow back, then fire it through the torch in the centre to set it on fire and melt the ice which is encasing the next eye. Go out the door you came through and kill the two green bubbles in the now-twisted passage, then pass through into the room beyond. Drop down to the floor below and drop down the hole in the floor to a room where part of the ceiling drops down at regular intervals. Note where the holes in the dropping bit are positioned and walk up the room, stopping on the squares which have holes above them so that when the roof comes down Link doesn't get squashed. Take out the Skulltulas with your bow or your hookshot and hit the switch which is on the right as you go up the room to un-bar the door at the end. Open the chest a bit farther on for some spare arrows. Through the door at the end, shoot the picture on the wall to make the blocks on the ceiling drop down, then push them around to recreate the picture within the time limit. Four of the blocks have parts of the picture on them and one is just in the way. When you get the picture right, Amy the third Poe sister appears and you need to beat her to light the next torch and open the next door.

In the next corridor, slash the Big Skulltula and proceed to the next room which is actually a balcony above the room with the four torches, three of which are now lit. Drop down to the room below and approach the centre where Meg the fourth Poe sister appears. She projects three images of herself; making it difficult to work out which one is the real her! Switch to your hookshot and fire at each of the images in turn. The one which is her flashes red when hit. When Meg is finished the last torch lights and a box rises from the centre of the room.

Go into it to travel down to the lower basement level. You find yourself in an octagonal room with two doors and two blocks on each side. Walk to the side of one of the blocks and push it so that the room turns around anticlockwise; revealing a door with a switch inside. Stand on the switch to remove one set of bars and push the room round again to reveal a second switch. Stand on this one to remove another set of bars then push the room round again. Attack the Big Skulltula and then look around the room to find and beat a Gold Skulltula. Open the chest to find a bundle of arrows, then go back and push the room around again to reveal yet another switch. Step on the last switch to remove the last set of bars and go through the now-accessible doorway to find the boss door.

Unlock the boss door and enter. Turn right, go up some stairs and you'll come to a room with six paintings - all the same - and a triforce symbol in the centre of the floor. Step onto the symbol in the middle of the floor and then walk back towards the stairs to meet the Evil Phantom Ganon.

Phantom Ganon
Once Phantom Ganon appears in his first stage, he jumps from picture to picture and you have to hit him with an arrow before he comes out of the picture. Sounds esay but it's not because there is a real and fake one. The fake one turns around right when he is about ot come out of the piture. For the real one just shot him with an arrow but if you see the fake one and the real one came out of the picture stand close to the walls of the room so you don't get hurt. Once you hit the real one enough, he will get off his horse and come out and float around. He will throw a lightning bolt at you and you have to play tennis with him. What I mean by that is that you have to hit it back at him with your sword. He may hit it back at you and if he does then hit it back again until he misses. Then he falls and you have to go strike him with your sword as much as you can. Do this until dead. It may take some practise to hit it back though.

Once he is dead, go pick up the heart piece and go into the blue thing. You will appear in the chamber of Sages and Saria will reveal to you that she is the Sage of the Forest. Now she will leave and you will appear infront of the Deku Tree and a Deku Sprout will pop out.

He will tell you a big story about your self and reveal that all the childern stopped growing because of the Forest Temple and that the only reason Link grew was because he accually is a Hylian. Now you will be in Kokiri Forest and all the evil is gone.