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Similarities in Astrological Charts of Three Mass Murderers:
Timothy McVeigh (Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1995)
Thomas Watt Hamilton (Elementary School, Dunblane, Scotland, 1996),
and James O. Huberty (McDonald’s Restaurant, San Ysidro, California 1984)
(with Eric Harris, Charles Whitman, and James Eagan Holmes Added In at Conclusion)
by Sandra Weidner

Introduction, What They Did
Timothy McVeigh’s home-made truck bomb killed one hundred sixty-eight people ranging in age from four months to seventy-three years, including nineteen children from the 2nd floor day-care center. Eight hundred people were injured.

Some of those injuries undoubtedly sponsored life-long suffering. In the sound bytes of our media-minds we tend to pass right over "injured" in reckoning total damage toll. We do that, too, with our "troops" statistics. Thinking, I guess, "well, they survived." But those statistics can hide the fact that some of those injured live lives that are truly only surviving.

Thomas Hamilton shot and killed sixteen children ages five-to-six and one school teacher before killing himself. There were seventeen injured survivors.

James Huberty shot and killed twenty-one people, including five children, and injured nineteen others. He terrorized his captives for seventy-seven minutes before being killed himself.

McVeigh was almost 27 years old when he committed his crime; Hamilton, 43, and Huberty, 41. We could say that all three men were in the prime of life. We could say, at least none was a misguided teenager or disappointed student.

Each of their criminal acts left behind numerous grieving, and sometimes tormented, "non-injured" survivors.

In Scotland, there was a government inquiry into the Dunblane disaster. Published on the Internet, link below, it was very helpful in that it provided considerable information about Hamilton’s life. There is also a small book out about Dunblane's survivors, letting us know how some of them fared.

Several books were written about McVeigh. Their fairly differing points of view made my work more difficult. So I resorted mostly to using only known dates and have not cited those biographies here.

For those who want to look into it, Ron Franschell wrote Delivered From Evil: True Stories of Ordinary People Who Faced Monstrous Mass Killers and Survived" (2011, Fair Winds Press), aimed at making known the "after-life" of some survivors. It includes descriptions of the massacres perpetrated by James Huberty and Charles Whitman (University of Texas). Whitman's pertinent astrology, along with that of Eric Harris, both of whom I have already written papers about, is added into the body of this paper just before the Discussion, below.

The Purpose of This Paper
All too often with each new mass murder in this country we hear some one—or some several—comment on "this senseless” murder. It does appear senseless from the point of view of innocent lives interrupted. But it is not senseless in that there is no model which helps explain it. There is one which will help explain it..and the next one…and the next one.

One would think psychology or psychiatry could explain the mass murderer. Perhaps I just have not found their experts' best conclusions. But if they are similar to the material submitted (in an appendix below) by the psychologist and the psychiatrist who evaluated Thomas Hamilton, they were far from complete. Worse, they disagreed. Maybe I should say, they were lacking true explanatory power. And they were shockingly indulgent of easy answers which feed commonly held prejudices. Here is a link to what one psychiatrist has to say now: Mass Murderers Are Hard to Profile. Mother Jones has a map with details for each mass murder--more than one remembers. Here is the link: Mother Jones List of U.S. Mass Murderers.

In this paper we are not interested in the victims. What happened to them was tragic but cannot now be changed. I am sure it would feel more tragic to me if I had lost my loved one. But we cannot avoid the fact that the victims are not the ones who “did something wrong.” If we want to arrive at new understanding of this type of event, we must look at the perpetrators.

So, here our hopefully telescopic eyes are on the mass murderers. Their lives, especially their early lives, contain the dark places which hold some of our answers. We want, a little bit, to “re-instate, post-event, their humanity.” Specifically we are interested in them not as monsters, but as human beings who somehow arrived at a time that they committed—even by their own definition—monstrous acts.

We now know that so much planning is usually involved in mass murder that we cannot attribute it to the fact that some one just “snapped.” Mass murderers know what they are about to do, plan it, and know it is a monstrous act. That is their objective, to inflict massive pain. Unless we believe they are sexual sadists who are stimulated by the pain they cause—and there is absolutely no reason for us to believe that—they must have had other reasons for the explosion of pain they initiated. We want to see, using their astrology, if we can figure out some of those reasons.

Right now that is enough. If that yields us similarities, then it also provides us the potentially better model for understanding their behavior. We assume that genuine understanding always precedes change for the better.

Some of the questions we want answered are, will this astrological model help us understand why each turned to murder? Can it answer our question about why they chose groups of people as their victims? Underneath it all, do they all have the same motivation? If not, then what do they have in common? Is their behavior at all predictable?

Correlating a Common Psychological Fact with Certain Astrological Conditions
We know from the biographical information available that all three of these men had some sort of “injury” within his relationship with his mother. We are particularly interested in that because our relationships with our mothers (not who they are, but who they are to us) is strongly represented in our 10th charts, the harmonic enlargement of our 10th houses. Our 10th charts also--simultaneously--describe our social reputation and career. The two, we might say, are joined at the hip.

Of course, information about the effects of our mothers on our formation shows up in more than our 10th chart. It is shown, for instance, in the condition of our moons. Our moons, which are feminine planets, represent our deep-seated experience, therefore concepts, of women, of whom our mothers were our first experience. Signs and conditions (negative, positive) of these moons also describe our most habitual forms of consciousness—how we learned to “be” as kids when we were most ourselves. Since children in different families have widely varying experiences in childhood, their moons can be in highly benevolent sets or highly afflicted ones, forming the behavioral “home bases” they are “equipped with” (for better or worse) for the rest of their lives. Young children do not pick so much as register what is. They simply do not have the brain development to make mature choices about what is, and what is not, good for them. So, they register. And respond.

This correlation of our 10th (mother) chart and the feminine moon with habitual consciousness with women in general (what we think of them and how we interact with them) with our experience of our mothers with our thrust of self into our community (career, reputation, sense of social belonging) has profound significance. We all already know this. We just don’t suspect the correlation is as high as it is and that there is a model which registers it. Below, in order to better illustrate this correlation, for contrast I have also included, in separate appendices, three 10th charts of undeniably successful individuals we also know to have been cherished either by parents or primary caretakers.

So, here we are going to take advantage of the fact that this astrology shows that it is the acceptance or rejection of our mothers, their wisdom and steadfastness, or lack of it in loving and caring—these sponsor our “shown,” social self.

Human beings are, above all, social beings. Even if we do not actively participate that much in our society, it is still a large part of our consciousness. A severely damaged relationship with the mother will result in a severely damaged social sense. When the social sense is damaged, because we are such social beings, we are damaged. The negative effects are legion. Lower productivity. Health problems. Low self esteem. Boring and stunted careers. Depression. Adult dependency. It goes on and on. One of the more obvious forms which illustrates the damage done is shown by later, adult criminal behavior. One of those forms of criminal behavior is murder.

Of course numerous individuals suffer from less than perfect mothering who don’t end up being murderers. We are not going to try to answer for them in this paper. Each of us exists under many different conditions which might explain why one individual turns right and the other left. Right now we are only interested in seeing if the astrological story spun by the astrology of these three men is similar enough to make their similar behavior understandable, and, potentially predictable.

So, what kind of “mother damage” occurred for each of them?

All three were left or abandoned in childhood by their mothers.

Tim McVeigh’s mom left his Dad the first time when Tim was about nine years old (as far as can be established). According to one biography, they re-united several times (before or after that age), but it never worked. Tim’s mother took his two sisters and moved from New York to Florida, leaving Tim with his father, who finished raising him. We can assume his parents had trouble before that. We can, in fact, show in his astrology that he had a number of very difficult years before age 9.

It is less easy to establish the abandonment in the case of Thomas Hamilton. His mother was married only a short time to his father before leaving him and returning to her parents' home. Either Thomas had recently been born, or was yet to be born. Her parents adopted the boy formally before he was four years old. Throughout the time he was growing up, he thought his mother was his older sister. He found out she was his biological mother when he was twenty-two years old. At that time they were all still living in the same house.

It was wonderful that Hamilton's grandparents cared enough to adopt him. After all, he wasn’t dropped off at an orphanage. At the same time, one has to wonder what suppression of the truth of his birth did to him when his actual mother lived in the same house with him. Without trying to malign her, we have to ask, what kind of a mother could act like a sister throughout her child's life? How did her parents handle the matter? (One website says she herself was adopted, which doesn't answer the question, but is additional information.) Did grandma have any feeling left for nurturing another child? Was she punishing toward her (adopted) daughter? How about toward her daughter's son? How did the neighbors act? How did the Scotch at that time (1952) view such a situation? Did his teachers know? His adoption is not the subject of our curiosity. Its suppression as a fact is.

After the massacre, the government-sponsored inquiry into Hamilton's life supplied considerable information on the last twenty-three years. That left the first twenty only sparsely covered. It did not say anything about Hamilton’s actual experience as a child. Either the subject was off limits, or perhaps considered not ascertainable. For an otherwise comprehensive and valuable report, the inquiry was truncated because it left Hamilton’s early family life in obscurity. We, however, can be curious. I should point out, we are not interested in blame. Our interest is, if it could be revealed to us, what exactly was the life of the child Thomas Hamilton like? It is not likely we will ever know for sure. But this astrology gives us a record somewhat like the annual rings on a tree illustrate yearly rainfall. With it what we can see is that Hamilton’s 10th chart is really afflicted, suggesting a very uncertain child, especially with regard to the mother figure. We will get to more on that when we get to his astrology, below.

James Huberty’s mother, unhappy with the family’s move to Amish country, and more likely simply unhappy with her marriage and motherhood, left her son, home, and husband when James was six years old to become a “street missionary” for a southern Baptist church. It is unlikely that her bond to her son (and husband) broke only when she left. It had to have been fragile long before that.

The Planets That Demonstrate Difficult and Favored Parental Charts
The meaning of the planets in this form of astrology is so consistent that for this subject heading I am simply going to lift what I wrote on this subject in the paper on the 2012 election and put it here…

Somewhat over-simplifying, twenty-nine years research results with this method have clearly demonstrated that for conditions and events there are two planets which primarily sponsor all our ills and bad fortune. And there are two different ones that primarily sponsor our success, joy, and good fortune.

The planetary authors of almost all of our good feelings are venus and jupiter, known to older traditional astrology as the lesser and greater benefics, respectively.

Venus and jupiter together (square or conjunction, or on differing Angles of the same chart) with a light, on or influencing an Angle, create a golden benefic. Golden benefics are in evidence in almost all instances of success, winning, joy, in all areas of human experience. In the 2nd chart of money they represent winning the lottery, inheritances, or other fortunate windfalls. In the 10th house of career they represent very favorable social stature, and by timing, promotions, great new jobs, and other social honors.

To see the golden benefic (a conjunction of venus to jupiter) on his 4th house cusp (that is, on an Angle) for President George Bush for his stunning victory in 2004, do a search for his name in the paper on Eastern spiritual teachers: Paper on Gurus. His was one of several pieces of astrology included in that paper to show the power of golden benefics in charts of people other than spiritual teachers. Bush didn't start out with that benefic a chart, it only occurred for a few years. Hence his years before that of "searching for himself." We don't really "find ourselves" when we have golden benefics predominant, but we all feel like that is what has happened. So individuals born with predominant golden benefics--that is, lifelong influences--are our more successful, more secure fellow human beings.

The planetary authors of almost all of our difficult feelings and experiences are mars and saturn, known to older traditional astrology as the lesser and greater malefics, respectively.

I state above, “I somewhat over-simplify” because in order to exist at all at this level we need all the planets. They symbolize, and somehow promote, the material, emotional, psychological, and intellectual modes of existence we know as "our life." When not excessive, mars and saturn work well with the other planets--as they should--to sponsor the whole of our meaningful and productive lives. Even when forefront, if they are also accompanied by forefront benefics like venus and jupiter, they have their useful place in human experience. For instance, mars and saturn are often forefront in the charts of explorers, boxers, extreme sportsmen. They show the difficulty of those lifestyles, their physical arduousness. They are famous and successful explorers if they also have 7th or 10th charts which contain forefront--often golden--benefics. Otherwise they remain anonymous and live challenging lives, often with various deficiences. There are, for instance, plenty of boxers who have arduous lifestyles who remain essentially unknown. Without those accompanying benefics mars and saturn experiences are hard for all of us. Even then they have their place, if but a harsh one. For instance, ultimately our experiences of saturn--assuming they are not so severe as to bury us (which occurs, for instance, with clinical depression: Paper on Styron's Clinical Depression)--it sponsors some of our deepest, most individual, most humbling life experiences. Some of those teach us some of our more useful and necessary lessons. Saturn is also one of the planets that is predominant in the abstract part of intellect, especially good for comprehending symbols and patterns. So, for instance, it plays a part in being good at mathematics.

Similarly for the planets of good fortune, venus and jupiter. In excess in certain ways they can and do sponsor difficulties, especially when some other part of the individual feels "deficient." Then, the good and bounty that jupiter sponsors is used to compensate for lacks sponsored by some other planet, often saturn. People get greedy, eat too much, engage in excess sexuality damaging to psyche and health, and so on. It ends up being "too much of a good thing," that is, not balanced by the prudence sponsored by the pitfalls of mars and saturn.

From the above discussion, it should now be clear how we are going to identify the afflicted or blessed charts in this paper. Those with strong forefront influence of venus and jupiter in 7th and 10th charts are the blessed ones. Conversely, those who are more confused, more disturbed such that it is reflected in their social behavior are the ones who have forefront mars and saturn in their 4th, 7th, and 10th charts.

The only thing I need to add to the above extraction is that we have established in particular that forefront mars in Pisces, and often lights in Pisces when in more afflicted charts, are in themselves “afflicted conditions.” More on that below .

Charts Involved
We are going to examine the 10th charts of each of these men for similarity of afflictions. Since we also have good approximate dates of when their mothers left two of them, we are going to look at that astrology (by date) in their 10th charts. Does it compare with their astrology on the date of the massacre?

We are also going to look at some of their other charts. Specifically, although McVeigh’s 10th is afflicted and clearly shows some problems with his mother, his 7th chart of close personal relationships is more afflicted, showing us that the formation of any close relationship was difficult, perhaps impossible, for him. It also contains the astrology for his behavior which became mass murder.

And, since two of these men had mothers who left them, and consequently had fathers left by their wives. we want to look at their 4th charts showing their relationships with their fathers. These days it is clear that one parent can be not only sufficient, but even better than two warring ones. Nonetheless, the one parent these boys were left with were wounded ones. So, we want to look at our murderer’s 4th charts,. They will show us how they experienced their fathers. Sometimes—maybe more often than we know—a seriously afflicted 4th chart (which is opposite the 10th, and not at all a “social” chart) has a reflex relationship to the 10th and also results in helping to create the psychological conditions which can lead to mass murder.

