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Mayberry Days 2000

Saturday morning sure came early after the party Friday night but we made it to town in time for breakfast at the AAA and a little bit of walking and visiting before the parade started.

00md40 Floyd has to eat on the run to get to the parade starting point.

Some scenes from the starting line........
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Taz, the Schwumps and some others stake out OUR place.
Keep your eyes on those folks with the lawn chairs on the curb......

00md37The chairs are in the street now and the man is wondering just WHO these people are who keep getting in his way.

Jan and Adam Newsome are among those gathering across the street.

00md36 Trisha thinks about confiscating one of the chairs as Robin and Mr. Cookie Bar wait for the parade.

00md35 John and Robin - Brian and Melanie00md39

Of course, Barney had everything under control

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Richard O. and Bettina Linke, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elinson
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George and Mrs. Spence, Maggie Peterson Mancuso
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Michael Hoover, Jim Clark (a PRINCE of a fella)

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Floyd, Ernest T.

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Jeff greets "Mrs. McBeevee" (Pat Coleman)

Not a good picture but that IS Barney riding a longhorn steer down Main Street!

The traditional end of the parade, Santa Claus

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Some of OUR group, watching from OUR place.

Some more parade pix, from Therapetic....
taz10 taz11


Friday (pg.1)
Friday (pg.2)
Friday (pg.3)
Friday (pg.4)
Saturday 2, 3
Bowling and Breakfast