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Monday, 15 October 2007
Game 14
Now Playing: Slowy
Topic: Mordheim

Game 14 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Orcs and Goblins – 10/10/07 - WIN


            For Game 14 I play this weeks first scenario (played out of sequence). This scenario involves a grand library with magical tomes scattered about.  Both warbands attempt to gather up these magical tomes and see what they do.  For this scenario I face Slowy’s fresh Orcs and Goblins warband, this time, I’m giving him the underdog bonus.

            Both warbands work up on the library from opposite directions picking up tomes along the way. A few squigs and goblins attempt to parley with Biter, but with his now 4 strength 6 attacks, he squashes them all in great fun! Unfortunately, I’ve taken out too many squigs and goblins, and Slowy fails his first rout test before I can take my revenge for my previous loss to the Orcs. Enemy OoA 3, Carnival OoA 0.


Post Game:       The Mummers find 3 shards

                        Vargo gains +2 Init from tomes, and an Ithilmar Mace

                        Rorge gains a lucky charm

                        Biter gets Sprint and Wyrdstone Hunter (from a tome)

                        Shagwell gets a lucky charm and Sprint

                        Urswyck gets Leap, a lucky charm, and an Ithilmar Mace

                        The Stagehands get +1 attack

Posted by The Dark Elf at 12:37 PM EDT
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Game 13
Now Playing: Charlie
Topic: Mordheim

Game 13 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Orcs and Goblins - 10/10/07  - LOSS


            Game 13 is a “King of the Hill” Scenario where each warband attempts to claim the target area in order to score the rumored treasure cache.  I face off against the fabled band of Orcs and Goblins lead by Charlie.  With his outrageous warband rating, I’m taking in 3 bonus xp for facing him.

            There’s little chance to strategize in this scenario.  Since it only takes 2 turns of unopposed time claiming the center of the map to win, we both charge forward to thwart the other bands claim.  Charlie’s got a poisoned crossbow wielding quick shot orc well positioned on an upper floor on one corner of the open courtyard, and with BS 5, he’s tearing my nurglings apart.

            The Plague cart hits an orc, and goes out of control early on, nearly running over my own heroes, and blocking my best charge lanes, leaving my remaining heroes little to do.

             By the 4th or 5th turn, Charlie charges across the fountain, taking out some knocked down nurglings, and putting my 5th character out of action.  With only one of his band down, I rout and take the experience bonus.  It makes the game fairly unexciting, but I’m heavily outnumbered by this time, and the troll is about to get into the action. Enemy OoA 1, Carnival OoA 5


Post Game:       Rorge dies from his wound, taking his new equipment with him.

                        The mummers find 3 shards and 2 g.c. from a ruined hovel

                        Vargo gainst +1 Strength

                        Biter gainst +1 Attack

                        Shagwell gains Sprint

                        Urswyck gains +1 Strength

                        Rorge is replaced by a new Brute (bearing the same name!)

                        The Extras gain +1 Leadership

Posted by The Dark Elf at 12:36 PM EDT
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Friday, 5 October 2007
Game 11
Now Playing: Nick's Reiklanders
Topic: Mordheim

Game 11 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Reikland Mercenaries - 10/3/07  - WIN


            Again we find ourselves playing some variant scenarios.  This game is Camp Assault by Ben Brissenden.  One warband starts with half it’s warband around campfires on the outskirts of town, while the rest patrol.  The attacker moves up until spotted, at which point all the defenders models can join the game.  The only flaw I see in this scenario is that it doesn’t have a provision for the defenders to rout.

            For this game I face Nick and his Reikland Mercenaries again.  I spend several turns outside of Nick’s 8” spotting range trying to organize my attack.  Eventually I slip up and a nurgling gets too close. Nick’s henchman passes his initiative test and sounds the alarm.

            Since the Reikland Mercenaries have become dangerously adept at shooting, and most carry both a bow and a crossbow, early rounds go to Nick while I try desperately to cover the ground between us and set up a charge.  Several nurglings and a Plaguebearer get taken out by shooting, and initial close combat goes to the swordsman.

