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Sunday, 22 February 2009
Dads shut out of parenting bill because "only women can be nurturers"
Topic: Media

On my hot seat today is Rep. Cynthia Davis, (R-O'Fallon),  and not just because she bought herself a truck for personal use with state money a bunch of years back, or what I think are questionable parenting techniques

According to KMOU of Columbia, Missouri, Davis is trying to push a bill through the house to pay at-home moms $600 each year they care for children under the age of 16. A nice gesture, but dads need not apply. Davis informed the  NBC affiliate reporter Sarah Hollenbeck "only women can be nurturers" and has intentionally left dads out of the bill. 

Let's send send a bunch of emails to NBC reporter Sarah at,  The more emails the better....  I don't think it will take too much pressure and a followup article from more dads to get her to re-think her misguided position.

There's an auto  me if you click her email above. I'll keep you posted.

- Pete

Posted by athomedad at 9:13 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 27 February 2009 10:36 AM EST
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Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Boston Globe Media Request for Boston-area at-home dads
   Boston Globe work-life columnist Maggie Jackson is looking to interview new Boston-area stay at home dads who made the switch because they've lost their jobs in the last year. I'd like to ask about the psychological shift to being home after a layoff, and about how household labor - chores, childcare etc - is divided when mom is the breadwinner. Deadline: Friday or maybe Monday.
      Please contact her at and send a line or two about your circumstance.

Posted by athomedad at 1:42 PM EST
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Thursday, 8 January 2009
Happy SAHD's ?

The Baltimore Dads have actually found a way to make the SAHD acronym sound well... optimistic. They are offering a documentary on stay at home dads to premiere on January 25th, 2009. Trailer & PR below.















[ref: press release]

Posted by athomedad at 7:37 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 8 January 2009 7:50 AM EST
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Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Dave Sez to at-home dad.. be a man and go back to work
Topic: Media

Syndicated columnist Dave Ramsey may be a good financial advisor, but when it comes to family advice you may want to stay away.

Here's the Q&A I came across today that should piss off 3 month old babies everywhere.


Q, I bring home $2,800 a month, and my husband stays home with our two daughters – one 3, the other 3 months. He’s healthy and able, but he won’t work because he thinks he can’t make enough money to cover the cost of daycare. Our rent is $1,000 a month, and our other bills add up to about $2,000 a month. What do you think about this, and when is it OK to avoid daycare expenses by not working? 

A. I’m an old-school guy, a crusty old dinosaur about some things. I grew up in a generation where a guy who did this kind of thing was called a wuss, or worse; not because he’s staying home with the kids, but because he’s staying at home while you guys can’t pay the bills!

I’m all about family togetherness, and with spending as much time with your children as possible, and I don’t have a problem with guys being stay-at-home dads as long as the family is in agreement and can afford to do that kind of thing. But if you’re just scraping by, or can’t meet your financial obligations, which seems to be true with you guys, that’s a different story.

This guy needs to get off his butt, fulfill his responsibilities as a man and a husband, and find a way to start taking care of his family!    — Dave

   Come on Dave, you havent been checking your math. Daycare alone for two kids one being a 3 month old comes pretty close to a weeks salary.  In fact at-home dad David Chapa of Downers Grove, ILL did all the dirty work on this topic and came up with these figures that I used in my book.

"Put together a simple spreadsheet. Daycare for two kids, nine hours a day at, what, $10 an hour?  That’s $450 a week, times, say 50 weeks in a work year. That amounted to  $22,500. OK, now you need a more dependable car for work. $350 a month, plus additional insurance, plus the extra gas (not even getting into wear and tear depreciation). That ends up to be about $5k a year. Dress business clothes?  Another $1,000 a year. Lunch at work?  Even if you only spend $3 a day extra, that’s $750 a year. According to my calculations, that’s about $29,000. Not to mention additional medical expenses, sick days, and all of the other "throw your kids in daycare" costs. But wait, there’s more!  If you’re spending $29,000, just to go to work, you need to make another $11k, just to pay the federal, state, and local taxes to bring home $29,000. ($40,000 per year, taxed at .28% = $28,800 take home). So, it costs around $40,000 in pre-tax dollars, just to break even, when sending two kids into childcare, just so you can "go to work." As always, your mileage may vary. Then, add in the social expense of having your children raised by strangers.

I feel sorry for this mom, I just hope she or her husband knows how to add before taking this advice.  I'll send this post to him and see if he could pass on some more reasonable advice.

As a disclaimer David Ramsey Says on his websiteOur mission statement isn’t just lip service; it’s our mantra:
The Lampo Group, Inc. is providing Biblically based, common sense education and empowerment which gives HOPE to everyone from the financially secure to the financially distressed.

Enough said..

[ref: Man Up!]

Posted by athomedad at 12:05 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 10 December 2008 3:23 PM EST
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Friday, 17 October 2008
Update on dad banned from mom's playgroup due to the "security of our children"















An update on yesterday's inflammatory post....

 I received an email from Jennifer Grenz,  (pictured above with her twins) She's the original creator of the current Cloverdale group that banned Rick Kaselj due to the “security of our children” She had broken away from the Canadian group because she thought the idea of excluding men was “totally ridiculous“.

 In short, I connected Jennifer with Rick and they are now planning on starting a new playgroup together for all moms and dads.

Below is the full explanation from Jennifer I received of how this decision to exclude dads was reached.

I just wanted to let you know that I am the original creator of that particular meetup and was horrified by the decision of the new organizer. My original vision for the group was that it be a PARENTS group. I stepped down as organizer several months ago as I have 16 month old twins and another on the way!