We saw this in an earlier paper about Charles Whitman, who committed mass murder at the University of Texas in Austin. We have his own notes on his life up until the day of the massacre. They make clear his long, painful relationship with his father. It is also shown clearly in his 4th chart. His notes also make clear that he also saw his mother as his father's victim. “To save her more suffering,” he murdered her before he ascended the tower and began shooting. Whitman's data is added to the results shown in the Discussion, below.

I should add that I have been interpreting 10th and 4th charts as mother and father charts, respectively, for about ten (or more--?) years now. They also, of course, represent career and homes, respectively. Their correlation with our experiences of our mothers and fathers is most clear when those 10th and 4th charts are either highly afflicted or highly benefic. The wide difference makes those interpretations stand out. It is even possible to tell when the parent has been so "loving" as to take the place of any potential future mate in the heart of her child. Of course, a serious problem with confirming the material on charts representing parents is that most often we astrologers--indeed society in general--have no idea, really, what kind of relationship an individual had with his parents. Even siblings have shown themselves amazingly dense in that regard. So, research in this area builds results slowly.

Another highly afflicted 10th/mother chart occurred in the 10th chart of Eliza Izquierdo. She was sexually tortured and murdered by her mother. Her astrology is in an appendix for an earlier paper. In that same appendix is the 4th chart of a female child allegedly sexually abused by her father (4th chart). Here is the link: Two Children Sexually Abused by Their Parents.

In addition to looking at the charts below for mass murder, we are going to look at Huberty’s 6th chart (health and service) for polio, which he caught while still a toddler. It left him with an odd gait for the rest of his life. We have the astrology of another individual who had polio, but at a much later age—Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Having approximate dates of the inception of these illnesses for both of them, we are able to examine their astrology for any similarity.

More biographical data for each man is inserted at the beginning of the section that covers his astrology. Before that, some statements should be made about this particular form of astrology.

Astrological Method
This method is not the traditional Western one. It uses a birth and conception planets and their harmonics and houses, all of which share the same axis. Here are some of its empirically-derived operating principles:

This astrology uses the sidereal positions of the planets based on the Fagan-Bradley’s SVP. The practical differences between sidereal (Eastern) and tropical (Western) zodiacs is discussed in an earlier paper. Here is the link: Tropical vs. Sidereal Astrology--A Discussion
Harmonics are taken from the sidereal position of the planets. The Egyptian harmonic, discussed in the paper “About This Method” (link below), is used.
”Lights” include suns, moons, and moons nodes. When mercury rules one or two Angles, it also acts like a light and has the same orb as the other lights. The MC or Asc also acts like a light, but one with only a 2° orb, because when a set is on an Angle it does not need a light to be active.
This method uses only conjunctions, applying and separating squares, and oppositions. Orbs for static planets with lights is 5°; without lights, about 2.5°. Orb for MC/planet or Asc/planet is 2°. Planets so related to each other are referred to as in the same “set.” A set, then, is two or more planets (or an Angle) connected to each other through conjunction, square, and opposition within the defined orbs. Sets without Angles are more active when they contain a light, and less active without one. Learning to look in terms of “crosses” can be helpful in rapidly finding planets that are in the same set.
Because this approach uses both a birth and conception chart and they share the same axis, birth houses usually overlap different houses of the conception chart. These are called “house overlaps.” As it turned out in this paper, house overlaps were not significant. They can be for some other conditions. Throughout this paper I use the convention when writing about house overlaps of putting the birth house first, then the conception house. So, for instance, a “5th/1st” overlap refers to an overlap of birth 5th house with conception 1st house in that order.
Birth planets (including their harmonics) rule only birth houses. Conception planets (including their harmonics) rule only conception houses.
For a more thorough explanation of this astrological approach, refer to the following papers:

About This Method
Chart Reading Rules

In the partial charts shown below, birth planets and their harmonics are inside the circle. Conception planets and their harmonics are outside the circle. Conception sidereal planets are red; conception harmonic ones, black. Birth sidereal planets are blue; birth harmonic ones, green. Occasionally, because of space limitations, I have had to violate this inside/outside arrangement, but the color coding remains constant.
Abbreviations used are b = birth, c = conception, and t = transiting. Even though the harmonic used for each chart is always two more than the chart’s number, in these papers—for ease of reading—I write the harmonic number the same as the chart number. For example, the 5th chart uses the 7th harmonic, but I have established the convention of writing harmonic planets for the 5th chart as, e.g., c5 mars, which reads, “the harmonic for the 5th chart for conception mars.”

Let’s start with Huberty. We start with his 10th chart.

James O. Huberty
Picture from

The following excerpt is from Wikipedia (8/20/12::The San Ysidro McDonald's massacre was an incident of mass murder that occurred on July 18, 1984, in a McDonald’s restaurant in the San Ysidro section of San Diego, California. The shootings resulted in 21 people killed (including five children) and 19 others injured.

James Oliver Huberty was born in Canton, Ohio on October 11, 1942. When he was three he contracted polio and even though he made a progressive recovery, the disease caused him to suffer permanent walking difficulties. In the early 1950s, his father bought a farm in the Pennsylvania Amish Country. His mother refused to live in the Amish country, and soon abandoned her family to do sidewalk preaching for a Southern Baptist organization. Her abandonment would leave a profound effect on the young James, who became sullen and withdrawn.

In 1962, Huberty enrolled at a Jesuit community college, where he earned a degree in sociology. He would later receive a license for embalming at the Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. While at Mortuary School, he met his wife Etna, whom he married in 1965 and had two daughters with – Zelia and Cassandra. The Huberty family settled in Massillon, Ohio, where James worked as an undertaker at the Don Williams Funeral Home. They were forced to relocate to Canton in 1971 after their house in Massillon was set ablaze.

Huberty found work as a welder for Union Metal Inc. while living in Canton…

Huberty, a survivalist…and believed that government regulations were the cause of business failures, including his own. …he believed that the breakdown of society was near, perhaps through economic collapse or nuclear war. He committed himself to prepare to survive this coming collapse …while in Canton…

Domestic violence was frequent in the Huberty household, with Etna once filing a report with the Canton Department of Children and Family Services that her husband had "messed up" her jaw. She would produce tarot cards and pretend to read his future to pacify him and his bouts of violence, thus producing a temporary calming effect.

Huberty had an uncontrollable twitch in his right arm as a result of a motorcycle accident, a condition that made it impossible to continue as a welder. The Huberty family left Canton in January 1984 and briefly stayed in Tijuana, México. They then returned to the United States and settled in San Diego's San Ysidro neighborhood. Huberty was able to find work as a security guard. He was dismissed from this position two weeks before the shooting. His apartment was three blocks away from the site of the massacre.

On the day before the massacre, Huberty had called a mental health center. The receptionist misspelled his name on intake as "Shouberty". Since he had not claimed there was an immediate emergency, his call was not returned. He and his family went to the San Diego Zoo on the morning of July 18, and had a meal at a McDonald's in the Clairmont neighborhood in northern San Diego a few hours before the massacre.

Before Huberty left for McDonald's, his wife Etna asked him where he was going. Huberty responded that he was "hunting humans". Earlier that day he had commented to her, "Society had its chance." When questioned by police, she gave no explanation as to why she failed to report this bizarre behavior. A witness who spotted him as he left his apartment and proceeded down San Ysidro Boulevard with two firearms phoned the police, but the dispatcher gave the responding officers the wrong address.

Huberty used a 9 mm Uzi semi-automatic (the primary weapon fired in the massacre), a Winchester pump-action 12-gauge shotgun, and a 9 mm Browning HP in the restaurant, killing 21 people and wounding 19 others. His victims were predominantly Mexican and Mexican-American and ranged in age from 8 months to 74 years. The massacre began at 3:59 p.m. and lasted for 77 minutes. He had spent 257 rounds of ammunition before he was fatally shot by a SWAT team sniper, Chuck Foster, perched on the roof of the post office adjacent to the restaurant.

Although Huberty stated during the massacre that he had killed thousands in Vietnam, he had never actually served in any military branch. Eyewitnesses stated that he had previously been seen at the Big Bear supermarket and later at the U.S. Post Office. It was surmised that he found the McDonald's to be a better target…

Here is some of what Astrodatabank had on HubertyA pale, gaunt man, Huberty had two definite sides, one romantic, tender and somewhat fearful of women and the other side brutalizing with macho tendencies. In the family photo album he was pictured with a rifle and beneath the picture was the caption "I'll give you 100 yards." His wife thought him incredibly weak in many ways. She was the one to control the bank account and when confronted she always fought back with equal or greater force. They fought and abused one another both physically and verbally, threatening to leave one another but never doing so. In 1971 he told her he wanted a divorce. She pointed a .22 Ruger at him, pulled the trigger and the gun jammed. He had loaded it with minimags, powerful bullets. The couple threatened to kill one another many times…

…Huberty lost 80% of his kidney function in 1969 and was sick much of the time after that. In the final years of his life a series of debilitating car wrecks left him with whiplash and tremors and his behavior worsened...

Let’s get to his astrology.

James Huberty
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 10th Chart of Mother Experience and Social Place

Placidian House Cusps: c11—15Leo, c12—14Vir, c2—5Sco, c3—7Sag b11—13 Ari, b12—22Tau, b2—15Can, b3—8Leo

Note that unlighted conception mars in Pisces in c 10th house in the drawing above. I am going to bring it up later.

Set (1) shows us a combined golden benefic (moon/venus/jupiter) with a dark malefic (moon/mars/saturn)—both with influence to two Angles, so it is powerful.

C moon rules C MC in b 1st house. C saturn rules c 4th house, b10 jupiter rules b 7th, and c venus rules C Asc in b 4th house plus c 8th, and c10 mars rules c 7th.

The Angle/moon/mars/saturn/4th/(8th?) part shows a likely severe negative experience (light/mars/saturn) at the end of life (4th). The Angle/moon/mars/jupiter part of it shows a certain sort of ambition (mars) for fame (Angle/light/jupiter). The Angle/moon/venus/jupiter shows the fame—in this case, infamy. All at the end of life (4th). Also, a potentially famous death.

Note that not only does c10 mars influence a 7th house, but that the whole malefic part of the set (moon/mars/saturn in Aries) falls in b 11th and c 7th houses. The 7th house part shows the path that the violence (or mars) takes—on Other, as opposed to self (1st) or children (5th). The 11th house part shows that the violence and death (light/mars/saturn) are also directed at groups (11th house). The 11th house influence is the part of the signature which shows the possibility of a mass or group event—in this case, mass murder. The 11th house in the 7th chart is also in the path of women who are gang raped (paper not written), where 11th refers to the gang. The 11th chart is powerful in the astrology of cult followers who die by suicide, where the 11th initially represents any type of group. For the astrology of the latter, see Paper on Jim Jones, David Koresh, Luc Jouret, and Marshall Applewhite.

We are still discussing Huberty’s partial chart for the 10th shown above.

Note that unnumbered set including B MC at 6 Pisces 36 conjunct c10 moon at 8 Pisces 52. All three of the men in this study show harmonic (therefore specific to the chart they are in) 10th chart lights in Pisces. A light in Pisces influencing a 3rd house (and maybe 8th) in the 7th chart of individuals with fairly benefic charts shows a successful psychic, or at least not some one overwhelmed by psychic sensitivities. As charts turn more afflicted, harmonic lights in Pisces indicate more suffering and stress. Specifically, lights in Pisces show confusion, bleakness and being spaced out. In this 10th chart of Huberty that Pisces moon falls in his b 10th house, so there should not be much doubt it applies to his relationship with his mother. Conjunct B MC, which makes it forefront and therefore having to express--there is not much chance that he will escape social malaise when he grows up. But ruling C MC which falls in b 1st house of early childhood it additionally shows us that his Pisces moon bleakness started in childhood (1st).

Set (2) in the drawing above shows us an Angle/moon/pluto conjunction in Libra which falls in c 4th house. At conception c10 saturn, ruler of c 4th house, was at 9 Aries 20R. If we use age 6-1/2 as Huberty’s age when his mother left, then progressed c10 saturn was at 5 Aries 57, still retrograde. Because of the moon conjunct the Asc, orb for planets aspecting it is enlarged at least. Without a light the acceptable progressed Angle/planet orb is 1°, with 1° being weak. With the moon there, 1° is no longer a weak set. So, when his mother left Huberty had, among others sets, a progressed Angle/moon/saturn/pluto. We have seen Angle/moon/saturn/pluto/3rd in the 1st and 3rd charts depressing personality development in autistic children. In the 7th chart in depresses or even denies formation of close personal relationships such as can happen with people with Asperger’s syndrome. If not born with it, whenever it forms, it tends to isolate the individual and cause withdrawal and alienation.

Here are links to those two papers: Paper on Autism and Paper on Asperger's Syndrome

Monument to Victims at McDonald’s, San Diego, CA
Picture from

When Huberty killed all those people at McDonald’s in San Ysidro, progressed c10 saturn had become direct and moved back to 5 Aries 59D, forming the very same Angle/moon/saturn/pluto as when Mom left.

Of course, it takes more than withdrawal to create a violent individual. Astrologically it takes a strong, forefront (Angular or lighted an influencing Angles) mars, the planet which can sponsor the anger which becomes violence. Here are some of the other progressions for this chart:

Set (3)pC Asc 26 Cancer 35
c mars 26 Aries 47ruler of c 7th house
pc mercury26 Capricorn 47co-ruler (14 of 29°) c 11th house

Set (3) shows an additional Angle/mars/7th/11th influence.

Set (4)pb10 mercury28 Aries 35 ruler of B Asc and thus also a light
c saturn 28 Aries 17ruler of c 4th house
t10 mars 28 Capricorn 22(for 4:00 p.m. PDT)

Set (4) shows an additional Angle/light/mars/saturn/4th influence.

Set (5)pb10 mars25 Sagittarius 46 ruler of 11th house in b 7th house
B Asc 25 Gemini 25

Set (5) shows a late mars to an Angle, B Asc, with influence to 7th and 11th houses. But maybe for this event it isn’t really “late” because when his mother left pb mars was at 25 Virgo 52, also showing a late Angle/mars. Maybe what this shows is that he had been distressed (friction, irritation, over-involvement in the sympathetic nervous system) by this progressed Angle/mars for a considerable time before he went "human hunting."

All of the men had progressed influence of Angles to mars, saturn, and pluto at the time of the murders. In addition to this showing their own deaths for two of them (Huberty and Hamilton), it showed that those charts were highly stressed at the time. Thus, in the 10th chart, they showed a highly stressed relationship to society in general. McVeigh did not die at the time of the bombing. Nonetheless, he had this condition.

Set (6)return10 moon 15 Scorpio 45
t10 uranus 15 Scorpio 23for 4:00 p.m., coming from 16 Scorpio 47 on date of return

Set (6) shows a sort of consciousness which sponsors thoughts of sudden (uranus) death (Scorpio). Return moon at 18 Libra 02 falls on pB MC at 18 Aries 23. Return 10 mars was at 6 Sagittarius 29 in the same set with B MC at 6 Pisces 36. Pc10 mars was at 6 Gemini 30 when his mother left.