            By the second round of close combat my heroes join the fray, and things start to improve for the Carnival of Chaos.  After taking out most of Nick’s henchman I focus on the Heroes and his new Ogre.  Urswyck and Biter take on the Ogre and eventually overpower him, while Rorge and Shagwell clear the eastern side of the camp.  Vargo continues to pass rout test after rout test, and eventually all of the defenders are put out of action. (Postgame note:  While nearly every enemy hero gets a full recovery, I did at least kill the hired mage!) 13 Enemy OoA, 6 Carnival OoA. I also collect all 6 of the defenders Wyrdstone Shards $$$$$!


Post Game:       The Mummers find 5 shards and a jeweled sword, selling 8 and the sword nets 110 g.c.

                        The Mummers buy 3 new Helmets for Heroes and 9 shields for everyone.

                        Rorge gets 2 OoA’s, skills up and gets Jump-Up

                        Biter gets 2 OoA’s, 1 Shard, skills up and gets +1 Attack

                        Urswyck gets 1 OoA, 1 Shard, skills up and gets Step Aside


Posted by The Dark Elf at 8:56 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 5 October 2007 8:56 PM EDT
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Game 12
Now Playing: Jersey Joe
Topic: Mordheim

Game 12 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Middenheim Mercenaries - 10/3/07  - WIN


            Game 2 this week involves a magical tower that randomly spawns zombies and attacks warbands with spells.

            I face Jersey Joe and his fresh warband of Middenheim Mercenaries.  While they’re all pretty green, and vastly outnumbered, they do take up defensive positions with their crossbows, making the open ground very dangerous to cross.

            In this game I advance to get close to the tower, inside it’s minimum range for the nastier of the two spells it can cast, and close by to take out zombies if they appear.  Joe advances with his most expendable henchmen and attacks, while peppering me with shots from the buildings along his side of the board. Biter swings wildly at a zombie for 3 turns failing to do anything more than knock it down before finally smashing it to oblivion.  The highlight of the game is when a loan henchmen charges the Plague cart and sends it off out of control to crash into a rock. After a lot of round of missed shooting and close combat, Joe eventually takes 3 casualties and takes a voluntary rout to capitalize on his underdog bonus.  3 Enemies (and 3 zombies) OoA, 1 Carnival OoA.


Post Game:       The Mummers find 4 shards and a straggler, selling 8 shards for 100 g.c.

                        Vargo gets 1 OoA, skills up and gains Nurgle’s Rot spell

                        Rorge gets 2 OoA, skills up and becomes Resilient

                        Biter gets 1 OoA, skills up and gains +1 WS

                        Shagwell gets 1 OoA, skills up and gains Leap

                        Urswyck gets 1 OoA, skills up and gains +1 Leadership

The Mummers search the shops and find 2 Lucky Charms and a 2 handed Ithilmar Mace.

Posted by The Dark Elf at 8:56 PM EDT
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Monday, 1 October 2007
Game 10
Now Playing: Chris's Undead
Topic: Mordheim

Game 10 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Undead 9/26/07  - LOSS


            Game 2 this week is “Race to the Stash”, a competition runner-up by Jace Proctor.  This scenario pits two warbands on a mad dash to reach a huge treasure cash.  Both warbands are required to run at top speed down opposing alleys until they can see the treasure.

            I get matched up against Chris’s Undead again and it seems the Plague cart has arrived just in time.  With it’s 10” base movement and D6” “Apply the lash” it’s about the fastest thing on the table, even if it’s not that maneuverable.

            As predicted, the Plague cart reaches the treasure first, with Chris’s Vampire only a short distance behind.  While the Plague cart captures the bonus for winning the race, the frenzied Vampire charges it killing the two horses on the first attack. Sadly for the Vampire, he’s frenzied so he can’t break away from the cart, and he also lacks the strength to destroy the T8 chassis. He’s stuck beating up on the cart the rest of the game! (Postgame note, the vampire gains +1 Strength as a skill-up after the game, have to watch out for him next game!)