I wanted the group to include all parents because I have met and befriended a number of dads that stay home with their kids. I also wanted my husband to be able to meet some other guys in the neighbourhood.

I received an email about this so-called issue by the new organizer and urged her to reconsider as I though this was totally ridiculous. The organizer was concerned about security of children. Funny that the statistics involved in abuse and kid napping point more towards women than men. I shake my head and hope that you don't lump all the women in that group with the decision of the organizer. Supposedly a poll went out to the group regarding this issue however the poll was confusing as it had multiple questions and not one that pointedly asked whether dads should be allowed in the group with a yes or no answer. Not many members actually responded.

There will be a follow up story in the paper about this. I did an interview with the writer yesterday. I am planning to start a new group up that will be sure to include all parents which will hopefully attract all of you, forward thinking people.

I am so glad this issue was taken to the paper (Surry Now Online) and that it is getting the attention it deserves. Children are happier and more successful individuals when their fathers play an active role in their lives. Three cheers to all of you and I hope to meet some more local dads for an empathetic ear about teething and the terrible twos.


Posted by athomedad at 1:48 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 17 November 2008 5:36 PM EST
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Thursday, 16 October 2008
At-Home Dad banned from mom's playgroup due to the
Topic: Playgroup News








When Rick Kaselj of Canada joined the online group  The Cloverdale Mommy & Me Meetup Group with his infant son, he felt he found a place to get support despite the name. In an email interview he told me he had "joined the group and welcomed.  I had been a member for 2 to 3 months and was receiving 4 to 5 notices a day from the group." When it came time to show up at his first event he got an email from the moderator that more then half of the group voted to ban him from the group. In a quote to Surrey Now  the email went on to state:  "I hate to discriminate, but hope you can understand when it comes to the security of our children and especially since you have not been able to attend a meetup."  In the meantime Rick is now part of the At-Home Dad Network to help him find another playgroup that will accept him. Also the Surrey Now has started an online poll on the front page with the question: Do you think a Cloverdale mothers group was out of line when it rejected a Surrey father just because he was a man? So far the votes have been overwhelming in favor of Dad 80% to 20%.

It appears that on October 15th when the story broke they added this addendum to their main page: This Group is specific to moms only as requested by a majority of it's members

All I can say is shame on you Cloverdale, maybe let him spend a day at one event.. geez..give this guy a chance! Banning a member to a playgroup due to his gender has no basis on the "security of your children" Come on ladies!! This is a little over the top don't you think?

If there is another playgroup leader in the Surrey BC area that is reading this, I hope you will be the first to step forward and welcome Rick as a member. 

When I hear from Rick again or a playgroup that will take him on. I'll post an update...

Contact Rick

Note: This story has been updated

Posted by athomedad at 12:21 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 10 November 2008 11:03 AM EST
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Saturday, 13 September 2008
13th Annual At-Home Dads' Convention in California


At-Home Dads go west!

Please join us for the 13th Annual At-Home Dads' Convention in
Sacramento, CA: Saturday, November 8th, 2008! 

After a 12 years in the Midwest, the convention is moving west this
year and will be held in the old historic downtown of Sacramento,
California.  Although the location is new, the format remains
familiar: a one day convention on Saturday packed with informative
lectures and conversation forums, bracketed by a long weekend of
social events starting the prior Thursday and ending on Sunday.  Some
of the lecture topics to be featured at the convention include:
"Teaching our kids the value of money", "Preparing our kids for
school", "Basic hair braiding", and "A Real Look Behind Men's Reasons
for Becoming a Stay At-Home Father" featuring the research of Dr.
Aaron Rochlen.  Discussion groups planned include "Dads with
Daughters", "Fathers and sons", "What about me?", and multiple open
discussion forums about our children by age group.  Social events will
feature a Friday evening Meet & Greet in the hotel and the popular
post-convention dinner, hosted this year at the River City Brewing
Company. Other social activities may include a wine country tour, an
NBA basketball game, a brewery tour, go-kart racing, and other fun
events.  Early registration fee available through the end of September

For hotel information, registration and event pricing, registration
form, and more general information, please see the convention website at:

Hope to see many of your there!

- Andy Ferguson, on behalf of the convention organizing crew.

Posted by athomedad at 9:04 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Jon Lajoie's video response to "Mr Mom"?

Finally Comedian Jon Lajoie  posts a video response to "Mr. Mom" By Lonestar ..with a politically correct title. . enjoy.

Posted by athomedad at 10:10 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Dont Tease me Bro!
Here's Dana Glazer's teaser trailer of his Evolution of Dad Project in time for Fathers Day. If the trailer is any indication, the movie ought to be a hit and will hit a few necessary nerves.  If you like you can chip in a few bucks to the cause here.

Posted by athomedad at 5:11 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 11 June 2008 5:18 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 3 June 2008
First Fathers Day Media Request.

Got this e-mail from a Boston globe reporter, she's done a few stories in the past that have been well done, if you fit the bill send her off an email to

     Boston Globe's Balancing Acts Columnist, Maggie Jackson, is looking to interview new stay at home dads about their first days or months at home. What was the most surprising? How have others reacted? What drives you crazy about staying at home with the kids - and does this differ from what moms feel and learn? I'm particularly looking for dads who have begun staying home because they've lost a job or for economic reasons. Deadline: This Friday but the sooner the better!

Posted by athomedad at 7:07 PM EDT
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