For contrast to this afflicted 10th chart, we can look at the 10th chart of Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State under President George W. Bush. Here is the link: Rice's 10th Chart

One of the biographies on Dag Hammarskjöld contains considerable material on his relationships with his mother and father. So that paper can be read for more material on our experience of father and mother and its correlation with 4th and 10th charts, respectively. Here is the link: Paper on Hammarskjöld.

So, what about the unlighted mars in Pisces that falls in Huberty's b 10th house in the 10th chart shown above? Here’s the whole set as it appears in his 7th chart:

Set (7)b7 moon 26 Pisces 44
c mars 29 Pisces 44ruler of c 7th house
b7 neptune 27 Gemini 05ruler of B MC in c 5th house
b jupiter 29 Gemini 38ruler of b 7th house
return MC 28 Sagittarius 52
pc7 sun 29 Sagittarius 00ruler of c 11th house

Set (7) shows us another Angle/light/mars with influence to 7th and 11th houses. Not only that, it shows us one of the recurring sets often found with mass murderers—an Angular and lighted mars in Pisces. (More on the meanings of mars in Pisces below.) The moon/mars/Pisces part of it falls in b 10th house, another suggestion of a damaged mother experience. This chart also shows c harmonic moon in Pisces, at 21 Pisces 39 and ruling C MC in b 1st house, suggesting that his relationship to his mother, and consequently his damaged social image occurred in childhood (1st house).

This 7th chart also showed progressed Angle/saturn/pluto for both the time of the murders and the time his mother left, this time with a different Angle. He has C MC at 12 Cancer 21 conjunct c pluto at 11 Cancer 17 and b pluto at 13 Cancer 09. C7 saturn started out at 14 Aries 30R. When his mother left it was progressed to 11 Aries 58R. For the McDonald’s tragedy it was at 11 Aries 58 direct. So it had first moved away from the Angle, turned around, and reconnected to it.

The chart below shows what I consider pertinent information in his 4th chart that describes his relationship with his father. We do not, of course, have access to his point of view.

James Huberty
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 4th Chart of Father Experience and Life Foundation

Placidian House Cusps: c11—15Leo, c12—14Vir, c2—5Sco, c3—7Sag b11—13 Ari, b12—22Tau, b2—15Can, b3—8Leo

Set (8) shows us, again, C Asc with moon and pluto. With C MC also with pluto, we see a tendency to withdraw into the home. Could be his polio exacerbated that tendency. He had a progressed Angle/saturn/pluto when his mother left. Progressed C MC was at 19 Cancer 46 conjunct progressed b4 pluto at 19 Cancer 18 and with c4 saturn, 4th house ruler, at 19 Aries 40. Does this set actually describe how his father handled the loss of his wife? That he withdrew, and thereby taught his son that was the way to handle emotional pain.

It seems likely. Set (9) shows us that his mars in Pisces picks up a light—b4 SN at 27 Gemini 23, in this chart. It indicates a sense of powerlessness. His father as model?

This chart also shows a golden benefic through that moon conjunct saturn in around 27 Aries(show in the first chart). B4 jupiter is at 27 Aries 46 and b4 venus at 24 Cancer 15. The set influences an Angle through c moon (ruling C MC), so his life with his father was not bereft of some fun and joy and acceptance. The mixed malefics and benefics in the same set rock back and forth between positive and negative, depending on what brings either out. It makes sense of his alterations between tenderness and fearfulness. But B MC with all four neptunes and a moon, shown in Set (10), suggests he didn’t really know where he stood with his father or that in some way he was without rudder in that relationship. Reading his biography, he seemed without rudder for the rest of his life. That is, his foundation through his father was weak, and he lacked trust in women through his experience with his mother.

We want to take a look at the set in Huberty’s 6th chart believed responsible for his polio.

James Huberty
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 6th Chart of Health and Service

Placidian House Cusps: c11—15Leo, c12—14Vir, c2—5Sco, c3—7Sag b11—13 Ari, b12—22Tau, b2—15Can, b3—8Leo

Set (11) shows us a general tendency to health problems. It contains sun/mars/saturn in Virgo, already a suggestion of problems (mars/saturn) with health (Virgo, natural sign of the 6th house). Saturn is moving closer to the set. The two b mars also rule b 6th house of health. The mars and saturn straddle the sun with rather big orbs. But in this case, b mercury rules B Asc, so it acts like a second light in the set, making the set hang together. That third light, provided by c6 moon in Pisces not only adds to the cohesion of the set, it suggests the health problem could occur in childhood (moon rules C MC in b 1st house), and that it will occasion some bleak feelings (Pisces moon).

I used 3 years 3 months for the date he got polio. At that time progressed b mars, ruler of b 6th house, was at 23 Virgo 45 in late conjunction with b sun at 23 Virgo 17, while pb sun at 26 Virgo 30 was in a somewhat early conjunction to b6 saturn at 26 Virgo 52. So, he had a progressed sun/mars plus a progressed sun/saturn. Progressed C Asc at 9 Libra 52 was in the same set with pb6 mars, ruler of b 6th house, at 9 Cancer 57.

The clincher appears to have been that pC MC was at 16 Cancer 28 picking up that conjunction of c6 saturn at 16 Aries 13 and c6 sun at 16 Aries 14. Sun/saturn suggest a problem with vitality. In Aries, they suggest the problem will halt the individual’s spontaneous thrust (Aries) out into his environment.

Another clue exists for the fact that Huberty will suffer some acute distress in early childhood. In his 1st chart of early childhood, his c1 sun, ruler of c 3rd house, is at 9 Pisces 50 in a wide conjunction to B MC at 6 Pisces 36 (unlike for planets, the orb for a light to an Angle is greater than 2°). On January 11, 1946 (the date used above for looking at his astrology for polio) pB MC was at 9 Pisces 49 conjunct that sun--bleak. Pc1 sun was at 22 Pisces 11 conjunct his c1 mercury, ruler of c 12th house and in c 6th house, at 22 Pisces 35, activating it--more bleakness. Mercury in Pisces has trouble "computing" the reality of material existence, hence it often comes forefront at dark times. It was, for instance, forefront in McVeigh's astrology for the day of his execution.

In Franklin Roosevelt’s astrology we see the same conjunction of sun to saturn in Aries. C sun is at 8 Aries 02 conjunct c saturn at 8 Aries 51 (c jupiter is also there at 9 Aries 09). The date he was diagnosed with polio—August 11, 1921—his progressed B MC was at 8 Cancer 49 and entered the set. Return mars was at 8 Cancer 01. This set seems to describe that it was polio, and not some other disease.

The set that suggests some kind of health problem at some point is the one that includes b saturn at 13 Aries conjunct b6 moon at 15 Aries 12 in the same set with c6 mars at 14 Libra 04. B venus, ruler of B MC in Taurus, is at 12 Capricorn 58. C mars rules c 6th house and C Asc. So, this set shows us a lighted mars/saturn with influence to two Angles and a 6th house. On August 11, 1921 progressed c saturn was at 13 Aries 48 and progressed C MC at 13 Libra 42.

We have finished with Huberty’s astrology. Next comes Thomas Hamilton.

Thomas Watt Hamilton
Picture from

The following is taken from Watt Hamilton, May 10, 1952, 8:50 a.m. GDT, Glasgow, SCOT 555 N53, 4 W 15, AA Scottish psychopath, a suspected pedophile known locally as "Mr. Creepy." He had been born Thomas Watt to 20-year-old Agnes Hamilton Watt. After his parents' marriage broke up, he was adopted and raised by his grandparents, growing up believing that his natural mom was his sister.

On the morning of 3/13/1996, heavily armed, he went to the Dunblane Primary School in the country village of Perthshire, and heavily armed, began firing for approximately three minutes. He burst into the morning gym class and methodically emptied his weapons, fatally shooting 16 kids and their teacher and wounding 12 others. The first call to the police was logged at 9:38 AM.

The village was left decimated and devastated, and the world recoiled from the grief and horror of the carnage. In 1994, only 66 people were killed by firearms in all of Britain.

The Public Inquiry into the Shootings at Dunblane Primary School on 13 March 1996 issued by the Honorable Lord W. Douglas Cullen, submitted 30 September, 1996 to the Secretary of State for Scotland is very long. My impression is that Cullen was mostly successful in his efforts to be objective, so the report is also an excellent biographical source. The full report consists of twelve chapters and six appendices. It is the size of a small book. Therefore, I have excerpted material from Chapters 3, 4 and 5 and put it in Appendix A, link below. Even it is long—24 pages. If you want to understand how Thomas Hamilton ended up a mass murder--that is, if you want to comprehend his extreme rage and the pain that preceded it--you should read, or at least skim, this excerpt. It contains factual information about Thomas Hamilton, what he actually did and said, and what was said about him over a period of about twenty-three years. I have highlighted the repetition of certain comments to point out their repetition. They help us understand what was going on in the mind of Thomas Hamilton. Here is the link: Appendix A, Containing Excerpts of the Public Inquiry Into the Dunblane Massacre .

To read the whole report issued by the Inquiry, go to this link : The Full Report of The Public Inquiry into the Shootings at Dunblane Primary School on 13 March 1996.

If you read Appendix A, you now know that for sure some of Hamilton’s behavior was questionable, particularly with respect to some of the possible danger he exposed boys in his clubs, like when he wasn’t aware some of the boys were in the lake. You also know that he felt persecuted, and that a number of times he was, in fact, shunned or rejected without being told the reason. You know that he made some parents uneasy but not all of them. That he was seen as hostile, aggressive, defensive, paranoid, and weird by some, while others found him maybe a bit odd, but essentially kind and even shy (and not defensive). That he tried over at least 15 years (more, really) to clear his name of the unspoken--certainly not open allegations--that he was a pedophile. It looks like it first started with his dismissal from the Scouts in 1974.

You know that some of the boys liked him, and some didn’t. Some of those boys were probably “boy’s boys” while others were a bit softer. That Hamilton enjoyed being tough on them, but that he also thought that for their own good. He was explicit about the fact that he could not tolerate fat, chubby, or spoiled boys. I suspect he was once chubby himself, hence his disapproval. You know that he certainly had some of the behavior exhibited by pedophiles. One example would be his obsession with taking the boys’ picture while scantily clad. But we saw, in the paper on pedophilia, that Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland, also had a passion for the company of little girls and taking pictures of them scantily clad, preferably naked. And Lewis Carroll was never—in any way either then or since--in a long life of enjoying the company of little girls been cited as ever done anything remotely sexual toward them. (You need to read the paper to find out the astrology of it.)

You read, if you finished the report, that in spite of gargantuan, if sometimes badly executed, years of efforts made by Thomas Hamilton to clear his name of the charge of pedophilia, that the two doctors consulted for the Inquiry found Thomas Hamilton to be a pedophile. They came to that conclusion in spite of the fact that there was never any evidence he had ever committed any acts of pedophilia over many years of being alone with boys at outings. And one of those doctors, unbelievably, cited as his example of Hamilton’s pedophilia that incident with the boy discussed in “Para 4.15” (which was the incident in which Cullen concluded the boy could not be believed because of his reputation for dishonesty).

To be fair to them, I must add that their whole reports are not part of the published inquiry. And that one of them states it is necessary to be cautious in judging Thomas Hamilton because he couldn't be examined and queried in person.

But, other than pedophilia--more on that below when covering Hamilton's astrology--they certainly did not agree on what was wrong with Thomas Hamilton. And Lord Cullen mostly doesn't agree with either of them. In addition, we have Professor DJC's odd definition of pedophilia, making us question even his schooling along with his reasons, that “Paedophilia was consistent with an absence of direct physical contact since it included those who fell in love with children and yearned for their company but avoided the physical manifestations of sexual attraction.” I do not know about in Scotland, but in this country (the United States) pedophilia is consistent with an acute desire for sexual relations with the child. And it doesn't take a pedophile who has abducted a child long at all to get to the sexual part of his attraction. I doubt any one here has served even a day in jail for “yearning for the company of a child.” The astrological definition of pedophilia, which is satisfied by all the charts in the paper on pedophilia, is that the pedophile has a sexual attraction to children that fit his preferences.

However, as one of them mentioned, if one were trying to think of a way to inflict the worst pain on a group of people it would be by killing their children. I myself cannot doubt that. He had to know how much pain he was going to create. The Inquiry does not make anything of the fact that he picked five and six year olds. He did not pick boys of his favorite ages, which was seven to eleven. Perhaps his choice was a matter of the opportunity of the moment. But, that still does not explain why he didn’t try to kill the (age group of) boys who, inadvertently, had been the ultimate source of so much of his grief--those from ages seven to eleven. I think it was because he still cared about them.

The Inquiry also chose primarily to cover the last 23 years of Hamilton’s life. In doing so, it wittingly or unwittingly begged the question of the formative influences of his life. We are given virtually no information about his relationship with his grandparents (aka "parents") and natural mother (aka “sister”). At the time of the shootings his grandparents were deceased. His mother, with whom he had visited the day before the shootings, was still alive. In failing to look into or even question the formative influences of Hamilton’s childhood it seems to me two things were accomplished: One, his mother and deceased grandparents were spared any inquiry into what life was like then and any responsibility for what later happened. And two, the Inquiry stopped unreasonably short in truly determining the cause of this event of mass murder. Thankfully, Cullen did aim for objectivity…to me he just didn’t seem to extend it as far as he should have. That left the doctors with the last word….Thomas Hamilton, the pedophile. Which wasn't true, and which label stuck even harder to Hamilton after his death than before.

We can now take a look at Hamilton’s astrology, starting with his 10th chart. Let’s see what we find out about him through his astrology.

Thomas Hamilton
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 10th Chart of Mother Experience and Social Place

Placidian House Cusps: c11—19Lib, c12—5Sco, c2—29Sag, c3—20Aqu b11—22Pis, b12—13Tau, b2—7Can, b3—23Can

Set (12) is actually an all-charts set. It consists of C MC at 25 Virgo 46 conjunct b neptune at 25 Virgo 29 in the same set with c mars, ruler of c 5th and 12th houses, at 25 Gemini 42. C mars is also in c 7th house and made Angular by C MC. This set shows us several things about Hamilton.

Angle/light/mars/neptune/5th/(7th) is a homosexual significator of the first part. The c mars on an Angle and in a 7th is the homosexual significator of the second part. These show Hamilton’s predilection is toward homosexuality, not pedophilia (more on that below). When I use the word homosexual, I mean only intimate adult relationships between two men, which has nothing to do pedophiles who happens to prefer boys. To better understand the difference between these two significators, read the following links : Paper on the Astrology of Homosexuality in Men and Paper on the Astrology of Pedophilia .

The only reservation I have about the above is that it is the only chart I can remember where the homosexual significators are all non-harmonic.

