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Monday, 15 October 2007
Game 13
Now Playing: Charlie
Topic: Mordheim

Game 13 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Orcs and Goblins - 10/10/07  - LOSS


            Game 13 is a “King of the Hill” Scenario where each warband attempts to claim the target area in order to score the rumored treasure cache.  I face off against the fabled band of Orcs and Goblins lead by Charlie.  With his outrageous warband rating, I’m taking in 3 bonus xp for facing him.

            There’s little chance to strategize in this scenario.  Since it only takes 2 turns of unopposed time claiming the center of the map to win, we both charge forward to thwart the other bands claim.  Charlie’s got a poisoned crossbow wielding quick shot orc well positioned on an upper floor on one corner of the open courtyard, and with BS 5, he’s tearing my nurglings apart.

            The Plague cart hits an orc, and goes out of control early on, nearly running over my own heroes, and blocking my best charge lanes, leaving my remaining heroes little to do.

             By the 4th or 5th turn, Charlie charges across the fountain, taking out some knocked down nurglings, and putting my 5th character out of action.  With only one of his band down, I rout and take the experience bonus.  It makes the game fairly unexciting, but I’m heavily outnumbered by this time, and the troll is about to get into the action. Enemy OoA 1, Carnival OoA 5


Post Game:       Rorge dies from his wound, taking his new equipment with him.

                        The mummers find 3 shards and 2 g.c. from a ruined hovel

                        Vargo gainst +1 Strength

                        Biter gainst +1 Attack

                        Shagwell gains Sprint

                        Urswyck gains +1 Strength

                        Rorge is replaced by a new Brute (bearing the same name!)

                        The Extras gain +1 Leadership

Posted by The Dark Elf at 12:36 PM EDT
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