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Thursday, 20 September 2007
Game 7
Now Playing: Nick's Reikland
Topic: Mordheim



Game 7 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Reikland Mercenaries 9/19/07  - WIN


            This time we’re playing Hidden Treasure.  Once again I’m up against the Reikland Mercenaries led by Nick.  Nick and I deploy and both have the same strategy for this game The last explored building automatically has the treasure if it has yet to be found, so we each leave a building unsearched near our own table edge.  As we reach the center of the map, we each exchange a little arrow fire, with Nick’s warlock taking out a stagehand and repeatedly knocking down one of the nurglings.  We reach a central point where one of the nurglings is able to charge the Warlock through a hole in a building, and after using magic to escape, the warlock is finally taken down.  

            Next, several rounds of 3-on-1 with a swordsman lead to a lot of swinging, and no wounding.  Eventually the swordsman fails an all alone test, but gets away clean.

            Ultimately I take out a few more mercenaries and loose one more stagehand and Nick routs. (Post game note: we didn’t realize it at the time, but I get the treasure for winning!)

4 Mercenaries OoA, 2 Carnival OoA


Post Game:       Both Stagehands die!

The Mummers find 3 shards & a Shop for 62g and replace one of the Veteran Stagehands

Vargo takes 2 enemies OoA and gets an advance of +1 WS

The treasure contains:……..

Posted by The Dark Elf at 1:41 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 September 2007 1:46 PM EDT
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