Why didn’t Hamilton form any homosexual relationship, then? I am not altogether sure. I have several pieces of astrological information which feed into a significant answer, some of which can only be addressed as we get further along in his astrology. But we can start here. Hamilton was already insecure socially, so he would have been averse to engaging in socially risky behavior. How can we see his insecurity? For one thing, his shell chart (before harmonics are added) shows the conjunction of B MC at 15 Aquarius 41 with c NN at 15 Aquarius 58. By itself this set is favorable in the sense that it points to social (10th) growth (NN) by engaging in humanitarian matters (Aquarius—his Scout and Boys Club Work). But in his 1st chart describing his early childhood, it picks up c1 harmonic saturn at 14 Taurus 31. Angle/node/saturn in any chart shows us insecurity and low self-esteem with regard to matters of that chart (here, early childhood, the foundation chart for life). It puts more emphasis on form and function (saturn) than on feeling. It strongly suggests the child lacks other-acceptance and therefore will end up with little self-acceptance.

[We actually saw an Angle/moon/saturn in Dr. Rice's 1st chart, but it has an entirely different explanation for the emphasis on form and is combined with a super positive 10th chart. Hamilton's 10th chart is even more afflicted than his 1st, so he wasn't finding acceptance anywhere.]

Another set that shows us Hamilton’s insecurity in childhood is part of the interpretation of Set 13, shown above. In it we see his b10 Pisces sun at 6 Pisces 09 lighting up his c saturn at 4 Virgo 50 in his birth 4th house. That lighted 4th house saturn again shows us the foundation of his life (4th house) is more concerned with form than feeling. That always generates insecurity. Since both these conditions occur so early in life, their implications are powerful. So, we could also state because of them we suspect Thomas Hamilton’s actual maturation was retarded. It is not that humanity in general is so good at parenting that every child ends up going through the necessary maturational stages such that they result in finished adult human beings. That doesn’t seem to be the case, either, though various cultures keep working on improving in that area. But so much saturn so early in life puts Hamilton at a considerable disadvantage. Except for his body, he quite likely did not grow up. Moreover, since he was attracted to boys in the age 7 to 11, and they were most comfortable for him to know, then that suggests his likely maturational age—probably around 7 or 8 years of age. So, his liking of them and curiosity is because they are "his age" (internally) and also because if he had been more secure and mature he would likely have been homosexual.

Being immature does not stop individuals of any sexual preference from engaging in adult sexual practices. Here we are just hypothesizing about what might have been the case. And we are doing this before we get to the afflictions of his 10th chart which help make his strange behavior so much more understandable.

We are still discussing Set (12), which gives us an all-charts Angle/mars/neptune. Whenever mars and neptune are on an Angle they present certain problems. Mars (aggression, initiative) and neptune (confusion, nebulousness) are a toxic combination.

In Hamilton's 3rd chart of ordinary mind Set (12) picks up c3 uranus, ruler of c 3rd house, at 27 Sagittarius 17. That gives him an Angle/mars/neptune/3rd influence in the 3rd chart. It is a significator for paranoid (the mars) schizophrenia (neptune), but again, the set is mostly non-harmonic, so I don't think it represents schizophrenia. I believe it did render Hamilton more susceptible to what some people called his paranoid thinking. (But all of that thinking was not paranoid, it was based on a correct assessment of other's opinion of him.) He was not really mentally ill. To check out the significators for schizophrenia and paranoid schizophrenia, read the following paper: Paper on Woolf, Nietzsche, Van Gogh, and Nijinsky.

Returning to his 10th chart, since this Angle/mars/neptune also influences his b 10th house of mother/career (it co-rules it by 22 of 38°), his uncertainty and distrust are part of his relationship with his (surrogate) mother and, by extension, his relationship to society.

Still referring to Set (12) above, note his B Asc at 23 Gemini 01 in the same set with c neptune at 23 Virgo 01. So, Hamilton has neptune on two Angles, adding to his incapacity to his confusion. In a more benefic chart, neptune on an Angle can be a sign the individual excels in make believe such as in drama and movies. In fact, it appears Hamilton, in playing with the boys, was also interested in make believe. But because of Set (13), which consists of a “dark” malefic (light/mars/saturn with influence to at least one Angle), his two Angle/neptunes add to his confusion.

Set (13) is a significator of truly powerful pain. It is comprised of sun/mars/neptune in Pisces, with pluto progressing toward the set, and opposition saturn in Virgo. Note that the Pisces part falls in his b 10th house (mother).

In Set (13) b10 sun rules b 4th house, c10 mars rules C Asc in b 7th house and c 5th house, b neptune rules b 11th house and co-rules (22 of 36°). Angle/light/mars/saturn/neptune/4th/5th/7th/11th gives us a toxic, likely life-threatening (dark malefic/4th) psychological or physical state which is directed toward children (5th), significant others (7th), and groups (11th). Doesn’t take much to turn that into “a group of children.” Note that like Huberty, the 11th house part of the path is the part that channels Hamilton’s rage to affect a group (11th). At first it symbolizes only Hamilton's pain--and a great deal of it. It didn't become life-threatening to others until that mars in Pisces went from yin to yang, from victim to perpetrator--see more on this below.

Note also that Hamilton has significant house overlaps. C 5th house (children) overlaps b 11th house (groups). B 5th house overlaps c 11th house. Both show an identity, for Hamilton, of children and groups, making groups of children a natural combination for his life. B 5th house (children) also overlaps c 10th house of career. That shows us Hamilton’s formation of an identity of children and career, with no necessary correlation with sexual perversity. The same identity (or one that works through paths of rulers) occurs for all teachers of children. When they think of career, they also naturally think of working with children.

We want to focus a little more on Hamilton’s likely experience of the consciousness of his sun/mars/neptune in Pisces (in this 10th chart). We saw significant forefront mars in Pisces charts of other mass murderers, such as Eric Harris, Ted Kaczynski, and Charles Whitman. Here are links to those papers: Paper on Harris , Paper on Kaczynski , and Paper on Whitman.

The Dunblane Commemoration Standing Stone
Picture from

Mars, particularly for men, is poorly placed in Pisces. Particularly for men because mars represents their own initiative, while in a woman's chart it may represent that of the man in her life. Initiative and aggression (mars) should not be under the sway of the confusion and uncertainty sponsored by Pisces, ruled by neptune. The uncertain and inconsistent or hesitant behavior that results from it makes others feel the individual is hiding something. It certainly fits with the nickname given Hamilton by some of the children, “Mr. Creepy.” All of it leads to rejection. Lots of it. The more that negative and rejecting social judgment on his behavior builds up over time, the more he will try to actually hide what he thinks and feels, which makes him more suspicious. He thinks people are being mean on purpose. These previous comments are just about lighted mars in Pisces--where the light can be in any of three other signs (Gemini, Virgo, or Sagittarius). Hamilton’s mars is also conjunct sun and neptune in Pisces. That is much harder. We all feel it is hard to grasp or “get” an individual with a Pisces sun. They are too nebulous for us. They don’t seem to have the solid foundations “we have.” Their drummer is different, somehow. If you try to get a hold of them psychologically, they seem to vaporize in your grasp. So, we have more trouble forming comfortable relations with them, especially the ones that involve the feeling of a solid and shared reality. Their parameters are different. Now combine this effect of sun in Pisces with the mars in Pisces. The net effect of both is that the individual feels uncertain--indeed--about how to relate to a number of people, and even sometimes waffles. Once again, all that uncertainty is mostly intolerable to "ordinary people" (the ones who are clear about who they are and life and where they are going), so they get mean. Then the mars in Pisces person feels victimized. I am not sure, but I think there is no such thing as a victim who feels powerful. Victimization always carries with it the sense of being powerless, helpless, and small--too small. Then we get the development of defensiveness along with the incapacity to be open to the viewpoints of others. After all, if you feel secure and unthreatened, you can afford to be open.

So, this sun/mars/neptune set in Pisces is the same set that also renders Hamilton “paranoid” in the eyes of some of his public. No doubt about it, he is paranoid (not in the sense of mentally ill.) But any one with that set is going to grow more and more paranoid because of the experiences it fosters. Note that careful reading of the Inquiry shows that at least some of Hamilton's distrust was reasonable. Among other things, he was rejected by the Scouts without being given an explanation. His lets were canceled with explanation. He seemed limited to a smaller and smaller functional area--all without explanation. (We do not know what his discussions with police amounted to.)

Sun/mars/neptune in Pisces occurring in a 10th chart of mother/career certainly suggests an extremely uncomfortable and confusing relationship with the "mother," our usual first model of females. But we do not know who this represents—Hamilton’s biological mother or his grandmother. Neither did Thomas Hamilton. Whatever his family did or did not say and do, this set suggests that the significant female model in Hamilton’s life had a significant aversion to him. That in turn created the many inevitable attempts—made by all children to get the nurturing they need to grow—to gain that love no matter what. But it had to be done furtively because an open request was not acceptable.

Since he grew up under this influence, and it got stronger as the years progressed (we are going to look at the influence of that progressing pluto in Pisces in a minute), tells us that Hamilton suffered intense emotional and psychological pain throughout his life. That means that applying some of the definitions for a paranoid personality, done by Dr. JAB, to Thomas Hamilton, was roaringly inappropriate. Its prescriptions that such individuals have “low tolerance to frustration and aggression” and are “over-sensitive to setbacks and difficulties in their lives” is completely inappropriate applied to the life of Thomas Hamilton. True, Hamilton was a monster who killed a group of little children. True, he had some strange and unsettling behavior forms. But it is also true that he showed extraordinary perseverance in trying to clear his name. In doing that he experienced endless setbacks and frustration. His life, especially the last decades covered by the inquiry, was little more than setbacks. So the individual(s) who so casually applied those judgments of "over-sensitive" with "low tolerance" was brutally insensitive. The really surprising thing about Hamilton, if you took the time to read about his life, was how long and hard he fought, through channels (annoying as it was for some) and non-violently, in order to clear his name.

There is something in Hamilton's astrology which sponsored his "fight," his strong belief in his own integrity, and simultaneously, when challenged, particularly by those he sensed had already judged him, his arrogance. He had a conjunction of his c mercury, ruler of C MC (and therefore acting like a light and making this a potent place his consciousness tended to "stay"," like a moon conjunct a South Node), at 12 Leo 46 to his c SN at 15 Leo 58. Leo is a dramatic sign, given to strong self-belief. In his 10th chart the set is joined by b10 jupiter at 13 Leo 45. It adds graciousness (as with his employee) and sometimes, thinking more of himself than is warranted, like some royalty. It simultaneously made it abhorrent for him to seen as a "pervert." It also would have made it hard for him to be open to the comments of others, especially suspicious or demeaning comments. Influencing C MC, it was a continual part of his life-long consciousness. It is in c 3rd house, so his thinking is definitely skewed toward a “high opinion of himself.” And it would have influenced the way he treated the boys in his care. His tendency to order them around (perhaps like a good drill sergeant) was more the tendency of a king to demand the most of his subjects than any need for control, suggested by one of the inquiry doctors. Some one with that suggested need for control would not have been found, as Hamilton was, not knowing where some of the boys were, or with the campgrounds a temporary mess. It looked like he had a greater need for control than was actually the case because, year after year (regardless of the reason and who did what), his work with the boys was continually being undermined.

It is mercury's conjunction to the South Node that makes this behavior bring disapproval. We are generally rewarded for North Node behavior and stigmatized, dropped, or criticized for South Node behavior. But we are all coming from the consciousness of our South Nodes. Whether or not other people see that about us is really just a function where our South Node sits in our charts. If it is buried inside the chart, it doesn't show so much. If it is on the Asc or MC, or ruling it, then others see it and we get their disapproval for "inappropriate behavior." One way to explain this is that our SNs represent the consciousness of past lifetimes. It's old. If behavior stemming from such consciousness were rewarded, we would never grow. So whoever created astrology set it up so it was possible for some people to have past-life consciousness sort of "in their face"--either for the purpose of karma (to pay an old debt) and/or to learn that we shouldn't hang out there but get on with the business of living and growing in the present.

People with lights in Leo (especially SNs) have a bit more trouble than most with unfavorable, especially demeaning, self- or other-images. They can be more painful for them than for others. We saw this in the case of the nine year old boy who committed suicide by throwing himself in front of New York City subway. He had that combination of mars in Pisces (victim consciousness and experiences) and high, even grand, self-esteem (moon in Leo conjunct pluto). Here is the link to that paper: The Subway Suicide of a Nine Year Old Boy.

We want to take a look at the progression of Hamilton’s 10th chart pluto in Pisces. The one we are interested in is progressing birth harmonic (b10) pluto. At birth it was at 0 Pisces 25 D and not part of the set comprised of Hamilton’s sun/mars/neptune in Pisces. Instead, it is below the set, but progressing toward it. In the table below we see its movement over the years. Shorter intervals are shown preceding the massacre on March 13, 1996:

DateProgressed B10 Pluto
March 13, 1980 3 Pisces 59
March 13, 1985 5 Pisces 02
March 13, 1990 6 Pisces 12
........... ............
March 13, 1991 6 Pisces 27
March 13, 1992 6 Pisces 42
March 13, 1993 6 Pisces 58
March 13, 1994 7 Pisces 13
March 13, 1995 7 Pisces 29
March 13, 1996 7 Pisces 45

Pluto on or moving over a planet tends to exaggerate the consciousness of that planet. One astrology book stated that pluto on a planet was like a brooding hen on an egg. Not much appeared to be happening, but something really different would eventually take place. We have seen that Hamilton’s sun/mars/neptune in Pisces are the astrological representatives of other’s identifying him as paranoid (there is something to be said for this being justified) and concomitantly his feelings of being picked on, victimized, and singled out for punishment. As well, in Pisces, it represents his confused behavior--not knowing which way to act. It is all one big ball of disturbing Pisces consciousness. As this form of consciousness became more exaggerated, as when Pluto sits on it--that is another way of saying it has become more painful--then Hamilton became more obsessive about trying to bring it to an end. But, he could not do that. So, in the end, we read of him being quiet and subdued--he had lost. He had to live with being a "pervert" in the eyes of others (he wrote of shame even walking down the street because he imagined everyone saw him as sick--so, Mr. Psychologist, do not include him in the psychopathic individual incapable of shame). Combined with the little that was left of his Leo consciousness, that contrast was simply intolerable. So, destroying the vehicle which permits such conflicting consciousness makes sense. But Hamilton took others with him. We need to look at that some more.

