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Friday, 5 October 2007
Game 12
Now Playing: Jersey Joe
Topic: Mordheim

Game 12 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Middenheim Mercenaries - 10/3/07  - WIN


            Game 2 this week involves a magical tower that randomly spawns zombies and attacks warbands with spells.

            I face Jersey Joe and his fresh warband of Middenheim Mercenaries.  While they’re all pretty green, and vastly outnumbered, they do take up defensive positions with their crossbows, making the open ground very dangerous to cross.

            In this game I advance to get close to the tower, inside it’s minimum range for the nastier of the two spells it can cast, and close by to take out zombies if they appear.  Joe advances with his most expendable henchmen and attacks, while peppering me with shots from the buildings along his side of the board. Biter swings wildly at a zombie for 3 turns failing to do anything more than knock it down before finally smashing it to oblivion.  The highlight of the game is when a loan henchmen charges the Plague cart and sends it off out of control to crash into a rock. After a lot of round of missed shooting and close combat, Joe eventually takes 3 casualties and takes a voluntary rout to capitalize on his underdog bonus.  3 Enemies (and 3 zombies) OoA, 1 Carnival OoA.


Post Game:       The Mummers find 4 shards and a straggler, selling 8 shards for 100 g.c.

                        Vargo gets 1 OoA, skills up and gains Nurgle’s Rot spell

                        Rorge gets 2 OoA, skills up and becomes Resilient

                        Biter gets 1 OoA, skills up and gains +1 WS

                        Shagwell gets 1 OoA, skills up and gains Leap

                        Urswyck gets 1 OoA, skills up and gains +1 Leadership

The Mummers search the shops and find 2 Lucky Charms and a 2 handed Ithilmar Mace.

Posted by The Dark Elf at 8:56 PM EDT
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