Last night I received a video from reporter Sarah Hollenback that shows her interview with Rep Davis.
But first off, my thanks to the dozens of e-mails the readers sent to Cynthia Davis and reporter Sarah Hollenback of KOMU TV in response to her story about a new bill offering $600 a year to moms but not at-home dads. No doubt the story has hit a nerve. Please send any future emails to Rep Cynthia Davis so we can put more pressure on her to change the language of this bill to include at-home dads. If anyone knows other officials that need to be contacted about this please let me know
Now about the video below..
Ms Davis has replied to one of the dads who asked her to "Please let people know you could not possibly mean to exclude fathers as nurturing parents."
Here is Ms Davis's response
I will have a talk or a letter to the editor. This I noticed that the comment about nurturers was not in quotation marks. I can assure you that I would never say such a thing especially since I am married to one of the most marvelous men in the country. He is the one who is picking up the slack at home with our children while I am at the Capitol.
I also appreciate the civil discourse which is far more helpful than some of te disparaging remarks others are making based off an editorial. Thank you for being a great dad to your children. Please let me know if you need anything else.
Representative Cynthia Davis
Last night the reporter Ms Hollenbeck sent me the entire interview on video last night and it is now posted on the TV's site. Below is a short except from the six minute interview with her answer to the question of why at-home dads are excluded from the bill. I will let you judge for yourself. Stay tuned...
Updated: Wednesday, 25 February 2009 11:03 AM EST
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