Let’s examine the information in the Table above. Let’s say that progressing pluto in Pisces is beginning to affect that sun in Pisces when it is about 1° before it. That occurred around 1985 when pb10 pluto was at 5 Pisces 02. If he started his Boys Clubs in the late 70s (according to the Inquiry, or for sure by November, 1981), progressing pluto in Pisces was not then influencing his b10 sun. But four or five years later--the beginning of aggravated victim consciousness, it was. And it continued aggravated until the date he died, though it looks above like it has passed on. Here are figures for March 13, 1996, the date of the massacre:

Set (14)b10 neptune5 Pisces 49ruler of b 11th, co-ruler (22 of 36°) b 10th house
b10 sun6 Pisces 09ruler of b 4th house
pb10 pluto7 Pisces 45
pc moon 8 Pisces 39co-ruler (30 of 41°) of c 8th house
c10 mars8 Pisces 25ruler of C Asc and c 5th house, co-ruler (19 of 45°) c 4th
c saturn/pc saturn7 Virgo 19
transiting moon7 Sagittarius 21 for 9:35 a.m. GMT

The saturn value in Set (14) is the midpoint from c saturn at 4 Virgo 50 and progressed c saturn at 9 Virgo 48, giving a tight set of sun/mars/saturn/neptune/pluto ("siege conditions") with influence to an Angle and 4th, 5th, 10th, and 11th houses. Mars/pluto here represents force, violence. The 5th house part of the path allows the violence to go toward children (5th). The 11th house part of the path allows it to go toward groups (11th). The 4th house part suggests a radical end (4th). either implies their death and/or his own.

I have recently had more insight into mars in Pisces. The sign Pisces, ruled by neptune, has as its symbol two fish tied together and moving in opposite directions. They are simultaneously expressing the qualities of yin and yang, passive and active.

Mars in our charts stands for our initiative, drive, pursuit of desires—that is why it also stands for men and testosterone. The individual with mars in Pisces suffers from opposite impulses, especially in response to others. They demonstrate a kind of "tongue-tied" initiative. It is not only counterproductive, but it puts others off as strange behavior, which it is. So they see the individual as suspicious. He gains a reputation as odd. This gets him shunned and sometimes even persecuted.

The mars in Pisces person is actually no more untrustworthy than is some one, for instance, who actually stutters (another mercury/saturn problem). Both are suffering from a “mechanical problem” which affects the way they deliver themselves to others.

In terms of a time line, I think the mars in Pisces man starts life aligned with the non-violent, passive, inner-directed form. Very early he see the way his behavior affects others and he is trying to minimize it. He initiative still oscillates, but he tends to end up in the ‘do nothing, yin phase.’ I suspect it happens that way for him because in childhood he was never schooled in the proper use of aggression. So all of his aggression became unacceptable. But no one can live a reasonable life without expressing what personally is and is not acceptable to them, that is, using a form of aggression. By not speaking up he gets more and more victimized. And that makes him more and more angry.

By the time the mars in Pisces man has been through years of the former, passive, suffering part of that mars, he has reached ‘extreme yin and also extreme anger But those little dots of yin in the yang part of the symbol, and yang in the yin part of the symbol, are highly significant. They imply that absolute yin and absolute yang do not exist. So, as he approaches apparent absolute yin (giving up completely), as happened with Hamilton, that little bit of yang kicks in and it explodes the individual's consciousness in the opposite, yang direction. That is when mars in Pisces becomes dangerous for others. The individual in reactive, yang mars in Pisces is acting no more wisely than he did in its yin phase—it is just different for him.

This confirms our life experience that some one can be bullied for a long time, but not forever. There is always the chance it will catalyze his opposite reaction. In what appears an instant (but takes longer), he then goes from a tiny, fearful, beaten and insignificant "loser" to a larger-than-life, expansive, aggressive and violent "avenger."

All astrologers know that mars is badly placed in neptune’s sign of Pisces. Mars is exalted (does very well) in Capricorn where it picks up the normally less likeable qualities of sobriety and sensibility which are the bailiwick of saturn, ruler of Capricorn. In Capricorn mars shows great control and enduring stability. One of the individuals with forefront mars in Capricorn is Muhammed Ali.

By the way, Hamilton had psychic abilities. Of course, we cannot know how much he intentionally developed them or even how developed they were. But he had them. His two 7th chart harmonic suns are at 19 Pisces 37 and in c 3rd house, with b7 sun co-ruler (16 of 23°) b 3rd house. So, both 3rd houses were influenced by those psychic suns in Pisces. In addition, c neptune at 23 Virgo 01, co-ruler (26 of 36°) c 3rd house, is on B Asc at 23 Gemini 01 and lighted by it as well as c7 NN at 23 Gemini 43. Also, c7 mercury, ruler of C MC (and therefore acting like a light), at 24 Scorpio 58 is conjunct c7 neptune at 27 Scorpio 06 and additionally lighted by c7 moon, co-ruler of c 8th house, at 25 Aquarius 13. As stated in the paper on same, psychic abilities are best handled by people who have fairly benevolent charts. Hamilton’s 10th chart is far too afflicted to be able to use psychic information well. What he saw would have become too mixed up in what was labeled his “paranoid” tendencies, compounding his problems. The link to that paper is at: Paper on Psychic Abilities .

Before we leave Hamilton’s 10th chart, we want to look at another set which adds to our understanding of Hamilton’s desire to work with children.

Set (15)b mercury0 Aries 04ruler of B Asc in c 7th house
c10 saturn28 Gemini 05
c10 mercury 3 Libra 17ruler of C MC in b 5th house and b 5th house
c10 moon 3 Libra 37co-ruler (30 of 41°) of c 8th house
b10 mars 7 Libra 29
b10 venus8 Libra 56co-ruler (30 of 41°) b 5th house
c10 jupiter 1 Capricorn 18

The distance between b10 venus and c10 jupiter (7° 34’--2° 34’ beyond an acceptable orb for even a weak set) is too large. But, this set contains three lights—b mercury (because it rules B Asc), c10 mercury (which rules C MC) and c moon. With three lights, we can include venus and jupiter.

Symbolically mercury acts many different ways in astrology. One of its ways is as a significator for children. So this set includes both light/mercury/venus/jupiter—a set suggesting joy (light/venus/jupiter) working with children (mercury). It is active and forefront because it influences two Angles. This adds to Hamilton’s motivation to want to work with children.

I should add that Set (15) has nothing whatsoever to do with pedophilia, which has its own very distinctive signature. It does not involve sets with mercury. So Set (15) is not a pedophile set.

For the second example of contrast to these afflicted 10th charts, we can look at the 10th chart of Sir Winston Churchill. Here is the link: Churchill's 10th Chart

We are also going to see mercury sets indicative of Hamilton’s relationship to children in his 5th chart of sexuality and children. Once again, it has nothing to do with pedophilia, though it did take part in his astrology indicating possible death of children.

Here is the set, which is in his 5th chart:

Thomas Hamilton
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th Chart of Sexuality and Children

Placidian House Cusps: c11—19Lib, c12—5Sco, c2—29Sag, c3—20Aqu b11—22Pis, b12—13Tau, b2—7Can, b3—23Can

Set (16) also includes three lights—a moon, and both b mercuries, and additional light, b5 sun in Pisces which rules b 4th house. But this time the set veers off in the direction of more harshness. It includes a dark “malefic” comprised of moon/2mercury/mars/saturn with influence to two Angles, 4th, 5th, 7th, 10th, and 11th houses. The two b mercuries rule B Asc in c 7th house and b 5th house and co-rule (23 of 37°) b 4th. B5 venus co-rules (30 of 50°) b 5th house. B5 mars co-rules (30 of 50°) b 11th house. B5 uranus rules B MC. So this set influences two Angles, contains both malefics, and influences the all-important 4th, 5th, and 11th houses.

The sun/uranus in Pisces in 11th/4th house suggest the possibility of a sudden unforeseen (uranus in Pisces, with unforeseen applying to the others in the community since we know Hamilton prepared for the event) eruption (uranus) that results in the end of something (4th house).

Mercury/mars/saturn shows up in 5th and 7th charts of individuals who either have trouble conceiving children, lose them through death, or are born with special challenges. It is a simple matter to say that in Hamilton’s 5th chart Set (16) stands for some of the astrology representing him never having children. But it also comes into play in his murder of the Dunblane children. His return for the event shows his return Ascendant at 0 Cancer 23, putting Set (16) on an Angle. Progressed C Asc was at 29 Sagittarius 38 in the same set with pb5 pluto at 29 Sagittarius 31 and return5 mars at 29 Virgo 49, a set also symbolizing the possibility of violence. His progressed C MC was at 8 Scorpio 49 in the same set with his pc5 saturn at 8 Scorpio 33, return mars at 8 Aquarius 33, and return pluto at 8 Scorpio 21—an Angle/mars/saturn/pluto which can be a significator of death.

Hamilton’s 5th chart, then, shows the possibility of harm (Angle/mars/saturn) to a group (11th) of children (mercury, 5th chart) by the time he is born. And that set is highlighted at the time he does commit the murders.

We should not leave Hamilton’s astrology without directly confronting the possibility he was a pedophile. My paper on pedophilia (link above) shows a distinct significator for pedophilia. It is written as Angle/light/venus-in-Gemini/5th. It can, apparently, occur in any chart--not just the typical 5th and 7th charts covering sexuality--so long as the set influences an Angle and the rest of that chart does not preclude such interaction. In that paper I also point out that so far several astrological conditions have been found which either cancel or so diminish the pedophile set that it no longer functions to sponsor a sexual interest in children. While it is possible my present full significator for pedophilia is incorrect, I think it more likely it is still incomplete, with more astrology to be discovered which cancels or modifies the apparent pedophilia.

I looked through all of Thomas Hamilton’s charts. None contain the pedophile significator. His 8th chart contains his only venus in Gemini. It is lighted. But, as a pedophile set it lacks both influence to an Angle and to a 5th house. That amounts to stating that Hamilton was not a pedophile. Venus in Gemini influencing an 11th house, as this did, does show a love of (venus) Gemini (children, among other things) in groups (11th). But that is not a sexual love. Hamilton claimed over and over again that he was not a (using his word) pervert. As he himself wrote near the end of his life, in all the many years he had worked with the boys he was never charged with acts of pedophilia. Lord Cullen doubted he was a pedophile. The two doctors believed he was. All due respect to the doctors and their professional skills, I have already discussed above instances where I felt several of their conclusions unwarranted. My findings agree with those of Hamilton and Cullen. He was not a pedophile. So, at the end of the report, the statement by one of the doctors that pedophiles have to be confronted again and again (and again) until they admit they are pedophiles rings a bit like interrogation by the enemy. At least it would be experienced that way if some one not a pedophile was being interrogated by some who believed they were. Pedophiles, I understand, know they have sexual attraction to children. They are foggy in the area of understanding that the children are not sexually attracted to them and cannot be. Some of them are even convinced the child seduces them.

Real life is a bit more inventive than our imaginations. Things don’t always fall into the neat categories allowed by each of our compartmentalizations of reality. Some times an individual truly is neither this, nor that. Thomas Hamilton was neither a pedophile, nor a practicing homosexual. And as far as we know, he did not even see himself as homosexual. We can say that his preference for boys over girls (which is gender preference not necessarily connected to anything sexual) existed because of his c mars at 25 Gemini 42 in his c 7th house and made Angular by C MC at 25 Virgo 46. It could occur in a homosexual chart. It could also occur in a heterosexual chart. There are adult heterosexual males who naturally spend time more comfortably with men with than women. That doesn't make them homosexual. Such choices are shown by this kind of significator. This subject is covered in all the papers on sexuality--lesbianism, bisexuality, pedophilia, and homosexuality.

There is one set in his 7th chart that makes some sense of the statement that he was unable to form adult relationships with either sex. Here it is:

Set (17)b7 sun 19 Pisces 37ruler of b 4th, co-ruler (16 of 23°) of b 3rd house of mind
c7 sun 19 Pisces 37
c7 pluto16 Gemini 02
b uranus 17 Gemini 02ruler of B MC
c uranus 17 Gemini 27ruler of c 3rd house of mind
b7 saturn 14 Virgo 05ruler of b 8th and 9th houses
b saturn14 Virgo 43ruler of b 8th house

The orb between the saturns and the sun in this set is a little wide, but there are two suns, so the set works as is. We saw Angle/light/saturn/pluto/3rd also in the 7th chart of the one example I have of an individual with Asperger’s syndrome (link above in Huberty section). I understand people with Asperger’s syndrome find it difficult (if not impossible) making emotional connections to others and tend to have a flat affect because their mind is in a somewhat continuous state of the “alienation” (or, we could say, abstraction) created by saturn/pluto. Since this set influences both 3rd houses and also an Angle, it is definitely forefront in this chart and at play through his mind in his interactions with significant others (7th chart). It does raise the question of how much he truly felt for the children he worked with. Maybe they were just more fun than adults, as was suggested by his golden benefic mercury set in his 10th chart (discussed above). Whatever the case, this set did not make him a psychopath. It implies he is not very conversant with feelings.

Hamilton's 4th/father chart was not notable except it put harmonic c4 uranus at 14 Aquarius 45 conjunct his B MC at 15 Aquarius 41 and c NN at 15 Aquarius 58. So far I am finding that uranus on an Angle (or predominant) in a 4th chart means the father (figure) was more autocratic than democratic. It would be characterized by "do it because I say so!" That doesn't necessarily imply Dad was mean, just authoritarian. Combined with Hamilton's c4 sun at 3 Leo 05 conjunct his c4 SN at 5 Leo 59 and has b SN at 3 Leo 05, it suggests that his autocratic behavior brought out Thomas' rebellion--interpreting the SN/SN/sun in Leo as too much (SN) focus on "You can't just order me around, I am 'somebody." All of this in turn could well have been the ur-source of Hamilton's apparent need to be hard on the boys and order them around. Hamilton was consciously or unconsciously modeling his behavior on that of his father/grandfather.

We are ready to start on the astrology of Timothy McVeigh.

Timothy James McVeigh
Picture from

The following excerpt is from Astrodatabank (8/26/12::American terrorist convicted of committing the largest act of terrorism on American soil on 4/19/1995. The ammonium nitrate bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building claimed 168 victims between the ages of four months old to 73 years old. McVeigh's stubborn refusal to express any remorse has tormented the families of his victims. His psychiatrist feels that he was committed to the ideal that he must object to a federal government that had become excessively oppressive and deceitful. In Smith's opinion, McVeigh is not mentally ill, because he does not suffer from any "cognitive defects or psychiatric illnesses." He was able to rationally make the decision to bomb the building and "fully understood the consequences," Smith said. "He had an underlying depression, but he was not anti-social." "It became easier to act because he had nothing," Smith said. "He needed an enemy. This whole project was his antidepressant. He intellectualizes to avoid emotion, to avoid pain." Empathy was not part of his agenda.

McVeigh grew up in Pendleton, a small upstate New York town. He had a happy childhood swimming in his family's pool, hiking and playing with the neighborhood kids. He enjoyed organizing casino games for local kids on the block. His father and mother divorced when he was ten-years-old. He grew closer to his dad, helping him cultivate his vegetable garden. His mom moved to Florida with his younger sister Jennifer, and she married a coast guard. With a normal and healthy pattern, in Starpoint High School, McVeigh participated in track and field and was a member of the honor society. He worked at a local fast food chain and dated high school girlfriends. In his senior year, he grew interested in computers. After graduation in 1986, he enrolled in the local business college, but soon became bored with his computer classes. In 1987, he moved to Buffalo, New York and took a job as a security guard.