            Eventually the two warbands catch up and open combat with dogs vs. nurglings.  With a little help from the brethren, the dogs are wiped out.  Then Biter and a nurgling decide to take on the Vampire while he’s down to 1 wound against the cart, but miss everything they throw at him and are both taken out of action.

            Sadly, I fail my first rout test, and lose the treasure, which is harsh, because I was organized much better this time than in my last match against Chris. While it was cut short, this was one of the more interesting matches I’ve played lately.


Post Game:       The Bloody Mummers find 4 shards for 60 g.c. and keep 1 shard

                        Vargo recruits another Plague Bearer and a 5th Nurgling.

                        All hero’s gain +1xp for being 1st to the treasure

                        Vargo gets 1 OoA and gains +1 WS bringing him to WS 6!

                        The Stagehands gain +1 BS

                        The Extras gain +1 Strength

                        Rorge gains Lightning Reflexes

                        Shagwell gains Step Aside

                        Ursywyck gains a skill-up of  ???

Posted by The Dark Elf at 2:15 PM EDT
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Game 9
Now Playing: Tank's Possessed
Topic: Mordheim

Game 9 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Possessed 9/26/07  - DRAW


            This week we’ve got a couple of alternative scenarios.  This first of which is “The Writing on The Wall”, a competition winner by James Burkhouse.  Our goal is to reach an alley in the center of the map, decipher a map, and then destroy the wall before anyone else can learn it.

            I face off against Tank’s Possessed.  His warband has missed a few games, so he gets a big underdog bonus for xp. Tank uses his faster speed (5”) and a shortcut on his side of the board to reach the map by turn 2. It takes me 2 more turns to reach the center of the board and by that time he’s got the map deciphered. 

            A little shooting and close combat ensues, and the carnival comes out on top.  Tank’s possessed fail a rout test which ends the scenario in a draw.  All in all a fairly short, boring game since we never got a chance to get fully engaged in combat.


Post Game:       The Bloody Mummers find 3 shards, and a straggler and gain 55 g.c.

                        Vargo has recovered and will be in the next match.

                        Vargo recruits The Plague Cart and a Plague Bearer.

Posted by The Dark Elf at 2:14 PM EDT
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Thursday, 20 September 2007
Game 8
Now Playing: Chris's Undead
Topic: Mordheim

Game 7 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Undead 9/19/07 - LOSS


            For my second game this week I play Chris’s Undead again in Occupy.  Chris and I read the scenario rules wrong several times and get off to a shaky start for deployment.

            Eventually we zero in on the correct rules and I take 2 of the 4 buildings early.  Chris’s Hired mage and Vargo take turns casting Doom and Buboes back and forth at each other.  Doom eventually wins and Vargo heads to the bench.  Chris’s bow welding undead take out a Stagehand, while another falls climbing down from a building and inflicts the maximum damage for the Mummers for the entire game, on himself! 

            Next thing I know, poor planning leaves Chris with the advantage on charges, and with my Heroes 2 turns from being able to get in combat, and Chris’s on their way, I rout to avoid costly losses. 0 Undead OoA, 4 Carnival OoA


Post Game:       Yet another Veteran Stagehand Dies!

                        Vargo gets a nasty arm wound and will miss the next game

                        The mummers find 2 shards and get 45 g.c.

                        Biter advances and gets +1 WS

                        Shagwell advances and gets Lightning reflexes

                        Urswyck advances and gets Relilient

                        2 novice brethren are recruited as The Extras with bow/mace/dagger

Posted by The Dark Elf at 1:43 PM EDT
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Game 7
Now Playing: Nick's Reikland
Topic: Mordheim



Game 7 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Reikland Mercenaries 9/19/07  - WIN


            This time we’re playing Hidden Treasure.  Once again I’m up against the Reikland Mercenaries led by Nick.  Nick and I deploy and both have the same strategy for this game The last explored building automatically has the treasure if it has yet to be found, so we each leave a building unsearched near our own table edge.  As we reach the center of the map, we each exchange a little arrow fire, with Nick’s warlock taking out a stagehand and repeatedly knocking down one of the nurglings.  We reach a central point where one of the nurglings is able to charge the Warlock through a hole in a building, and after using magic to escape, the warlock is finally taken down.  

