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Monday, 1 October 2007
Game 10
Now Playing: Chris's Undead
Topic: Mordheim

Game 10 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Undead 9/26/07  - LOSS


            Game 2 this week is “Race to the Stash”, a competition runner-up by Jace Proctor.  This scenario pits two warbands on a mad dash to reach a huge treasure cash.  Both warbands are required to run at top speed down opposing alleys until they can see the treasure.

            I get matched up against Chris’s Undead again and it seems the Plague cart has arrived just in time.  With it’s 10” base movement and D6” “Apply the lash” it’s about the fastest thing on the table, even if it’s not that maneuverable.

            As predicted, the Plague cart reaches the treasure first, with Chris’s Vampire only a short distance behind.  While the Plague cart captures the bonus for winning the race, the frenzied Vampire charges it killing the two horses on the first attack. Sadly for the Vampire, he’s frenzied so he can’t break away from the cart, and he also lacks the strength to destroy the T8 chassis. He’s stuck beating up on the cart the rest of the game! (Postgame note, the vampire gains +1 Strength as a skill-up after the game, have to watch out for him next game!)

            Eventually the two warbands catch up and open combat with dogs vs. nurglings.  With a little help from the brethren, the dogs are wiped out.  Then Biter and a nurgling decide to take on the Vampire while he’s down to 1 wound against the cart, but miss everything they throw at him and are both taken out of action.

            Sadly, I fail my first rout test, and lose the treasure, which is harsh, because I was organized much better this time than in my last match against Chris. While it was cut short, this was one of the more interesting matches I’ve played lately.


Post Game:       The Bloody Mummers find 4 shards for 60 g.c. and keep 1 shard

                        Vargo recruits another Plague Bearer and a 5th Nurgling.

                        All hero’s gain +1xp for being 1st to the treasure

                        Vargo gets 1 OoA and gains +1 WS bringing him to WS 6!

                        The Stagehands gain +1 BS

                        The Extras gain +1 Strength

                        Rorge gains Lightning Reflexes

                        Shagwell gains Step Aside

                        Ursywyck gains a skill-up of  ???

Posted by The Dark Elf at 2:15 PM EDT
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