Looking for excitement, he signed up for the U.S. Army on 5/24/1988. McVeigh took to military life and the comradeship with his fellow troops at Fort Benning, Georgia, becoming a straight-arrow soldier. He was promoted to corporal and then to sergeant. During the Persian Gulf War, McVeigh was sent to Iraq as a gunner on a Bradley fighting vehicle. On returning to the States, he sensed a major shift in the U.S. Army. The post-cold-war army downsizing changed his life as he watched his companions leave military service. In March 1991, he dropped out of the Special Forces qualification course at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Allowing himself to get out of shape cut his chances for reaching the upper echelon of military duty. Discharged from the army, McVeigh tried to adjust to civilian life

In 1993, he arrived in Waco to watch the standoff between the Branch Davidians and federal agents. He wandered around the country as a militant drifter visiting guns shows and selling guns and ammunition from his car. His political views became more racist and far-right as he kept company with political militia groups harboring anger against the U.S. government. On 4/19/1994, McVeigh returned to Waco and declared himself a "non resident alien." He claimed the U.S. Army had implanted a computer chip in his derriere during his active duty. In 1993 and early 1994, McVeigh spent time with his army buddy, Terry Nichols. The two were intrigued by making homemade bombs and setting them off on a Michigan farm. McVeigh never went out without his black semiautomatic gun jammed into the back of his pants.

On 4/19/1995, at 9:02 AM CDT (a video of the Ryder truck from the Regency Towers read 8:57 AM and the first bomb inside the building went off at 9:02 AM) , a bomb of massive carnage and destruction exploded at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK. The building was the main office for the federal agents who were involved in the Waco Branch Davidian standoff in Waco, TX. Two hours after the bombing, McVeigh was stopped by a policeman for a traffic violation 70 miles from Oklahoma City. McVeigh was almost released until the police recognized him as one of the possible suspects in the terrorist act. Upon interrogation, he implicated the Nichols brothers, James Douglas (born 4/03/1954) and Terry Lynn (born 4/01/1955).

McVeigh was found guilty on 5/29/1997 for conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction, use of a weapon of mass destruction, destruction by explosive, and eight counts of first degree murder. On 6/13/1997, he was sentenced to death.

On 12/28/2000 McVeigh requested U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch, who presided over his trial, to let him drop all of his appeals of the death sentence and set a date for his execution. The judge complied and scheduled a date for his execution by lethal injection on 5/16/2001.

The world's largest retailer, Wal-Mart, will not sell "American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing," a controversial new book (April 2001) in which the unrepentant convicted bomber refers to his child victims as "collateral damage," in any of its 1,724 stores.

In a startling twist, it was revealed in early May that all the documentation of evidence had not been disclosed, leading to a stay of execution. On 5/31/2001, Timothy McVeigh asked for a stay of execution and immediately the Justice Department denied his lawyers' assertion that the government still has failed to provide documents relating to the Oklahoma City bombing investigation.

McVeigh faced his execution by lethal chemical injection on 6/11/2001, 7:00 AM EST, United States Penitentiary, Terre Haute, Indiana, 87W25, 39N28. News report>

s stated that he died at 7:14 AM local time, about 10 minutes after the execution began.
Wikipedia has a more extensive biography on McVeigh. I have copied it and put it in appendix B. Here is the link: Appendix B, Wikipedia on Tim McVeigh.

I read three biographies of McVeigh, including American Terrorist mentioned in the Wikipedia notes. The following is from its Appendix B (pages 398 – 402) from a letter written in 2000 about one year before McVeigh’s execution. When first incarcerated after his conviction, McVeigh was held at the Federal maximum security penitentiary in Florence, Colorado. In 1999 he was moved to the one at Terre Haute, Indiana, where he was executed. While he was at ADX Florence, McVeigh was housed in the same cell block as Ted Kaczynski in 2001. Some might consider reading the comments of one mass murderer about another somewhat odd. On the contrary, by 2000 Kaczynski had been in prison for years. He was well past the state of disequilibrium he experienced toward the end of his bombing incidents. And he had nothing (that I know of) to gain by his comments on McVeigh, while he himself states he had something to lose. At any rate, I think the letter worth reading in our efforts to arrive at an objective as possible idea of the person, Tim McVeigh.. Read Kaczynski’s letter about McVeigh, sent to the authors of American Terrorist, at this link: Appendix C: Letter from Theodore Kaczynski About Tim McVeigh .

We start with McVeigh’s 10th chart.

Timothy McVeigh
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 10th Chart of Mother Experience and Social Place

Placidian House Cusps: c11—14Can, c12—14Leo, c2—5Lib, c3—5Sco b11—9Pis, b12—22Ari, b2—22Gem, b3—12Can

McVeigh’s light in Pisces in the 10th chart in his b 10th house at 5 Pisces 59. It fits into the lower end of Set (20) above, giving McVeigh an Angular (C Asc) lighted (Pisces moon) saturn (c10 saturn). Since C MC and C Asc act as 2°lights to each other, the set includes both C Angles. This shows his relationship to his mother (and model for women) was deficient (saturn), depressing (saturn), and left him feeling abandoned (saturn). It also suggests that had a later effect on his sex life (c10 saturn rules c 5th house), which wouldn't be surprising since his deep impression of women is that they will leave you. They are hardly going to care for you. There will be more on McVeigh’s sexuality below.

When mercury rules an Angle, it acts like a light with a 5° orb. C mercury in set (18) rules two Angles--C MC and C Asc. The mercury to saturn in Set (18) acts just like a moon/saturn. With its influence to both C Angles, we see even more light/saturn influence to Angles, but this time the set is an all-charts set, so occurs in all charts. This set has something to do with the fact that McVeigh had trouble just relaxing or being out with the boys. Strongly saturnine people have trouble relaxing because then they can get depressed (saturn). So, they stay busy. Strongly saturnine people are also often more abstract than others, and emotionally more flat. This set also is correlated with McVeigh’s sincerity and, to him, “truth speaking.” He spoke what he thought if he spoke at all. His guile occurred when he did not speak.

Set (19) shows us mercury with pluto, with that c10 mercury also ruling C MC and C Asc. "Summing" Sets (18) and (19)—the two formed through the c mercuries (rulers of two Angles)—we have lighted saturn and lighted pluto with influence to two Angles. Angle/light/saturn/pluto is a set that occurs in 1st and 3rd charts of autistic children, and in 7th charts of Asperger’s individuals. Here in the 10th chart it shows social alienation, presumably sponsored by the individual’s relationship to his mother. Huberty also had this kind of influence to in his 10th chart. It makes it difficult for the individual to feel socially related.

Using April 23, 1977 (we only have “age 9” and even that is questionable) as the date his mother left his father, that retrograde b10 pluto has moved to 13 Pisces 01R. It forms an even closer (20' difference) set with his c10 mercury at 13 Sagittarius 21, ruler of the C Angles, and suggests around that time McVeigh's sense of alienation increased.

In one of his biographies McVeigh states he does not know how to approach women. With this 10th chart, we can reasonably conclude that he didn’t get that way in adulthood. It started when he was a young boy, the time during which both young boys and girls experience their intimate relation with their first female, their mother. McVeigh didn’t get that experience, or not enough of it.

On that same date, pc10 saturn had reached 8 Sagittarius 13—its maximum elevation as it turned retrograde—and was also closer in its set with C MC and C Asc.

Note that conjunction of venus to saturn to NN in Pisces in 11th/7th houses in an unnumbered set in the drawing above. We will return to it later. Though it does not influence an Angle, it plays into McVeigh’s sincere belief it was his duty to teach the government an unforgettable lesson.

The following 10th chart set is also significant:

Set (21)c10 pluto 21 Aquarius 20
c10 SN21 Aquarius 23
b moon23 Aquarius 48ruler of b 3rd house
b10 sun 19 Leo 43-ruler of b 4rh house
b10 SN 23 Leo 06
c pluto 24 Leo 17

Set (21) does not influence an Angle, but because it influences a 3rd house through b10 moon, it strongly influences McVeigh’s “social thinking” (10th chart). Each side of the set—one in Leo and one in Aquarius—shows us a conjunction of one light (sun or moon) with a another light (nodes) with pluto. When in the consciousness of the Aquarian side of the set, McVeigh was profoundly, compulsively (both pluto) identified with the common man (Aquarius) and was simultaneously only one among them. When his consciousness was at the Leo port, he was compulsively identified with a kingly sense (Leo) of himself and simultaneously became a "somebody." As a form of consciousness this set played into both his identification with the people at Ruby Ridge and Waco as well as his own sense of mission.

When his mother left (4/23/1977) pb10 saturn, ruler of b 9th and co-ruler (12 of 20°) of b 8th houses, had entered the set at 23 Aquarius 43. Pc10 pluto had also moved closer to his b moon and was at 24 Aquarius 18. This set does not influence an Angle but nonetheless has power through saturn/pluto hitting sun/moon/node--all lights. It represents at that time alienation (saturn/pluto) from humanity as humanity.

Taking all these matured saturn/pluto sets together, they likely represent that Tim felt profoundly abandoned by his mother. And socially embarrassed.

The Alfred P. Murrah Memorial Fence
Picture from

McVeigh’s 10th chart also gives us the clue he will some day be famous, that is, famous and infamous. Here is the set:

Set (22)b10 venus 14 Aquarius 55
b10 moon 15 Aquarius 40ruler of b 3rd house
b10 uranus 17 Taurus 10ruler of B MC
c10 jupiter 14 Scorpio 25ruler of b 4th house

On the date of the bombing, pb10 NN at 14 Aquarius 30 (coming from 23 Aquarius 06 at birth) had reached the venus/jupiter. It wasn’t forefront, but once again, when the nodes, in particular, progress to a set the set is going to express in some way. Of course we do not know how many people, bitterly and inadvertently damaged by U.S. policy around the world, considered McVeigh a hero. But some surely did.

For our third contrasting, benefic 10th chart, I am going to use that of Tiger Woods. The paper on him is already written. He was an only child of parents who both cherished him. Here is the link: Paper Containing the 10th Chart of Tiger Woods.

McVeigh’s 10th chart gives us considerable information on the life experiences and subsequent character formation necessary to become alienated from some part of society, but it does not provide us with the mars/7th/11th path necessary for a mass murderer. That is done by his 7th chart. But before we look at that, we want to take a quick look at his 4th chart, the one which represents his relationship with his father.

Timothy McVeigh
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 4th Chart of Father and Home/Real Estate

Placidian House Cusps: c11—14Can, c12—14Leo, c2—5Lib, c3—5Sco b11—9Pis, b12—22Ari, b2—22Gem, b3—12Can

In Set (23) we can see a simple suggestion McVeigh’s relationship with his father was better than with his mother. The set shows us an Angle/jupiter, an Angular, benefic set. It shows much more acceptance by his father than by his mother.

The other set, Set (24) is harder to interpret. In this chart through harmonics it acquired b4 moon (ruler of b 3rd house), b4 pluto, and b4 South Node--all in Pisces. So this shows a conjunction to a South Node in Pisces of moon/saturn/pluto in Pisces. Again, it does not influence an Angle, but picks up significance because of b10 moon’s rulership of b 3rd house of ordinary mind. However it is interpreted, it represents a terrific tendency (SN conjunct pluto) to states of extreme suffering (moon in Pisces conjunct SN) which also represents states of alienation or disconnection (saturn/pluto). I suspect it represents Tim’s identification with his father as a victim of his mother’s “abandonment” (she left him). The moon/venus/SN in Pisces part of it represents tender love, possibly established in another lifetime. We don’t know much about how Tim’s father handled his wife leaving except that his identity seemed considerably stabilized by continuing to be a regular guy doing a regular job. I didn't get the impression (sparse as such information is) he went out looking for a woman to replace his wife. Rather, he suffered the consequences of being a single parent. Decent enough, but it suggests he handled the separation passively or was too wounded to do anything else. So, Tim's ultimate identification with "victimized" people might have been with his father. And ultimately his revenge would have been for his father. The conjunction of just moon in Pisces to the South Node is already hard enough and represents a strong tendency (SN) to fall continuously into a form of bleakness. When saturn and pluto is added to it, it becomes so forbidding it is difficult to interpret. Or rather, it can be interpreted, but since few of us have this set, we have little idea how bad it feels as an experience.

Since our 4th charts also represent our real estate, homes and domiciles, set (24) may well have been the major set which made it impossible for Tim to settle down in his own place. Every time he would try, the consciousness of Set (24) would come more forefront. So, he would have to stay on the move to try to keep it suppressed.

One of McVeigh’s biographies gave his birth time as 8:30 a.m. One would think a biographer wouldn't mess that up, but that time turned out incorrect. His birth time (from his baby book) was 8:19 a.m. Until I started working with the latter time, the events in McVeigh's life made no sense. With his birth time given to the apparent nearest minute, we can, if we want, look at harmonics of Angles. Normally I do not use them because it takes little error in time of birth to throw off harmonics of Angles, creating a hopeless mess. For this 4th chart, however, McVeigh’s b10 Asc is at 23 Gemini 55. That puts it squarely in Set (24), making it Angular. If we accept it, it makes Set (24) much more predominant in Tim's life.

We have some indication of the possible correctness of the above interpretation because on the date of the Waco meltdown, April 19, 1993, pB Asc was at 22 Gemini 20, creating a set with that b4 moon in Pisces and pb4 SN at 22 Pisces 13. A progressed Angle to node/moon-in-Pisces is bleak, possibly showing that Tim identified with the Branch Davidians who died in the fire and that that was connected, somehow, to his (unconscious?) feelings for his father as discussed above.

We have seen that McVeigh’s relationship to both his mother and father was troubled. His mother because she caused him considerable pain by leaving him and again because she left him with a wounded father.

McVeigh’s astrology, however, is more troubled than is shown in his 4th and 10th charts. We have to look at his 7th chart..

Timothy McVeigh
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th Chart of Significant Others, Close Friends, Marriage, and Business Partners

Placidian House Cusps: c11—14Can, c12—14Leo, c2—5Lib, c3—5Sco b11—9Pis, b12—22Ari, b2—22Gem, b3—12Can

McVeigh’s 7th chart does suggests several things about his sexuality. It will take several paragraphs to cover all of it.

Set (25) above shows us a conjunction of mars and pluto in Pisces on c Descendant. As a reminder, with this method it has been shown that whatever is right on Angles must express. This is most clearly seen when an Angle is progressed to a planet. All astrologers are familiar with the fact that at the time we will learn something about how that planet expresses. But it is also true with the planets that are on Angles at birth. The difference is that those latter are predominant throughout the life, while progressed Angles to planets (or planets to Angles) express primarily during the time of the progression—usually several months at most.

With the addition of the light that is b7 NN at 9 Gemini 49, C MC can be added to set (25). Mars in Pisces on the Descendant by itself identifies that it is to males (mars) that McVeigh relates most easily. This is that second part significator which identifies gender preference, and can occur in heterosexual or homosexual charts.