            Next, several rounds of 3-on-1 with a swordsman lead to a lot of swinging, and no wounding.  Eventually the swordsman fails an all alone test, but gets away clean.

            Ultimately I take out a few more mercenaries and loose one more stagehand and Nick routs. (Post game note: we didn’t realize it at the time, but I get the treasure for winning!)

4 Mercenaries OoA, 2 Carnival OoA


Post Game:       Both Stagehands die!

The Mummers find 3 shards & a Shop for 62g and replace one of the Veteran Stagehands

Vargo takes 2 enemies OoA and gets an advance of +1 WS

The treasure contains:……..

Posted by The Dark Elf at 1:41 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 September 2007 1:46 PM EDT
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Thursday, 13 September 2007
Game 5
Topic: Mordheim

Game 5 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Sisters of Sigmar  -  9/12/07  LOSS


            For our next match-up we find ourselves on a Wyrdstone Hunt against Ricky’s Sisters of Sigmar.  With only 2 shards to find, and Vargo getting the advantage to deployment we’re off.  Vargo picks up a shard on turn one, leaving only one objective.

            The sisters take up good position near the 2nd shard, and with all those whips and slings, the Carnival stays out of sight. After loosing a few Nurglings to slings, a little minor combat begins.  The sisters call upon their holy might to smite the daemons, but the results are unspectacular.  After loosing a third nurgling, and being quite surrounded, Vargo decides to make a tactical retreat with the loot he has, to avoid suffering any major losses.   1 Sister OoA, 3 Carnival OoA.


Post Game:       All 3 nurglings survive

                        The Mummers find 2 shards, plus the one Vargo carried, gaining 60g

                        Biter gains a skill up of Resilient

                        Shagwell gets +1 Attack

Urswyck, a tainted one with Bloated Foulness is recruited to the campaign, and The Stagehands are given Rope and hooks*, all heroes fighting in the next match take Garlic.

                        * Charlie informed me on 9/19/07 that Henchmen can’t take equipment, so I’ve removed the Rope and Hook from this entry.

Posted by The Dark Elf at 2:27 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 September 2007 1:41 PM EDT
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Game 6
Topic: Mordheim

Game 6 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Undead – 9/212/07  WIN


            Now that we’ve found some wyrdstone, its time to defend it!  This time it’s Frank’s Undead that have me surrounded, while I try to defend in “Defend the Find”.  The stagehands take up position on the upper floor of the central building, while everyone else tries to defend the perimeter.  As Zombies and Ghouls and vampires (oh my!) come charging, or is it lurching, toward me, the stagehands start shooting.  In a fit of spectacular luck one of the brethren get a critical strike against the Vampire with his bow, causing 2 wounds and taking him out of action on turn 1!!!! I gloat shamefully for some time, and then we resume the game.  Another bowman takes out a Ghoul, and the odds start to look a little more even.

            A few turns later, the zombies & Ghouls charge, but the nurglings hold up well.  Shagwell & Biter get into the action, and smash a few zombies each.  Vargo gets charged not once, but twice while his minions are busy defending themselves, and is put out of action by a ghoul.

            Another stagehand gets a luck bow shot taking out a zombie about to trounce Shagwell, and a Ghoul flees after he fails his all alone test but gets knocked down as he tries to run.  A few close combats end with me rolling ridiculously well, and Frank decides to cut his losses and rout. 8 Undead OoA, 3 Carnival OoA


Post Game:       The Mummers find 4 shards for 60g

                        Vargo takes a leg wound losing 1 Movement, but gains …    Spell

                        Shagwell gets 2 OoA’s and gets +1 WS

                        Urswyck gets 1 OoA and gets +1 WS

                        Biter gets 2 OoA’s and gets Jump Up skill

                        The Stagehands gain +1 Strength

Posted by The Dark Elf at 2:27 PM EDT
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