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Friday, 17 October 2008
Update on dad banned from mom's playgroup due to the "security of our children"















An update on yesterday's inflammatory post....

 I received an email from Jennifer Grenz,  (pictured above with her twins) She's the original creator of the current Cloverdale group that banned Rick Kaselj due to the “security of our children” She had broken away from the Canadian group because she thought the idea of excluding men was “totally ridiculous“.

 In short, I connected Jennifer with Rick and they are now planning on starting a new playgroup together for all moms and dads.

Below is the full explanation from Jennifer I received of how this decision to exclude dads was reached.

I just wanted to let you know that I am the original creator of that particular meetup and was horrified by the decision of the new organizer. My original vision for the group was that it be a PARENTS group. I stepped down as organizer several months ago as I have 16 month old twins and another on the way!

I wanted the group to include all parents because I have met and befriended a number of dads that stay home with their kids. I also wanted my husband to be able to meet some other guys in the neighbourhood.

I received an email about this so-called issue by the new organizer and urged her to reconsider as I though this was totally ridiculous. The organizer was concerned about security of children. Funny that the statistics involved in abuse and kid napping point more towards women than men. I shake my head and hope that you don't lump all the women in that group with the decision of the organizer. Supposedly a poll went out to the group regarding this issue however the poll was confusing as it had multiple questions and not one that pointedly asked whether dads should be allowed in the group with a yes or no answer. Not many members actually responded.

There will be a follow up story in the paper about this. I did an interview with the writer yesterday. I am planning to start a new group up that will be sure to include all parents which will hopefully attract all of you, forward thinking people.

I am so glad this issue was taken to the paper (Surry Now Online) and that it is getting the attention it deserves. Children are happier and more successful individuals when their fathers play an active role in their lives. Three cheers to all of you and I hope to meet some more local dads for an empathetic ear about teething and the terrible twos.


Posted by athomedad at 1:48 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 17 November 2008 5:36 PM EST
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Saturday, 18 October 2008 - 8:19 PM EDT

Name: "Surfer Jay"
Home Page:

Infuriating. I would understand if they wanted merely a group with only women, but to say that he jepordized the security of their kids, absurd. And I commend Jennifer for choosing to leave the group.

Monday, 20 October 2008 - 1:25 PM EDT

Name: "Jon"
Home Page:

I agree with Surfer Jay. The excuse they gave about security is absurd. If they want to bond as "mommies" then that's one thing, but to accuse a dad of being a threat to their kids goes way to far.

I'm glad to hear they've taken the issue to the newspaper, and that they're going to start up their own group. It's a great way to move foward, so kudos to them.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008 - 11:54 PM EDT

Name: "Rick Kaselj"
Home Page:

Hi all,


I all.


My name is Rick Kaselj.


I am the dad that the article was written about.


I am sorry it has taken so long to get involved in the discussion, it has been shocking the attention this article has received.


Rick Kaselj


Thursday, 23 October 2008 - 10:55 AM EDT

Name: "MAR H."

Just because ONE person says something, doesn't make it TRUE!



Wednesday, 4 February 2009 - 6:57 AM EST

Name: "David T"
Home Page:

I will never understand this kind of thinking.  Are we stay at home dads really that odd or scary?

Sunday, 20 February 2011 - 11:30 AM EST

Name: "Luis Agron"

Thats stupid! what Feminit crap!,im glad that they bailed.

Im a single dad raising a boy and two little girls cause they needed "Safety for the Children".So stop the Corruption. 

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