As it turns out, McVeigh also carried a first part homosexual significator. Here is the set:

Set (25a)b mercury7 Aries 34ruler of B Asc and b 5th house
b sun9 Aries 09
c NN9 Aries 17
c mars 4 Libra 12
c7 neptune 6 Libra 27
b7 mercury8 Libra 06ruler of B Asc and b 5th house

The two b mercuries, ruler of B Asc, in Set (25a) act like lights so the set holds together as one set. The significator of the first part for homosexuality is Angle/light/mars/neptune/5th/(7th). Set (25a) meets those requirements. Combined with Set (25) one would think McVeigh homosexual. But he isn’t, and it gets more complex. He also has a set which starts out looking like a significator for pedophilia. And he wasn't a pedophile, either. Here is that set:

Set (25b)b7 saturn0 Gemini 27
B Asc2 Gemini 31
b7 venus 3 Gemini 41co-ruler (22 of 43°) of b 5th house
b uranus1 Virgo 26ruler of B MC in c 5th house
b7 moon 4 Virgo 15

Set (25b) contains a pedophile significator and its “canceller.” The former is Angle/light/venus-in-Gemini/5th (and only 5th, not 7th) which shows a sexual (5th) love of (venus) children (Gemini). Set (25b) satisfies that requirement. But the potential pedophilia is cancelled by that saturn in Gemini sitting right on the Angle conjunct venus in Gemini. Saturn ages what it touches and sometimes even acts to deny it. So it denies the pedophile part. Now McVeigh's Angle/venus/saturn conjunction in Gemini acts more like venus in Capricorn (venus + saturn) on an Angle with that venus ruling b 5th house. This in turn cancels the second part of the significator (mars on an Angle/7th) which suggested homosexuality and instead shows us McVeigh is sexually (5th) attracted to women (venus in any other sign than Gemini because of his apparent pedophile set OR in Gemini conjunct saturn--on an Angle with 5th influence). This is as complex as I have seen it get, but it means McVeigh was a heterosexual who didn't get into that relationship for other reasons. These cancellers and modifiers are all discussed in the papers homosexuality and pedophilia. Here again are the links: Paper on Homosexuality and Paper on Pedophilia .

There are several other sets depressing sexuality (or its expression) in McVeigh's astrology. One is in his 3rd chart of ordinary mind and shows a lighted conjunction of mars to saturn in Libra in a 5th house, which could be interpreted "all thumbs" when considering a sexual relationship. And in his 5th chart of sexuality his all-charts NN conjunct venus conjunct saturn in Pisces picks up the conjunction mars in Pisces. It falls in 11/7, influences a 5th house, but not an Angle. The NN/venus/mars part of it shows sexual desire, but the saturn part inhibits its expression. These two sets do not create, but just add to the complicated astrology of McVeigh’s sexuality.

And there is just a bit more to the analysis of McVeigh’s sexuality. It isn't really about his sexuality, but has a big impact on its expression. McVeigh doesn’t just have mars on his c Descendant. It is there conjunct pluto, both in Pisces. Pluto on the Descendant acts to deny relationship. The individual with pluto there tends unconsciously to be constantly withdrawing from the possibility of relationship—any relationship. When he was in the army, McVeigh did not go out with the boys. He stayed in the barracks and read manuals or worked on his guns. Even after the army, McVeigh didn’t spend that much time with male friends. He visited several and stayed a while, then moved on. Another way of saying that is that McVeigh never found the home that is an intimate relationship because he was repelled from doing it.

Mars/pluto can be violent. It isn’t always. It just means extra focus on mars. I saw mars/pluto conjunct the Midheaven in the chart of a really good foreign car mechanic. In Pisces, however, and on the Descendant, mars conjunct pluto in Pisces presents problems. In McVeigh’s life—as happened for so long with Thomas Hamilton—it starts out a symbol for violence (especially psychological) happening to the individual. His biographies state McVeigh was bullied as a child. We have no idea how long or how much. One story stated on one occasion McVeigh was so frightened by a bully that he ran and hid in his father’s car and cried uncontrollably. This is where his experience of “bullies” starts, not at Ruby Ridge and Waco. In those incidents, he just identified with those he thought bullied.

If that story is true, it can be seen that little Tim McVeigh eventually got control over his fear of bullies enough to become one himself.

In time—over a long time it turns out—McVeigh’s Angular mars in Pisces took the same route as that of Thomas Hamilton, Charles Whitman (U of Texas tower, Austin) and Eric Harris (Colorado school shootings). The polarity of that mars in Pisces flips. It turns aggressive and eventually explodes, moving from passive/receptive of the victim to active/aggressive of the perpetrator. It’s ultimate statement is always as a denier. In becoming the bully, the perpetrator is emphatically stating, “I am NOT a victim.”

At the same time, each of these men framed the reason for their violence differently. We already know about McVeigh’s identification with the underdog. But no bully had bothered him for a very long time. We have yet to see the astrology which sponsored his utterly sincere belief that he was entrusted with re-balancing the justice between government and people.

It has been so long since I showed the chart containing McVeigh's Sets (25) and (26) that I need to re-show that partial chart here.

Timothy McVeigh
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th Chart of Significant Others, Close Friends, Marriage, and Business Partners

Placidian House Cusps: c11—14Can, c12—14Leo, c2—5Lib, c3—5Sco b11—9Pis, b12—22Ari, b2—22Gem, b3—12Can

We discussed Set (26) in McVeigh's 4th chart of father where it picked up a moon and SN in Pisces. In this, his 7th chart, it instead acquires a jupiter and pluto in Pisces. I see this Set (26) as McVeigh’s “martyr set.” It shows us a conjunction in Pisces of North Node/venus/jupiter/saturn/pluto. NN in Pisces favors growth either through suffering or helping those who suffer. Conjunct saturn it favors essentiality--don't get too fancy about it. Conjunct venus it shows a certain love of suffering. Conjunct pluto, it shows that one needs to go deeply into this form of consciousness. Saturn’s ruling b 9th house adds the legal and religions component (the need for justice). Timothy McVeigh was utterly convinced and utterly sincere that he himself, no matter what the cost to him personally, had to avenge Ruby Ridge and Waco. In order to do that he had to keep his consciousness on those he felt wronged, not those he wronged himself. That is how he was able never to express regret (though I believe he felt it, especially for the children he killed, who he later said he did not know were there. Some contest this.) To him, "regret" would have weakened if not totally destroyed the statement of his action. His task was not to be human, but more than human, somewhat like Nietzsche whose deep forays into suffering are expressed by his conjunction of moon to pluto in Pisces. (Here's the link: Paper Containing Nietzsche's Astrology). The conjunction of venus to jupiter to NN in Pisces, also part of the set, shows a certain amount of joy in the act of self-sacrifice, and later shows his enormous fame.

Set (26) still does not influence an Angle so one would think its influence limited. It is, however, forefront at the time of the Oklahoma City bombing. Here is the set for that date:

Set (27)b saturn23 Pisces 23ruler of b 9th house
b venus23 Pisces 45co-ruler (30 of 40°) of b 12th house
progressed b7 pluto 23 Pisces 09R
progressed b NN 23 Pisces 43
progressed B Asc 23 Gemini 46

Note that all of the above set is in 11th/7th houses. Combined with his mars conjunct pluto in Pisces conjunct the Descendant (and therefore always active) also in 11th/7th houses, we have lighted mars/(pluto) and lighted saturn/(pluto) (in Pisces) in 11th/7th houses, the condition which all our mass murderers share.

Among other sets active on the date of the bombing, this 7th chart had pc7 mars at 17 Cancer 55 conjunct c7 mercury, ruler of the C Angles and a light, at 17 Cancer 30 and B-Locality MC at 17 Capricorn 08. This gives him a lighted mars influence to Angles. Other Angles that most played into this chart was his progressed C-Locality MC at 18 Gemini 24. It picks up his c mercury at 18 Gemini 37 (a light and ruler of both C Angles), his c saturn at 18 Pisces 07, and transiting (9:02 a.m. CDT) pluto at 18 Sagittarius 08R. His progressed C-Loc Asc at 17 Pisces 11 was in the same set with pc saturn at 17 Pisces 52R, pb7 sun at 17 Gemini 20, and return mercury at 17 Pisces 49. In other words, the locality of Oklahoma City was, at that time, a “bad” locality for Tim McVeigh. Although at first it seemed only to affect those he injured, ultimately it cost McVeigh his own life. It was a very complex, very disturbing time.

Before leaving McVeigh’s astrology, we want to take a look at some of the early progressions in this, his 7th chart. In addition to his 10th chart, this chart best shows the difficulty of his early years. It belies the statement in the Astrodatabank biography that his was a “good” childhood. Tim was a shy kid, and with b moon at 23 Aquarius 48 ruling b 3rd house of ordinary mind, likely to “get along without complaining.” It also backs up Kaczynski’s statements Tim was not a racist. Moon in Aquarius, especially ruling a 3rd house, gives us an individual who is naturally self-diminishing, impersonally friendly to all, and basically humane. Not a racist. Not some one who thinks he is above others (his SN/sun/pluto was only in his 10th chart). Below is a table showing us some of the difficult progressions during childhood occasioned by movement of his pb7 saturn, which started out at 0 Gemini 27.

DateAgePb7 NNpb7 saturnpc7 plutopB AscB MCB Asc
4-23-7469 Gemini 177 Gemini 0210 Pisces 007 Gemini 459 Gemini 358 Virgo 59
4-23-7578 Gemini 478 Gemini 0710 Pisces 148 Gemini 349 Gemini 358 Virgo 59
4-23-7688 Gemini 139 Gemini 1210 Pisces 299 Gemini 239 Gemini 358 Virgo 59
4-23-7797 Gemini 4110 Gemini 1710 Pisces 4310 Gemini 119 Gemini 358 Virgo 59

By age 7 McVeigh had an double Angle/node/saturn. By age 8 he had a double Angle/saturn. And by age 9 (our date his mother theoretically left) he had a progressed Angle/saturn/pluto. The Angle/saturn represent depression, darkness, struggles, breakdowns. Because saturn also co-rules (12 of 20°) b 8th house, it can represent being emotionally isolated or emotionally cold. Of course, as we have seen, the Angle/saturn/pluto stands for extreme alienation. It fosters alienation not only in the individual, but in the people he shares his life with. They just tend to drop away, sometimes for reasons, sometimes for no apparent reason. This is not the astrology of that “happy childhood” mentioned in the Astrodatabank biography. Of course, we can all, occasionally, have an Angle progress through one of our saturns without our even noticing an effect. I don’t actually know why. But generally when a continuing Angle/saturn lasts several years, it also shows the more difficult effects normally correlated with Angle/saturn.

Adding in Whitman and Harris
Going back to earlier papers, we have the astrology of Eric Harris and Charles Whitman, also mass murderers. Links to those papers are above and can be found with a search for their last names.

We found Charles Whitman’s relationship to his father, not his mother, to have been the early life wound that would not heal. His mother was, in his perspective, as much a victim as himself. Accordingly, his dark malefic was in his 4th chart and included a conjunction of SN/mars/saturn all in Pisces. It started out with Angular and 7th influence. It did not pick up its 11th influence until around the time of the massacre. Here are its values :

Set (31)b4 mars1 Pisces 02ruler of B Asc
b SN2 Pisces 48
c4 saturn3 Pisces 42ruler of c 7th house
progressed b4 uranus 2 Gemini 56for 8/01/66, co-ruler (29 of 33°) of b 11th house

Note again the lighted mars in Pisces with Angular influence. I have left out possibly significant influences from 4th and 8th houses (as has been the case with all the sets in this paper). Right now we are only interested in the Angle/7th/11th part of the path.

With Eric Harris we are drawn back to the 10th chart as his most afflicted and the sponsor of his massacre. We do not, however, have any information on his relationship with his mother.

The astrology that led Harris to take revenge on a completely (or mostly? though presumably none had tried to murder him) innocent group is a little bit more complex because we must use two sets to get there. The first one shows his original dark malefic but it lacks an 11th influence. Here it is:

Set (32)b mars24 Pisces 05
c10 saturn 25 Pisces 02
b sun 25 Pisces 43ruler of B MC
b venus 26 Pisces 26 ruler of B Asc, co-ruler (28 of 30°) of b 7th house11th house
(pc10 uranus)(24 Pisces 54)(ruler of c 4th house)

Once again, we see lighted mars in Pisces with Angular influence. All of the planets in Pisces above are in 5th/5th houses. So, Set (31) has no 11th house influence. We need an additional set for that, and it is a progression for the date of the shootings, April 20, 1999:

Set (33)b saturn10 Virgo 53
pc mars 11 Virgo 13ruler of c 7th house
pc10 SN 11 Virgo 33

That lighted conjunction of mars to saturn in Virgo is in 11th/11th houses. But to complete the significator this set ought to have an Angle influence, and it does not. The only way I can get one is to add b moon (at 9 Gemini 03) and b10 sun—ruler of B MC—at 8 Pisces 31 to Set (33). Those two (earlier) lights likely cast their rays upon the progressed mars/saturn and make it active at the same time they give it Angle influence.

James Eagan Holmes
This excerpted from Wikipedia: James Eagan Holmes (born December 13, 1987) is an American known for carrying out the 2012 Aurora shooting that killed 12 people and injured 70 others at a Century movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, on July 20, 2012.

For those readers coming to this part of the paper via a link in the Home Page for Holmes only, the theme developed earlier in this paper is that an unknown number of mass murderers--those individuals whose rage explodes one day into mass slaughter of strangers--this astrology shows two significant forms of astrology. First, they have a seriously afflicted parent chart representing enormous, unhealed wounds stemming from earliest childhood. With this method, that is usually represented by a serious 4th (father) or 10th (mother) chart affliction. Second, the path their astrology for violence takes includes reference to the 11th house in the pertinent chart. Any individual who perpetrates violence against another person must have Angle/light/mars influence to a 7th house at the time of the violence. That is how his anger takes it expression toward significant others (7th). The additional 11th house influence makes it much less personal, and directs his anger toward "groups"--any ad hoc collection of people. I suspect this is because the perpetrator is unable to focus and direct his anger at his real target, the offending parent.

Holmes has not been tried in a court of law yet, so writing about his astrology seems a bit questionable from the point of view of "innocent until proven guilty in a court of law." On the other hand, since very few people have any sense of the validity of this astrology, writing about him hardly seems that prejudicial.

Although his mind showed some significant affliction in Pisces—psychic pain, not insanity--it also showed significant benevolence (strengths).

It is his 4th chart of relationship to father that is most seriously afflicted. His Angles in that chart contain the following: MC/Asc/saturn and MC/mars/neptune/pluto. The latter picks up return saturn for the event. “Summed” and ongoing from birth they show Angle/mars/saturn/neptune—siege conditions for that area of his life. Mars/pluto is associated with violence, but it certainly isn’t the only set that can express violence, and it certainly does not have to do so. Progressions, return, and transits for this 4th chart are also most significant for the day of the murders. One significant one involved his c moon at 22 Pisces 27 (co-ruler, 24 of 25°) of c 3rd house of mind. It was conjunct his return (for time and area) MC at 21 Pisces 10. Pisces moons are very creative, imaginative, and suggestible. On the down side they sponsor states of anomie, bleakness, and sorrow. Conjunct an Angle in progressions or returns, they suggest those latter states along with a public reaction that the individaul is "pathetic" or "insane" (far from reality). But except for the Pisces moons in charts of Nietzsche and Nijinsky, they do not actually represent insanity. (The link to the discussion of the latter charts is: Paper on Woolf, Nijinsky, Nietzsche, and Van Gogh.)

Holmes' active, afflicted 4th chart at the time of the murders suggest that his deeply troubling relationship with his father was involved in sponsoring his homicidal behavior.

Again, I want to point out that in identifying damaged parent relationships, the aim is not in blaming the parent. No one is good at everything, nor is every parent good with every child. The aim is to see the effect on the child, and later adult, of a severely damaged parent connection.

Counterbalancing his highly afflicted 4th chart, Holmes' 10th chart of social image and relation to mother contains three golden benefics—the astrological indication of his usually excellent reputation. It also tells us he is a “mama’s boy,” which is usually a good thing because strong love from either parent is redemptive. It is interesting in his case because for all its terrific benevolence (it will probably show itself later in his lauded prison activities), it proved itself not equal to carry the weight of his highly afflicted 4th chart (of father relationship). I have not seen (or at least noticed) such strong 4th/10th chart contrast before. It lets us know that, at least with parents, it is indeed difficult for the individual to organize a healthy, functioning life when the chart of one parent is highly afflicted even if the other is highly benevolent.

Again, it is necessary to state that there must certainly be many individuals, in the present and historically, who have powerful contrasts between the benevolence and affliction of parent charts. It does not mean they must fall into the pit created by one of them. Right now we are only interested that it works that way for some of them, apparently James Eagan Holmes.

The 11th house (groups) influence for Holmes astrology in his 4th chart was also interesting. Uranus in Scorpio and Pisces with this method have proven themselves difficult for people to handle. They are frequently forefront in everything from nervous breakdowns to murder to suicide to loss of spouse (in Pisces in 7th house). How they act depends on what they influence and where they are, and of course, the individual's repertory of skills to handle such high intensity vibrations. Holmes’ birth is given to the nearest minute. His C Asc is at 12 Taurus 56. B4 uranus (that is, in his 4th chart of father) started out at birth at 12 Scorpio 07 and progressed exactly opposite C Asc when he was 2 years 3 months old—too young for him to actively express, but it could represent a trauma. C4 uranus, ruler of c 11th house, started out at conception at 10 Scorpio 45. On the date of the massacre it had progressed to 12 Scorpio 57, within 1’ of the exact opposition to C Asc. That put sudden (uranus) death (Scorpio) right on his Descendant—that is, with influence to a 7th and 11th house—the path usually taken by mars for these mass murderers.

In reviewing the findings shown above, it can be seen that all five of the subject individuals at the time of their crime had a set which included Angle/mars/7th/11th, or, in the instance of Hamilton, Angle/mars/5th/11th. And the charts they came from showed progressed influence of lighted mars/saturn (and sometimes pluto) to at least one Angle. The mars in all cases but one was in Pisces. (That one was Huberty, but we could equally have used his 7th chart. It also contained the Angle/light/mars/saturn that showed in his 10th chart, but his 7th it lacked 11th influence. It acquired 11th house influence at the time of the murders. C mars at 29 Pisces 44 was lighted by pc7 sun, ruler of c 11th house, at 29 Sagittarius. Both were made Angular through his return MC at 28 Sagittarius 52.)

The former condition shows the path that the aggression, sponsored by mars, took. Namely, it had to be Angular in order to express. The 7th influence showed a path of aggression to Others. The 11th house part of the path turned the Others into a Group of Others—mass murder. Right now it looks like without the 11th house influence, there can be no “mass” murder. There can be murder of spouses (7th), or of children (5th), and maybe siblings if it is a 3rd house influence. If the house correlation continues to hold, then mother murder would need a 10th house influence, and father homicide, a 4th. One does not get data that often on the latter two occurrences. But we do know that Hamilton and Huberty committed their mass murders out of their 10th (mother) charts. And Whitman, whose relationship with his father was so toxic, committed his mass murder out of his 4th (father) chart.

It is my impression that when some one murders an Other—like a wife, good friend, or partner—they are usually aware of a strong motivation for doing so, so there is some connection in the mind of the perpetrator between the crime and the anger which inspired it (even if not justified). That does not appear to be the case with mass murder. There may have been that connection in the mind of Harris and Klebold when they executed their fellow classmates, but all the others picked groups having nothing at all to do with their pain. You might think McVeigh, but the people at the Federal Building had done nothing to Timothy McVeigh. In the case of mass murder, the impetus appear more simply “mechanical,” that is, their violence includes a path (the 11th house influence) which leads to groups.

The latter condition, that the charts which sponsored their deadly rampage each showed high affliction of mars and saturn at birth, usually Pisces, and often enough, pluto, is significant. It represents raw and unhealed wounds in their early relationship with mother and later social identity, or in the early relationship with father and later foundation in life, or in early relationship with significant others so bad there was no possibility of any lasting or satisfying relationship in that area that usually represents deep friendships, spouses, or business partners (McVeigh). They also showed similar progressed afflictions at the time they committed their crimes, suggesting they were in the grips of re-stimulation of early wounds. That does not mean they thought of it that way. It is hard to kill, even in effigy, the individual so desperately needed in childhood. Rather than use the word re-stimulation, we could just say the second, progressed set was a harmonic chord of the earlier one.

Unfortunately, most of the individuals in the past 20 years who have committed mass murders (in any country, but the U.S. seems to leading on this one) have not made their birth data available. And no one else has seen their way to submit it to Astrodatabank, either. So we cannot look at their astrology to see if it continues to fit the model shown here.

Before going any further, I should state something about mars in Pisces. Of course it occurs in the charts of far more individuals around the world than commit murder. As this paper shows, even for them to approach such radical acts, it has to be forefront and even has to have certain houses in its path before expressed that way. And with these mass murderers, all but Huberty had far more in Pisces than just mars. Here it is in a table:

NamePlanets Conjunct in Pisces Chart Involved
Hubertymoon/mars 7th (not his chart w/ mass murder significators, which was the 10th)
Hamiltonsun/mars/neptune/pluto 10th
McVeighDesc/mars/pluto + Node/saturn7th
Harrissun/mars/saturn/uranus 10th
Whitman SN/mercury/mars/saturn 4th

All of the above except Huberty's moon/mars and McVeigh's node/saturn influenced an Angle and were forefront conditions.

There must be a number of variables in individual’s charts and lives which affect the aggressive expression of mars in Pisces. I tried to cover some of them in discussing these individuals.

We want to end with a discussion of the apparent motivations of each mass murderer. They were not at all the same.

We do not know what Huberty told himself, but the people he picked appeared to be simply those most available at the time. Whatever Huberty’s justification was it had no apparent connection to the murders. What is apparent about Huberty is that in addition to suffering life-long social and career alienation and problems, by the time he committed the murders he was a physical wreck. He was living constantly in a state of emergency, that is, in his sympathetic nervous system, which further debilitated his health and made his hair trigger temper even more volatile.

Accordingly, we could say that Huberty "snapped," although we do not want to confuse snapped with "spontaneous." Seventy-seven minutes of terrorizing his captives went well past spontaneous. Since he was not surprised by his behavior ("Oh my God what have I done?") we have to conclude that at least he had been considering such behavior in general for a long time.

It would be harder still to say any of the other individuals in this study "snapped."

Evidence showed that McVeigh and Harris planned their murders for a long time.

I also think it misleading to apply the term “snapped” to Thomas Hamilton’s behavior. I think it more likely that he had thought a lot about it but had hoped it would not have to happen. Hence the sense of collapse and defeat he demonstrated before the shooting. We don’t know as much about Whitman. “Snapped” inadvertently implies that these men were living at least somewhat normal and satisfying lives before they resorted to murder. It belies the exceptionally long period of their pain prior to the time they changed from victims to perpetrators. And we don’t really know how long that change takes, but it looks like it accrues momentum for a long time before the switch in behavior happens.

Thomas Watt Hamilton had reason to be angry at a particular group of individuals--all those, starting with Scout leaders, who rejected his work with the boys without telling him why, not then, not later. As he lost participation of the boys in his clubs, he believed it was because of gossip and innuendo. (I cannot say that it wasn't.) Ultimately he was left bereft of a main reason, according to his astrology, for his existence. Many of us have work or commitments which keep us on the good side of that line which gives our life meaning. But worse for Hamilton, his dwindling social functionality left him with a lethal social reputation as a “pervert,” something intolerable to Hamilton. That does not justify what he did or make it any less horrendous, but it does make sense of it. Without the un-ending innuendoes about pedophilia, my opinion is that Hamilton’s mass murder would not have occurred.

At the same time, one cannot read the Inquiry without sympathizing with the parents for either removing their children or being concerned for their well-being. The problem was and continues to be that "civilized" society has no mechanism for helping our Thomas Hamiltons, the ones who actually are not criminals. The endless rejection sponsored by each individual exercising her right to do so for her own good reasons can snowball on the person rejected. Since no human being is designed to live with total rejection, when it happens it certainly can have social consequences no one individual intended or foresaw.

Every one who “confronted” Hamilton ended up polarized with him. Nobody gains in such situations. Worse, no one learns. It may have been difficult not to polarize Hamilton, but that is what he needed, some one who could talk with him. The ombudsman was an apparent good start, but unfortunately didn't go far enough. Hamilton also needed to understand, without self-blame, exactly how his behavior looked to others.

McVeigh’s motivation appears a “horse of a different color.” Yes, he had the early and ongoing wounds. But he is the only individual among the group who was, at the time, only involved because he identified with the pain done to others. Add his “martyr set” to that and his behavior makes sense. Of all of them, he was the only one susceptible to ideological justifications (if you are willing to see his point of view).

Whitman’s ascension to the tower to randomly pick off innocent others made no sense at all except as a way to shame his father. Did Whitman see it that way? We don’t know.

Harris (and Klebold) seemed more involved in a vendetta against the group of people who had caused them pain over the years, if not the actual people. But it had an added element of glee or spree with apparent disdain for their own lives along with the lives of those they destroyed.

Whitman’s destruction was a radical departure for what was the usual reality of 1966. By the time we get to Harris and Klebold in 1999, we are seeing the start (is that when it started, or only when it got so methodical?) of a generational thing, including the incidence of far more and crueler bullying of students. That kind of behavior was rare when I was in high school.

Not a single one of these murderers exacted their revenge on the people who had actually caused them their pain. Purposeful as some of their actions were, they were not at all purposeful in that way. Insofar as I can see, it is that 11th house influence which makes it happen that way. It disperses aggression indiscriminately to some group.

To illustrate, some one with sun in Aquarius (remember this is sidereal astrology) often has what astrologers identify as "a love of mankind," but that does not at all mean he loves most individuals as individuals. To discriminate the difference, we astrologers say, "his love isn’t personal." Well, neither is murderous aggression when it flows through the 11th house, the house naturally affiliated with the sign Aquarius. It just isn't personal. But it is as deliberate as the 11th house being part of the path can make it.

So, addressing the questions above, in the Paper's Purpose, can these murders be predicted? Do the murderer's have anything in common? I don't know that any one will ever be able to say that some one must become a mass murderer. But we can state that these mass murderers suffer from long-term, extraordinary, unhealed wounds (indicated by their highly afflicted Pisces sets) in their core such that they are unable to live ordinary lives. I know that we all have our crosses to bear, though some more than others. But these Pisces sets are significators of extreme pain and confusion. Confusion itself is painful.

And we can say that each of the Pisces sets contain similarities in the path their mars takes. That path lets us know their pain will eventually explode outward. It lets us know that when it does, it will not be just at "others," but others forming any ad hoc Group. So, we can, it seems, identify the potential for mass murder in individual's we have already identified as disturbed.

Heal-All (cropped)
From Wildflowers of Michigan Field Guide, by Stan Tekiela

1. "The Taijitu is one of the oldest and best-known life symbols in the world, but few understand its full meaning. It represents one of the most fundamental and profound theories of ancient Taoist philosophy. At its heart are the two poles of existence, which are opposite but complementary. The light, white Yang moving up blends into the dark, black Yin moving down. Yin and Yang are dependent opposing forces that flow in a natural cycle, always seeking balance. Though they are opposing, they are not in opposition to one another. As part of the Tao, they are merely two aspects of a single reality. Each contains the seed of the other, which is why we see a black spot of Yin in the white Yang and vice versa. They do not merely replace each other but actually become each other through the constant flow of the universe." (from Wikipedia, 9/01/12)

Data Acknowledgment
The letters following the individual’s name indicates the Rodden rating for reliability of birth time. “AA” and “A” and “B” are generally considered very reliable.

James Oliver Huberty (AA)
Birth: 10/11/1942, 12:11 a.m. EWT, Canton, Ohio. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Birth certificate in hand from Victoria Shaw.
Conception:12/29/1941, 3:30:42 a.m. EWT, Canton, Ohio.

Thomas Watt Hamilton (AA)
Birth: 5/10/1952, 8:50 a.m. BST, Glasgow, Scotland. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Caroline Gerard quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:8/02/1951, 5:48:23 p.m. BST, Glasgow, Scotland.

Timothy McVeigh (AA)
Birth: 4/23/1968, 8:19 a.m. EST, Lockport, New York. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Michael Johnson posted the information on the Symmetries list, of which he is moderator. The data was also posted by Julie Tallent on ACTG list and confirmed by Barbara Nowak, Julie Parson and several others. “Prime Time” television show with Diane Sawyer on ABC, 3/29/01 actually flashed Timothy’s McVeigh’s birth time as written in his baby book on the screen and it is 8:19 a.m.. Formerly Lois Rodden quotes Brandon M. Stickney for 8:30 a.m., “All American Monster,” Prometheus Books, NY 1996, p. 44. I might also add that this is the (incorrect) time I started with and nothing about McVeigh’s life worked out. So, one cannot even trust the biographer…
Conception:7/16/1967, 10:56:25 a.m. EST, Lockport, New York.

James Eagan Holmes (AA)
Birth: 12/13/1987, 9:04 a.m. PST, La Jolla, CA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Kenneth D. Miller holds birth certificate in hand.
Conception:3/02/1987, 10:32:39 a.m. PST, La Jolla, CA.

Birth data for Harris and Whitman can be found at the bottom of the page in the papers written about them and posted on this site. Here, again, are those links: Paper on Eric Harris and Paper on Charles Whitman.

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